Treatment of sprained and torn ankle ligaments

Description of ankle ligament injury

One of the most common injuries affecting the modern population is ankle ligament damage. Moreover, in 12% of cases this is due to the presence of tears, tears and sprains in the ankle area. Dislocations or subluxations in the above zone can also provoke a violation of the integrity of the ligamentous apparatus.

Most often, injury to the ankle ligaments occurs during cold periods, when a person overcomes icy surfaces. Often, the cause of such damage can be moving on uneven terrain or jumping from a height.

Indications for the use of such a bandage

The main indications for the use of ankle orthoses are the following situations:

  • The presence of inflammatory processes and injuries that affect the ankle joint - arthritis, arthrosis and others.
  • Fractures and chips in the ankle area.
  • Damage to foot ligaments.
  • Dislocation, subluxation and other conditions in which instability of the joint position is observed.
  • Relief of pain and discomfort due to pathologies and abnormalities of the foot.
  • For the prevention of injuries and problems in professional athletes or people suffering from excess weight.
  • Only a doctor can determine the need to use an ankle orthosis.

First aid for ankle ligament injuries

Sometimes an ankle sprain is compared with injuries resulting from a twisted foot. However, in this case it is wrong to talk about a sprain, since bruising and swelling occur. At the time of injury, tears occur in the area of ​​the ligamentous apparatus. In turn, when stretched, the integrity of some fibers is disrupted, but the functional characteristics remain unchanged.

If signs of injury are detected in the ankle area, the person should receive immediate assistance. First of all, it is necessary to minimize the load on the ankle joint. This will prevent deterioration of the ligaments and tendons in the future. The following measures should also be applied to the victim:

  • Apply a cold compress. This will make it possible to prevent increased swelling and the spread of bruising to nearby tissues. In this case, the patient notes a loss of sensitivity in the affected area, which helps eliminate pain. Moreover, by using a cold compress immediately after injury, it is possible to reduce the duration of the treatment process. Apply the bandage to the painful area for 20 minutes;
  • Using an elastic bandage. To ensure immobility of the damaged joint, it is recommended to use a fixing bandage. Experts recommend avoiding tight bandaging, as it can cause loss of sensation in the fingers and increased swelling. However, such a bandage will prevent the occurrence of ruptures in the future;
  • Placing the leg in an elevated position. The injured limb should be placed on pillows or on a chair (in a sitting position). This will relieve pain in the ankle joint and eliminate swelling in nearby tissues.

The use of warming agents is strictly prohibited during the period of first aid. It is not recommended to do alcohol rubbing and take a hot shower. It should be remembered that the fixing bandages are removed before resting at night.

Treatment of grade 1–2 ankle ligament damage

As a rule, with a slight injury to the ligamentous apparatus, the patient does not notice any signs of the disease. In the first days, the pain syndrome does not make itself felt even with increased physical activity.

Increased swelling, expansion of the bruise area and an increase in the focus of inflammation are observed in the next day. The patient begins to limp, guided by the desire to eliminate discomfort.

Signs of a grade 2 ankle sprain make themselves felt immediately after injury and are accompanied by intense pain. The appearance of bruising and swelling is monitored approximately 60 minutes after the incident. To eliminate the possibility of a violation of the integrity of the ankle, you should immediately contact a traumatologist.

If a patient is diagnosed with a grade 1-2 ankle sprain, treatment does not require hospitalization. In the first 48-72 hours after injury, it is recommended to apply a fixing bandage and a cold compress:

  • It is advisable to use an elastic bandage of medium stretch for 2 weeks;
  • A bandage made using plaster should not be worn for more than 7 days. Otherwise, it will be difficult to restore muscle tone.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are considered the most effective drugs when the ankle ligaments are damaged. You can also treat ankle ligaments with special gels and ointments: Diclofenac, Ketorolac, Nimesulide, Indomethacin, etc. Such products are intended exclusively for external use, but they can have a powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

The doctor may also prescribe ointments to restore blood flow. These include Lyoton gel and Heparin ointment. Thanks to their use, it is possible to improve blood microcirculation and provide active nutrition of the ligaments with important biological and nutrients.

What types of ankle orthoses are there?

Orthoses are divided into types depending on their level of rigidity and fixation strength:

  • Soft - provide easy fixation of the joint, and is used for preventive purposes.
  • Semi-rigid products - designed for strong fixation of the foot thanks to special inserts made of plastic or metal.
  • Hard – used for serious injuries or fractures.
Soft ankle braceAnkle brace with stiffeners

You should choose a specific product exactly according to the doctor’s recommendation and prescription, taking into account the size of your foot width, for maximum wearing comfort.

The orthosis is very easy to put on and take off. You can wear it either on bare feet or on a light sock. Be sure to take breaks from wearing it and periodically remove the bandage to restore blood flow to the leg and allow it to rest.

Our company’s employees will be happy to provide detailed information about the benefits and features of using ankle orthoses.

Help with grade 3 ankle sprains

More serious injuries may result in complete rupture of the ankle ligaments. In this case, signs identical to a bone fracture appear. The patient loses the ability to move because he feels severe pain and the inability to step on a limb. Such symptoms are caused by changes in the anatomical relationship of the component parts of the joint. Characteristic features of the disease also include the rapid spread of hematoma and swelling over the entire area of ​​the ankle.

In case of rupture of the ankle ligaments, conservative treatment is practically not prescribed, which is due to the following points:

  • There is a weak ability of damaged fibers to fuse;
  • It may not be possible to fully restore the functional characteristics of the foot;
  • If surgical intervention is refused, there is a risk of recurrent ankle injury due to ankle instability.

Planned surgical intervention is performed in case of complete separation of the ligament from the bone. To restore its continuity, bone and tendon sutures are applied. After completion of the surgical procedure, the patient is recommended to wear a bandage made of plaster for 21-28 days. During the entire rehabilitation period, the patient must take medications that improve blood supply to the tissues in the ankle joint. Medicines that expand the vascular lumens are also prescribed: Venarus, Detralex and Phlebodia.

Make an appointment Online booking

  • Clinic on Krasnopresnenskaya +7 (499) 252-41-35 Volkov lane, 21
  • Clinic on Varshavskaya +7 (499) 610-02-09 Varshavskoe highway, 75, building 1
  • Clinic in Annino +7 (495) 388-08-08 Varshavskoe highway, 154, building 1

Ankle orthosis for drop foot

To treat flaccid paralysis or floppy foot syndrome, which occurs as a result of pathologies in the central nervous system, special orthoses are used. They consist of two parts connected by an elastic cord: one part secures the foot, the other – the lower leg. The orthosis allows you to elevate the foot and ensure flexion of the ankle. For foot drop, adjustable dynamic braces can be used to gradually change the angle between the foot and lower leg, gradually restoring musculoskeletal functions.

A type of orthopedic product for drop foot is the “Tick” ankle joint orthosis. It has a rigid base that goes from the foot to the shin and secures the leg with straps. This type of orthosis is used in the rehabilitation period after a stroke.

A correctly selected orthosis and its proper operation allow one to achieve good results in the treatment and restoration of the functions of the ankle joint. At the Yusupov Hospital you can undergo a full course of ankle rehabilitation after various injuries and diseases. Effective techniques used by rehabilitation specialists at the Yusupov Hospital contribute to the rapid normalization of foot function and the prevention of relapse of pathology.

You can make an appointment with traumatologists, orthopedists, rehabilitation specialists and other specialists, find out information about the work of the rehabilitation center and other questions of interest by calling the Yusupov Hospital.

Physiotherapy for ankle ligament injuries

For those wondering how to treat an ankle sprain, undergoing physical therapy is a must step. When implementing such measures, you can get a more tangible positive effect than after taking medications.

In case of first and second degree injuries, physiotherapy should be resorted to within 72 hours after the start of treatment. They can also be performed after surgery, during the rehabilitation period. An experienced specialist will help you choose the most effective physiotherapy procedures. At the same time, he takes into account the individual nuances of each patient, as well as:

  • Intensity of damage;
  • The ability of tissues to regenerate;
  • Presence in the anamnesis of pathologies caused by malfunctions of the cardiovascular system.

Initially, the patient is recommended to undergo a procedure that involves exposure to direct electric current and special medications. For this purpose, a cotton swab soaked in a special medicine is applied to the damaged area, and metal plates are placed on it. By using electrical impulses, the medicine can reach the deepest layers of tissue. As a rule, during the procedure, agents with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects are used. In some situations, to speed up the process of fusion of ligaments that were previously torn from the base, it is recommended to use chondroprotectors.

Also during the recovery period, the following techniques can be used: ultrasound exposure, paraffin baths, magnetic therapy and shockwave therapy.

Compression bandages

They are widely used for diseases of the veins of the lower extremities. When applying such a bandage, it is important to follow the rule of gradually reducing the degree of compression from the foot to the knee. There should be no numbness in your fingers. The patient should feel the effect of a tight-fitting boot.

The self-fixing medium-stretch ones - PÜTTERBINDE® (“Pütterbint”) and the long-stretch Lastodur® straff (“Lastodur tight”) from HARTMANN are very convenient to use. They vary in size and degree of elasticity.

Treatment of ankle ligaments with shock wave therapy

The best effect in restoring the ankle joint can be achieved using the shock wave method. It is based on the influence of acoustic waves, which ensures rapid regeneration processes:

  • Hematomas disappear;
  • Ensures active crushing of calcium deposits and destruction of connective tissue cords (scars);
  • Blood flow improves;
  • Metabolic processes are accelerated.

However, in order to achieve a better result when restoring the deltoid ligament of the ankle joint, an integrated approach should be provided - combining the UVS technique with the use of medications. This will allow you to quickly cope with pain when moving, eliminate swelling and improve the motor activity of the joint.

According to most patients, it is possible to obtain noticeable improvements after shock wave therapy after the first sessions. Lost lightness returns, the feeling of stiffness and discomfort goes away, and overall well-being improves.

In our clinic, the SWT procedure is performed by orthopedic doctors with extensive experience, who have the skills to work with special equipment and provide a personal approach to each visitor. At the same time, the first visit to our medical center is carried out with a 20% discount.

Exercise therapy to strengthen the ankle joint and ligaments

Physical therapy can also improve the functional activity of ligaments and tendons. The initial step involves a light warm-up. More complex exercises are gradually introduced. The main principle of exercise therapy is the absence of pain. When engaging in physical education, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Complete rest for extended periods of time should be avoided;
  • It is necessary to avoid increased stress on the joint.

One of the most effective and mandatory exercises for all patients with this disease is walking on their heels and toes several times a day. Experts also advise performing extension/flexion of the foot, combining them with rotational movements.

In the absence of timely measures for first-degree pathology, serious complications may arise in the future. These include: diseases of the joints of inflammatory etiology, pathological flattening of the foot, dislocations, deforming osteoarthritis.

The medical center employs competent specialists who will provide first aid, perform all the necessary examinations and draw up a treatment plan, the implementation of which will help avoid irreversible consequences in the future. Our clinic performs X-ray examination, ultrasound and surgery. However, the priority and most effective way to restore the ankle joint is shock wave therapy. When implementing this technique, modern Swiss equipment is used, which allows you to get a quick and effective result.

How to avoid ankle ligament injuries?

In order to minimize the risk of joint injury, experts recommend adhering to the following measures:

  • Ensure sufficient and regular physical activity to maintain the necessary elasticity of the ligaments;
  • Provide moderate loads on the limb;
  • Use comfortable shoes with low heels (no more than 7 cm);
  • Perform a special set of exercises to strengthen the ankle joint and ligaments;
  • Try to maintain normal weight;
  • Timely treat pathologies that have a negative impact on the musculoskeletal system.

Application techniques depending on the type of dressing used and the place of its application

The technique of applying bandages for different parts of the body is different and depends on what type of medical bandage is used.

For head injuries

What bandage is used to provide first aid for a head injury? There are several varieties:

  • the frenulum is applied to the parietal and occipital parts;
  • the cap and cap of Hippocrates cover the entire scalp;
  • a figure-of-eight monocular or binocular bandage is used for eye injuries;
  • A sling bandage is used for injuries to the facial part of the head.

For limb injuries

When applying bandages to limbs, it is especially important to adhere to the rule of bandaging in the direction from bottom to top. This technique will prevent the accumulation of venous blood in the unligated parts of the limb.

A reliable spica bandage is used to bandage the shoulder and hip joints. A figure-eight bandage is applied to the elbow and knee joints. The lower leg, shoulder, forearm and thigh are bandaged in a spiral or spicate manner.

Which bandage is used depends on the degree of load.

Pressure bandage and tourniquet

A pressure bandage is used for minor bleeding of a capillary or venous nature, as well as for violation of the integrity of small arteries. It can be left on the body until the victim is admitted to a medical facility.

A tourniquet is used for bleeding from large arteries. It should not remain on the body for more than 1 hour in the cold season and more than 2 hours in the warm months.

Immobilization splint

When applying an immobilizing splint bandage to the limbs, you should adhere to the basic rule - grab the joints above and below the injury site, except in cases of hip and shoulder fractures, when the entire limb is fixed at three points.

In areas of bony protrusions, the splint is lined with soft material to prevent the formation of bedsores and abrasions.

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