Recovery from an ankle sprain

Rehabilitation after an ankle fracture

Ankle fractures are most common in athletes, but are just as common in older people.
In the first case, this is easily explained by strong physical exertion, in the second case, by the fact that the bones of older people become more fragile and vulnerable. To restore motor function, not only proper treatment is necessary, but also rehabilitation after an ankle fracture. It allows you not only to quickly return to your previous lifestyle, but also to prevent possible complications.

The rehabilitation period after an ankle fracture includes a set of measures individually selected by the doctor for the complete restoration of all functions. The complex is selected individually, based on the physiological characteristics of the patient and the complexity of the fracture.

Recovery time after injury

The period required for rehabilitation is affected by:

  • the health status of the victim;
  • individual characteristics of the injury.

Depending on the degree of sprain present, you can predict how long the resulting damage will take to heal. With the first degree of sprain, you should lead a measured lifestyle and refrain from unnecessary stress for a week.

To move, the leg must be fixed to avoid recurrence of the sprain. In cases where the injury is of the second degree, a splint is applied to the area subject to sprain. It must be worn for ten days.

Restorative procedures and a return to the usual rhythm of life must be carried out gradually.

Features of the rehabilitation period after an ankle fracture

Deficiency of vitamin D and calcium in the body seriously affects the strength of human bones. Not only athletes and the elderly, but also children, as well as patients with degenerative-dystrophic joint diseases are at high risk of such injuries. It is worth noting that there are two main types of ankle fractures:

1. Open bone fracture. This is the most dangerous type of fracture, since in addition to destruction of the bone itself, there is the possibility of damage to nearby ligaments, small vessels and skin.

2. Closed bone fracture. This type of ankle injury involves complete or partial destruction of the bone without damaging the skin.

It is also necessary to remember about injuries with or without displacement, since each option has its own difficulties and features. But in any case, the patient should be provided with proper care and a set of restorative measures that can be provided by rehabilitation. To avoid severe complications after an injury, the first days after applying a cast, the patient should reduce the number of movements, especially the sore leg, to a minimum.

The traumatologist conducts a thorough examination and draws up an individual treatment method. This is why it is quite difficult to identify general points when recovering from an ankle injury. But it is important to understand that it is not recommended to move during the first two weeks.

Why choose us

Gym and Wi-Fi
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A large selection of books and board games is freely available for our guests. The staff gives regular health lectures.

Period after surgery

The amount of activity you are allowed depends on the nature of the intervention performed.

It should be noted that you will be able to walk normally immediately only after injection of the drug or proximal release of the gastrocnemius muscle.

First (before or after surgery) we will look at how you walk. If you need crutches, we will teach you how to use them. Crutches are individually selected and adjusted to suit your needs and are not intended to be used by anyone else. We will tell you how much weight you can put on your operated foot.

If you have a posterior plaster splint applied, you are not allowed to put weight on your leg in it. It is also NOT allowed to put any weight on the limb in a circular plaster or polymer cast. Despite all our detailed explanations, there are always patients who put weight on their leg in a plaster cast. This often results in various complications - poor wound healing, infection, impaired bone fusion. We strongly recommend that you strictly follow all recommendations given to you. It's in your best interests.

Photograph of a limb in a polymer circular bandage, not intended to bear a load, on which the patient still walked

Full load

You can walk as normal, placing full weight on your operated foot. The physiotherapist will explain to you how to use crutches correctly and safely if you need them for the first time after surgery.

Load as tolerated

You can put as much weight on your operated foot as the pain and discomfort allows you to do. If you are in pain, do not force yourself to walk “correctly”, overcoming this pain. A physical therapist can explain to you how to use crutches correctly and safely if you need them.

Partial load

You are only allowed to partially put weight on the operated limb, using supporting devices. We will tell you in detail how much weight you can put on your operated leg.

Foot touching the floor

You are allowed to walk using crutches, putting most weight on your healthy limb, and only touching the floor with your operated foot to maintain balance.

Load Elimination

The load on the limb is completely eliminated. When walking, the foot should not touch the floor at all. A physical therapist can explain to you how to use crutches correctly and safely.

Ankle fracture, rehabilitation

A feature of the rehabilitation process is the complexity of the injury; the recovery course is individual for all patients and can last from 1 to 6 months.

After receiving an injury, the patient is put in a plaster cast and prescribed rest for up to 2-3 weeks - this stage is necessary so that a false joint does not form and the ligaments grow together correctly. During this period, the patient is recommended to remain in bed and not get up to avoid complications. After the cast is removed, an x-ray is taken to ensure proper bone healing.

The first restoration measures should be carried out a few days after applying the plaster. The intensity of the load increases after the plaster is removed. Doctors recommend that older people undergo the recovery process at a rehabilitation center. Here they receive full care, individual treatment, and 24-hour supervision.

After an ankle fracture, rehabilitation includes the following procedures:

  • Massage is a mandatory procedure in any case of an ankle fracture. It should not cause pain or discomfort. The procedure can be described as follows: stroking, rubbing, kneading and squeezing. The whole process is carried out smoothly and progressively. Massage will help improve blood flow, relieve swelling and speed up recovery of the damaged area.
  • Physical therapy (physical therapy) is carried out after the cast is removed from the patient’s leg. This is the main stage of restoration of all basic functions of the joint. Here it is also necessary to act strictly in accordance with the recommendations of a specialist doctor, and perform all exercises gradually, increasing the complexity and load over time.
  • The diet also promotes better recovery of the entire body. Due to the consumption of the necessary complex of microelements. The diet must contain foods with a high content of protein, calcium and silicon, including dairy products, eggs, seafood, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  • Taking medications is of particular importance in the entire rehabilitation process. From the very first day after injury, the doctor prescribes a number of medications that eliminate pain, relieve inflammation, muscle spasms and speed up recovery.

The intensity of physical activity directly depends on the patient’s condition and is selected individually by the doctor at the rehabilitation center.

Every patient can sign up for rehabilitation at the Baltiysky boarding house by phone or on the website.

Rehabilitation after an ankle fracture at home

An ankle fracture is an injury that makes it impossible to walk. The ankle joint is strong and can withstand the load of body weight. If an ankle fracture occurs, the person's movement is limited. If bone tissue is damaged, treatment is carried out in a hospital, after which long-term rehabilitation after an ankle fracture begins at home.

Ankle injury.
If an ankle injury occurs, it is accompanied by sharp and severe pain in the area of ​​the ankle ligaments and the joint itself. In most cases, a fracture prevents a person from putting weight on their leg. It is easy to determine the injury: just try to turn your leg inward. If the pain sharply intensifies, medical intervention is necessary. If an ankle fracture occurs, pain will be felt under the ankle. There may be a visible deformity of the leg. Only an x-ray can determine the presence of a fracture.

Ankle fracture.

If, after diagnosis, an ankle fracture is detected, treatment is reduced to repositioning the bones and applying a plaster cast. The pain does not go away for a long time, so local painkillers are prescribed. When treatment for an ankle fracture is completed, the patient is usually discharged home to undergo a period of rehabilitation.

If the doctor has forbidden you to move your leg, development of the leg after an ankle fracture and surgery can begin in the hospital. Without worrying about the ankle itself, you need to move the knee joint to maintain normal blood circulation and muscle tone throughout the leg.

The rehabilitation period after a fracture

Ankle fractures with or without displacement of the bones require proper post-traumatic treatment. At this stage, exercises to develop the ankle after a fracture begin to connect to the rest mode. The physical therapy program can only be carried out 30-60 days after the application of the cast.

After removing the plaster, the result of stagnation of muscles and blood vessels is obvious, which is visible in the form of slight swelling. This is the main indicator for urgent implementation of the rehabilitation program. At this phase, the attending physician calculates an individual program on how to develop an ankle after a fracture, including types of massage and exercises.

So, how to develop the ankle joint after a fracture:

  • Gradual slow execution of leg movements. This provokes a rush of blood, preventing the formation of blood clots, as well as the appearance of tone in the muscle fibers;
  • Active exercise therapy after a fracture of the ankle or ankle. Only after a week's course of active exercises can you attempt to stand on your leg;
  • Supporting the leg – standing up and walking with crutches. At this stage of recovery, swimming and riding an exercise bike are very helpful;
  • If proper rehabilitation treatment is not carried out, contracture of the ankle joint may develop, i.e. acquired traumatic immobility of the joint.

Throughout the entire rehabilitation course, an ankle fracture requires constant massage. With its help, swelling quickly goes away and muscle function improves. The massage must last for at least 30 sessions.

Assistance in rehabilitation from ARTROMOT

All exercises aimed at rehabilitation are quite painful, but necessary. The patient has to overcome his own pain several times a day in order to restore leg mobility after injury. You can develop an ankle after a fracture without pain using ARTROMOT devices. They:

  • Allows you to maintain muscle tone and develop motor ability without feeling pain;
  • Provide complete comfort to the patient, without requiring him to make complex movements to get out of bed and move around on crutches;
  • They make it possible not to delay the recovery process until the plaster is removed and to begin the rehabilitation process immediately after the operation;

With ARTROMOT devices, an ankle fracture and treatment will be much more comfortable than classic exercise therapy with a feeling of pain.

How it works?

If an ankle fracture occurs, the device allows you to carry out passive mechanotherapy not only in the hospital, but also at home. Fixed on the ankle and foot thanks to its anatomical shape, ARTROMOT produces passive movements that develop only those areas that are targeted (joints, muscles). In this case, the person does not perform any physical actions.


  • Replacement of any ankle exercise after injury;
  • Preventing immobility of the injured joint;
  • Improving lymph circulation in the joint;
  • Maintaining natural normal blood circulation;
  • Influence on the rapid elimination of edema, hematomas.

By renting the ARTROMOT device, you will also learn how to develop a leg after an ankle fracture painlessly. The course of treatment is prescribed by the attending physician himself, and our company’s specialists strictly adhere to it, carrying out rehabilitation procedures at home. Our experienced specialists know how to develop an ankle after a fracture, so they can speed up the healing process by assessing the dynamics of improvement.

Typically, development of the ankle joint after a fracture takes 3-4 hours a day. During the procedures, you can enjoy reading a book, watching your favorite show, or just relax. No pain!

If you have an injured ankle, a fracture or severe bruise, or a joint contracture, call us. Our hardware rehabilitation method will carry out all prescriptions and exercises in strict accordance with the doctor’s recommendations, replacing unbearable pain with comfort and relaxation during therapeutic exercises.

Do not try to independently choose a course of treatment and rehabilitation, or find a way to develop your leg after an ankle fracture. Entrust treatment only to a qualified doctor and our ARTROMOT device. Call us now for a free consultation.

Prices for rehabilitation services

Cost of stay from 1500 rub. day.

Services listCost of services
Initial consultation with a therapist for residentsFor free
Consultation with a specialist doctor1500
Speech therapist1500
Manual therapy1500
Electrocardiogram with interpretation900
Ultrasound examination (ultrasound)1000
Physiotherapeutic procedures700
General massage (back, neck)1000
Foot massage600
Hand massage400
IV administration of drugs300
IM administration of drugs250
Setting up a cleansing enema300
Laboratory diagnosticsAccording to the price list
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