How to understand why your leg hurts after an injury: fracture, sprain, ligament rupture, dislocation, bruise

It often happens that pain after an injury begins to bother a person only some time after the injury to the limb. Many people are in no hurry to see a doctor, believing that the problem will go away on its own, but in most cases, without a proper examination by a specialist and the prescription of concomitant treatment, the situation only gets worse. Do you need to see a doctor after an injury and how do you know how serious the injury is? Today we will try to find out.

Types of damage

Limb injuries are the most common reason why patients turn to traumatologists. There are different types of injuries, varying in severity. The more serious the injury, the longer the rehabilitation period. Depending on the type and type of injury, the doctor diagnoses and prescribes treatment. In the general classification of traumatic injuries, the following types of injuries are distinguished:

  • Sprain;
  • Ligament rupture;
  • Dislocation;
  • Injury;
  • Fracture.

Each of the injuries listed above is characterized by its own characteristics, symptoms, treatment methods and recovery period. In order for the patient to visually determine the type of injury that was received, as well as approximately assess the degree of its severity, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the main symptoms that a particular injury provokes.

What hurts when you twist your ankle?

The ankle joint is one of the most vulnerable joints in the human body. As the name suggests, it connects the bones of the leg and foot. The bones, in turn, are fixed by elastic ligaments.

The problem is that the ankle has conflicting functions. On the one hand, in order for us to walk and run, it must provide high mobility to the foot. Therefore, the ankle consists of a bunch of small bones that form a complex and rather fragile system.

On the other hand, the ankle supports the weight of the entire body. And when we walk or run, this load only intensifies. Ligaments help absorb pressure. Often - at the cost of one's own integrity.

So, you twisted your ankle - you carelessly placed your foot on an edge and loaded it with your own weight. Depending on how strong this load was, the following may occur:

  1. Sprain . The ligaments withstood the load and protected the ankle from destruction, but micro-tears formed in the tissue. And they won't hurt very much until they heal.
  2. Tear or rupture of ligaments . The ligaments could not stand it, their tissue tore, but the bones remained intact. As a rule, such an injury is accompanied by a click, and the pain is stronger than with a sprain.
  3. Dislocation or fracture of the ankle . The ligaments, even if they ruptured (however, rupture is not necessary), could not protect the bones. The ankle joint was displaced and some of the bones may have been broken. This injury is accompanied by a characteristic crunch and other symptoms of a fracture. The pain is so severe that it makes it impossible to stand on the injured leg.

Sprain. Symptoms, features, treatment

Ligament sprains usually occur as a result of the patient making sudden movements that exceed the natural amplitude norm. The knee and ankle are most commonly affected by this type of injury. Although a sprain involves “stretching” the internal tissues of the ligament, in fact, any sprain is a microscopic tearing of the fibers that form the ligament.

Important! A sprained ligament and a sprained tendon are different concepts that should not be confused. If ligaments are elastic interosseous joints, then tendons are more structurally durable internal tissue that connects muscle and bone.

Symptoms of a sprain typically include the following:

  1. Pain occurs when the damaged joint moves, and also intensifies when trying to return the joint to its previous position;
  2. Pain occurs when tactile palpation of the damaged area;
  3. Pain when trying to lean on the sore leg, in some cases the person is completely unable to step on the sore limb;
  4. Swelling is also possible;
  5. Hematomas and changes in skin color appear in the damaged area.

If you receive such an injury, it is necessary to immobilize the limb and secure it with a tight bandage. Optimal compression for immobilizing the leg will be achieved by creating a bandage on the ankle joint or knee pad, depending on which area was damaged in your case.

When it’s hard to find words: a psychologist tells how to support a seriously ill relative

The disease suddenly intervenes and turns life upside down.
Once full of strength, a person can no longer get out of bed, is undergoing difficult treatment or is awaiting a dangerous operation. It’s not easy for friends and family during this period. How to properly build communication with a seriously ill relative, says psychologist “My Family Center Northwestern Administrative Okrug” Ekaterina Vinichenko.

The first reaction to news of a serious illness is often shock or denial. A person cannot and does not want to believe that this happened to him or his loved ones. He is experiencing a strong shock, a blow. “ Shock can manifest itself in the form of stupor, apathy, inaction - in this way the body slows down the violent processes of experiencing very
strong emotions , thereby relieving tension.
This is a normal reaction. If your loved one is sick and is in shock, there is no urgent need to include him in solving the problem. He needs time to come to his senses, to understand what is happening ,” notes the psychologist.

This does not mean that it is not necessary to help a seriously ill patient take urgent measures if they are necessary and prescribed by a doctor. Just be close, attentive to his condition.


Shock can progress to the stage of protest and aggression: a strong emotional reaction, anger, anger is experienced. Aggression can be directed both at doctors and loved ones, or at fate, at society.

Let the person speak out, let him express his indignation, let all his fears, worries, and indignation spill out. “ When
you talk through difficult feelings, emotional tension somehow decreases,”
the specialist notes.


When the aggression subsides, art therapy techniques can be useful: invite the patient to draw his experiences, make a drawing, or even sing.


Experts also highlight the transaction (bargaining) stage - a person can try to “agree” with fate or God. For example: “if I do a certain action every day, the disease will go away.”

At this stage, it is important to maintain faith in the best, give the person as much positive information as possible, tell medical stories with a positive ending, and show inspiring films and books. Faith and hope for recovery are very important for the sick person. “If your loved one gets sick, but simply begins to believe in a miracle and stops receiving treatment, it is very important that his relatives motivate him to receive qualified treatment. After all, if a person really believes, he does everything necessary. And if he “believes,” but does nothing, most often such “faith” covers up an unconscious refusal to fight, hidden despair,”

- says the psychologist.


At the stage of depression, the patient realizes the severity of the disease and sometimes loses hope. He may close himself off from communication, want nothing and no longer expect anything. Few escaped this phase. “ Give the patient maximum support, show that he is not alone with his grief. Continue to talk about his and your feelings and most importantly - just be there."

, the specialist advises.


When doctors give bad prognoses, you should not try to instill an optimistic mood in the patient at all costs, or motivate him too actively: “get yourself together, don’t lose your head.” This can lead to an even greater alienation of the person from you, to the feeling that he is not understood.

When a patient is depressed, you just need to communicate without consolation and lamentation. It is important to follow a routine, make plans for every day, and enjoy the little things.

“A serious illness of a family member always entails a redistribution of family roles, additional responsibilities and emotional stress. Therefore, if you understand that the illness of a loved one has a serious impact on your psychological state, it is better to consult a specialist.”

“, the psychologist summed up.

Press service of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow

Ligament rupture. Symptoms, features, treatment

A ligament rupture, like a sprain, occurs when the amplitude of the movements performed is unnaturally increased. Ligament rupture can be complete or partial. Most often, such an injury occurs during intense training, but it can also occur at home. Depending on the severity, there are three main stages of ligament rupture:

  • Grade 1: partial rupture, in which the overall integrity of the ligament is preserved, but some fibers have torn under mechanical stress. The pain in this case is moderate;
  • Grade 2: more than 50% of the ligament is torn. With such an injury, bruising and swelling may form. The patient is unable to move the limb; there is instability in the joint;
  • 3rd degree: ligament rupture 90-100%. Severe pain, swelling, hematomas and bruises are the main companions to a complete rupture of the ligament.

As for individual symptoms that indicate ligament damage, these include:

  1. Acute pain that occurs at the time of injury or develops after injury;
  2. Change in skin color at the site of injury;
  3. Bruising;
  4. Swelling;
  5. The damaged joint loses its functionality.

In the event of a complete or partial rupture, it is necessary to immobilize the joint and get to the nearest emergency room as soon as possible. In this case, an x-ray examination will be required and, in the case of a complete rupture, the doctor will most likely put you in a plaster cast.

Dislocation. Symptoms, features, treatment

A dislocation is an injury to a joint that causes displacement of its articular parts. Usually, when a dislocation occurs, the joint capsule is also damaged. Such injuries are provoked by strong blows, falls, or any sudden movements in an unnatural amplitude. There are also combined injuries called fracture-dislocations. With such forms of damage, the joint capsule ruptures and the articulating parts of the joints are torn. There is unbearable pain and springy resistance. A dislocated limb is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • External joint deformation;
  • Unnatural position of the injured limb;
  • Presence of pain;
  • The joint loses its functionality;
  • Inability to independently return the joint to its natural position.

In the case of a dislocation, after diagnosis, doctors usually straighten the joint, after which it is securely mobilized using a plaster cast or an orthosis, which you can buy on the website of the Orthosalon online store or in the Medtechnika Orthosalon chain of stores in your city.

Injury. Symptoms, features, treatment

Bruises are caused by strong blows or falls with an unsuccessful landing. Against the background of a bruise, the patient may feel pain, swelling appears, bruising is possible, and the joint itself ceases to function normally. The main symptoms that indicate a bruise include:

  • Pain in the injured area;
  • Swelling;
  • Hematomas or hemorrhages;
  • Partial impairment of motor activity of the joint.

If you are able to lean at least a little on the injured limb, most likely the injury you have suffered is a bruise. To make an accurate diagnosis, you need to consult a specialist and undergo diagnostics. In any case, you will definitely need a bandage for a bruise. Bandages have a good stabilizing effect so that the injured limb is maximally immobilized and protected from unnecessary stress. Due to the well-thought-out fixation system, the bandage fits well on the joint and provides a slight compression effect, preventing the formation or development of edema. Bandages from the French brand Thuasne provide reliable fixation and help the patient get rid of excess load on the injured limb during the rehabilitation period.

Treatment of bruises boils down to the fact that for the first time after the injury, the patient must remain in bed, use cold compresses, painkillers, if necessary, and a bandage for fixation.

What to do if you twist your ankle

But if you are lucky and there are no frightening symptoms, most likely it is just a sprain. This condition does not require any specific treatment and, as a rule, goes away on its own.

To speed up recovery, doctors advise using so-called RICE therapy.

  1. R - Rest - rest. Give your injured leg a rest. For the first day or two after the injury, try to walk less, and ideally, lie down at home.
  2. I - Ice - ice. To reduce pain and reduce swelling, apply something cold to the affected joint. This could be a bag of ice or frozen vegetables wrapped in a thin towel, or a heating pad filled with ice water.
  3. C - Compress - compression. Wear something tight, such as compression socks, or a tight bandage around the joint. This will help relieve swelling. Just make sure that the blood flow is not disrupted.
  4. E - Elevate - rise. Immediately after an injury, try to lie on your back for at least half an hour (preferably more), raising the injured foot above the level of your heart. To do this, place a pillow under your heel. This procedure will also help relieve swelling and speed up recovery.

To relieve pain, take ibuprofen, paracetamol or aspirin.

Fracture. Symptoms, features, treatment

A fracture, as you may have guessed, is the most complex injury that requires complex and long-term treatment. The rehabilitation period for a fracture depends on the nature and severity of the injury, as well as the age of the patient. When a fracture occurs, not only damage to bone tissue occurs. Under mechanical stress, the tissue of ligaments, tendons and other internal components of the joint can be damaged. Symptoms of a fracture are:

  1. Sharp unbearable pain;
  2. Swelling (sometimes the joint can increase in volume several times due to internal hemorrhage);
  3. Change in skin color at the site of injury;
  4. Changes in skin temperature at the site of injury;
  5. Inability to lean on the affected limb;
  6. Hematomas, bruises.

If such symptoms occur, you must contact the nearest trauma department to take a picture and take appropriate measures. To remove excess load from the joint and protect it from even greater damage, it is necessary to use a fixing bandage or bandage in order to completely immobilize the limb.

Bandages for injuries

The bandage is a convenient, practical product that is characterized by effective mobilization. Regardless of the type of injury, you will need to immobilize the injured leg to relieve excess stress on it and protect the joint from overstrain.

Thuasne and Aurafix bandages are made from high-tech materials that are lightweight and hypoallergenic. A well-thought-out fastener system allows you to place the limb in a stationary position without squeezing the blood circulation. If you want to speed up the recovery process after an injury, you cannot do without a special medical bandage. You can buy a bandage for injury on the website of our online store Orthosalon or in the Medtechnika Orthosalon chain of stores.

What not to do if you twist your ankle

For faster ligament recovery, remember a few “don’ts” of Foot Sprain: Care Instructions:

  1. Do not engage in sports that put stress on the ankle while your leg hurts.
  2. Do not take warm baths or try to “cure” your ankle with hot compresses or going to the sauna in the first 2-3 days after the injury. Increased temperature can increase swelling.
  3. Do not massage your ankle for the first 2-3 days after the injury. There is a risk of bruising and causing inflammation.
  4. Don't linger. If resting the leg is even indicated for the first 1–2 days after the injury, then you need to start moving again (of course, not in the case of a dislocation or fracture). By gently and gradually increasing the load on the joint, you will speed up its recovery.
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