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Intra-articular blockade of the knee joint.

As a rule, injections into the knee joint are used only in cases where the pain experienced by the patient is so severe that pills or other pain-relieving medications no longer help in getting rid of it.

This kind of injection does not eliminate the root cause of the pathology, however, if the course of treatment was chosen correctly, after a short period of time the patient can get rid of the pain completely. The benefit of injections is to quickly reduce the patient's pain. The speed of pain reduction is due to the local effect of this type of treatment.

Intra-articular blockade of the knee joint can be useful not only for the treatment of diseases, but also during the recovery period after surgical interventions in the area of ​​​​the knee cartilage formations or other operations. The procedure in this case allows for easier rehabilitation.

In addition, injections are used for preventive purposes. They stop the processes of destruction of joints, and also in some cases contribute to the restoration of connective tissues.

Before using injections, you should consult a specialist. The reason for this is quite clear: the procedure is individual, and in some situations its use may aggravate the patient’s health problems.

Among the points that indicate the pointlessness of the type of treatment under consideration are the following:

  • If during the course of the disease more than half of the cartilage tissue of the joint was destroyed (this can happen with arthrosis)
  • If the patient has diabetes mellitus (the use of this type is permissible, but in a special dosage, which can only be determined by the attending physician who is familiar with the characteristics of the patient’s health condition)
  • In a situation where there is no improvement after treatment
  • If the consequence of arthritis is the destruction of connective tissue (namely bone and cartilage).

Indications for use are the following:

  • Recovery period after undergoing major surgery
  • The presence of a disease such as arthritis (it is advisable to use a knee joint block only for non-infectious types of this pathology)
  • The presence of symptoms of arthrosis, which can be characterized as an exacerbation (we are talking about the first manifestations of the disease)
  • Presence of periarthritis
  • Presence of bursitis
  • Other cases, if injections are recommended by a specialist.


Diprospan injections, the instructions indicate this, are used for a wide range of pathologies. The effectiveness of the product has been proven in the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It alleviates the condition of patients with rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, bursitis, etc.

Diprospan is indicated, the instructions emphasize attention, also in other situations. It is often used in therapy:

  • Allergic pathologies. In particular, it is used to stabilize the condition of patients suffering from bronchial asthma and hay fever. The drug allows you to quickly remove the symptoms of rhinitis when it occurs seasonally, as well as relieve an allergic reaction to medications and insect bites.
  • Dermatological diseases. The effectiveness of the product has been proven in practice against dermatitis, eczema, neurodermatitis, urticaria, etc.
  • Systemic connective tissue pathologies, including lupus erythematosus and scleroderma.
  • Hemoblastosis. The medicine is used in the complex therapy of leukemia and lymphomas in adults.

Diprospan, the instructions for use indicate this, can be used in severe conditions of patients. It is prescribed for toxic, traumatic, cardiogenic, surgical, burn shock. The drug is indicated for severe anaphylactoid and allergic reactions, cerebral edema that occurs during radiation therapy or after surgery, hepatic coma, thyrotoxic crisis.

Description of the process of intra-articular blockade of the knee joint.

In any situation, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of carrying out the blockade yourself at home. Improper implementation of the blockade can significantly harm the patient’s health, aggravating existing problems. The procedure requires special skills, so it is carried out only under the supervision of specialists in this field. That is why it is not recommended to use the services of uncertified attending physicians, whose responsibility is not completely certain.

So, the methods of blockade:

  • The first treatment option is used in many cases. This method is safe and relatively simple. It involves introducing the drug into the joint from the side of the joint capsule. To remove the maximum load from the area of ​​the procedure, the patient is placed on a horizontal surface. For greater stability of the knee, use a cushion placed under it. The specialist injects 6-15 ml of the drug under the patient’s kneecap. If necessary, changing the indicated dose of the drug is acceptable.
  • The second option is used exclusively in severe cases when the patient experiences significant pain. The method is called “bilateral blockade”. It helps relieve attacks of pain more quickly.

Advantages of intra-articular blockade of the knee or hip joint:

  1. There is almost complete absence of pain during this type of therapy due to the use of a number of painkillers.
  2. The effectiveness of the therapy is due exclusively to the correct selection of the drug, as well as the skills and abilities of the attending physician. If the medical institution provides the client with the services of a highly qualified specialist, an intra-articular block of the knee or hip joint will bring maximum benefit.
  3. Safety is also an important consideration for this type of therapy. The patient must be absolutely sure that this item is provided. During the procedure, basic hygiene standards and rules must be observed. These include, for example, treating the upper layer of skin with antiseptic agents, and performing injections exclusively with a sterile disposable syringe. The skills of the specialist conducting the therapy also play an important role in the safety of the consequences for the patient’s health. Any violation of bone or cartilage tissue should be completely excluded due to the attending physician's compliance with the rules for administering injections.

Answers to questions most often asked by patients:

  • Is it necessary to somehow prepare for an intra-articular block?

No, therapy is carried out without preparing the patient. However, as prescribed by the attending physician, it is worth conducting additional examinations, if necessary.

  • Will there be any restrictions after an intra-articular block?

They will. You should not engage in any physical activity for the next 24 hours. Motor activity in the joint area accelerates blood flow, which leads to the spread of the administered drug throughout the body. To more effectively localize the drug, it is worth limiting movements in this area. It is also necessary to abandon a number of procedures that contribute to the development of an inflammatory process in the body.

  • What side effects should I expect after injections?

Side effects caused by intra-articular blockade of the knee or hip joint are extremely rare. This may be a manifestation of allergic reactions associated with the effects of the medication used on the body. However, it is worth noting that this issue should be taken under the control of the specialist conducting the procedure.

The process of intra-articular blockade is characterized by a short rehabilitation period. During recovery, the patient may feel pain at the injection site. In order to minimize discomfort, you should immobilize the joint if possible and apply cold to the area. If the above tips do not help, on the recommendation of a specialist, you should take painkillers.

If no positive effect is found after an intra-articular blockade, you must immediately contact the attending physician under whose supervision the procedure was carried out.

  • What complications can accompany the blockade process?

Among the complications after the procedure are: the introduction of various infections or pathogenic bacteria during therapy, an allergic reaction (to avoid which, before the blockade, a series of examinations are carried out as prescribed by the doctor), microtrauma of the joint capsule or the surrounding area, bleeding, nonspecific inflammation, toxic reactions. However, provided that the specialist performing the intra-articular block and monitoring the general condition of the patient is highly qualified and has a number of necessary skills and abilities, the likelihood of complications will be minimized (at the moment, complications occur in only 0.4 percent of all patients exposed to intra-articular blockade of the knee or hip joint).

Groups of drugs used for injection:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs: for example, Diprospan (the drug is known for the speed of manifestation of its medicinal properties, since within two to three hours the patient will feel significant improvements).
  • Hyaluronic acid preparations. These include Fermatron, ViscoPlus, Sinvisc, Suplazin and so on. These medications are useful by replenishing hyaluronic acid in the body tissues, which promotes cell regeneration.
  • Vitamin or steroid medications.
  • Medicines that improve blood circulation in the body.
  • Local anesthetics - Lidocaine, Ropivacaine and others. These are painkillers, the effects of which are localized and long lasting (about 3-10 hours).

The choice of group and specific drug is determined solely by the attending physician, based on the individual characteristics of each patient. Also, the determination of the necessary anesthetic is carried out depending on the purpose pursued by the patient coming for the procedure of intra-articular blockade of the knee or hip joint.


The dosage regimen and route of administration are determined individually, depending on the indications, severity of the disease and patient response.

The drug should be used in the minimum effective dose, the period of use should be as short as possible.

The initial dose is adjusted until the desired therapeutic effect is achieved. If after a sufficient period of time the therapeutic effect is not observed, the drug is discontinued by gradually reducing the dose of the drug. Diprospan® and select another appropriate treatment method.

After achieving a therapeutic effect, the maintenance dose is selected by gradually reducing the dose of betamethasone, which is administered at appropriate intervals. The reduction is continued until the minimum effective dose is reached.

If a stressful situation (not related to the disease) occurs or threatens to occur, it may be necessary to increase the dose of Diprospan.

Discontinuation of the drug after long-term therapy is carried out by gradually reducing the dose.

The patient's condition is monitored for at least a year after completion of long-term therapy or use in high doses.

Administration of the drug into soft tissues, into the lesion and inside the joint can, with a pronounced local effect, simultaneously lead to a systemic effect.

Considering the likelihood of developing anaphylactoid reactions with parenteral administration of GCS, the necessary precautions should be taken before administering the drug, especially if there is a history of allergic reactions to drugs.

Diprospan® contains two active substances - betamethasone compounds, one of which, betamethasone sodium phosphate, is a rapidly soluble fraction and therefore quickly penetrates the systemic circulation. The possible systemic effect of the drug should be taken into account.

During the use of the drug Diprospan®, mental disorders are possible, especially in patients with emotional instability or a tendency to psychosis.

When prescribing Diprospan to patients with diabetes mellitus, adjustment of hypoglycemic therapy may be required.

Patients receiving Diprospan® in doses that suppress the immune system should be warned about the need to avoid contact with patients with chickenpox and measles (especially important when prescribing the drug to children).

When using the drug Diprospan®, it should be taken into account that GCS can mask the signs of an infectious disease, as well as reduce the body's resistance to infections.

Prescription of Diprospan for active tuberculosis is possible only in cases of fulminant or disseminated tuberculosis in combination with adequate anti-tuberculosis therapy. When prescribing Diprospan to patients with latent tuberculosis or with a positive reaction to tuberculin, the issue of preventive anti-tuberculosis therapy should be decided. When using rifampin prophylactically, an increase in the hepatic clearance of betamethasone should be taken into account (dose adjustment may be required).

If there is fluid in the joint cavity, a septic process should be excluded.

A noticeable increase in pain, swelling, increased temperature of the surrounding tissues and further limitation of joint mobility indicate infectious arthritis. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, antibacterial therapy must be prescribed.

Repeated injections into a joint for osteoarthritis may increase the risk of joint destruction. The introduction of GCS into the tendon tissue gradually leads to tendon rupture.

After successful therapy with intra-articular injections of the drug Diprospan®, the patient should avoid overloading the joint.

Long-term use of corticosteroids can lead to posterior subcapsular cataracts (especially in children), glaucoma with possible damage to the optic nerve, and may contribute to the development of secondary eye infections (fungal or viral).

It is necessary to periodically conduct an ophthalmological examination, especially in patients receiving Diprospan® for more than 6 months.

With an increase in blood pressure, fluid and sodium chloride retention in tissues and an increase in potassium excretion from the body (less likely than with the use of other corticosteroids), patients are recommended to follow a diet with limited salt and are additionally prescribed potassium-containing drugs. All corticosteroids enhance calcium excretion.

With the simultaneous use of Diprospan and cardiac glycosides or drugs that affect the electrolyte composition of plasma, monitoring of the water-electrolyte balance is required.

Acetylsalicylic acid is prescribed with caution in combination with the drug Diprospan® for hypoprothrombinemia.

The development of secondary adrenal insufficiency due to too rapid withdrawal of GCS is possible within several months after the end of therapy. If a stressful situation occurs or threatens during this period, therapy with Diprospan® should be resumed and a mineralocorticoid drug should be prescribed at the same time (due to a possible disruption of mineralocorticoid secretion). Gradual withdrawal of GCS can reduce the risk of developing secondary adrenal insufficiency.

With the use of GCS, changes in sperm motility and number are possible.

During long-term therapy with GCS, it is advisable to consider the possibility of switching from parenteral to oral GCS, taking into account the assessment of the benefit/risk ratio.

Patients receiving GCS should not be vaccinated against smallpox or undergo other immunizations, especially during treatment with GCS in high doses, due to the possibility of developing neurological complications and a low immune response (lack of antibody formation). Immunization is possible during replacement therapy (for example, with primary adrenal insufficiency).

Use in pediatrics

Children undergoing Diprospan® therapy (especially long-term therapy) should be under close medical supervision for possible growth retardation and the development of secondary adrenal insufficiency.

Additional information about the procedure.

It should be noted that the frequency of intra-articular blockades is determined depending on the type of joint, as well as the stage of the pathology that the patient wants to get rid of. This process should not be carried out on large joint capsules more than once every 2-3 months. This type of joint includes the knee and hip. Other joints may be subject to blockade no more than once every 2-4 weeks. If the proposed interval is not observed between injections, the process of destruction of connective tissue, namely cartilage, may begin due to the administered glucosteroids.

In some cases, after intra-articular blockade of the knee or hip joint, the patient does not feel any improvement. Then it is necessary to suspend planned procedures, and then immediately re-diagnose, since the reason for the lack of a positive treatment effect may be an erroneously determined diagnosis.

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