What exercises does Butrimov’s gymnastics include for cervical osteochondrosis, what are their benefits and harms?

The cervical spine is subject to heavy loads and constant pressure, so even with minor injuries or injuries, serious complications can occur. The neck contains a large number of nerve endings, arteries and blood vessels. All these structures are interconnected, so when a pathological process occurs, there is a risk of developing a large number of diseases.

A sedentary and inactive lifestyle leads to the development of diffuse degenerative diseases of the spine. In the early stages, Dr. Butrimov’s gymnastics will be the most effective. The specialist deals with the treatment and restoration of normal functionality of the spinal column. The developed complex helps speed up these processes and have a healing effect on the entire body.

What causes vertebral degeneration?

Unfortunately, the causes of degenerative processes in the vertebrae are not fully understood. Most often, osteochondrosis develops due to a sedentary lifestyle and incorrect posture. Besides this, there are several other reasons:

  • Lack of vitamins and microelements.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Excess weight.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Sedentary work.
  • Scoliosis.
  • Flat feet.

The essence of the technique

Butrimov's gymnastics is based on the modern direction of qigong - Daoyin yangshen gong, which was created by Zhang Guangde, a professor at Beijing Sports University. Qigong, although considered by many to be a martial art, is actually therapeutic gymnastics. And Dr. Butrimov’s system is designed to complement modern medicine in the treatment of spinal problems.

The main advantage of the technique is the absence of any side effects . All movements in qigong were created by masters in the process of observing animals that never make movements unnatural for their body. This principle is the basis of gymnastics and simply cannot harm the human body.

The only drawback of the technique is its low effectiveness in cases where the disease is in an advanced state.

For whom exercise is contraindicated?

There are no absolute contraindications for therapeutic exercises; there are temporary restrictions related to the patient’s health condition. Much depends on the intensity and duration of exercise: in some cases, only minimal loads are allowed and exercises are performed under the supervision of a doctor. So, charging is not assigned if:

  • there are soft tissue or vertebral injuries, spinal cord tumors;
  • osteochondrosis is in the acute stage and is accompanied by severe pain;
  • there are problems with the vestibular apparatus.

In case of cardiovascular diseases, severe forms of diabetes, or the presence of osteophytes in the spinal region, exercise should be done with caution and only under the supervision of a specialist. If the vertebrae are unstable, exercises should be performed in a special soft collar, which will prevent displacement. Other diseases are not an obstacle to exercise therapy, although this must be determined by the attending physician in each specific case.

It is better to consult your doctor about the need for exercise after a complete examination.

Orthopedic soft collar

Basic goals

Butrimov’s method is aimed at improving the quality of life and capabilities of a person who has been struck by such an unpleasant illness as cervical osteochondrosis. In addition, gymnastics, based on Eastern practices, helps normalize the patient’s state of mind .

The effect of exercise on the body

  • Normalization of blood circulation.
  • Relieving muscle spasm in the cervical region.
  • Saturation of the affected tissues and brain with a sufficient amount of oxygen.
  • Improved mobility in the cervical spine.
  • Relieving pain syndrome.


  • Irritability and stress are reduced.
  • Sleep improves.
  • Reduces discomfort during head movements.
  • The flexibility of the neck muscles increases.

Need for exercise

Exercise for the cervical spine is necessary. It has positive effects:

  • The mobility of the spine increases, which prevents the development of diseases.
  • Blood circulation and nutrition of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs improves.
  • The muscle frame is also strengthened, and the load on the vertebrae is reduced.
  • Strengthening neck ligaments.
  • Mood improves, since physical activity always leads to the production of “happiness” hormones (endorphins).

Upper Spinal Flexibility Test

Before starting a set of exercises, you need to pass a neck flexibility test, which is part of the Butrimov complex. Perform these movements :

  1. Tilt your head down and touch your chin to your chest.
  2. Tilt your head back as far as possible while keeping your back straight.
  3. Tilt your head to the side, as close to your shoulder as possible.

If you experience any difficulties, discomfort or pain while performing the exercises, you should check the condition of your cervical spine with a doctor.

Gymnastics for the neck according to Butrimov’s method

The goal of the set of exercises according to Dr. Butrimov’s method is to get rid of painful symptoms and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Gymnastics goals

Dr. Butrimov specializes in the treatment of diseases of the spine, including the cervical spine. Diseases in this area can lead to various complications, the most common among them:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system - arterial hypertension or hypotension;
  • decreased brain activity as a result of cerebrovascular accident;
  • Strong headache
  • bad feeling;
  • insomnia and sleep disorders;
  • apathy.

To prevent these complications, it is necessary to undergo periodic examinations with a doctor, and if the first signs of pain in the neck or spine appear, immediately consult a specialist. This will allow diseases, if any, to be identified at the earliest stages, when they are easily treatable.

Rules of the technique

It is advisable to do gymnastic exercises according to Butmirov’s method for various diseases of the spine, such as, for example, cervical osteochondrosis. Gymnastics is developed taking into account the anatomy of the spine and structural features of the human body. The set of exercises is easy to perform and memorize mechanically; there is no need to memorize it.

During gymnastics, you need to carefully listen to your body. Thanks to this, you can achieve a deeper result. An important point is also that you need to pay close attention to your feelings.

When performing exercises, you should not rush; they should all be performed slowly enough, but with a wide amplitude in order to feel how the muscles tense. Exercises should flow smoothly from one to another without sudden movements.

If severe pain occurs, it means that something is going wrong. While performing a set of these exercises, a person should not feel pain. All movements must be performed without discomfort, as muscle pinching may occur.

To stretch the muscles evenly, it is important that the movement is carried out not in one direction, but also in others.

The appearance of mild dizziness or discomfort does not mean that the exercises are not performed correctly; on the contrary, this is acceptable and possible. This means that everything was done correctly, and the desired effect was achieved.

Gymnastic exercises

Before you start doing the actual gymnastics, you first need to stretch your neck muscles. Warm-up includes ordinary head tilts in different directions. The number of repetitions may vary, but usually it is 10-15 bends in each direction. After this, you can begin the gymnastics itself according to Butrimov’s method.

The following exercises are performed:

  1. The chin is pulled forward, and then back into the neck. This allows you to stretch the neck muscles to avoid tissue damage. Movements should be smooth and painless.
  2. The head is turned in different directions - to the right, then to the left. You need to try to reach your chin to your shoulders. Slow rotation of the cervical vertebrae helps the neck muscle tissue to strengthen and stretch properly.
  3. The head is smoothly tilted down, lowering the chin to the chest, then returned to its original position, after which the head is also gently tilted back.
  4. The head is turned back as much as possible, as if trying to see what is behind the back. The body should be level. Head turns should be smooth: first to the right, then to the left.
  5. The head is tilted down, after which it is turned first to the right, then to the left. When performing the exercise, you need to reach up with both the top of your head and your gaze.
  6. First you need to pull your head into your neck, and then make a slow circular movement. Starting from the right shoulder, moving the head to the left. The chin is pulled forward. Then the circular movements are repeated, on the contrary, starting from the left shoulder, smoothly moving the head to the right.
  7. Having taken the starting position, you need to put your hands on your shoulders and, stretching your neck and head up, press on your shoulders. This exercise helps strengthen your neck muscles.

The gymnastic complex consists of seven exercises, each of which must be performed 10-15 times. After gymnastics, you need to take a break to give your muscles a rest. At the same time, before performing the exercises, it is important not to forget to take a deep breath and exhale several times. This will allow oxygen to flow to the muscles.


Despite the fact that this gymnastics speeds up the healing process, there are some contraindications in the presence of which the exercises cannot be performed.

Butrimov's gymnastics can be used if the patient does not have pain. If it is, then the doctor prescribes painkillers. Only when the pain is eliminated is it possible to start doing exercises.

In addition, there are also the following contraindications:

  1. Acute form of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine. In this case, the patient may have severe pain that cannot be simply relieved with medications.
  2. The presence of neoplasms, both benign and malignant, since they can affect the structure of the cervical spine, changing it.
  3. vertebral instability is a contraindication to most physical activities.

Before performing Butrimov’s gymnastics, you must consult with a specialist who will allow you to perform these exercises.
Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Indications and contraindications

The gymnastic complex is prescribed for cervical osteochondrosis and other problems with the spine. But besides this, the following symptoms may be the cause:

  • Neck muscle spasm.
  • Dizziness.
  • Headache.
  • Pain in the cervical spine due to sedentary work.

The gymnastic complex is prohibited from being performed in these cases.:

  • Infectious diseases.
  • Increased body temperature.
  • Acute inflammatory processes.
  • Spinal injuries that have occurred recently.
  • Advanced scoliosis.
  • Tumors in the neck area.

Who is Doctor Butrimov

Vladimir Aleksandrovich Butrimov began studying the culture and knowledge of the East back in 1979. Then, like many representatives of the younger generation, Butrimov became interested in oriental martial arts, in particular taekwondo. Five years later he becomes a teacher.

Dr. Butrimov has extensive experience and knowledge in the field of traditional medicine and oriental

Further, the career and professional path represents a gradual accumulation of a wide variety of knowledge, starting from studying at the Faculty of Medicine, to studying herbal and reflexology and the practice of psychotherapy . Thanks to such a comprehensive mastery of the topic, Vladimir Aleksandrovich becomes a specialist in qigong, healing and therapeutic practices.

The range of interests of this specialist is truly multifaceted, but in general we are talking about practical skills, experience and deep knowledge in the field of maintaining the harmonious existence of a person in this world, maintaining optimal health and competent self-improvement for each individual human personality.

Set of exercises

After warming up, you can proceed to doing exercises . But there is no need to chase results; work should proceed at a comfortable pace.

Sequence of execution and technique

  1. Starting position (hereinafter referred to as I.P.) – feet shoulder-width apart, back straight, hands on the belt. As you exhale, slowly pull your chin forward, then as you inhale, slowly return to IP. Repeat the exercise 4-6 times.
  2. I.P. similar to the previous exercise. As you exhale, turn your head to the left and slowly stretch your chin in the same direction. As you inhale, return to I.P. and repeat all movements to the right side. Do 4-6 times in each direction.
  3. I.P. similar. As you exhale, alternately turn your head to the right and left, trying to look back each time. Repeat 4-5 times in each direction.
  4. I.P. similar. As you exhale, tilt your head alternately to your right and left shoulder. Do 4-5 bends in each direction.
  5. I.P. as in previous exercises. Exhaling, gently tilt your head forward, trying to touch your chin to your chest, then return to IP. Repeat 5-6 times.
  6. I.P. similar. As you exhale, slowly tilt your head back, while trying to pull your chin up to feel a slight tension in the front of your neck. As you inhale, return to I.P. Repeat 5-6 times.

You need to finish the complex with relaxation. To do this, lie down for a couple of minutes with your eyes closed, focusing on your breathing. If this is not possible, you can rest standing or sitting.

We invite you to watch a video that presents a set of exercises using the Butrimov method:

Contraindications for exercise

Not all people can exercise daily stress on the spine in the form of gymnastics or exercises without restrictions. There are significant contraindications:

  • Acute local inflammation, for example, radiculitis.
  • Injuries involving spinal fracture, especially spinal cord injury.
  • Bleeding and hemorrhage in the vertebral area.
  • Acute any general inflammatory diseases (influenza, pneumonia, meningitis, rubella, chicken pox and others).
  • Chronic diseases of the heart and blood vessels (heart attacks, strokes, transient ischemic attacks, angina pectoris, hypertension).
  • Large-stage osteochondrosis, complicated by compression of the vertebral artery.

It is very important to consult with your doctor before starting exercises.

Therapeutic effect

By regularly performing Butrimov's gymnastics, you can improve blood flow and lymph flow in tissues affected by osteochondrosis . The neck and brain will receive more oxygen and nutrients, which will improve the general condition of the patient. In addition, mobility in the cervical spine will increase, which will make it possible to perform familiar actions without feeling discomfort.

Not only Butrimov figured out how to cope with osteochondrosis with the help of exercises. Therefore, on our website you can read about the gymnastics of Dr. Bubnovsky, Alexandra Bonina and Dr. Shishonin. Also read information about exercises with a stick, yoga, other types of exercise therapy that can be done at home and how useful it is to stretch the neck for osteochondrosis and how to do it correctly.


Exercises for the cervical spine by Dr. Butrimov speed up the healing process. But it is worth remembering that the patient must first visit a doctor who will confirm the ability to perform physical exercises. This is due to the presence of a number of contraindications in which it is prohibited to adhere to the presented set of exercises.

Dr. Butrimov’s gymnastics are prescribed only when the pain syndrome is completely relieved. In this case, the attending physician will prescribe painkillers. After the pain has been eliminated, the patient can begin performing the special complex.

Only after a qualified examination by a specialist and the absence of contraindications can a person begin to perform Dr. Butrimov’s special complex

Despite the complete elimination of pain, the patient is prohibited from performing exercises in the following cases:

  • The presence of degenerative diseases in acute form. In this case, the patient experiences severe symptoms that are difficult to relieve with medications.
  • The presence of malignant or benign neoplasms that in any way affected the structural change of the cervical spine. In the presence of oncological tumors, it is necessary to exclude any physical activity that could affect the course of the pathology.
  • The patient did not turn to a specialist and decided to follow the special complex on his own. First of all, you need to consult with a qualified specialist who will select the right treatment.
  • Vertebral instability. This phenomenon occurs when the vertebrae move slightly out of place due to weakened ligaments. Such pathological activity is a contraindication to many physical exercises.

In some cases, the doctor may identify other neck pathologies in which Dr. Butrimov’s exercises should be postponed.

The benefits and harms of the developed technology

If you perform the complex daily, it will help relieve muscle spasms, pain and strengthen the neck muscles. Dizziness and fatigue will replace vigor and good mood . In addition, sleep quality may improve.

If you perform all the exercises correctly, it is impossible to harm yourself. If you ignore the recommendations and make movements abruptly, this can lead to deterioration in health.

Does it help?

The effectiveness of the method developed by Vladimir Alexandrovich cannot be underestimated. It was tried on himself by both the author himself and many of his students and patients. They all talk about the positive effects of exercise. Therefore, those who are looking for a simple way to improve their condition with cervical osteochondrosis should pay attention to Butrimov’s gymnastics .

The main advantage of the gymnastics described above is that it can be performed by anyone without special training. Another important advantage is that the Butrimov complex can be done almost anywhere and at any time.

Features and benefits of this gymnastics

The modern lifestyle constantly leaves its mark on human health, in particular on his spine. The cervical spine experiences the greatest load, especially in those who spend a lot of time at the computer or move little. Over time, cervical osteochondrosis develops, which without treatment becomes chronic.

At first, the exercises may cause a feeling of slight dizziness, but this will go away with further exercise.

Therapeutic exercises are the most effective way to solve problems associated with osteochondrosis.

Butrimov’s exercises for cervical osteochondrosis allow you to normalize blood circulation in the neck and return the vertebrae to their rightful place. Listen to your body. If in doubt, it is better to postpone gymnastics. Coordinate your actions with your doctor so as not to worsen the situation.

At first, exercise may make you feel a little dizzy. There is no need to worry; with further practice, the dizziness and crunching in the neck will go away. When performing Butrimov’s gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis, it is advisable not to move the tears. Only the neck, crown of the head and chin work.

Each exercise in the complex involves mental immersion into your body. Butrimov’s gymnastics are performed in a state of complete relaxation, slowly, without jerking. This is how the best results are achieved. The main emphasis is on muscle stretching and range of motion. One exercise smoothly transitions into another. Each movement is performed until discomfort begins.

The therapeutic set of exercises according to Butrimov is of great benefit at any stage of osteochondrosis:

  • Brain function is restored, the level of mental activity increases, and headaches go away.
  • Blood circulation in the problem area is improved, and breathing problems disappear.
  • Depression, irritability, apathy and nervous breakdowns will be a thing of the past.
  • The neck muscles are strengthened.

Gymnastics to improve the condition of the cervical spine, invented by Dr. Butrimov, has become a popular aid in many countries.

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