Chronic fatigue syndrome and arthrosis: is there a connection?

Cause 1. Spinal infections

Another name is spinal infections. These are viral lesions that affect the internal structures of the vertebrae or the interdisc space. Viruses can enter the body from the outside (wound infections - due to injuries, operations) or be complications of viral diseases (often various types of myelitis, coccal infections, etc.).

Symptoms of spinal column infection depend on the type of infection. This may be unexpressed aching pain in the back and chest area, or sudden intense pain. The focus is quite difficult to determine. The patient usually says “everything hurts.” The condition is accompanied by limited mobility, chills, fever, weakness, and body aches.

If you have these signs, we recommend calling an ambulance immediately. Spinal infections are fraught with paralysis and other irreversible (!) restrictions on mobility. But they are quite rare.

Chills in the back - a problem or normal

The lumbar area is the most vulnerable area, where a feeling of cold most often occurs when a person catches a cold. Chills throughout the body often begin in the back. She also gets cold if her back gets cold. Almost everyone has encountered these sensations, many more than once. Why does this happen, and how to respond to this signal from the body, which means something.

Important! Based on years of medical practice, coldness felt in the back can be a symptom of serious health problems. Although in some cases its occurrence is explained by other reasons.

Is your back cold? Perhaps she was shown through

All people who have ever had a cold back can be classified into four groups.

Table. Groups and reasons why the back freezes

People whose bodies do not produce as much energy as needed to maintain normal body temperature

This category of people includes fragile women who are constantly addicted to diets or people who do not eat enough calories. Also in the group there may be convinced vegans who consume low-energy foods, teenagers whose body metabolism is not fully regulated, elderly people in whose body all processes are slowed down
The body of people belonging to this group is capable of producing energy in sufficient quantities, but cannot store it

This mainly includes people with emotional problems. They waste energy that should maintain their temperature on emotions
The third group includes those who normally produce and store energy, but have problems with its distribution in the body

Here, the problem of a cold back overtakes those who lead an insufficiently active life, those who are inactive, as well as the elderly.
The fourth group is people with various types of diseases

The cause of cold can be osteochondrosis or an anomaly present from birth, hernia or vascular pathology, spondylosis and many other diseases associated either with the spine or not

Important! If a person is constantly tormented by a cold in his back, he needs to go to the doctor and get an answer to the question why this is happening. This symptom may indicate the presence of a serious pathological problem that cannot be solved without medical intervention.

Reason 2. Degenerative-dystrophic diseases

Caused by wear and tear of the intervertebral discs, brittle bones, and loss of elasticity of spinal tissue. Moreover, such changes are not necessarily age-related. Today, young people also suffer from arthritis, spondylosis, and osteochondrosis.

Over time, pathological processes in the spine become degenerative, i.e. irreversible. In this case, it is necessary to use surgical treatment methods - joint replacement, surgical restoration of vertebrae and other structures. Arthrosis, osteoporosis, and radiculitis often develop into a degenerative form.

Of course, such changes do not occur without symptoms. Often patients note lumbago, acute pain in the affected area, limited mobility, stabbing pain, crunching, pain with certain movements (for example, in the lower back when bending forward). As a rule, a person can clearly determine exactly where it hurts.

Treatment of degenerative-dystrophic diseases is carried out by a rheumatologist, osteopath, chiropractor, traumatologist, neurologist and a number of other specialists. Don't know who to contact? Make an appointment with a general practitioner first.

What can low back pain look like?

Most often, lower back pain occurs suddenly, sharply and is acute. In this case they talk about lumbago

(outdated popular name -
). The pain is described as sharp, “shooting.” Movements are constrained, sometimes it is even impossible to straighten your back. With any movement the pain intensifies.

An attack of pain can last a couple of minutes, or it can last for a longer period of time (up to several days). It may be that the attack will pass and the pain will no longer remind itself, but often the pain returns and the person gets used to the fact that his lower back can hurt.

Lower back pain can not only be acute (sharp), it can be nagging and chronic. Mild but constant pain in the lower back, sometimes worsening, for example, during physical activity, an infectious disease, hypothermia, etc., is called lumbodynia

. Sometimes there is no direct pain, but stiffness remains in the lower back, and the patient experiences discomfort.

Reason 3. Intervertebral hernia

Intervertebral hernia is the “squeezing out” of the nucleus pulposus by neighboring vertebrae. The nucleus pulposus is a kind of hinge that is located in the center between the vertebrae and ensures their mobility. Therefore we can bend in all directions. But this structure is semi-liquid, and with increased or sudden physical activity it can “crawl” beyond the intervertebral space, forming a hernia.

The pain is acute, pronounced, and sharply intensifies with exercise. May be accompanied by impaired sensitivity in the arms and legs, numbness and pain in the extremities, and radiate to the buttock.

An intervertebral hernia can be diagnosed by an orthopedist, neurologist, neurosurgeon, or vertebrologist.

What are the true causes of chronic fatigue syndrome?

To this day, this condition is under study. Sometimes it is caused by an infection, such as cytomegalovirus, coxsackievirus, herpes, or Epstein-Barr virus. Scientists believe that if an infectious agent attacks a person’s immune system for a long time, as often happens with hidden infections, it malfunctions. The body produces an increased amount of cytokines - the person experiences muscle pain, chills and general malaise.

Infections are not the only possible cause. Sometimes chronic fatigue is caused by disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system. The emotional sphere suffers, memory and performance deteriorate, the correct daily rhythm of wakefulness and sleep, as well as the regulation of internal organs, are disrupted. All this leads to a feeling of fatigue and depression.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is more common in women

Reason 5. Diseases of internal organs

In some cases, “bones and joints” specialists will not help, since they will not detect any abnormalities. But do not rush to complain about their incompetence, because the source of back pain can be internal organs.

First of all, these are gynecological (uterus, appendages) and andrological (prostate) diseases. Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs and menstruation radiate to the lower back. The pain is nagging, aching, dull. For diagnosis, consult a gynecologist or andrologist, respectively.

Kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, renal colic) cause pain. It is quite strong, spreads throughout the lower back, and intensifies with light tapping in the lumbar region. If this applies to you, a nephrologist will help.

In general, almost all inflammatory diseases can cause back pain. With lung diseases, pain occurs between the shoulder blades; problems with the liver and stomach are reflected in the lower back at waist level.

Lower back pain due to kidney disease

For lower back pain, it is important to determine what is causing it - pathologies of the musculoskeletal system or kidney disease (as well as other internal organs). Diagnosis must be carried out by a doctor. However, there are signs to suggest that the pain may be due to problems with the kidneys and/or other organs of the genitourinary system. If these symptoms occur, it is advisable to immediately contact a urologist. Kidney disease (or more broadly, the genitourinary system) can be suspected if lower back pain is accompanied by:

  • general deterioration in health (lethargy, drowsiness, weakness, increased fatigue);
  • swelling of the eyelids and face. Swelling is especially pronounced in the morning, after waking up, and subsides in the evening;
  • increased body temperature, chills, sweating;
  • loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting;
  • frequent or painful urination;
  • changes in the characteristics of urine (it may become more concentrated in color or, conversely, colorless, contain mucus or blood);
  • increased blood pressure.

Also an important sign that lower back pain is caused by problems of the internal organs, and not the musculoskeletal system, is its independence from the position of the body: the pain does not increase or decrease from changes in the position of the body and limbs. However, with prolonged standing in a standing position due to check pathology, the pain may intensify. The location of the pain also matters. With kidney disease, pain is most often observed on one side (since usually only one kidney is affected). Kidney pain may not be limited to the lower back, but may spread along the ureter, to the groin, to the external genitalia, to the inner thighs.

Reason 6. Poor posture

These include scoliosis, stoop, and abnormal deflection in the lumbar region. Poor posture is often accompanied by a protruding abdomen, retracted buttocks, and problems with gait (heavy gait, limping). The basis of such external changes is the curvature of the spine, which disrupts blood circulation and leads to muscle overstrain in some areas of the back and weakening in others. Incorrect position of the vertebrae, their friction against each other, rotation around their own axis (with scoliosis) - all this causes severe back pain.

The pain can be either acute, if the vertebrae are damaged, or aching, dull, spreading throughout the back.

Back problems associated with incorrect posture will be treated by an orthopedist or vertebrologist.

Reason 7. Spinal tumors

These are cystic formations and cancerous tumors.

A cyst is a bubble with blood. It appears as a result of various types of hemorrhages in the spine. The cyst is characterized by constant severe pain, which can only be relieved with the help of painkillers. Numbness and tingling in the extremities can also be symptoms of a cyst.

Cancer can be primary or secondary. Primary is cancer that has formed in the spinal column, secondary is metastases, that is, secondary tumors that form in late stages in all organs. With malignant tumors, pain may be accompanied by muscle weakness and loss of sensitivity in certain areas.

Neoplasms in the spine are studied by a vertebrologist, oncologist, and neurosurgeon.

Other reasons

Bruises, pregnancy and childbirth, sedentary work, physical activity, and gardening activities also often cause back pain. If it does not go away or gets worse within 3-4 days after exercise, make an appointment with a specialist.

To determine the exact cause of back pain, often requires not only the experience of a specialist, but also precise diagnostic equipment. Doctors at Best Clinic work with equipment that allows you to see even minor changes in the structure of the spine. Computed tomography, MRI, radiography - you will find modern diagnostic methods and get help with us. Call us or leave a request on the website!

How else can you help yourself?

To return to your normal lifestyle, try to establish the correct work and rest schedule, a clear daily routine, and review your schedule for alternating sleep and wakefulness. To get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome:

  • walk more in the fresh air;
  • practice frequent contrast showers;
  • add adequate physical activity to your daily routine, such as swimming or walking;
  • perform a set of physical relaxation exercises;
  • drink more clean water;
  • strive to receive as many positive emotions as possible.

Some people are prescribed medications, mainly of plant origin, that increase the body's resistance and strengthen the immune system.

If you have developed chronic fatigue syndrome due to knee arthrosis or other joint disease, do not panic. Now the main task is to calm down and continue treatment according to the doctor’s suggested regimen. It is in your power to establish a favorable daily routine and continue to lead a normal lifestyle.

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