How to suspect spinal curvature? Symptoms of a hidden disease

Spinal scoliosis in adults: symptoms

The leading manifestation of lateral curvature is back pain, the intensity of which depends on its degree. The early stages of deformation do not cause pain, and the destructive process can be recognized only by external signs. Even with minor scoliotic changes, the symmetry of the shoulders and shoulder blades is disrupted, and the pelvic crests also shift relative to the horizontal axis. One shoulder blade sticks out on the side in which the spine has deviated.

The stage of deformation is determined by the angle of the scoliotic curve and includes 4 degrees:

  • 1st degree, ∠10° and less. A slight stoop, the head is slightly lowered forward, there is asymmetry in the waist and shoulders;
  • 2nd degree, ∠11–25°. There is a persistent curvature of the spine, which is noticeable in any position. The pelvis on the side of the top of the arch drops, the shoulder girdles are asymmetrical, a bulge appears on the back on one side and a depression on the other. A roll of spasmed muscles is felt in the lumbar region;
  • 3rd degree, ∠26–50°. The ribs begin to protrude, especially in the front, and the intercostal hump is noticeable when tilted. The abdominal muscles weaken, muscle contractures form, reducing range of motion;
  • 4th degree, ∠50° or more. Severe deformation with the presence of all the signs described above. The muscles in the curvature zone are greatly stretched, there is an intercostal hump, and the ribs are sunken on the sunken side of the back.

For reference! Most often, the scoliotic curve is localized in the thoracic and lumbar regions.

Symptoms and signs

What spinal scoliosis is has already been clarified, but what signs and symptoms may indicate the presence of pathology? In the initial stages, this insidious disease does not manifest itself in any way, but over time, a feeling of muscle stiffness appears, fatigue increases, general condition worsens, and the most ordinary movements require great effort. Scoliosis has a whole range of symptoms. Visually, the disease can be determined by the lateral deviation of the spine, changes in the position of the torso in different positions, as well as the shape of the chest and pelvis. Depending on the degree of deformation, the manifestations of pathology may be less or more pronounced.

Symptoms of progressive scoliosis:

  • deformation of the spinal segments is clearly visible even to the naked eye;
  • the configuration of the chest changes, and the intercostal spaces on the convex side of the defect protrude, and on the inner side they sink;
  • the vertebrae are displaced around the vertical axis;
  • the muscles in the lumbar region are in constant tone;
  • with advanced scoliosis, a person feels discomfort in all internal organs, as the volume of the abdominal cavity changes;
  • due to constricted neck vessels, there is impaired blood supply to the brain, and headaches often occur;
  • gait changes, clubfoot and flat feet progress;
  • a person almost constantly feels pain between the shoulder blades, in the lower back and in other quadrants of the spine.


Scoliosis is classified according to the presence of structural changes in the spine, the causes of its occurrence, as well as the location and rate of progression. According to the first classification, curvature can be structural or non-structural. The latter is easier to cure, since there is every chance of eliminating the root cause.

Types of non-structural scoliosis:

  • postural, caused by poor posture. If you take an X-ray in the supine position, you will not be able to diagnose scoliosis due to the absence of structural deformation. The curvature is not visible even when a person bends forward;
  • reflex, which appears as a result of a long stay in a forced position due to a pain symptom;
  • compensatory, when the misalignment of the back equalizes – compensates – for the difference in leg length;
  • hysterical, having a psycho-emotional nature and occurring in rare cases.

Types of structural scoliosis:

  • congenital, caused by underdevelopment, wedge-shaped vertebrae, fusion of ribs and/or transverse processes;
  • neuromuscular, occurring against the background of spinal cord injuries, myopathies, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis;
  • dysplastic, the cause of which lies in connective tissue dysplasia. Diagnosed with Marfan and Ellers-Danlos syndromes;
  • post-traumatic, provoked by fractures, surgical interventions, scar contractures. It can develop after burns, as a result of purulent complications and after operations on the chest organs;
  • rare species caused by impaired bone formation, osteomyelitis, homocystinuria or tumors;
  • idiopathic, when the cause cannot be determined. This type accounts for 80 to 90% of all cases of scoliosis.

Causes of curvature

Scoliosis refers to a group of deformities that occur during growth, but there are a number of factors that can trigger the development of spinal scoliosis in adults.

The main causes of scoliosis:

  • congenital spinal deformities;
  • metabolic disorders, connective tissue pathologies;
  • various injuries, deformations, amputations of the lower extremities;
  • a number of joint diseases;
  • incorrect body position for a long period of time, sedentary lifestyle, etc.

Quite often, the cause of the disease remains unclear, that is, idiopathic scoliosis is diagnosed.

How to find out if there is a curvature of the spine

There is a special test that can detect signs of scoliosis in adolescents and children. To pass it, the child must stand up straight and lower his arms along his body. The curvature will be indicated by:

  • asymmetry of the left and right sides of the body;
  • different heights of shoulders and shoulder blades;
  • protrusion of one of the shoulder blades more strongly than the other;
  • deviation from the vertical of the cervical, thoracic and/or lumbar vertebrae;
  • different levels of dimples on the upper back of the buttocks;
  • difference in the height of the ears, ridges of the pelvic bones;
  • skewed triangles at the waist, noticeable by the unequal distance between each arm and the waist.

All these symptoms are more pronounced when the patient is in an inclined position. But they are also characteristic of poor posture. To distinguish one from the other, you need to examine the child’s body in a lying position. If the asymmetry has not disappeared, then there is every reason to suspect scoliosis.

For reference! The next step after identifying suspicious signs should be to visit an orthopedist. He will make an accurate diagnosis based on the examination results.

What is scoliosis?

Scoliosis is a curvature of the spinal column to the left or right relative to its own axis . Essentially, this is an asymmetry of the entire body: a curved spine, protruding ribs or a shoulder blade. In most cases, scoliosis of the lumbar and thoracic spine is diagnosed.

Sometimes scoliosis is confused with ordinary stoop (kyphosis) , although these postural disorders are completely different. In fairness, it is worth noting that sometimes kyphosis is aggravated by scoliosis and kyphoscoliosis occurs. But, in general, scoliosis and kyphosis are different diseases, and they need to be considered separately from each other.

Scoliosis is often confused with kyphosis, which is extremely wrong.

How to identify scoliosis: diagnosis

To recognize the curvature, examination and radiography are performed. To measure the angle of deviation of the spinal column, a scoliometer is used - today it is a digital device that is applied to the back and gives the value of the angular degree. The examination consists of checking reflexes, range of motion in joints, symmetry of body parts and muscle strength. For clarity, the patient is asked to bend forward and reach with his fingertips towards the floor - in this position the deformity is most noticeable. X-ray specifies the clinical picture and shows the structural features of the curvature. The photographs clearly show changes in the vertebrae and their position relative to their axes. X-ray examination allows you to assess in detail the condition of deformed and unchanged vertebrae and determine the degree of scoliosis.

Recommendations for prevention at home

Prevention of scoliosis should be carried out from birth, because The most dangerous age for the development of this disease is considered to be childhood and adolescence.

Scoliosis can be prevented by following these recommendations::

  1. During pregnancy, it is necessary to eat properly (include foods rich in vitamins and microelements), lead an active lifestyle, and avoid overwork.
  2. Small and newborn babies need to be constantly moving. It is advisable that parents teach them to systematically perform physical exercises.
  3. It is necessary to eat a balanced diet. The diet should contain useful components that take part in the development of internal organs, the formation of correct posture and the spinal column.

Prevention of curvature in children comes down to the following recommendations::

  1. Do not sit the baby until he learns to do it on his own.
  2. Walk with your child every day, regardless of the weather. Sunlight promotes the production of vitamin D, which is necessary for the normal condition and functioning of bones.
  3. Make sure that the newborn sleeps on a special orthopedic mattress.
  4. Properly equip the student’s workplace in accordance with his height and age. The distance between the eyes and the table should be 30 centimeters or more.
  5. Buy a schoolchild a backpack or briefcase with two straps so that the load is distributed evenly.
  6. Engage your child in sports. Physical activity has a positive effect on the development of internal organs, the muscular system and the musculoskeletal system.
  7. Make sure that the child does not slouch and keeps his back straight.

Pathological curvature of the spine can also be observed in adult patients.

To avoid developing the disease, older people need:

  1. Lead a healthy lifestyle, do not neglect physical activity. People who sit or stand for work should change their body position from time to time and do light exercises during breaks. The workplace should be well lit and properly equipped so that there is no need to assume awkward postures.
  2. Include foods rich in nutrients in your diet.
  3. Find time for sports. Swimming, exercises on the horizontal bar and any other physical activity helps improve muscle tone and achieve beautiful posture.

Prevention of scoliosis is especially effective during the period of active growth of the child . Therefore, parents should instill in their children a love of sports, wean them from the habit of slouching and staying in the same position for a long time.


Depending on the degree of spinal deformation and existing disorders in the functioning of internal organs, the doctor chooses the most optimal treatment method.

Drug treatment

Drug treatment is used only in combination with other methods as an auxiliary one. For this pathology, it is advisable to use medications that improve blood circulation in tissues, protect and restore cartilage. In addition to the main treatment, it is recommended to take general strengthening and vitamin complexes, as well as medications whose action is aimed at treating pathologies caused by spinal deformity.


Treatment of spinal scoliosis with massage gives good results with the initial degree of deformity. Thus, impaired blood circulation in the affected area is normalized and muscle tension is relieved.

Exercise therapy

A set of exercise therapy exercises is effective in treating any degree of deformity and even for prevention. With the help of therapeutic physical training, the muscle corset is strengthened, which then stabilizes the spine and corrects the deformity. Exercise therapy is contraindicated for patients who suffer from severe pain or have serious problems with blood supply.


A set of non-surgical methods is always used only in combination with other treatment methods at any stage of the disease, as well as during the recovery period after surgery. Physiotherapy is prescribed exclusively in courses, with mandatory breaks.


Swimming is an excellent method for preventing spinal curvature, but can also be used to treat it. With its help, muscles are significantly strengthened, blood supply is restored, metabolic processes in the joints are normalized with less load on the entire spine.

Orthopedic instruments for treatment

This is a traditional and very effective method of treatment and correction of poor posture. There are several types of correctors for each area of ​​the spine. In each specific case, one or another type is indicated, which is selected individually by the doctor.

Wearing a corset

The corset allows you to stop the development of pathology in adults. If it is used to treat a child with unadvanced stages, then a complete cure is possible. The corset supports the patient's spine in the correct position, but it cannot be worn for a long time, as the muscles may weaken.


Spinal curvature is a fairly common spinal pathology, which affects more and more children every year. Therefore, pediatricians and other doctors may recommend that parents resort to preventive measures. The most effective include:

  • an annual physical examination, during which the doctor carefully examines the hip joints and spinal column;
  • alternately carry the baby on one arm, then on the other, so that there is no distortion of the fragile spine;
  • avoid heavy loads on a young body;
  • select orthopedic products for sleeping and walking;
  • give preference to backpacks, as they evenly distribute the load;
  • the table and chairs should be located at a distance that is suitable to support the child’s correct posture;
  • daily exercise;
  • Enroll your child in active sports (swimming, gymnastics or martial arts) that help strengthen the back muscles.

Responsible parents have conversations with their children, where they explain the need to support correct posture. Such conversations are considered as a warning about the possible consequences of incorrect posture.


Many patients are concerned about the question: how dangerous the disease is, and what complications there may be. If you ignore the symptoms of pathology, a person may experience consequences such as compression of the vertebral arteries, deformation of the chest and hip bones. In the first case, a person begins to experience severe headaches, dizziness and weakness. The brain stops receiving the nutrients it needs to function properly. The person feels constant weakness and depression.

When the patient's chest is deformed, a gradual displacement of the internal organs begins. This leads to a person having problems with breathing, normal functioning of the heart and the organs of the digestive system. As a result of such phenomena, diseases of internal organs or entire systems begin. When the lumbar spine is deformed, the patient begins to experience structural changes in the hip joints, which may cause problems with the genitourinary system. Men experience sexual dysfunction, and women experience inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs.

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