Flat feet in children, test, prevention, exercises

From this article you will learn: how to determine flat feet in a child, why flat feet are dangerous for children, what are the signs of flat feet. At the end of the article, a list of measures for the prevention of childhood flat feet is presented.

Very often we begin to fuss and do something already at the moment when the disease completely takes hold of us and either develops into chronic or brings unbearable pain. Very often we wait until the last minute, hoping that the disease will go away on its own. However, there are a number of diseases that not only do not go away on their own, but also aggravate the condition of your body, bringing many problems and unpleasant symptoms. Flat feet just belong to this type of disease. If you periodically experience back pain while walking, and you are also bothered by discomfort in your legs after a walk, then you should seriously think about your health. It is unlikely that these symptoms will force you to see a doctor, and you will probably think that it is all about back problems. However, few of us know that back pain is just a consequence, and the cause of the ailment lurks in a completely different place, namely in your feet. Since ancient times, people have known that there are a large number of points on human feet that are connected to internal organs. This fact allows us to draw a simple conclusion that if you have problems with your feet, then this threatens a number of concomitant diseases of various types. Doctors recommend carefully monitoring the condition of your feet, because healthy feet ensure not only correct gait and posture, but also the absence of problems with internal organs, as well as healthy muscles and joints. The condition of your entire body depends on your feet. Unhealthy feet lead to wear and tear on the musculoskeletal system and lead to a number of problems.

What is flat feet?

Flat feet are the most common type of musculoskeletal disease. It consists in deformation of the foot, leading to flattening of the latter. As a result, the foot touches the surface with all its points, which is a deviation from the norm. Flat feet can be either congenital or acquired. The cause of this disease can be a person’s work pattern, which forces him to constantly lift weights, as well as weakness of muscles or ligaments, injuries or fractures, diseases of the muscles of the extremities. Flat feet can also be caused by wearing uncomfortable shoes with soles that are too flat, or too narrow or wide. The main factor that influences the appearance of flat feet is heredity. Therefore, if you have a family history of people suffering from flat feet, then you need to take more careful care of your feet and regularly consult an orthopedist. An orthopedist is a doctor who specializes in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Already in the first weeks of life, any child undergoes an examination by an orthopedist, and subsequently the parents bring him for an examination every year. The responsibilities of an orthopedist include monitoring the correct development of the child’s limbs, his gait, identifying various abnormalities, such as increased muscle tone and many others. A competent orthopedist should be able to determine whether a child has symptoms of flat feet, and also give competent recommendations to correct the current situation.

Alternative Treatments

Physical therapy for flat feet in children is an effective method of treating orthopedic defects, but often schoolchildren, and adults too, are too lazy to come to classes for a long time. Parents can, of course, stimulate their kids with promises, gifts, sweet surprises after each lesson, but still, exercise remains a boring and tedious everyday process.

If you can’t cope with your child’s laziness or obstinacy, use alternative treatment methods:

Jumping on a trampoline

The method is recommended for children aged 5 to 7 years. During the charging process, not only elementary jumps are used, but also rolls, somersaults, overcoming obstacles and other tasks. The methodology was developed by employees of the Institute of Physical Culture of Irkutsk and has been implemented in the organization of correctional and health work with children aged 5–7 years since 2013.

Author's technique "Spring-Elastic"

Developed by M.

G. Triburg to give elasticity to ligaments and muscles. Treatment of flat feet is not the main goal of this set of exercises, but with their help a good therapeutic effect is achieved in children with similar defects.

Orthopedic shoes

For the treatment of flat feet, not ordinary orthopedic boots or sandals, but specially designed shoes are suitable. These are training boots. When using them, the muscles of the foot and lower leg are trained using the original shape of the shoe. Preschool children should wear them at least 5–6 hours a day; the desired result is achieved after 10–14 months in 60% of cases. The recommended course of treatment with training shoes is 2–4 years.


Swimming and sports involving jumping (basketball, volleyball) are especially useful for children with club feet. Running, cycling, and skiing are recommended for all schoolchildren with flat feet, without exception.

On a note! Some orthopedic specialists consider the importance of physiotherapy and exercise therapy for flat feet in children to be overrated. But statistics say otherwise. Regular training at full strength is effective in 60–70% of cases. Exercise therapy in combination with the right shoes, a swimming pool, diet, and a healthy lifestyle - 70–90%. The lack of effect is often explained by failures in training, reluctance to exercise and achieve success.

Flat feet in children

Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to determine whether a child has flat feet in the first years of his life. This opportunity appears only when the child reaches the age of five. Such late dates are explained by the fact that in the early stages of life the shape of the foot in children only begins to form under the influence of the weight of the body. This process is quite lengthy and takes several years. Some parents, trying to independently determine whether their child has flat feet, often come to the wrong conclusions. If you think that you have discovered flat feet in your baby, then do not rush to be upset. We must take into account the fact that at an early age, absolutely all children’s feet seem flat. This is due to the presence on the surface of the foot of a special fatty layer that protects the bone base. However, this does not mean that there are no reasons for concern. Caring parents are obliged to carefully ensure that their child’s feet are formed correctly. If the development of the musculoskeletal system proceeds normally, then by approximately five years of age the baby will already have a correctly shaped foot. Unfortunately, it also happens that various deviations occur in development, which leads to such a problem as flat feet. To prevent this unpleasant phenomenon, experts recommend massage sessions and special exercises aimed at normalizing the development of the foot.

Exercises for hallux valgus

To eliminate clubfoot with hallux valgus in a child, a standard set of exercises will not work. Add a few more tasks to exercises for flat feet:

  1. Rolling a stick or ball with your feet in a sitting position.
    The child needs to press firmly on the object.
  2. Squeezing a hard object with your toes. Use pencils, needle balls, pebbles.
  3. Grabbing small parts from the floor with your toes.
  4. Toe lift.

Use this workout to relax your leg muscles after a hard day, heavy workload at school, or a long walk. Perform the exercises in a complex for no more than 2-4 minutes, 30 seconds - 1 minute for each task.

Flat foot test

You can determine if you or your child has flat feet using a fairly simple test. Take a sheet of paper and stand on it with your bare feet, after lubricating them with something greasy, such as oil. Make sure that your body weight is distributed evenly. If you have absolutely no problems with your feet, then you will see the following picture:

If you receive a print similar to the one shown below, consult a doctor as soon as possible. He will help you understand your problem and make the correct diagnosis.

Please note that in the absence of flat feet, the big toe should form one straight line with the heel. Patients who have flat feet often experience ingrown nails. Also, the presence of flat feet can be indicated by an irregularly shaped foot, as well as slightly curved toes. One of the consequences of flat feet is a protruding bone on the big toe. Flat feet lead to the appearance of various unpleasant symptoms such as “heel spurs” or calluses. This fact is worth taking note of for people with problem feet - perhaps the reason for your numerous calluses lies not in your shoes, but in the irregular shape of your foot. There is only one way to find out - by visiting an orthopedist. Remember that it is never too late to see an orthopedist, even if you are quite old.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following signs of problem feet:

  • wear and tear of your shoes on the inside;
  • the wide dimensions of your feet do not allow you to fit into your favorite shoes;
  • constant feeling of fatigue in the legs when walking;
  • an unexpected feeling of discomfort when wearing high-heeled shoes;
  • the appearance of swelling, pain or cramps in the legs.

If any of these signs are found in you or, more importantly, in your child, then seek help from a doctor immediately. Remember that flat feet are much easier to eliminate in childhood, when the skeleton has not yet completely ossified.

A little about the disease

The foot is fully formed by the age of 16–18 years. The correct sole has two grooves: longitudinal and transverse, then a person can rest on three points of the foot when walking.

If the sole is flat, then it cannot play the role of a shock absorber; the load will be distributed between the hip joint and spine. This is the main danger of flat feet.

A person with such a defect has incorrect posture, bones are bent, and legs hurt at the slightest activity. In the future, uncorrected flat feet provoke arthrosis, arthritis, intervertebral hernias, and painful calluses form on the feet. Therefore, it is so important to eliminate the orthopedic defect before the body fully matures. It is easy to restore the natural functions of the foot with the help of conservative methods of therapy - exercise therapy and gymnastics.

Little tricks! If a child after 7 years of age categorically refuses to visit a massage therapist, does not agree to do exercise therapy at home or in a therapeutic group, invite the capricious person to look at photos of legs with untreated flat feet, tell him in detail what consequences await him.

Stress is often a more effective educator than promises and persuasion.

Why is flat feet dangerous?

Many people mistakenly believe that flat feet are not a serious disease and there is nothing terrible about it. Often, flat feet are considered just as an unpleasant cosmetic defect and are not even perceived as a disease. Most people are absolutely indifferent not only to problems with their own feet, but also to the presence of flat feet in their children. This attitude is unacceptable and unforgivable. Very often, parents, not realizing the seriousness of such a disease as flat feet, are not at all eager to show their child to a doctor. It seems to them that this disease does not have any negative impact on the health of their child and does not in any way affect his well-being or behavior, so they believe that there is no need to rush. In such a situation, it is necessary that every parent is firmly aware of the seriousness and danger of the consequences that flat feet can lead to in the absence of timely measures to treat it. Flat feet can lead to complications and deformation of the bones of the foot, as well as numerous diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system. Behind the apparent harmlessness of flat feet, there are hidden ailments such as radiculitis, vertebral hernia, arthritis and osteochondrosis. All problems begin with a rather banal fatigue when walking, which occurs unusually quickly and often. We do not attach much importance to these symptoms, believing that they can simply be tolerated, and they do not carry any serious consequences. However, when we understand what is wrong and rush to correct the situation, it is often too late. Flat feet can also cause curvature of the spine, as well as constant pain in the legs and back, which interferes with normal life. Further development of flat feet threatens not only clubfoot, but even lameness. The presence of energy points located on the feet allows some experts to claim that the causes of many diseases are not nerves, as many people think, but rather flat feet. This makes many doctors insist that flat feet need to be treated. Despite the length and complexity of the process of treating flat feet, you can get rid of it if you do it as soon as possible. Remember that flat feet will not go away on its own, and the more you neglect the disease, the more expensive and difficult the treatment will be. Physiotherapeutic methods, special physical education and massage are used to treat flat feet. It will also be effective to use special techniques aimed at strengthening the muscles of the feet and improving blood circulation in them. If diseases resulting from flat feet are detected, the orthopedist may prescribe special massage procedures or gymnastics, with the help of which you can restore your health. Also, people suffering from flat feet are recommended to wear special shoes made from natural materials and ideal in size. It should have a small heel and a fairly flexible sole. Also, a specialist should select individual insoles and arch supports for the patient. Such insoles are a real remedy and should only be prescribed by your doctor.

Exercises for preschoolers (from 5–7 years old)

Charging duration excluding warm-up is 15 minutes. Each exercise should be repeated 7-10 times. After warming up, the baby sits on a low chair and performs the following tasks:

  1. Lifts the legs off the floor one at a time and bends the foot upward and extends it with maximum amplitude.
  2. Without changing the starting position, he turns the foot clockwise, then back.
  3. Writes with his feet in even, wide circles.
  4. Rolls a ball or stick on the floor. First with each leg, then with both.

Then he moves to the mat and lies on his back:

  1. Raises his legs, slams his feet together.
  2. Spins an imaginary bicycle.
  3. Bends his knees, places his feet on the floor, spreads his heels to the sides, and holds the position for 1–2 seconds.
  4. Without changing his position (knees bent, feet resting on the floor), he lifts his heels, then his toes.

Rolls over onto stomach:

  1. He puts his hands back, raises his legs bent at the knees. Grabs the toe of the foot with your hands and swings in the “Boat” pose.

The final stage is to perform standing exercises:

  1. He rises on his toes, stays in this position for a few seconds, and lowers himself.
  2. Stands on your heels, fixes the pose for 1–2 seconds. The duration of the delay with such support should be increased gradually to 5 seconds.
  3. He walks in a circle, first on his heels, then on his toes.
  4. Half-squats on the toes no more than 10 times.
  5. Walks on the outer, then inner part of the foot.
  6. Collects small objects (balls, pencils, soft toys) from the floor with his toes.

On a note! With children of primary preschool age, it is best to conduct classes in a playful way, in a group. Parents should not only lead the process, but also become active participants in the training.

In this video you can see how to do these exercises correctly:

Prevention of flat feet in children

However, instead of wasting money, time, and most importantly nerves on getting rid of flat feet, a much better solution would be to eliminate the possibility of this disease in advance. Continuous implementation of preventive measures will help you with this. First, you need to make it a rule to undergo an annual examination by an orthopedist. The easiest way to prevent it is to undergo regular examination by an orthopedist. Another important step to preventing flat feet is choosing comfortable children's orthopedic shoes. Particular attention should be paid to the soles of shoes. It should be quite soft and flexible, and also be made of natural material. The child should feel as comfortable as possible in the shoes: the toes should be positioned freely, and the heel should be securely fixed with a hard heel. Avoid wearing heavily worn and worn shoes, as they have a negative impact on your feet. When you are outside the city in nature, do not be too lazy to walk barefoot more often, choosing mainly uneven surfaces such as sand, stones or small pebbles. To prevent flat feet, you can use special insoles. They reduce the load on the legs, and also help relieve pain when walking and contribute to the formation of the correct foot geometry.

A set of exercises to prevent flat feet

There are many special exercises designed to prevent flat feet. All of them are aimed at strengthening the muscles and ligaments located on the feet. After all, flat feet arise from the fact that the muscles of the foot become not strong enough to support it in an elevated position. Here is a set of simple but extremely useful exercises that will help you avoid flat feet if you perform them regularly.

The complex begins with a position sitting on a chair. In this position, perform the following elements:

  • flexion and extension of toes;
  • alternately lifting heels and toes off the floor;
  • circular movements of the feet;
  • pulling socks towards and away from you;
  • the maximum possible spread of the heels to the sides without lifting the toes off the floor.


Exercises for flat feet in children always begin with warm-up exercises. This is necessary to warm up the body, relieve muscle tone, and prepare the muscles for full work. Warm-up includes standard tasks: bending, swinging arms and legs, turning the head, torso and others. The main warm-up exercise is walking. Children must move in a circle, following the following instructions from the teacher or parent:

  • On toes - 1-2 minutes. Hands should be kept on the belt, head should not be lowered to the chest.
  • Count on your toes and raise your knees high - 1-2 minutes. Don’t make the rhythm too fast: one – pause – two – pause – three – pause and so on. You can speed up the pace of completing the task in the last 10–15 seconds.
  • Alternately on toes and heels - 2-3 minutes. Alternate the position of your legs every 8-15 steps.
  • On the inner parts of the foot - 1 minute.
  • On the outer part of the foot - 1-2 minutes.

Warm up in a fun, playful manner, turn on marching music, and encourage the “athletes.” After an 8-10 minute warm-up, you can proceed to the main part of exercise therapy.

On a note! Exercises for flat feet in children should be done barefoot. This is a prerequisite for the effectiveness of treatment. If the floor is cold, you can wear thin socks, but it is better to do without them and plan to exercise in a warm room.

Exercises to correct flat feet in children vary in complexity.

When choosing tasks, be guided by the age and physical fitness of young patients.

Why does it appear

In 90% of this, incorrectly selected shoes are to blame, for example, due to the lack of shock absorption and instep supports. Parents also often select models for growth, which also deforms the foot. The obesity and high weight of the child create more pressure on the legs, the growing body cannot withstand this, and this disease occurs.

Therefore, it is important to choose good orthopedic and preventative summer, winter and demi-season shoes from us - Ortopanda has a large selection of comfortable models made from corrective materials.

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