Epithelial coccygeal tract (coccyx cyst, coccyx fistula)

Epithelial coccygeal duct is a congenital defect in the form of a narrow canal in the soft tissues under the skin of the sacrococcygeal region. The passage is located in the fold between the buttocks, and comes out to the surface of the skin with one or more small openings (primary openings). Inside the passage there are sweat and sebaceous glands, hair follicles, and connective tissue fibers. Their waste products exit through the primary openings in the form of secretions, and infection can penetrate into the tissue through these same openings.

In the absence of inflammation, the epithelial coccygeal duct gives virtually no symptoms. Exceptions may include minor discharge from the passage, moisturizing the skin between the buttocks, and itching.

Inflammation of the epithelial coccygeal duct

When the openings of the epithelial coccygeal duct are blocked or mechanically traumatized, inflammation occurs, which involves fatty tissue. An abscess is formed - an abscess that often breaks through the skin on its own. Despite the fact that after a breakthrough, the symptoms are smoothed out and health improves, independent breakthroughs are dangerous due to the formation of a fistula - a narrow channel through which pus from the area of ​​inflammation will come out (the external opening of a purulent fistula is formed in the area of ​​the abscess breakthrough). A fistula with an inflamed epithelial coccygeal passage is not associated with the rectum!

Prevention of pain in the tailbone

The main preventive measure in the fight against coccyx diseases is the correct posture when sitting, working on your posture; It is also not recommended to abuse sitting on upholstered furniture, placing pillows and poufs. With such factors, there is a serious risk of developing osteochondrosis and worsening existing diseases. It is also not recommended to wear clothes that compress the waist and waist area; it is highly advisable for pregnant women to wear a support bandage, which avoids deformation of the tailbone. Among other things, doctors recommend regular exercise, strengthening the muscle corset and muscles around the spinal column, and monitoring nutrition.

Reasons for development

There are the following versions according to which the development of pathology occurs.

  • In the first case, we are talking about disorders that arise at the stage of human embryonic development. The failure manifests itself in the appearance of thin channels that resemble enlarged pores. The channels are lined from the inside with epithelial tissue and hair; sweat and sebaceous glands emerge on their surface.
  • Another reason for the development of the epithelial coccygeal duct, or pilonidal cyst, is the hormonal characteristics of the human body, which in parallel can manifest as excessive hair growth.
  • There was also a correlation between the presence of the disease and the physiological characteristics of the patient’s body. In particular, we are talking about strongly pronounced buttocks and an overly deep fold between them.

In which center should I undergo the examination?

The need to receive advice from a specialized specialist or the possibility of calling a proctologist at home

, leads to the implementation of search activities that allow you to select a medical center that meets individual requirements, which can be done using the website of the Information Center for private clinics in Moscow “Your Doctor,” which reveals all types of designated tasks.

Useful information on the topic:

  • Coccyx pain in women
  • Pain in the tailbone
  • Diagnosis of pain in the coccyx
  • Causes of pain in the tailbone

This article is posted for educational purposes only and does not constitute scientific material or professional medical advice.


Isaeva Nadezhda Anatolyevna
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Symptoms of an inflamed epithelial coccygeal duct:

  • Pain of varying nature and intensity in the buttocks, tailbone
  • Tumor-like formation above the anus
  • Redness, hardness and swelling of the tissue between the buttocks
  • Purulent discharge in the area of ​​inflammation

If treatment is incorrect or untimely, the focus of inflammation in the epithelial coccygeal passage persists, and the disease becomes chronic. During the period of remission, there are practically no symptoms; sometimes pain or discomfort may be felt in the coccyx area, and slight discharge appears from the orifices. In this case, the focus of inflammation inside the tissues remains, and the disease can worsen at any time. The chronic inflammatory process in the epithelial coccygeal tract is characterized by the appearance of infiltrates, purulent fistulas, and recurrent abscesses.

Causes of coccygeal pain

  • tailbone injuries and blows to the back, falls;
  • displacement, dislocation or fracture of the coccyx;
  • microtraumas and inflammation caused by sitting in an uncomfortable position, hypothermia, straining with constipation;
  • myositis – muscle inflammation;
  • chronic inflammation of the nerve endings in the sacrococcygeal region;
  • diseases of the anal canal - paraproctitis, acute hemorrhoids;
  • formed scars in the surrounding soft tissues;
  • nerve diseases;
  • age-related weakening of muscles and ligaments.


Treatment of the epithelial coccygeal tract is surgical. Conservative treatment does not remove the main source of inflammation. If surgical treatment is not carried out in time, the entire area near the sacrum and coccyx is involved in the inflammatory process; purulent fistulas can open not only in the sacrum area, but also on the skin of the perineum. In such cases, surgery will still be required, but its scope may be significantly larger.

It is important to understand that just opening the abscess can slightly reduce the symptoms, and the patient will feel relief. However, it is impossible to talk about curing the pathology in this case. In most cases, the pilonidal cyst develops into chronic inflammation. Only radical surgery can completely eliminate the disease and consists of complete removal of the epithelial tract and all its branches. The duration of the operation, depending on its volume, is 20-30 minutes. Adequate anesthetic support allows you to avoid discomfort during the intervention. The period of disability after surgical treatment is minimized.

Causes of pain in the tailbone and methods for its elimination

Sometimes pain in the coccygeal region occurs during walking or sitting. Any of the pathologies associated with the coccyx is called anococcygeal pain syndrome. What should a person do if he has a similar symptom?

Acute pain

Acute pain can be divided by doctors into anorectal and coccygodynic pain. The first type of pain only radiates to the coccygeal region, occurring either in the anus or in the rectum area. The cause of such pain may well be: inflammatory diseases, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, problems with scars after operations, etc.

Coccygodynic pain occurs directly in the coccyx. They are usually provoked by injuries, functional changes in joints, salt deposits or neuralgic manifestations.

Chronic pain

Chronic pain is aching in nature. Over time, they intensify, reaching a peak point. This makes movement difficult. Such pain occurs due to displacements, fractures, bruises or pinched nerves.

It is possible that such pain can occur when the functions of the urinary tract and intestines malfunction.

Inflamed coccygeal region

An inflamed coccygeal area can be the result of an injury to one of the vertebral sections, overexertion, deterioration of the metabolic process, hypothermia or infectious damage to the skeletal system.

If the inflammatory process is associated with a secondary disease, treatment of the underlying disease is necessary, as well as local treatment of the coccygeal region. To treat inflammation, it is necessary to use painkillers, depending on the degree of pain. It is possible to use non-steroidal drugs to help relieve swelling and drugs to reduce muscle tension.

If the skin is intact, physiotherapy and massage will not be superfluous for the treatment of an inflamed tailbone.

Treatment of fistulas on the coccyx

Fistula occurs more often in men than in women. It's hard to notice right away. The pathology manifests itself as pain, purulent discharge near the anus, anal itching and increased moisture levels in the skin in the buttock area.

Even the smallest injury can cause the formation of an abscess, the removal of which can result in the formation of 2-3 fistulas at the same time. In a resting position, they do not make themselves felt, but with a slight shake, the outer area of ​​the passage is blocked, and, as a result, the space is filled with pus and a breakthrough occurs.

Getting rid of fistulas on the coccyx is possible only by surgical methods (excision of the fistula).

Coccyx cancer and its symptoms

When a person develops cancer of the sacral region, all the unpleasant pain is concentrated in the coccyx area. In medicine, primary type coccygeal tissue damage is practically never encountered. No clear reasons for the appearance of tumors on this part of the body have been identified.

It is likely that they are affected by radiation, bad habits, poor quality nutrition, and harmful production factors.

Coccyx cancer is extremely aggressive with rapid progression. Metastases quickly spread to nearby tissues. In the early stages, coccyx cancer is potentially problematic to detect; it is asymptomatic. Cancer is treated using two methods: in the early stages, endoscopy, in later stages, removal of the tumor site.

Medical care for pain in the tailbone

If your tailbone is sore, then you definitely need to check the health of your spine. First you need to undergo a series of diagnostic tests:

  • take an x-ray of the entire spine, while observing the correct preparation for the study;
  • MRI or CT;
  • intestinal examination;
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvis and urinary system.

If you experience pain in a sitting position or when standing up, you need to consult a proctologist.
Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Consultation with a proctologist

Pathology in the form of the epithelial coccygeal tract occurs only in men. The frequency of diagnosis of this disease is quite high - 1 case per 300-400 boys born. At a younger age, a pilonidal cyst may not cause inconvenience and may not manifest itself in any way. However, from the onset of puberty and beyond, it is difficult to ignore the disease.

At the appointment, the proctologist diagnoses an uncomplicated epithelial coccygeal tract during a visual examination; a symptom confirming the pathology is holes in the fold between the buttocks. If, along with this, local inflammation is detected and fistula tracts are noticeable, the proctologist can diagnose a complicated pilonidal cyst. Also during the consultation, the proctologist performs a digital examination aimed at excluding other pathologies. In particular, it is necessary to ensure that there are no changes in the area of ​​the Morganian crypts - anatomical depressions in the terminal segment of the rectum, as well as in the area of ​​the coccygeal and sacral vertebrae.

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract

The reason why the tailbone hurts may also be pathologies of the rectum and large intestine:

  • Proctitis. They are usually accompanied by disturbances in bowel movements, in which constipation alternates with diarrhea, and during an exacerbation, mucus and pus are released from the anus
  • Hemorrhoids. Manifested by periodic discharge of scarlet blood after defecation and causes discomfort when sitting and walking
  • Rectal fissures. Characterized by a disturbance in general health, the appearance of itching in the anus

Which doctor should I contact if my tailbone hurts?

First, it is necessary to exclude injury to the lower spinal column. To do this, visit a traumatologist at Oleg Savyak’s clinic. If the assumption is not confirmed, you will be referred to a chiropractor . The specialist will realign displaced vertebrae, restore healthy muscle function and relax pinched nerve endings.

After a thorough diagnosis, you may need the help of doctors in other fields: gynecologist, urologist, gastroenterologist . In this case, the tailbone can be absolutely healthy - the pain simply radiates to the lower back. However, it is more reliable to start the examination in a highly specialized center - the Institute of Spinal Rehabilitation. Vertebrologists at the Savyak Clinic will be able to identify musculoskeletal pathologies even at an early stage.

General picture of the disease

A coccyx cyst is a congenital anomaly. It looks like a small cavity tube covered with epithelial tissue. One end of it is located near the sacrum, anus or coccyx, the second end comes out to the surface of the skin in the form of a small hole called the primary. The size of this hole can be almost imperceptible, and in some cases it can be a fairly large open funnel.

The cyst can be diagnosed in both men and women. But the likelihood of such a problem occurring is higher among representatives of the stronger sex. For every three male patients, there is one female patient. The fact is that women, for a number of reasons, are less likely to experience inflammation of the epithelium. Age limits, as a rule, do not go beyond thirty years. The length of such a formation can vary from 2-3 cm to fifteen.

All functions of the skin are also inherent in the epithelial tissue lining the cavity of the formation. The cyst may be filled with hair follicles, sebaceous secretions, etc. Products of the “life activity” of the epithelium come to the surface of the skin through microholes; there can be several or one of them.

Classification according to ICD 10

Pilonidal cyst in the international classification of diseases ICD 10 is coded:

  • L00-L99 class 12 - Diseases of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.
  • L05- Pilonidal cyst.
  • L05.0 – Pilonidal cyst with abscess.
  • L05.9 - Pilonidal cyst without abscess.
  • L00-L08 - Infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

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