Swelling does not go away after ankle sprain

Joint arthroscopy > Helpful tips > First aid for sprains

Probably, each of us has encountered such a problem as joint injury as a result of spraining. From a medical point of view, ligaments are lines of nerve endings that connect bones to each other, and also provide the opportunity for proper fixation of the joint, which helps it move in the right direction.

A sprain can occur due to sudden movements, which provokes incorrect amplitude of the joint. Incorrect movement causes the ligaments to not go in the correct direction. A sprain can also occur as a result of prolonged overstrain of a joint. The ankles and hands are more prone to sprains. Knees, elbows, and shoulders are less susceptible to problems of this kind.

Playing sports can lead to problems of varying severity. Therefore, it is recommended to perform any physical activity under the supervision of a specialist. But, as practice shows, none of us are immune from accidents.

High heels can also cause sprains. In addition, movement on uneven surfaces with potholes, in the event of a fall or a sharp turn of the leg, can lead to injury. Therefore, no matter how high the degree of sprain, you must know the basic techniques that are advisable to use to provide first aid.

Why does swelling occur after a sprain?

Tightening of the ligaments is caused by sudden movements during physical activity, games and sports. This may be due to a fall or impact. When a sprain occurs, the ligaments are torn to varying degrees of severity.

Swelling caused by dislocation

Edema is the accumulation of fluid in individual tissues. Treated with medications, compresses and ointments. When a sprained ligament occurs, relieving swelling will be essential, along with treating pain and inflammation.

With clay powder

For treating ligaments and tendons, green or blue clay is recommended, but any clay will do. The main thing is that it is not contaminated. You can make a poultice only from clay, applying it to gauze or combining it in different ways.

Recipes for compresses for muscles and ligaments with the addition of clay:

  • Powdery clay is diluted with fresh urine to the consistency of sour cream, the mass is placed on thick gauze, which is wrapped around the injured limb, kept for up to 7 hours, and left overnight;
  • Sourdough or cabbage brine is diluted with clay to the consistency of sour cream, the product is used in the same way.

Clay can be diluted with decoctions of herbs - elderberry, bay leaf, yarrow.

Ways to relieve swelling after a sprain

Immediately after an injury, apply a cold compress to the sore area. The sooner this is done, the less pronounced the swelling will be. The swelling will not go away completely. To do this, you should use gels, creams, ointments for sprains and swelling.

Measures to prevent and relieve swelling after a sprain:

  • use of cold compresses and cooling ointments;
  • immobilization of the diseased limb;
  • applying a tight bandage;
  • use of decongestant ointments and gels.

After an injury, consult a doctor. The traumatologist will recommend effective measures to relieve swelling, which will need to be used at home.

With onions

Wrap the chopped onion in gauze and steam. A warm compress should be wrapped around the most painful area. It can be used 3 times a day. Chopped onions are also mixed with granulated sugar and consumed in the same way.

Chopped onion

Warm and cold onion compresses can be used 3-4 days after injury. They can be used daily for pain relief. After the procedure, it is recommended to make an iodine mesh and bandage the wound site.

Gels for sprains and swelling

For non-medicinal products, you can use Antistax, Venokorset, Skipar gels.

Skypar gel contains turpentine, horse chestnut, wormwood and lingonberry leaf extracts. Can be used for vascular diseases and after injuries to the lower extremities. The action of the gel is aimed at improving microcirculation, increasing the strength of blood vessels, cooling and calming.

Venokorset Gel from Evalar contains red grape leaf extract. A product that increases the strength and elasticity of blood vessels, effectively relieves swelling and fights the feeling of heaviness. Not used during pregnancy and lactation.

Antistax gel has an active ingredient similar to the previous one. It has a tonic effect, cools, relieves swelling, and prevents fluid stagnation. Good natural-based medicinal ointments would be Dr. Thais Venen, Venitan, Balm Rescuer, Comfrey.

Venen gel is used to relieve pain and reduce swelling. Stimulates venous circulation, recommended for dislocations, bruises and sprains. It is applied before bed, applied in a thin layer to the damaged area and left overnight. Possible side effects such as rash and hives. Long-term use of the gel may worsen dry skin due to the ethanol content.

What causes sprained joints?

This type of injury is quite popular and common due to the anatomical formation of the foot. The joint itself is made up of 3 bones, which are secured by the same number of groups of ligaments. The first group contains intracomponent ligaments that bind the tibia together. The second becomes the main group and forms the deltoid ligament, and the third group includes the talofibular and calcaneofibular ligaments.

It is the latter group, due to its peculiar placement, that is most susceptible to injury and frequent sprains. Do not forget that often such a joint bears the maximum load, since it has to support the entire weight of the body. The ligaments have to not only be completely fixed, but also given freedom, allowing the foot to carry out actions that are predisposed by nature. All movements in this joint can be controlled and stabilized by the indicated sections of the ligaments. The latter can carry out another, no less important, task - to reduce joint mobility. Thus, keeping him within limits and protecting him from possible injuries.

If the movements of such a joint begin to exceed the limits, the connecting apparatus of the joint cannot withstand it. The result is a sprain of the legs, which can occur in different areas. The most typical situation is that during sports competitions or ordinary movements in life, the foot begins to turn inward. In certain directions, the sequence of stretching action is completely different. If you move very quickly and suddenly brake, the foot begins a rotational movement.

Ankle sprains occur quite often , especially if there are risk factors that increase the possibility. These factors include excess weight, which increases the pressure on the joint to the maximum. Congenital curvature of the foot, strong sports loads, heavy lifting and wearing uncomfortable, low-quality shoes. Often these shoes are worn by women, wearing high heels and stilettos. Factors such as various types of infections and metabolic disorders in the body also contribute to injuries. The result is a lack of joint stability, which also causes sprains.

Symptoms of internal sprain

When an ankle sprain occurs, treatment should be carried out as correctly as possible. To do this, it is important to determine what specific symptoms occur. During this process, a person will be able to understand that he has a problem with his ankle and make an appointment with a doctor. The first thing a person experiences with this problem is pain in the outer part of the ankle, which can often be accompanied by swelling. In some cases (if the injury is too severe), a hematoma develops on and inside the skin, which is characterized by a blue tint to the skin. Additionally, there is a rise in temperature and difficulty while walking, since for a person to fully lean on the damaged area of ​​the leg.

However, you need to remember that stretching is not quite the correct definition. Human ligaments contain elastic and collagen fibers. The former are responsible for elasticity, and the latter for strength, due to which they are as reliable as possible. However, such a structure puts the blocking in tension even under the influence of significant mechanical load. That is why it is worth talking not about stretching, but about rupture. The level of stretch is determined by the number of fibers that are torn within the ligament.

Degrees that characterize the level of rupture

There are three levels of ligament sprain, which can be distinguished by the fibers responsible for the tear and the degree of damage to the ligament element. During the first stage of stretching, some components of the ligament are torn, but the overall integrity of the ligament is indestructible, so they are fully functional. In this case, the person limps slightly and feels a little pain. The second stage is much more serious, it involves a partial rupture of the ligamentous element. In this direction, the ligaments can no longer perform their functions fully, walking becomes difficult, swelling of the skin and maximum pain occur in the affected area.

The third stage is quite rare, but sometimes possible. When it occurs, a final transverse type rupture of one or a pair of ligaments appears. Such an injury rarely occurs during the course of an injury; more often it is associated with other injuries, such as an ankle fracture. During such a deviation, it is impossible to move, the swelling is powerful and bright, the pain is unbearable, the person has to constantly take painkillers, the hematoma is too noticeable, and a lot of blood collects inside the joint.

Ankle ligaments, their treatment in the third degree should begin immediately . At the same time, foot mobility is almost impossible and unbearable. Only a doctor can determine the level of the rupture; treatment will not be prescribed until a final diagnosis is made. It will be necessary to take an x-ray, which will show that there is no fracture, and also perform an MRI.

Ointments for sprains and swelling

Venitan is effective for swelling due to the inflammatory process. The gel is especially effective at the initial stage of rashes. Helps eliminate congestion, relieves swelling, pain, heaviness, itching and muscle spasms.

Rescuer is a universal ointment for various injuries. Promotes healing, reduces inflammation. It can be applied directly to the skin or as a compress after sprains or torn ligaments in the legs.

Troxevasin is an effective remedy for sprains.

Known ointments for swelling after spraining:

  1. Lyoton - contains heparin, used to improve lymph flow, indicated for varicose veins, after injuries. According to many experts, the cream is considered the most effective in the fight against puffiness among similar products.
  2. Heparin ointment works well not only with bruises, but also with swelling after injuries. Supports the resorption of blood clots, due to which the volume of the damaged limb gradually decreases.
  3. Troxevasin is most effective for swelling and pain in the calf muscles. Strengthens capillaries, eliminating their fragility. Troxevasin is approved for use during pregnancy, breastfeeding and in the elderly, but after consultation with a doctor.

Each anti-edema remedy has its own indications and contraindications. Please read the instructions carefully before use. It is strictly forbidden to use warming ointments immediately after an injury. They will be useful only from the 3-4th day of treatment.

Swelling due to stretching: traditional medicine

If you twist a muscle in your leg, you can fill a 10-liter container with water to reduce swelling. If you're not sure, you'll need a lot of water. Soak a terry towel in the solution and wrap it around your leg. Boil 2 tablespoons of flax in 2 liters of water, take the broth after it has cooled, take half a glass inside. You can add a few drops of lemon juice to the medicine. Removing swelling this way can take up to 5 days.

Watermelon as a diuretic for edema

For edema, it is necessary to use more diuretics. These are: onions, asparagus, currants, watermelon, grapes, cottage cheese. It is also useful to drink herbal infusions, juices, kefirs, compotes, and it is better to avoid black tea.

Why does swelling last for a long time after a sprain?

If swelling after a sprain does not go away within 14 days, consult a doctor. This phenomenon may indicate complications. This may also be due to coexisting injuries that were not noticed during the examination, or if the victim did not contact a trauma surgeon at all.

The appearance of swelling is a symptom that requires examination by a doctor. After a dislocation, it is necessary to apply a cold compress, immobilize the injured area, take painkillers and immediately contact a trauma surgeon.

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