Maximum arguments in favor of an orthopedic pillow for cervical osteochondrosis

How to choose a pillow for osteochondrosis is a matter of not only comfort, but also health, and therefore it cannot be neglected. Painful sensations, dizziness and weakness are unpleasant, but the main danger lies elsewhere. The cervical region contains many arteries and nerves that provide nutrition and function to the brain. Damage to them can lead to disruption of its functioning. As a result, the development of ischemia, stroke and other dangerous diseases.

Of course, even the best pillow cannot replace treatment with a doctor, which should never be neglected. But a properly selected orthopedic product will help the patient relax muscles, remove tension, restore blood circulation and get quality sleep. This will prevent the problem from getting worse and slow down the development of complications.

How to choose a pillow for cervical osteochondrosis

Pictured: Blue Sleep Memory pillow.
Without any health problems, you can sleep on a pillow of any height, shape and hardness, or even without it at all. But the disease imposes certain restrictions. What should you consider when choosing an orthopedic product in order to have a good rest and not harm yourself? Here are some important features to look out for:

  • height;
  • filler material;
  • type of pillow;
  • preferred sleep position.

You should not ignore any of these parameters. Let's take a closer look at why they are so important.


In the photo: Blue Sleep anatomical pillow.

The desire to raise your head higher when you have a sore neck is natural and understandable. But not only is this not beneficial, but it can also lead to displacement of the cervical vertebrae. You should resist the temptation to take two pillows.

It would not be a good idea to have too low a support or no support at all. A thrown back head provokes muscle strain. Experts consider the ideal height for an adult to be approximately 12 centimeters.

As for rigidity and elasticity, they depend, first of all, on the material from which the product is made. They can be selected individually to suit your needs.

What should the product be like?

During sleep, the muscles completely relax and do not support the spinal column as during the day. Because of this, people suffering from osteochondrosis may experience pain and discomfort at night, and in the morning there is no feeling of rest. In addition, vertebrae that are not supported by the muscular corset can shift, pinching the arteries that run in the neck and supply the brain.

That is why, with cervical osteochondrosis, it is necessary to carefully approach the issue of organizing a sleeping place, observing the following principles:

  • support the natural curves of the spine;
  • comfortable support for the vertebrae;
  • rigidity and elasticity.

You should choose not an ordinary pillow, but a special pillow with a pronounced anatomical effect.

Orthopedic pillow fillers

Pictured: Blue Sleep Hybrid Pillow.

Today, the bedding market offers several materials of natural or artificial origin for filling orthopedic pillows. But switching to them from a pen one is not always easy. At first they may seem quite tough. But give yourself a few days to get used to it, and you will notice how much your sleep quality has improved.

What materials are used as fillers?

  • Natural latex. Springy material made from Hevea sap. Elastic foam of varying degrees of hardness - you can choose the best option for yourself.
  • Polyurethane foam. This is an artificial latex foam that supports the neck in the correct position.
  • Soy foam. Another material that allows you to choose rigidity and elasticity. Made from natural soy foam with elastic additives.
  • Memory. It is a memory foam that molds to the shape of the body of the person lying on it. Comfortable for sleeping in any position, does not put pressure on the neck and shoulders.
  • Tempur. Improved Memory. A viscoelastic foam-like substance that, due to its reaction to temperature, accurately follows the shape of a person. The spine is always in the correct position.

All these materials do their job well and are hypoallergenic. Which one you prefer depends on your needs. A variety of shapes and models are provided by all types of fillers, except for artificial latex and polyurethane foam - mainly cushions of the “roller” type are made from it.

If the naturalness of the filler is important to you, soy foam and natural latex are suitable for you. They also have the longest service life and Tempur. Soy foam, Tempur and Memory have a “memory effect”, that is, they adapt to the shape of your body. And if you are looking for the most budget option, then inexpensive polyurethane foam pillows will come to your aid.

The essence of the method

The impact is carried out by a low-frequency acoustic wave, which has a high pulse pressure, the ability to create a rarefaction zone, and fast speed. Thanks to these characteristics, it does not damage soft tissues, working only in the desired area.

There are 3 stages of impact:

  1. calm - no radiation;
  2. high pressure, which can reach 500 bar;
  3. rarefaction - that is, negative pressure after the wave subsides.

First, the sound wave compresses the cells in the area of ​​effect, and then they stretch under the influence of vacuum. The cells receive mechanical stimulation, come to life, and begin to synthesize useful substances. At the same time, angiogenesis and microcirculation improve.

Table 1. Effect of shock wave therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Organs and tissues Effect of UVT
Muscle fibers. Elimination of spasm, restoration of ion exchange in the cell and intercellular space.
Nerve endings. Blocking the reflex pain arc.
Blood vessels. Improved microcirculation, growth of new blood vessels.
Tendons. Anti-inflammatory effect, increased elasticity.
Leather. Collagen synthesis.

As a result of the complex effect of shockwave therapy on the body, adhesions, fibrosis, and calcium deposits characteristic of cervical osteochondrosis decrease or disappear. The main action occurs in the area of ​​inflammation, the affected cells are destroyed.

Types and forms

Pictured: Blue Sleep Memory pillow.

The wave-shaped model is the first thing that comes to mind when it comes to orthopedic pillows. This is a time-tested classic. Regardless of the type of osteochondrosis, it is suitable for everyone. The cushion ensures the correct position of each cervical vertebra during sleep. This forms the desired bend, which may be absent in the patient or be weakly expressed. Thanks to this, blood flow is restored, muscle tension is relieved, and sleep becomes stronger and healthier.

However, for all its advantages, this is not the only possible form of orthopedic pillow. Besides this, there are several other types:

  • crescent;
  • rectangular;
  • with a massage effect;
  • with a notch in the middle;
  • with a shoulder notch.

Each of them has its advantages.

The crescent pillow supports both the head and back, so it is well suited for those patients who have problems with the shoulder girdle. As a rule, it is made of memory foam materials, adapts to the individual characteristics of the user and supports the spine in the correct position.

Rectangular, in appearance it may not differ from the usual one, but due to the filler it becomes orthopedic, since the body, thanks to the elastic foam, takes the correct position in any position. It is quite versatile and is suitable for those who like to sleep on their side, back, stomach, as well as those who move around a lot in their sleep.

The massage effect is provided by the relief surface, and this is useful for absolutely everyone, even a completely healthy person. And for all types of osteochondrosis, the advantages of massage are undoubted. This pillow not only serves as a support for the head, but also helps improve blood circulation and relieve tension. This can greatly improve the quality of your sleep and life in general.

The pillow with a hollow in the middle is anatomical and always individual, because it is made of materials that adapt to the shape of the body, such as Memory or Tempur. Does not put pressure on the vertebrae, allows you to relax and promotes good sleep.

A model with a shoulder notch is suitable for those who find the half-turn position most comfortable for sleeping: not on the side, but not on the stomach either. By supporting your head at the correct height, it helps relieve stress on the spine and make it easier to fall asleep.

The best pillow according to customer reviews

BeautySon Memory Plus model with a light massage effect, 12 cm high

The best-selling pillow for osteochondrosis in our store is BeautySon Memory Plus. It’s easy to understand why buyers choose it:

  • The orthopedic shape supports the spine in the correct position with a wave.
  • Memory foam does not put pressure on soft tissues and does not compress blood vessels.
  • A light massage effect restores blood flow.
  • The affordable price (just over 3,000 rubles) makes the pillow affordable for most residents of Russia.
Soft Anatomical Memory effect On the side On the back

Select a model based on your preferred sleep position

Half-turn or on your back, on your stomach or on your side - how you sleep matters. How can sleep position help you choose an orthopedic pillow for osteochondrosis?

Pictured: Blue Sleep Pillow.

  • On the back is the most common position among patients with osteochondrosis, since in this case there is no need to turn the head. Any pillow made from the anatomical materials listed above will do. For example, a classic roller or a rectangular shape.
  • The peculiarity of the side position is that the head is raised high above the bed. To provide her with reliable support, the correct bending of the cervical vertebrae and high-quality muscle relaxation, it is better to use a fairly dense pillow, made of Memory or Tempur. Doctors recommend choosing a wavy model.
  • Sleeping on the stomach and even half-turned is not easy for patients with osteochondrosis, because turning the head cannot be avoided. What to do if this is your favorite pose? A pillow that is not too high and has a little firmness, under which you can place your hand, is suitable.

No matter how you prefer to sleep, Blue Sleep orthopedic pillows will make your sleep quality and help reduce the likelihood of osteochondrosis progression. But which model is right for you? Now, knowing what characteristics you should pay attention to, you can easily answer this question.

Filling options for anatomical sleep products

Before you buy an anatomical pillow for cervical osteochondrosis, let’s get acquainted with the internal contents of the products. A visit to the doctor will help ensure that you make the right choice. Among a significant number of fillers, the most popular ones are:

  • latex in natural and artificial versions;
  • memorialform;
  • polyester;
  • cooling gel;
  • springs;
  • buckwheat husk.

Natural latex is an elastic substance obtained by processing the sap of the rubber-bearing evergreen tree Hevea. The filler has bactericidal properties, is well ventilated, does not collect dust particles and is hypoallergenic. It will appeal to those who like to sleep on their back and on high pillows. The bumps on the surface add massage properties. Excellent elasticity qualities provide anatomically based support for the head and neck, as well as free blood circulation in their vessels. The service life of a latex product is at least 10 years. The disadvantages are the high price and the specific smell of rubber. Synthetic latex can be an inexpensive alternative to natural latex. It is harmless to health, but the elasticity and durability of the material is much lower.

Memory Foam consists of a special substance polyurethane or viscolatex. The foam has a cellular structure, which allows you to accurately remember and repeat the contours of the body, and then arbitrarily return to its original state. The main advantage of memory forms is that it does not exert reciprocal pressure on the body. Due to this quality, free blood circulation occurs in the vessels of the neck and pain is leveled. Due to some rigidity of the viscoelastic foam, you will have to get used to sleeping on such a pillow gradually.

Products filled with polyester have become the most affordable. Soft balls contained in the filler slide under the weight of the head, which leads to the anatomical adoption of its shape. Advantages include hypoallergenicity, elasticity and heat retention.

Gel pillows also have shape memory, reduce pressure on the head and neck, maintaining a physiologically correct position. They have a skin rejuvenation effect and control heat exchange processes. The neck muscles are relieved of tension, blood flow increases and a general improvement in well-being occurs. Despite the lengthy list of advantages of comfortable sleep, this filler is still the least popular among buyers.

Spring blocks deserve special attention as fillers. They are sensitive to every movement of the body. In combination with polyester fiber and elastic foam, they create a comfortable microclimate and anatomical effect.

Buckwheat husks are attractive due to their natural origin, anatomical shape and massage effect.

Blue Sleep Memory

The photo shows the Blue Sleep Memory pillow.

This is a classic wave-shaped pillow with two bolsters of different heights, ensuring a natural head position. It will be indispensable for osteochondrosis of any type and is suitable for those who like to sleep on both their sides and back.

Special high-density IQ Foam® Memory foam adapts to a person, perfectly following the contours of his body, under the influence of his warmth. This allows you to remove the back load from the cervical vertebrae, returning them to their place, removes shoulder clamps and improves blood circulation, which helps relieve pain and other symptoms of osteochondrosis. Muscle relaxation leads to quick sleep and quality rest.

The outer cover of the pillow is made of eco-friendly fabric that does not require complex care. It is enough to wash it at 30 degrees in the washing machine, and it will become like new.

The dimensions of the model are 46x36 cm, height is 12 cm, which makes it universal. And the stylish tube packaging in two colors – blue and pink – turns it into an excellent gift.

The Importance of a Healthy Curvature of the Cervical Spine

The spine of Homo Sapiens consists of 24 bone formations (vertebrae). The spine is a kind of rod for supporting weight, it holds the body upright and helps in performing motor functions of varying complexity. In addition, the spine also serves as a kind of protective case for the spinal cord, which begins at the end of the brain and extends to the distal part of the spine. The spinal cord is a bundle of nerves that transmit nerve impulses to the brain and from the brain to the periphery.

The cervical spine is part of an important structure and changes in geometry can affect various aspects of health.

Pillow in Blue Sleep Pillow

Pictured is Pillow in Blue Sleep Pillow

One pillow is good, but two are better! How about two in one? This unusual effect is achieved due to the voluminous cover made of 100% cotton, stuffed with artificial down that imitates swan's. It is enough to remove it to get two low pillows of different density and hardness, which are perfect, for example, for sleeping on the stomach or on the back. And by putting them together, you get one tall one - ideal for sleeping on your side. A truly universal model and a dream for those who often turn around and cannot spend the whole night in one position.

In addition, a special fabric has been created for the covers, allowing air to circulate freely. It's cool to lie on in the hot weather and warm to lie on in the cold season. In any weather, this pillow gives comfort and sound sleep.

Neck pain and insomnia

The main signs of insomnia are problems falling asleep and staying asleep, as well as daytime sleepiness. In addition, among other “daytime” symptoms, neck pain may appear. They are associated with muscle strain, because during the night a person suffering from insomnia does not always lie down, but usually tries to occupy himself with reading, sitting at the computer, needlework or other similar things.

At the same time, the spinal muscles do not rest, but experience a static load. In addition, nervous tension is transmitted to the muscles and leads to their hypertonicity. This may cause pain; at the same time, it is perceived more sharply by a person and is often exaggerated, since against the background of a negative emotional state and sleep deprivation, patients show increased sensitivity to any unpleasant sensations.

Some people who suffer from this disorder for a long time may even experience senestopathies: false sensations of pain in one or another part of the body. After another sleepless night, patients with severe and prolonged insomnia may complain of toothache, pain in the chest, abdomen, neck or other parts of the body.

In order to get rid of unpleasant sensations in the neck due to insomnia, it is necessary to cure this disorder itself, which is not always an easy task. In order to cope with the problem as quickly, effectively and without harm to health, you need to contact a specialist involved in the diagnosis and treatment of sleep diseases - a somnologist.

Do you have night or morning neck pain? Contact our Center and we will help you effectively! Sign up by phone.

Anatomical pillow Blue Sleep

Pictured is the Blue Sleep anatomical pillow.

The rectangular pillow made from innovative Memory Granular Foam material adapts to the shape of your body, ensuring that your spine is always in the correct position, no matter what position you fall asleep in. Thanks to this, the load on the neck and shoulders is reduced, relieving pain during osteochondrosis, which allows you not only to get a good night's sleep, but also to slow down or even prevent the development of the disease.

The cover is made of environmentally friendly hypoallergenic materials and impregnated with an antibacterial composition that protects against dangerous microorganisms. It can be washed together with other laundry at a temperature of 30 degrees.

In addition, the cooling gel and the special structure of the filler provide thermoregulation. With this pillow you will not be tormented by either heat or cold. And its dimensions of 40x60 cm will make it suitable for everyone. A height of 11.5 cm is optimal. Forget about insomnia!

Types of lordosis of the cervical spine

Hyperlordosis: a stronger forward bending of the neck than normal. Visually, one gets the feeling that the head has moved far forward and is possibly lowered below shoulder level. In essence, such patients have pathological neck extension.

Hypolordosis: Also called cervical kyphosis or "military neck". This anomaly is manifested by straightening of the cervical spine. When viewed from the side, a person's neck appears straightened, without the normal physiological curvature of the neck.

Seven bones form the cervical spine. Although a slight curvature in the neck is normally required to support the head, however, changes in this curvature lead to various problems.

Blue Sleep Hybrid Pillow

Pictured: Blue Sleep Hybrid Pillow.

Space technology for space sleep is embodied in this pillow. After all, it is created from a material whose prototype was developed by NASA to reduce overloads during astronaut flights. Memory Blue, memory foam and cooling gel, provides incredible comfort.

Inside the pillow there are carbon-impregnated cushion inserts that always support the head, neck and shoulders in the correct position. They relieve tension and relax muscles. And the outer cover made of satin with artificial swan down makes sleeping on it no less pleasant than on the usual soft pillows, preserving all the benefits of the orthopedic product.

Wave or rectangle, one pillow or two in one - no matter what model you choose, your neck and spine will be happy with your decision. Osteochondrosis is not only an unpleasant disease, but also a dangerous one, which can lead to insufficient blood supply to the brain. Consult your doctor and give yourself a pain-free life and good sleep.

Neck pain, nocturnal angina and increased blood pressure

In rare cases, a symptom may indicate a pathology of the cardiovascular system. For example, nocturnal angina is sometimes accompanied not only by unpleasant sensations in the chest, but also by pain in the left side of the neck, sometimes radiating to the left arm. In addition, a night or morning increase in blood pressure can cause not only “regular” headaches, but also discomfort in the back of the head and back of the neck.

Both nocturnal angina and morning hypertension are signs of obstructive sleep apnea; If a person suffering from neck pain snores, and at night his breathing is interrupted by pauses, most likely the pain is associated with this particular disease. Sleep apnea not only causes unpleasant symptoms, it can also potentially lead to many complications: stroke, heart attack, etc. Daytime sleepiness with OSA greatly increases the likelihood of injury or getting into an accident.

For this reason, at the first suspicion of a disorder, you should contact a sleep center for diagnosis and treatment.

If you have not yet been tested for sleep apnea, evaluate yourself for signs of the disease. These are shortness of breath at night, cough, sweating during sleep, severe daytime sleepiness, frequent urination, high blood pressure, decreased potency, and heartburn. You can also take an OSA test.

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