Flat feet in preschool children: types, signs, symptoms and degrees

  1. What is flat foot?
  2. Foot development
  3. Causes of the disease
  4. Types of flat feet in children (longitudinal and transverse)
  5. Transverse and longitudinal
  6. Signs and symptoms of flat feet in children 3-4 years old
  7. Diagnosis of flat feet in children
  8. Plantography of the flat foot in a child
  9. Podometry
  10. Podography
  11. Electromyography
  12. Why is congenital flatfoot dangerous in infants (children under one year old) and in a child 3-4 years old?
  13. What treatment is needed
  14. Massage and manual therapy
  15. Orthopedic shoes
  16. Physiotherapy
  17. Physiotherapy
  18. Kinesio taping
  19. Operation
  20. What type of doctor is needed?
  21. Does the treatment of children 2-5 years old differ from the treatment of flat feet of a child 6-12 years old?
  22. Prevention
  23. Conclusion

When a boy’s parents are diagnosed with a foot deformity, some mothers are happy that such an illness will not allow their child to go to military service. At the same time, they do not think at all about the future fate of the young man, because this is not only a cosmetic defect, but is also fraught with the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and even internal organs in a more mature age. When a child begins to take his first steps, little attention is paid to a flat leg, because we know that it can have a layer of fat (if the baby himself is very plump). Identification of flat feet in preschool children occurs in the third or fourth year of their life, when the most active period of skeletal formation begins. A diagnosis does not mean that your baby will experience discomfort while jogging or standing in one place for long periods of time throughout his life. If you notice the first signs of the disease in time, successful treatment is possible.

Foot development

There is nothing unusual in the fact that until the age of two, a child does not have the notch we are accustomed to. After all, in this place there is a fat pad, which replaces the arch necessary for an adult. It is necessary to sound the alarm if flat feet are noticed in children at the age of three. Until this time, for proper bone formation, strengthening muscles and ligaments, parents are recommended to allow the baby to run on uneven terrain, preferably barefoot. Let the baby walk on his heels or toes; this, in its own way, will be a special training without the use of medical devices and complexes.

All according to plan

An orthopedic examination is required:

– immediately after birth, this is necessary to exclude congenital deformities and skeletal diseases, including congenital flat feet; also at this age it is necessary to conduct an ultrasound examination of the hip joints;

– at 3 and 6 months;

– at 1 year, when the child already sits, crawls, and walks independently;

– at 3 years of age to check posture, gait, condition of the feet and measure the length of the limbs.

Causes of the disease

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to identify a congenital disease immediately after birth. In our country, only three percent of children are immediately diagnosed correctly. And, as a rule, this is a hereditary predisposition.

Mothers of older children often ask pediatricians: why do children have flat feet?

Factors contributing to the occurrence of the disease:

  • Genetic predisposition. If close relatives had such a pathology, then there is a chance that the baby will also have it.
  • Connective tissue deficiency. A poorly developed ligamentous-muscular system leads to constant stress on the muscles, leading to compaction and thickening of the inner part of the foot.
  • The increased weight of the baby contributes to improper bone development.
  • Traumatic situations (fractures, dislocations).
  • Rickets not only deforms the lower part of the leg, but also the entire skeleton.
  • Congenital cerebral palsy and previous poliomyelitis lead to paralysis of the musculo-ligamentous apparatus.

Useful tips

Simple preventive measures will help prevent the development of flat feet:

– the right choice of shoes, which should be made taking into account the growing child’s foot. Don’t press or rub anywhere, but don’t be too loose;

– each child has his own shoes: due to shoes worn out by a brother or sister, the load on the feet may be incorrectly distributed;

– the presence in the diet of foods rich in phosphorus and calcium, which prevent the development of rickets;

– in summer – sunbathing, in winter – preventive intake of vitamin D as prescribed by the pediatrician;

– moderate physical activity. Avoid activities with axial load - gymnastics, dancing and weight lifting;

– walking barefoot on pebbles, sand, earth, grass, which causes the feet to constantly strain. But you only need to walk on a flat and smooth floor in orthopedic shoes.

Types of flat feet in children (longitudinal and transverse)

Doctors diagnose three degrees of development of the disease and several subtypes in preschool children.

Transverse and longitudinal

Longitudinal is when the sole lies completely on the floor, resulting in flat feet and an increase in the width of the leg size. It is very painful for the child not only to stand, but also to move long distances. He is not comfortable wearing regular shoes.

There are three degrees of difference:

  • Upon visual inspection, bone deformation is not noticeable. During diagnosis, the arch angle is determined to be 130-140 degrees. The child begins to complain about “legs” only during long walks.
  • The baby also experiences pain and heaviness. Here the arch angle is more significant and is equal to 141-154°. If a pathology is detected, doctors recommend keeping your toes straight when walking, and not spreading them to the sides.
  • With this degree, surgeons perform operations because the baby simply cries from severe pain when walking. Changes are visible to the naked eye.

Transverse degrees of flatfoot in children appear at a later age. Special characteristics of the disease: the toes are strongly curved, resembling round hammers. At the same time, the baby complains about the forefoot; it hurts him to step and stand on his toes. Often, calluses form on the fingers, like those of older people (corns). The leg stops growing in length, takes on a “spread out” appearance and resembles a diving fin.

Doctors also identify a third type (combined), which combines all the signs of previous deformities. In this case, the toes look outward, and the feet themselves form the letter “X”.

Establishing diagnosis

The development of flat feet is indicated by the child’s frequent complaints of pain in the legs. Instead of active games, he prefers calm and sedentary games, often asking to be held or in a stroller. Pathology is also indicated by unevenly worn and deformed shoes.

In children, as in adults, there are 3 degrees of flat feet: mild, pronounced and pronounced. The diagnosis is made based on an examination by an orthopedist and plantography (taking a foot print). X-rays are not used before the age of 9 due to the child’s poorly formed bone tissue.

For level 2 flat feet in children

Pain in the feet, ankle joints, and legs is typical. The gait becomes less smooth, and the arch of the foot becomes significantly flattened. Finding regular shoes for a child becomes difficult.

Signs and symptoms of flat feet in children 3-4 years old

If your baby often complains to you and experiences pain, then first check his legs for pathology at home. To do this, smear them with oil paints and ask the child to stand on white paper. The fingerprint can be used to make a preliminary diagnosis.

In addition, the development of the disease can be suspected based on the following signs:

  • A month after purchase, the sandals quickly wear down.
  • The baby complains of pain and fatigue.
  • The deviation of the thumb is noticeable.
  • The foot itself is severely deformed.
  • The child is “clubfooted.” Your comments about correcting the gait lead nowhere.
  • My legs swell in the evening. The first calluses and ingrown nails appear.

Diagnosis of flat feet in children

At the first suspicion of pathology, it is necessary to promptly contact an orthopedist for consultations and possible treatment. Even if the child does not complain, then at the age of five he must be shown to a doctor for examination. If the deformity is discovered in the maternity hospital and it is congenital, then from the first days of life the baby is prescribed specialized treatment, which involves correcting the arch of the foot.

The acquired disease cannot be determined immediately, only after 3-4 years, when the subcutaneous fat of the pad disappears. It is very important to conduct a full examination at an early age.

At the first visit, the doctor will definitely examine the legs, palpate them, measure the width and length, and see how the baby moves. Also examines shoes for worn-out heels.

Next, he will conduct an examination using special equipment and tests.

Plantography of the flat foot in a child

A few years ago, the usual classical method was used using paint and paper. But the results were not very true, since it was impossible to force the child to stand straight and not move. After all, it is difficult to give an assessment if the baby does not put the body load on both feet.

Today, many medical institutions are equipped with an electronic plantograph. With its help, it became possible to make a high-quality print of the foot, and images on the side and back of the sole. Thanks to this, doctors determine the degree of deformation. All information is stored in a computer, and upon repeated examination, the orthopedist has the opportunity to compare indications and prescribe effective treatment for any stage of flat feet in children.


The method involves measuring the parameters of the foot in height and length. The results obtained are multiplied by 100, and the ratio is calculated according to Flindland. An index of 20 to 31 percent is considered the norm.


The method involves assessing the child’s rhythmic gait. At the same time, special boots are put on his feet. While walking on a metal walkway, the orthopedist watches how the movement occurs and how the heel rolls.


Using electrical currents (where electrodes are placed directly on the lower leg or needles are inserted subcutaneously directly into the muscles), the activity of the muscular system is measured. Typically the method is used for paralysis or leg injuries.

What is flat feet?

Flat feet is a deformity characterized by flattening of the arches of the feet. More often, flattening of the longitudinal arch (longitudinal flatfoot) is observed, less often of the transverse arch (transverse flatfoot), and a combination of these types is also found. Flat feet can be congenital or acquired. The occurrence of congenital flatfoot is associated with impaired fetal development under the influence of external and internal pathological factors. A certain role of heredity cannot be ruled out.

What treatment is needed

After the diagnosis has been made, you must immediately proceed to the prescribed procedures until complete ossification of the skeleton occurs. Then it is more difficult to correct the deformation of the feet. Therefore, the orthopedist prescribes a technique that helps strengthen muscles, ligaments and joints, and improves blood supply.

Massage and manual therapy

To achieve better results, not only the lower legs are massaged, but also the lumbar region, buttocks and calf muscles. A relaxing, stimulating and tonic procedure must be carried out for at least 10 days exclusively by a qualified employee of a medical institution (massage therapist or chiropractor).

Orthopedic shoes

Pay special attention to this section! For the slightest defects in the legs, the doctor recommends that parents purchase special insoles that are inserted into ordinary boots or shoes. They will help in shaping the arch of the foot.

If the symptoms are significant, you cannot do without specialized shoes. Buying an orthopedic pair is not possible if you decide on your own. Only a doctor can give you a written recommendation after all the required measurements, which include the parameters for height, width, angle of deflection and turn when walking.

Very strict requirements are imposed on such shoes. The boots are made with a high back that clearly fixes the ankle. The socks are wide and rounded so that the toes fit freely against each other. They are also equipped with a lightweight sole with a heel, arch supports and insoles.

Unfortunately, in small towns and villages it is not always possible to find specialized stores or pharmacies that sell orthopedic shoes. People have to go to the regional center to purchase. And this is a waste of time and money on the road. Therefore, the best option is to purchase goods online. For example, it presents a wide range of products for boys and girls of all sizes (up to 40). Boots, boots, felt boots, pumps and sandals will surprise you not only with their colorful colors, but also with their fashionable, modern design. All products are certified. The company provides a warranty of 30 days from the date of purchase.


It is necessary to do gymnastics every day for 15-30 minutes. The complex includes rotational movements of the feet, wiggling the fingers, walking on uneven surfaces of a special massage mat, and practicing on the wall bars.


Magnetic therapy, shock wave treatment, electrophoresis and applications using paraffin and ozokerite are prescribed for moderate foot deformities.

Kinesio taping

Adhesive tapes are applied and fixed, which distribute the load across different leg muscles. It is recommended to wear them for several days in a row without taking them off at night, since the therapeutic effect is also present in the resting position.


If after prolonged treatment there is no positive dynamics, then surgical intervention is resorted to. It is prescribed to children who have been diagnosed with grade 3-4.

What type of doctor is needed?

Infants and children up to three or four years old will receive help from an orthopedist, massage therapist, chiropractor and physiotherapist. In adulthood, if there is a suspicion of scoliosis and neurotic diseases, they turn to a neurologist.

Does the treatment of children 2-5 years old differ from the treatment of flat feet of a child 6-12 years old?

At different stages of the disease, regardless of age, doctors adhere to an already established methodology. In the nursery group, therapy is significantly different. Only qualified specialists can choose the right course.

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