Shari Out method: getting rid of the cause of shoulder pain

Each of us knows from school that the shoulder joint is the most mobile joint in the human body. But not everyone thinks about how much work this organ does every day, providing movement of our shoulders and arms in different planes, being responsible for their turns, rotations, flexion and extension. Without the correct operation of such a natural hinge, we would not be able to dress, comb our hair, drive a car, or do a host of other basic, vital things.

But it is mobility that often harms the structure, becoming a traumatic factor and creating the preconditions for pain, inflammation, and tissue destruction. Massaging the shoulder joint will help stop the development of pathology, as well as get rid of painful symptoms that have already appeared.

Is it possible to do massage with arthrosis?

If there are no specific contraindications, therapeutic massage is required. A course of manual therapy is prescribed for arthrosis of the hip, knee, ankle, elbow, shoulder, wrist joints, as well as the phalanges of the fingers. The procedures are completely harmless and can be performed at any stage of the disease, with the exception of acute inflammation.

This type of therapy is compatible with other methods - medication (taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, chondroprotectors), physiotherapy, exercise therapy. Massage increases the effectiveness of medications and physical procedures by increasing blood and lymph flow. A treatment plan should be drawn up for each patient separately; massage techniques should be selected taking into account the severity of the pathology, indications, and individual characteristics of the body.

Contraindications to massaging the shoulder girdle area

You should not consider the procedure only as a way to relieve tension or get pleasant sensations. At the moment when the massage therapist kneads the patient’s shoulders, the entire body is “involved” in the work, the most complex mechanisms aimed at self-regulation and recovery are launched. Such an action can lead to irreversible consequences if a person has a history of:

  • severe congenital or acquired pathologies of the structure of the joint or bones;
  • serious vascular defects: aneurysms, compression, malformations;
  • oncological diseases;
  • fresh hematomas;
  • swelling;
  • acute conditions with bruises, dislocations, fractures;
  • the first week after any surgical intervention;

  • abscesses;
  • serious disorders of lymph flow and blood circulation;
  • diseases of the shoulder girdle structures in the acute phase.

A questionable diagnosis is also an absolute contraindication to massaging the shoulder girdle area. Only a doctor can prescribe the procedure. If it is not possible, he will select another, more gentle, but no less effective treatment.

The benefits of massage for arthrosis

Arthrosis is a progressive disease of the joints, characterized by inflammation, deformation, and gradual tissue destruction. In the early stages, the pathology is manifested by periodic pain and swelling; at later stages, the pain syndrome becomes constant, joint mobility is limited, and dysfunction of the periarticular muscles and ligaments is noted.

Massage prescribed for arthrosis of the arms and legs provides the following effects:

  • normalization of muscle tone in the area of ​​the affected joint through the use of relaxation and stretching techniques;
  • reduction of pain;
  • elimination of compactions in the periarticular area;
  • restoration of natural joint mobility;
  • stimulation of blood circulation, lymphatic drainage (elimination of edema);
  • acceleration of metabolic processes in tissues and, accordingly, the removal of toxic substances from them;
  • activation of restoration processes in the joint.

Arthrosis is a chronic disease of a progressive nature, so it is impossible to completely recover from it. Massage courses in combination with other types of therapy can help get rid of symptoms during exacerbation, as well as increase the duration of periods of remission.

When is brachial plexus massage prescribed?

The procedure improves the condition of bone and cartilage components, removing growths and salt deposits, activating blood supply, eliminating spasms, releasing pinched nerve endings, strengthening muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

Indications include problems with the shoulder joint such as:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • arthrosis;
  • arthritis;
  • periarthritis;
  • neuralgia;
  • inflammatory processes of the joint capsule;
  • bruises, blows, dislocations;
  • sprain;
  • soft tissue rupture;
  • limited mobility;
  • numbness or paresis, including during a stroke;
  • bursitis;
  • habitual dislocation;
  • hematoma;
  • swelling;
  • rehabilitation after a fracture or arthroscopy - surgical intervention for diagnostic purposes.

Interestingly, a reflex effect can be exerted on the joint by massaging the nearby structures of the shoulder girdle.

As a result:

  • muscle fibers relax, become soft, elastic, spasm and tension go away;
  • reserve capillaries open in nearby tissues, blood circulation accelerates, thereby improving nutrition of the components of the joint itself;
  • lymphatic drainage increases;
  • muscles and ligaments are strengthened;
  • the development of dystrophic changes in tissues is stopped.

This beneficial effect gives reason to prescribe shoulder massage to adults and children as a preventative measure for diseases and injuries.


You should contact an orthopedist if typical symptoms of arthrosis appear and progress. These include:

  • crunching in the joints, especially if it becomes permanent;
  • painful sensations (at first episodic, later becoming more frequent), which intensify during movement and during physical activity;
  • persistent swelling of soft tissues caused by inflammation and localized in the area of ​​the affected joint;
  • limited mobility of the limbs, in the later stages of the disease – pathological mobility;
  • deformation (thickening, curvature) of the joints.

Pain is the main symptom of arthrosis and a reason to seek medical help. Our clinic specialists will conduct the necessary diagnostic tests and then prescribe appropriate treatment, including a course of massage.

General rules for performing therapeutic massage for arthrosis

When carrying out procedures, the following general rules are strictly observed:

  • The session begins with warming up the skin and muscles - for 2-3 minutes the massage therapist smoothes the damaged area with his palms:
  • to facilitate gliding and enhance the therapeutic effect, various hydrating, warming and nourishing compositions are used: creams, gels, ointments, oils;
  • percussion techniques are excluded - this type of massage is unacceptable for arthrosis, as it increases the pain syndrome;
  • the optimal session duration is about 20 minutes (can vary up or down depending on the severity of the pathology);
  • the intensity of massage techniques depends on the condition of the muscles: the weaker the tone, the higher the degree of impact on them.

Any localization and form of arthrosis has serious complications, so you should not delay treatment.
See how easily the disease can be cured in 10-12 sessions.

How many procedures do you need to undergo?

The number of procedures necessary for recovery is determined individually.

Important! No competent specialist will promise 100% results after the first session.

Restoring mobility of the hands and fingers after injury or stroke can take up to several months, and the break between sessions is sometimes only 1 day.

Preventive massage can be done no more than 1-2 times a month.

In other cases, it is better to discuss this with a neurologist.

Types and techniques of therapeutic massage for arthrosis

The procedures are carried out in a massage room, on a special table or couch. Depending on the specifics of the disease, manipulations involve the position of the patient’s body sitting or lying down. Some manual techniques require the assistance of an assistant. The minimum recommended course of treatment is 10 sessions.

Significant relief and disappearance of pain are observed after 2-3 massage sessions

Among the main massage techniques used for arthrosis are:

  • trituration;
  • stroking;
  • kneading;
  • vibration.

Each of them has several varieties. Stroking is divided into grasping and planar (the palm clasps the limb or is open). Depending on the direction of movement, transverse, longitudinal, circular or zigzag, as well as spiral stroking are distinguished. Depending on the strength of the effect, the reception can be light or deep.

Rubbing is done with the fingers, knuckles, supporting part or edge of the palm. The main difference from the previous technique is that the massage therapist’s hand does not slide over the skin, but moves it, forming a roller. The movement can be directed along the blood and lymph or in the opposite direction.

Kneading involves several ways of interacting with tissues: rubbing and squeezing, intermittent and continuous grasping, squeezing and pulling, alternating squeezing, stretching or shifting.

Vibration creates oscillatory movements in tissues that differ in amplitude and speed. This technique stimulates muscle contraction, relieves pain, and activates trophism. There is also a positive effect on blood vessels.

Massage for arthrosis of the hand and elbow joint

To massage the elbow joint for arthrosis, the doctor will need an assistant. The patient is positioned on the couch, lying on his back or sitting. In the second case, the hand should be placed at an angle of 110⁰ using a medical roller. The masseur begins manipulations with the outer surface of the elbow, working on it with his palms and fingers and gradually moving to the inner surface:

  1. The shoulder joint is fixed by an assistant, and the doctor holds his hand by the wrist and elbow, rubbing the painful area with circular movements of the thumb.
  2. The limb is stretched in different directions while simultaneously turning the palm outward.
  3. Shaking is done to improve blood flow.
  4. The arm is bent and extended at the elbow several times (4-5), while the joint is compressed by the middle and thumb.
  5. Using multidirectional movements of the palms, rub the forearm, elbow and shoulder along the lymph flow.

The stronger the pain, the easier the impact on the affected area should be. The recommended time for massaging the joint itself is about 2 minutes.

Massage for arthrosis of the knee joint

Massage for arthrosis of the knee joint

For gonarthrosis, the entire lower limb is massaged, with the exception of the popliteal fossa and groin area. Massage for arthrosis of the knee joint is carried out in a certain sequence (the patient lies on his back):

  1. Within a minute, strokes are performed from the foot to the groin.
  2. Using the ribs of the palms, rub the thigh first, then the shin without touching the kneecap.
  3. The thigh and calf muscles are warmed up in the same sequence; to work out the back surface of the limb, it needs to be bent.
  4. The knee is massaged by pinching the skin (forming a skin fold) around the patella, then stroking it.
  5. Using the thumbs, pressure techniques are applied on the outer and inner sides of the knee joint at the junction of the femur and tibia.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, the ankle can be massaged in warm water.

Crunching in joints - when to worry

Intra-articular injections of hyaluronic acid

Massage for arthrosis of the ankle and toes

Massage for ankle arthrosis involves the patient lying on his back, with rollers placed under the affected joint and knee. The technique is as follows:

  1. Light strokes are made with the palm in the direction from the toes to the ankle and lower leg.
  2. The heel, Achilles tendon, and ankle are worked with pincer-like techniques and continuous enveloping circular rubbing.
  3. The sole of the foot is intensively rubbed with the knuckles from the big toe to the heel. Stroking movements are performed in the opposite direction.
  4. The foot is warmed up from the outer edge, and a pressure technique is used from the inner edge.
  5. The heel is additionally massaged with strong pressing movements using knuckles or fingertips.

If necessary, finger massage is performed. To do this, each of them is ironed separately with superficial, then deep movements. The index and thumb are used to perform semicircular rubbing of the toes, and then longitudinal and transverse movements with simultaneous flexion and extension of the interphalangeal joints.

Massage for arthrosis of the hip joint

Massage for arthrosis of the hip joint

With coxarthrosis, a significant surface of the body is worked out - the back, sacrum, buttocks and hips. The patient is first positioned on the massage table lying on his stomach, and then on his side (on the healthy side). The massage is done in stages:

  1. By stroking and rubbing from the lower back to the shoulder blades, the spinal muscles are prepared for a more intense effect - kneading.
  2. The sacrum, buttocks and back of the thigh are massaged in the same way. These actions are necessary to relax the muscles and increase blood flow in them.
  3. The patient turns on his side so that the affected area is located on top. In this case, the leg is bent at the knee and hip joint, and a cushion is placed under it.
  4. The quadriceps muscle of the thigh (its anterior and lateral surfaces) is warmed up.
  5. The joint area itself is stroked and then rubbed with light circular movements.

The duration of a massage for arthrosis of the hip joint is on average 20 minutes. In the case of complete absence of painful sensations, the exposure time can be increased, but if sharp pain appears, manipulations should be stopped.

Massage for arthrosis of the shoulder joint

The patient sits on a seat without a backrest, slightly tilting the shoulder being massaged towards the massage therapist. The doctor performing the procedure is on the side, working first on the anterior and then the posterior surface of the joint and the periarticular area. The procedure is performed as follows:

  1. The patient, if possible, moves his arm back, resting the back of the hand on the lower back.
  2. The massage therapist, using longitudinal and circular stroking techniques, first warms up the muscles of the forearm, moving to the joint area with fan-shaped movements.
  3. The next stage is the impact on the articulation and ligaments of the head of the shoulder in front. For this purpose, the doctor’s hand is positioned in such a way that the thumb is fixed on the shoulder, and the rest can be freely rubbed into the joint in a circular motion.
  4. To work on the posterior articular surface, the patient places the palm of the affected hand on the shoulder of the healthy one.
  5. The masseur rubs the lower part of the joint and the headband with circular movements of the thumb, fixing the other four on the shoulder area.
  6. The joint capsule is massaged with fingertips, using circular stroking and rubbing.
  7. The final stage is a massage of the lower surface of the shoulder joint. The patient places his palm on the shoulder of the massage therapist, who performs movements from the armpit upward with his thumb, resting the rest on the shoulder.

The session lasts about 20 minutes, after which it is recommended to provide rest to the sore joint for a while.

A little anatomy

A massage aimed at improving the condition of the most mobile joint includes mandatory work on nearby muscles, which are often mistakenly combined into one group. Actually this is not true.

The shoulder is the part of the arm located between the elbow and shoulder joints. It is based on tubular bone with a heterogeneous surface. Clearly defined tubercles and ridges are the site of attachment of fibers, each of which belongs to one of two muscle groups: anterior or posterior. The anterior one includes three muscles:

  1. Double-headed: at its beginning it represents completely independent structures. The long one is connected to the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula by a tendon, the short one originates from the coracoid process. Then both heads merge into a single muscle fiber, which stretches along the entire surface of the shoulder, and is attached at the lower end to the radius bone of the forearm. The job of this structure is to flex the arm as well as externally rotate the shoulder (supinate).

  2. Coracohumeral: one end is attached to the coracoid process of the scapula, the other to the middle of the humerus. Without this structure, it is impossible to raise and lower the arm, rotate it outward, or bring it toward the body.

  3. Brachialis: with its wide surface it covers the biceps muscle, attaches to the ulna and serves to flex the forearm.

The posterior group is represented by two muscles:

  1. Triceps, the individual heads of which are united into a common tendon, participating in the movement and abduction of the lower part of the arm.

  2. The ulnar is a continuation of the middle head of the triceps structure that extends the forearm.

The bone base of the shoulder girdle consists of two shoulder blades and collarbones, and the muscles - deltoid, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, teres minor and teres major - provide a variety of arm movements.

The joint itself has a unique structure: the spherical head of the humerus is almost 3 times the volume of the bed. This explains the greater mobility of the joint. And its strength is given by muscles, ligaments and a special formation - a lip made of cartilage tissue, which extends beyond the boundaries of the bed, gently enveloping the head.

The joint capsule is dense, spacious, lined from the inside with a synovial membrane that secretes a special lubricant that nourishes the cartilage and ensures free sliding of the structural elements during movement.

Thematic material:

  • Neck massage
  • Back massage at home

Honey massage for arthrosis

To enhance the therapeutic effect of massage for arthrosis of any joints, you can use honey. It contains large quantities of biologically active substances beneficial to the body: vitamins C and B-groups, minerals, organic acids. When used externally, this product helps to activate blood circulation, enhances lymph outflow, and has a positive effect on muscle tone and regenerative processes in cartilage tissue.

Experts recommend a course of 10 procedures, the first 3 of which are carried out daily, the rest - with an interval of 1 day. Before the massage, the area of ​​the affected joint should be warmed up by taking a hot bath or applying a heating pad. Before use, honey (1 tablespoon) must be melted in a water bath, avoiding overheating, otherwise its medicinal properties will deteriorate.

The prepared honey should be rubbed into the skin with soft circular movements of the palms for 5 minutes. Then the treated area of ​​the body is covered with gauze and a warm cloth on top for at least 3 hours (the bandage can be left overnight). It should be remembered that you cannot use honey for massage if you are allergic to it.

Chondroprotectors: what are they, how to choose, how effective are they?

Joint pain at rest

Prevention of arthrosis of the shoulder joint

Prevention of arthrosis of the shoulder joint consists of following simple rules:

  • maintain daily physical activity;
  • watch your posture;
  • maintain a healthy orthopedic regimen when performing household and professional duties, as well as during sleep;
  • arrange the workplace in such a way as to minimize the load on the shoulder joints;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • diversify your diet and avoid unwanted foods;
  • lose weight if you are overweight;
  • avoid overloading, and when playing sports, maintain a gentle regimen;
  • Visit an orthopedist or rheumatologist annually for examination.

Doctors say that an unbalanced, nutrient-poor diet plays a big role in the development of shoulder arthrosis. Therefore, they recommend minimizing the consumption of fatty, salty, sweet and spicy foods, and avoiding canned food, processed foods and other processed foods. Jellied meats, pork cartilage (ears, legs), fatty fish from the northern seas, nuts, fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, dairy products, eggs will help satisfy the needs of the body and, first of all, the joints. This diet can reduce the symptoms of shoulder arthrosis

even if the pathological process has already begun.
Be healthy!

Self-massage for arthrosis

The listed techniques of mechanical impact on the periarticular area can be used independently at home. But at the same time, it is important to understand that, without special education and skills, a person is capable of harming himself.

Excessive force on the affected joint, incorrect direction of movement or erroneous order of manipulations lead to increased symptoms and deterioration of the general condition. Thanks to the knowledge and experience of our clinic specialists, we guarantee long-term positive results.

Self-massage for arthrosis, after consulting with a doctor, can be done with the help of auxiliary devices. The simplest wooden roller massagers for the back allow you to effectively work out the area of ​​the spine, shoulder blades, lower back, and sacrum. Needle ones are available in the form of balls, cylinders, and mats. Ball-shaped and cylindrical varieties are suitable for massaging the feet and shoulders; the Kuznetsov applicator is suitable for the back.

Needle rollers and mats Lyapko

Manufacturers also offer different models of vibrating massagers. These devices, powered by mains or batteries, are designed to affect different parts of the body. Electric massagers, when used correctly, activate blood circulation, effectively relieve pain, and normalize muscle tone.

We combine proven techniques of the East and innovative methods of Western medicine.
Read more about our unique method of treating arthrosis

How to do a back massage correctly?

Let us immediately clarify that we will talk exclusively about healing or relaxing massage. Non-professionals without special education are strictly prohibited from performing therapeutic massage - it can cause harm to health. The general rules are quite simple:

  1. Use a hard couch. Well, it’s better not to do a massage on a soft sofa - there is a risk of damaging the spine due to deflection. The patient should lie face down on a hard couch with his head on a special pillow.
  2. The arms should be placed along the body, and it is better to place a low cushion about 5 – 7 centimeters in height under the shins. This will increase blood flow to the sore area of ​​the back.
  3. The massage therapist is usually located on the side. You need to use cream or oil - any cosmetic or moisturizer will do. The massage consists of stroking, rubbing, patting, pinching, and rolling. It is best to start a healing procedure with stroking.
  4. After the stroking stage, you can move on to a more intense stage, consisting of light pressure and rubbing. It is strictly forbidden to apply strong pressure. If the patient has problems with the spine, then they can only be aggravated.

  5. At the final stage, light tapping is usually done with the fingertips or palms. This will improve blood flow.

But the massage technique itself is only a small part of a systematic approach. If you want to do a massage correctly, then you should carry out proper preparation for the session.


Is it possible to do massage for arthrosis at home?

It is possible, but only in the form of short-term stroking and rubbing to relieve pain in the joint during an attack. The onset of long-term remission without complications is guaranteed only if you contact specialists.

Is it possible to have a massage after endoprosthetics?

Need to. After successful implantation of the endoprosthesis, it is necessary to normalize muscle tone and strengthen the ligamentous apparatus. The help of doctors and massage therapists at our clinic will ensure full restoration of motor activity.

Is massage done for post-traumatic arthrosis?

Without fail. Injuries to a joint imply restriction of movement in it for a certain amount of time (the application of bandages, plaster). During this period, the muscle tissue atrophies, the ligamentous apparatus weakens, and contractures may occur. Professional massage can restore muscle tone and limb mobility to its full extent.


  • Lesnyak O. M. “Diagnostics, treatment of osteoarthritis and rehabilitation of patients in general medical practice”
  • Shaposhnikov Yu. G. “Traumatology and Orthopedics”
  • Kotelnikov G.P., Mironov S.P., Miroshnichenko V.F. "Traumatology and Orthopedics"

Arthrosis, Joints, Pain, Treatment without surgery Date of publication: 08/25/2021 Date of update: 04/11/2021

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