How to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis? Give your spine rest and support

How to choose a pillow for osteochondrosis is a matter of not only comfort, but also health, and therefore it cannot be neglected. Painful sensations, dizziness and weakness are unpleasant, but the main danger lies elsewhere. The cervical region contains many arteries and nerves that provide nutrition and function to the brain. Damage to them can lead to disruption of its functioning. As a result, the development of ischemia, stroke and other dangerous diseases.

Of course, even the best pillow cannot replace treatment with a doctor, which should never be neglected. But a properly selected orthopedic product will help the patient relax muscles, remove tension, restore blood circulation and get quality sleep. This will prevent the problem from getting worse and slow down the development of complications.

Cervical osteochondrosis: causes and signs of the disease

Cervical osteochondrosis is a particular manifestation of systemic pathology of the spine, when elastic intervertebral discs suffer from lack of nutrition and structural deformation. Microcracks appear in their cartilage and fibrous tissue, resulting in a decrease in the height of the discs. And in the event of a rupture of the fibrous ring, the liquid nucleus pulposus leaks out of the disc. That is, an intervertebral hernia is formed - the main cause of acute pain and stiffness of movement. This usually occurs with grade III osteochondrosis, when the disease is severely advanced.

In the early stages, cervical osteochondrosis can be asymptomatic and also cause significant discomfort. The disease can affect only the neck or all parts of the spine. But more often patients are concerned about either cervicothoracic or lumbosacral osteochondrosis.

The reasons for the development of osteochondrosis are varied:

  • physical inactivity;
  • incorrect posture;
  • constant muscle tension during sedentary work;
  • lifting weights;
  • obesity;
  • back and neck injuries;
  • deficiency of microelements and vitamins;
  • bad habits;
  • natural aging;
  • metabolic and hormonal imbalances;
  • hereditary predisposition.

The greatest danger of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is associated with compression of the nerve structures and vessels passing through the intervertebral foramina that are responsible for feeding the brain. And an incorrect sleeping position can make a negative contribution to their pinching. Therefore, the question of how to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis is by no means idle.

It is the compression of the nerve roots and the vertebral artery that gives rise to the typical symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis:

  • pain in the neck, when moving - shooting, at rest - dull, aching;
  • headache;
  • pain radiating to the arm
  • pain in the shoulder blades;
  • impaired motor function of the arms and neck;
  • decreased and/or distorted sensitivity of the upper extremities (numbness of the fingers, goosebumps, tingling, etc.) and sometimes in the neck area;
  • weakening of muscles;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • deterioration of attention, memory, intellectual productivity;
  • decreased and impaired vision (flickering before the eyes of flies and spots);
  • hearing loss, ringing and noise in the ears;
  • impaired motor coordination;
  • dizziness, with strong compression of the vertebral artery - fainting and a direct threat to life due to oxygen starvation of the brain.

Attention! Find out how to improve nutrition and stimulate regeneration in spinal tissues using the new generation osteoprotector Osteomed Forte with the natural anabolic component HDBA.

Criteria for evaluation

The patient’s well-being largely depends on how much the body temperature has increased. Medicine distinguishes several types of deviations from normal values:

  • 37°С…38°С – subfebrile;
  • 38°С…39°С – febrile;
  • more than 39°C – high;
  • more than 40°C – life-threatening for the patient.

Human body temperature

During a medical examination, the doctor analyzes the patient’s condition based on many clinical signs, including body temperature. There are several factors that allow you to find out about an increase in temperature without using thermometers. Its increase is indicated by general weakness and fatigue, headache, chills, and body aches. Some patients may feel cold and their heart rate increases.


In what position to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis?

Knowing and learning to take the correct sleeping position with cervical osteochondrosis is necessary in order to:

  • minimize compression of blood vessels and nerves, which will help alleviate the symptoms of the disease listed above;
  • relieve muscle tension, ensuring normal blood flow to the muscles and spine;
  • facilitate and speed up falling asleep, improve sleep quality.

In principle, these effects can be achieved in any position - on your back, on your side, and even on your stomach. However, in order for each of them to be physiological, a number of recommendations must be followed.

  1. Sleeping on your side in the fetal position. This is the best sleeping position for cervical osteochondrosis. Bend at the knees and bringing the legs closer to the chest ensure stretching and relaxation of the spinal muscles. At the same time, the intervertebral discs rest from daytime compression. The shoulder lies on the mattress, the head on the pillow. In this case, no sharp bend is formed in the cervical region; ideally, the line of the spine should be straight. How to sleep correctly with cervical osteochondrosis in the fetal position - in the photo below.

  1. Sleeping on your back.

    It is also welcomed by orthopedists. In this pose, all parts of the spine are in the optimal anatomically correct position, and the back muscles are relaxed. However, it is important to meet one condition: the legs must be bent. If they are stretched, then sufficient muscle relaxation does not occur. The head should be positioned strictly with the face up and the back of the head down. When turning to the side, the compression of blood vessels increases. You should also pay attention to your shoulders - they should lie on the mattress, not on the pillow. You can place a small soft cushion under your back in the lumbar region. The problem is that during sleep we are hardly able to control the movements of our own legs and head.
  2. Sleeping on your stomach. It is believed that this sleeping position for cervical osteochondrosis is the least favorable. When a person lies on his stomach, his head is necessarily turned to the side, which creates tension and compression in the cervical region.

How to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis: with or without a pillow?

You can often hear the opinion that sleeping without a pillow with cervical osteochondrosis is very useful. However, such a judgment causes deep skepticism among vertebrologists. The pillow is designed to reduce the load on the cervical spine during sleep. And its absence, on the contrary, is fraught with a number of negative effects, and not only on the spine.

  • In the supine position without a pillow, the natural curve in the cervical spine is straightened with constant muscle tension. This entails damage to the intervertebral discs, that is, it causes osteochondrosis. At the same time, the respiratory system also suffers, since with a sunken head, the tongue often prevents the full penetration of air into the lungs.
  • In a position on the side, the neck , on the contrary, bends excessively downward, which again causes muscle tension. And if a person has the habit of sleeping constantly on one side, then without a pillow the posture is disturbed and a curvature of the spine is formed. All this also contributes to the development of osteochondrosis. In addition, there is an increase in intracranial pressure. In the mornings I feel pulsation and noise in my head and suffer from migraines. The risk of stroke and glaucoma increases.
  • In the prone position (in principle, an undesirable position for sleeping!) the absence of a pillow can somewhat reduce the tension in the lower back that is characteristic of this position. However, this does not solve the problem of pinching nerves and blood vessels in a neck twisted to one side.


Patients should always remember that an increase in temperature rarely occurs without a clinical reason and always signals new pathological processes. There is no need to delay visiting a medical facility; the sooner treatment begins, the less likely there are serious complications.

You should never self-medicate; a treatment plan is selected by certified doctors only after an accurate diagnosis has been made. This requires complex medical examinations, often performed in a hospital under the constant supervision of a doctor.

If osteochondrosis is at an early stage of development, and the temperature remains at 37.5°C for a long time, then this is a very alarming signal. Quite often, malignant neoplasms are found in such patients. In the first stages, oncology is cured in almost 90% of patients; there is no need to panic and sign your own death warrant. A successful recovery process largely depends on your mood. Oncology is completely incomprehensible to modern medical science, but in practice it has been proven that the psychological state is very important.

How to choose the right pillow?

So, sleeping without a pillow with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is extremely undesirable. However, the wrong pillow can be an even greater evil. Therefore, pay attention to the recommendations of orthopedists on choosing this important tool for maintaining spinal health and good sleep.

  1. The height of the pillow should be within the range of 5–10 cm, which will avoid a sharp bend in the neck.
  2. The shape is preferably square or rectangular. Elongated pillows in the form of bolsters or horseshoes can only be used for short naps during the day.
  3. The width of the pillow is slightly wider than shoulder width.
  4. In terms of hardness, the pillow should not be too soft (does not keep the spine from bending) or hard (does not allow the muscles to relax). Here you should focus on your own feelings. A fundamentally important quality of a pillow is elasticity . It is provided with coconut, bamboo or latex fillers. You can use an orthopedic product that seems to remember the optimal position for you thanks to the gel base.


In the photo: Blue Sleep anatomical pillow.

The desire to raise your head higher when you have a sore neck is natural and understandable. But not only is this not beneficial, but it can also lead to displacement of the cervical vertebrae. You should resist the temptation to take two pillows.

It would not be a good idea to have too low a support or no support at all. A thrown back head provokes muscle strain. Experts consider the ideal height for an adult to be approximately 12 centimeters.

As for rigidity and elasticity, they depend, first of all, on the material from which the product is made. They can be selected individually to suit your needs.

How to choose a mattress for proper sleep with cervical osteochondrosis

The answer to the question of how to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis is impossible without talking about the right mattress. Like the pillow, it should be medium in terms of hardness and softness. A mattress that is too soft will cause the spine to arch downward, while a mattress that is too hard will cause the spine to bend upward, straining the back and neck muscles. Manufacturers of orthopedic products for healthy sleep offer optimal elasticity products. It is advisable to replace the mattress every 7-10 years, or sooner if it has become sagging.

Pros and cons of anatomical models

Do you need an anatomical pillow? If you often feel pain in the morning, toss and turn at night, snore, sleep poorly or suffer from osteochondrosis, the answer is clear – you need it. The benefits of anatomical pillows are tangible: they are needed to ensure sound and healthy sleep, help get rid of snoring, normalize blood flow and lymph circulation, and create physiological support for the neck and back. And this is an excellent prevention of diseases associated with the spine.

As for the disadvantages, the main one is rigidity, which you need to get used to. In general, harm from anatomical models is only possible if you choose the wrong product.

How to sleep better with cervical osteochondrosis during exacerbation of the disease

Exacerbation of osteochondrosis is most often associated with disc protrusion or herniation. Also, muscle tension or muscle inflammation (myositis) can cause severe pain, when even at rest the pain is very intense. As a result, a person also suffers from chronic lack of sleep. Nervous tension increases, which aggravates the picture of neurological symptoms of osteochondrosis associated with pinched nerve roots. What to do?

First, you need to contact a neurologist who will prescribe the necessary examinations, medications, physiotherapy and other procedures. Analgesics and anti-inflammatory drugs taken in the evening will help make it easier to fall asleep and improve sleep quality.

In what position to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis in the acute stage? The best option during this period would be the fetal position described above: on one side with legs pulled up to the body and bent at the knees. An additional pillow placed between the legs helps some people relax their back muscles, but this applies more to the lumbar region.

Sleep therapy

Of course, even the most correct sleep in the best position and on a high-quality bed cannot cure progressive osteochondrosis of the neck. But compliance with sleep rules is one of the factors that increases the effectiveness of treatment. Sleeping on a suitable pillow and in the right position will help relieve pain as the muscles will be relaxed. This will allow the patient to get proper rest, which in turn will affect the general condition of the body, giving it strength in the fight against the disease.

How to avoid exacerbation of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

So, the correct sleeping position for cervical osteochondrosis is in itself a measure to prevent exacerbation of the pathology. It helps normalize blood circulation and innervation, easing the tightness of blood vessels and nerves in the upper spine. However, just knowing how to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis will not save you from the progression of an already started disease. It is also necessary to follow the recommendations of specialists on maintaining and restoring spinal health while you are awake. For osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, these include the following points.

  • Perform daily physical therapy exercises . It is advisable that their complex be selected individually by a physical therapy instructor, since some movements can cause great harm instead of benefit, increasing pinching of nerve roots and blood vessels. A great option is to go swimming.
  • Massage . Also, with an illiterate approach, it can provoke an exacerbation of osteochondrosis. You should act on the muscles without pressing or knocking on the vertebrae themselves (for more details, see here).
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures: electrophoresis, ultraviolet irradiation, shock wave, electrotherapy, magnetic therapy, balneotherapy, ultrasound therapy, laser therapy, etc.

How to sleep with cervical osteochondrosis without pain? The answer is Osteomed Forte!

Of course, this drug cannot compete with analgesics and drugs of the NSAID group in terms of the speed of its analgesic effect. However, turning to “professional” painkillers is like calling an emergency ambulance. Their daily use on an ongoing basis is unacceptable due to the wide range of side effects.

Therefore, to combat pain, it is worth using safe measures and means that help restore metabolic processes and nutrition in tissues affected by the disease. Osteomed Forte works . Slowly but surely it normalizes hormonal balance, calcium-phosphorus metabolism, stimulates anabolic processes (the birth of new cells) in bones, joints, and muscle tissues. And as the spine and surrounding muscles strengthen, the pain recedes.

The reason for this effect of the drug lies in its composition, which has no analogues. In addition to calcium (in citrate - the most bioavailable and safe form!) and vitamins D (classical and especially effective organic!) and B6, it contains a component of anabolic action. This is a unique HDBA organic complex - a source of natural vitamins, minerals, amino acids and prohormones. It has a gentle effect on the endocrine system, balancing the balance of hormones and launching regeneration processes in bone and cartilage tissue.

In a number of studies, this drug has already proven its effectiveness in diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Therefore, today it is recommended by traumatologists, rheumatologists, and other specialists dealing with osteoarticular diseases.

Important! You can purchase the anabolic osteoprotector Osteomed Forte in pharmacies, specialized stores, departments of retail chains, and it’s even easier to order it online.

Brain canal stenosis

Appears when standing is neglected or osteochondrosis is not treated correctly. The vertebrae are deformed to such an extent that they narrow the central canal of the spine, where the spinal cord and nerve bundles are located. Brain canal stenosis also often occurs due to disc protrusion. Depending on the degree and duration of compression, the spinal canal receives injuries of varying intensity. Soft tissues can become inflamed, and the body reacts to this pathology with an increase in temperature. This is an alarming signal that requires accurate diagnosis and immediate qualified treatment.

Spinal stenosis

It is very difficult to eliminate the cause of fever surgically due to the high risks of complications. Spinal cord injury is always one of the most severe negative consequences of surgical treatment.

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