Orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis - how to choose?

Cervical osteochondrosis is a real scourge of the 21st century. We sit with our necks bent in front of our smartphones, we strain our neck muscles at the computer, we lower our heads so that the hood does not fall off. Our neck is under constant tension throughout the day. And in the evening we go to bed on an uncomfortable pillow, putting even more strain on our neck at a time when it should be resting.

Osteochondrosis is a serious disease, because important arteries pass through the neck, which supply blood and oxygen to our brain, as well as nerves and muscles. Pinching of the cervical vertebrae leads to severe headaches, nausea, dizziness and increased blood pressure. In severe cases, the consequence of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine can be a stroke. The negative consequences of osteochondrosis are especially severe at night, when relaxed neck muscles no longer support the spine.

Our spine should maintain the same natural curves during sleep as during wakefulness. There are 4 such curves in total: cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral. Only in this case will the back be positioned correctly, which means it will be as relaxed as possible, blood will circulate freely through the vessels, and the body will rest and recover. The optimal solution is an orthopedic mattress, an orthopedic pillow and the correct sleeping position.

Correct sleeping positions

It doesn’t matter whether you suffer from cervical osteochondrosis or want to prevent its occurrence. Sleeping position together with the right bedding is the first thing you can do to help your body. Of course, there is no universal sleeping position - it will depend on the hardness of the mattress, the height of the pillow and other factors, and yet doctors identify several positions that are most favorable:

  • On the side. It is important that the shoulder rests not on the pillow, but on the mattress. That is why most orthopedic and anatomical pillows are equipped with subcervical bolsters. In this position, the neck retains its physiological curve.
  • In the fetal position, i.e. on the side with half-bent legs. Surprisingly, it is in this position that the spine relaxes best.
  • On your back, with your legs bent. This position of the legs relieves tension from the lower back.

Important! The “on the stomach” pose, beloved by many, is contraindicated for any problems with the spine. The head in this position is in an unnatural position, which leads to muscle tension and pressure on blood vessels. It is better to sleep on your side or back.

Roller with zipper

The bolster pillow, the pattern of which is presented below, is a tube with sewn-in side parts. In accordance with the size of the cushion, it is necessary to sew a pillowcase in the shape of a tube, leaving a hole for the zipper. Two round side parts that correspond to the diameter of the resulting holes in the tube need to be cut out additionally. They should be woven into the pillowcase face to face and stitched at a distance of about 1 cm from the edge.

Next, you need to treat the area where the pillow will be inserted. The hole left must be hemmed using a machine (hemmed seam). After this, you need to turn the cover inside out and sew in a zipper. The fastener must be placed under the cut, pinned with pins and machine stitched as close to the teeth as possible.

Features of choosing an orthopedic pillow

Many people believe that orthopedic and anatomical pillows are different names for the same item. In fact, there are differences between them. And the main one is the purpose of use. The anatomical pillow completely follows the contours of the head, neck and shoulder girdle while sleeping on it, making it comfortable for a person to sleep. An orthopedic pillow is designed to fix the head and neck in a certain position that is necessary for you, thereby providing a therapeutic or preventive effect. An orthopedic pillow always has side bolsters for additional head support, as well as a recess under the head to ensure the correct position while sleeping.

When choosing a pillow, it is important to pay attention to its parameters:


It can be anything, the main parameter when choosing is height. As a rule, at least 9 cm. Some manufacturers produce orthopedic pillows up to 16 cm inclusive, especially for broad-shouldered people. For sleeping on your back, a height of 9-10 cm is suitable; for sleeping on your side, the height should be equal to the distance from the end of the shoulder to the base of the neck. If the pillow is too low, the head will fall back. This leads to muscle strain and snoring. A pillow that is too high, on the contrary, leads to a strong bending of the spine and compression of blood vessels.


It also depends on your sleeping position. For those who like to sleep on their back, a medium-hard pillow is suitable, for those who like to sleep on their side, a hard pillow. A real orthopedic pillow cannot be soft - otherwise it will not be able to perform its main function. If you have health problems, choose the firmness of the pillow based on the recommendations of your doctor. If you are buying a pillow for prevention or at your own request, without a purpose, choose an elastic pillow of a comfortable hardness for you.


The most common shape is rectangular, similar in size to regular pillows. A universal pillow with cervical bolsters of different heights (for sleeping on the side and back) would be optimal. Often there are crescent-shaped orthopedic pillows that securely fix the head in one position. The downside of this pillow is that it is only intended for sleeping on the back. Bolster pillows, butterfly pillows and other pillows of unusual shapes are also widely represented on the market and find their buyers.


The quality, service life, and therapeutic effect of an orthopedic pillow depend on the filler. It’s not easy to understand the huge variety and features of fillers, so we have collected all the necessary information for you to make it easier for you to make your choice.

DIY roller

You can make simple products yourself. To do this, it is enough to know the simplest stitches and be able to handle a needle and thread. The materials can be a waffle towel of appropriate sizes or any dense fabric.

Stages of work:

  1. Cut out a rectangle with the required parameters, taking into account seam allowances.
  2. Sew the fabric along the length and pull it on one side.
  3. Fill the cylinder tightly with filler - cotton wool or holofiber can be used for this purpose.
  4. Tie the other side with ribbon or sew it up.

Treatment of osteochondrosis is a long and complex undertaking that must be approached with all responsibility. An orthopedic roller will speed up recovery, help avoid relapses and promote comfortable sleep.

You will need:

  1. old jacket or sweater
  2. piece of natural fabric
  3. yarn
  4. needle
  5. thread
  6. Crochet hook

From this list it is clear that such a pillow does not require anything special, everything is made from available materials. For example, for filling you can take some old sweater, or several unnecessary T-shirts. You just need to fold the sleeves and collar well, and then roll it into a roll. It will not only be comfortable, but also warm.

Next you need to make a pillowcase for the cushion. It must be beautiful and practical. As for the pillowcase, it can be made from anything, you can knit it if you know how to do it, you can sew it from various pieces - as your imagination decides. There is a very good and simple option - this pillowcase is crocheted with a simple stitch.

Before you make a neck roll with your own hands, you should decide on the size. When twisting your sweater, try on which pillow will be more comfortable for you.

This pillow will serve perfectly while sitting on a sofa or chair, when you place it under your back. And in case of lying down, it should be placed under the neck. If there are any injuries to the limbs, then the roller will also serve well in this option.

Dear readers, do you have a neck cushion? How does your neck feel after resting on it? In addition, I advise you to read my articles on the “handicraft” topic. For example, perhaps someone is going to decorate it beautifully.

Lush bulky pillows stuffed with feathers and down are a thing of the past. Such a pillow can not only cause allergies, but also aggravate spinal diseases. Modern orthopedic bolsters will help you get rid of many problems with your back and neck.

Types and features of fillers for orthopedic pillows


Polyester pillows are quite elastic, have a little spring and retain heat well. Soft balls are often added to the filler, moving under the weight of the head, giving the pillow a comfortable shape. Polyester is an absolutely hypoallergenic material.


Natural latex is made from the foamed sap of the tropical Hyvea tree, otherwise it is also called the rubber tree. They collect the sap by making cuts on the trunk - a small mug is collected drop by drop from each tree within 24 hours. It’s easy to imagine that the process of collecting sap is much slower than industry needs, which is why natural latex pillows are quite rare and expensive. This is one of the best materials for orthopedic pillows. It is elastic, elastic, allows air to pass through well due to its porous structure and absorbs moisture, serving for many years. The bactericidal properties of natural latex are also highly valued. The cost of pillows made from this unique natural filler is quite high compared to analogues.

Artificial latex is also popular in the manufacture of orthopedic pillows. It is inexpensive, unlike its natural counterpart, but not as durable and elastic. An orthopedic pillow made of artificial latex quickly loses its shape and becomes unusable.

Some manufacturers combine natural and artificial latex in one product to achieve an optimal price-quality ratio.

Polyurethane foam

Pillows made from this filler are able to remember and repeat the desired shape when certain components are added to the filler. The desired effect is achieved due to the cellular structure of the foam and the absence of response pressure. Polyurethane foam or otherwise - foam rubber - is less resilient and elastic in comparison with latex, it is easier to get used to such a pillow. One of the varieties of polyurethane foam pillows is the innovative memory foam pillows. They were developed for use in space to reduce the stress on astronauts during takeoff.

Buckwheat husk

A popular and environmentally friendly filler, also capable of taking the desired shape. Absorbs moisture well and allows air to pass through. Buckwheat husk helps improve the condition of hair and scalp through micromassage and relieves headaches. An additional bonus when using a pillow with buckwheat filling is a pleasant, unobtrusive smell that promotes relaxation and sound sleep.

Cooling gel

An innovative filler that remembers its shape, relaxes the neck muscles well and has a pronounced cooling effect. Thanks to the memory effect, the pillow does not put pressure on the neck and head, while being elastic.

In addition to the main filler, manufacturers of orthopedic pillows may include additional components. For example, pads with mint, lavender and rose petals, aloe vera impregnation, biomagnets and magnetic plates, stones with a healing effect and much more.

The material from which the pillow cover is made is also important. It is optimal for the fabric to allow air to pass through and absorb moisture. Often, orthopedic pillows are placed in special mesh covers, which have a slight massage effect and remain cool for a long time.

When choosing an orthopedic pillow, we recommend paying attention to companies that specialize in their production. In this case, you will purchase not just a piece of foam rubber of the correct shape, but a product made in accordance with all the rules using modern technologies.

Is it comfortable to rest on a cushion?

The most important advantage of using such a cushion for sleeping is its elasticity, thanks to which the spine is supported.
It is especially good to sleep on a cushion with buckwheat filling for people who often experience pain when sleeping on their regular pillows. This will be the most correct path to complete recovery and restoration of the body. This roller is also great for people who sweat a lot, as it has good air circulation. Buckwheat husk provides a kind of acupressure, thanks to which you can relax, and if you choose a natural cotton pillowcase, you can feel the aroma of buckwheat. It will also help improve the nervous system and physical condition of the whole body. Waking up in the morning, it’s nice to feel a good mood from the fact that you are completely rested and can start your work day.

The buckwheat roller is also an orthopedic roller that relaxes the neck and spine. And this is very important, especially for people who have a sedentary job, for office workers, and for those who work a lot at the computer or while driving a vehicle. The roller will help prevent osteochondrosis, a disease of a sedentary lifestyle.

Pros and cons of orthopedic pillows

It is always easier to prevent any disease than to treat it.
If we all paid more attention to the prevention of our health, there would be many more healthy people in the world. We are confident that an orthopedic pillow is the best investment you can make in the health of your spine. The main advantage of orthopedic pillows is that they promote the anatomically correct position of the head and neck, and therefore the entire spine, during sleep. From this follow all the other pleasant changes that will not take long to arrive:

  • No pinched muscles or nerves;
  • Free circulation of blood to the head and back, which means sound sleep, optimal blood pressure, good saturation of the brain with oxygen;
  • No load on the spinal column;
  • Getting rid of snoring;
  • Rejuvenation effect due to improved cell regeneration and correct head position.

There is only one downside to an orthopedic pillow - it is quite hard, and you will be uncomfortable for the first 5-7 days. But within a week you will get used to it, and most importantly, you will notice a difference in the quality of your sleep and overall well-being. Negative reviews about orthopedic pillows are always associated with two factors: the height of the pillow that is not suitable for a particular person (we wrote about the height and how to choose the right pillow above) and sleeping in the wrong position (for example, you cannot sleep on an orthopedic pillow while lying on your stomach , it's just not designed for that).

Neck cushion for osteochondrosis: benefits and effectiveness

  1. If using a bolster for the lumbar or cervical region has led to an exacerbation of pain, then you need to stop using it for a while, taking a break of several days (2-3).
  2. If, due to some circumstances, it is not possible to purchase an orthopedic product, then you should more accurately select a pillow for the curve of your neck and sleep so that your shoulder does not lie on it.
  3. If, when using one cushion under the lower back, pain increases, then it is urgently necessary to purchase two more products - under the knees and ankles.
  4. The appearance of edema of the lower extremities in people who suffer from degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the lumbosacral region requires prior use of special medications.
  5. If in a patient with lumbar osteochondrosis the situation is aggravated by the presence of varicose veins, then before using the roller you will need to undergo procedures that will help eliminate congestion.
  6. Patients with lumbar osteochondrosis are recommended to perform simple physical exercises that eliminate excess lymph and blood, promoting their outflow from the lower extremities. To do this, perform leg swings, squats, rotations in the knee joints, and create a load on the abdominal muscles.
  7. If a patient with lumbar osteochondrosis is accustomed to lying on his side while sleeping, then an additional cushion is squeezed between the knees, which normalizes blood circulation in the legs.
  8. Patients with cervical osteochondrosis during exacerbations will benefit from the use of special support devices (corsets, collars) along with bolsters.

To summarize, it must be said that choosing the right roller for osteochondrosis of the cervical and lumbar regions is a very difficult task. Therefore, it will be much better if a qualified specialist helps in this matter. We must not forget that orthopedic rollers are used in conjunction with various additional products.

Osteochondrosis is a disease that brings significant discomfort to a person, so many people use a special roller to alleviate their condition. It alleviates the condition by normalizing blood circulation in the cervical spine. Such products are made from foam rubber, cotton wool or special tightly twisted fabric.

The popularity of rollers for osteochondrosis under the neck is explained by the fact that these products help not only in preventing the disease, but also in its treatment. This is due to the fact that a person most often sleeps in the wrong position during sleep, which is why all his muscles cannot fully rest, as required. It is the process of muscle relaxation that the product used under the neck at night is aimed at.

According to experts, the main effects resulting from the use of a roller are:

  • Relief of pain.
  • Elimination of discomfort.
  • Improved blood circulation.
  • Promoting the normalization of metabolic processes.
  • Relaxation of muscle muscles.
  • Complete rest at night.
  • Improvement of psycho-emotional state.

Doctors recommend continuing to use the roller even after all the symptoms of the disease have been eliminated and the disease itself has gone into remission. This will help prevent further exacerbations of the patient’s condition, the recurrence of symptoms and the need for long-term treatment with medications.

It is important to remember that proper sleep for a disease such as osteochondrosis is a very important component of therapy, both therapeutic and preventive. Therefore, this process cannot be taken lightly and frivolously.

This may further affect the deterioration of health and lead to adverse consequences expressed in the progression of the disease.

When using a neck roller for osteochondrosis, you need to pay attention to eight quite important things that will help eliminate the problem of the spine more effectively. These include the following points:

  1. If using a cushion for osteochondrosis has led to worsening pain and exacerbation of the disease, you need to stop lying on it for a while. After two or three days you can start sleeping on the product again.
  2. If, due to certain circumstances, it is not possible to purchase a professional bolster at a pharmacy, it can be temporarily replaced with a pillow or blanket tailored to the curve of the neck.
  3. If, when using one roller, discomfort worsens in other parts of the body, you need to purchase two other products.
  4. If sleeping on a cushion has led to swelling in the lower extremities, you need to start taking appropriate medications against this symptom. They should only be prescribed by a qualified doctor based on the diagnosis of the patient.
  5. If osteochondrosis of the spine worsens due to varicose veins, this health problem must be eliminated before purchasing a roller.
  6. If for certain reasons, including because of a stable habit, the patient sleeps on his side, to normalize blood circulation at night he needs to squeeze an additional cushion between his legs.
  7. An alternative to a bolster during sleep with cervical osteochondrosis can be special corsets or collars. But their use should definitely be discussed with your doctor.
  8. It is recommended to perform some physical exercises on a bolster before going to bed, which may be recommended by your attending physician, depending on the clinical picture of the disease.

If you use a neck cushion correctly for osteochondrosis, you can forget about this back problem for a long time, significantly improving your overall health and well-being, respectively. The cost of such a product is most often not very large, but the effect of its use is worth the money.

Today it is very difficult to find a completely healthy person. Some suffer from headaches, some have back pain, and some suffer from insomnia. Such problems may indicate the presence of various diseases, but very often a simple change of bedding can help.

According to the Japanese, you can have a good rest and sleep by lying on your back, on a hard mattress, and they place a log in a pillowcase under your head. It is from them that you should learn the rules of a good rest. However, you don’t have to sleep with your head on a log; a bolster pillow can be a great alternative.

Moreover, such a decorative pillow looks very stylish. It will fit perfectly into any interior. There is no need to purchase it because it is easy to make.

Good day, dear readers of my blog!

If you or your loved ones suffer from spinal diseases, I recommend paying attention to this article - I will tell you about such a device as a neck cushion for osteochondrosis.

Such devices make life much easier for the patient - their use improves blood circulation and relaxes stiff muscles. As a result, the pain in the neck and back goes away, the limbs stop going numb, and the headaches and dizziness stop.

What is it needed for

The use of an orthopedic bolster allows the spine to find a normal, natural position.

The product is placed under different parts of the body:

  1. for cervical osteochondrosis, it is placed under the neck to relieve muscle tension and reduce pressure on blood vessels and nerve roots. With regular use, pain and other unpleasant symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis appear much less frequently;
  2. in case of pathological changes in the lumbar region, the product is placed under the back in the lumbar region. It can be attached to a chair in the office, home and car. The cushion allows the spine to relax and rest even with a large deflection of the back, and in case of painful complications of osteochondrosis, for example, protrusions and hernia, it reduces the severity of pain;
  3. in a permanent sitting position, when the knee joints are bent (for office workers, programmers, drivers), a cushion is placed under the knees. This way it is possible to raise the knees or straighten the legs, that is, to avoid disruption of blood flow and compression of soft tissues, and prevent deformation of the joints. It also helps relieve the load on the spine;
  4. If fatigue accumulates in the body during the day, the legs swell, the roller is placed under the ankles. This remedy is suitable for pregnant women and people with varicose veins in the legs.

Doctors recommend using the roller for the prevention and complex therapy of osteochondrosis. After getting rid of the symptoms, continue to use it - this will help avoid exacerbation of the disease in the future.


A bolster and an orthopedic pillow are two different things. There are special cushions for sleeping; they are used instead of a pillow. But most of the devices are still intended for periodic use, including for performing special exercises.

Neck bolsters vary in size, filling and softness.

These parameters, along with the stiffness of the mattress, must be taken into account when choosing a product:

  • for night sleep, it is recommended to buy a device 50-80 centimeters long, so that when turning during sleep it does not slip out from under the neck. You can use a product in the shape of a hemisphere - it is more stable;
  • the height should be selected according to the length of the neck: if the bolster is too low, the head will tilt back, if too high, it will lean forward. For a comfortable position of the spine, it is better to choose a material that adapts to the owner’s parameters;
  • Flax and buckwheat husks, eucalyptus and lavender, foam rubber and cotton, latex and polyurethane foam, as well as many other materials are used as fillers. Solid products also have a massage effect, and with herbs inside they have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Before purchasing a device, it is advisable to consult with a specialist, and if you purchase it in a store, lie down on it. There are entirely positive reviews about the rollers on the Internet.

But for those who don’t believe in the real benefits of these things or are wondering whether to spend money on them (some are quite expensive), I recommend making the product yourself.

How to do it? Anyone can sew a rectangular cover from fabric available at home and fill it with suitable material. The second option is a towel rolled up with a roller and wrapped with rubber bands or rope for strength.

How much does a good orthopedic pillow cost?

The cost of an orthopedic pillow depends on several factors:

  • Material;
  • Manufacturer;
  • Medicinal properties

You can choose a polyester pillow for 600 rubles due to the low cost of the material.
At the same time, you need to understand that you should not expect a therapeutic effect or a pronounced orthopedic effect from such a pillow. The average cost of a high-quality orthopedic pillow is from 2,000 to 5,000 rubles, depending on the material and additional components. New items such as pillows with cooling gel cost even more – from 7,000 rubles. A high-quality orthopedic pillow always costs more than a regular one. After all, this is not just a case stuffed with wool, feathers or other filler, but a product that has passed tests and mandatory certification, manufactured using special technology and often using special equipment.

Manufacturing Features

It will be interesting for needlewomen to know that making a bolster pillow with your own hands is quite simple; even a novice needlewoman can get involved in such work. A pillowcase with a pillowcase designed in a patchwork style looks beautiful; lace and hand embroidery would also be appropriate on it.

If you don’t know how to sew a bolster pillow, then it’s better to go with the option where a zipper is used to make the pillowcase. This will make the pillow convenient to use: if necessary, the pillowcase can be easily removed and can always be washed. In addition to down, feathers and other natural fillers, you can use synthetic materials - use foam rubber or holofiber.

How to understand that you have chosen the right orthopedic pillow

First of all, study the reviews and choose a good manufacturer. Look at certificates of conformity and studies. This will guarantee that the purchased product has passed medical control and is manufactured in compliance with all necessary standards. Next, you should focus on your own feelings:

  • In the first few days – usually up to 7 days – you feel uncomfortable. You get used to the new position of your head and neck; the pillow is much harder than you are used to, hence the discomfort. Often people sleep incorrectly on an orthopedic pillow, lying on its edge or side. It is important that your neck rests completely on the bolster.
  • After about a week, you notice the first improvements in your well-being - your sleep becomes stronger, morning swelling of the face gradually goes away, and your head hurts less. The orthopedic pillow no longer causes discomfort.
  • You wake up truly rested, your neck and back are relaxed after waking up. Thanks to deep and proper sleep, you get enough sleep in fewer hours and have more energy.

We are sure that after reading this article it will be easier for you to make the right choice. You can buy a modern and high-quality orthopedic pillow that will help you avoid osteochondrosis of the cervical spine on our website.

About the Fukutsuji method

It was invented by the Japanese doctor Fukutsuji. This method is described in detail in the book, which has sold more than 6 million copies in Asia. He explains that you don't need to do a lot of exercise to stay fit and lose weight. To use this method, you need a large towel and twine to tie the rolled towel into a roll. It is preferable to lie on the floor - on a hard surface. You need to lie down 2 times a day for 5 minutes. The best time is morning and evening. Be sure to take it on an empty stomach, at least 2 hours after eating.

What principles is the Fukutsuji method based on?

According to a Japanese doctor, excess fat, swelling, and lymph congestion are associated with improper alignment of the pelvic bones and hypochondrium. The doctor discovered that there was a connection between these bones. By using this technique, you can easily get rid of your belly fat. In other words, you straighten your spine, all organs fall into place. The swelling goes away and along with it the extra centimeters.

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