Causes, symptoms and treatment of kyphosis of the thoracic spine

Posture is the position of the body in space.

It is influenced by many factors: the constitution of a person (and, accordingly, his nutrition), and the state of the muscles (their tone and strength), and the mental state (for example, when we are happy, it’s as if wings are spread behind our backs and we walk smoothly, and when we are depressed, we often involuntarily slouch).

We ourselves form correct posture; we start this in childhood and continue for the rest of our lives. Moreover, we can influence it even as adults. The main thing is to realize that changes are required and understand their importance.

When is posture impaired? If deviations to the side appear, skew of the pelvis, shoulder level, and the curves of the spine become more pronounced when looking at a person from the side (this plane is called the sagittal plane).

Postural disorders are very common in the population, and there are many reasons for this.


  1. Congenital causes of poor posture are abnormalities in the intrauterine development of the fetus.
  2. Acquired reasons:
  • the consequences of birth injuries, with which 80% of children are born (many such injuries are not visible to the naked eye and remain unattended and, accordingly, without treatment),
  • past diseases such as rickets, bone tuberculosis, polio,
  • injuries (vertebral fractures),
  • flat feet,
  • systemic connective tissue diseases,
  • frequent incorrect forced postures (for example, when the height of the chair on which a person sits does not correspond to the height of the desk).

Moreover, if posture is impaired, the muscles begin to work in such a way that the force of their tension on different sides is uneven, and this leads to an even more pronounced change in the axis of the spine.


  1. Poor posture when viewed from the side (that is, in the sagittal plane):
  1. Strengthening bends:
  • round back;
  • round-concave back.

b. Reducing bends:

  • flat back;
  • flat-concave back.

2. Poor posture in the frontal plane:

  • Scoliotic posture.
  1. Poor posture in two planes:
  • Kyphoscoliotic back.
  • Lordoscoliotic back.


Scoliotic posture is a postural disorder in which curvature occurs in the frontal plane, that is, we can visually assess this when looking at a person directly.

This posture is often combined with another posture disorder in the form of a flat back.

In this case, a diverse and unequal decrease in the tone of the back muscles occurs.

An asymmetry in the level of the shoulders is revealed (one fits up and the other down) and a multi-level arrangement of the shoulder blades.

As a rule, the curvature is located in the lumbar or lower thoracic spine.

An important difference between scoliotic posture and scoliosis is that all these changes are functional in nature, that is, they disappear when the patient lies down.

Kyphosis of the thoracic spine: description of the disease

Physiological bends exist in the thoracic and also in the sacral part of the spinal column. The counterbalance to them is the cervical and lumbar regions, which is due to the peculiarities of human physiology. Only in such a situation are high depreciation rates ensured along with a reduction in the load on the vertebrae themselves and the cartilaginous structures between them. A term such as “kyphosis” defines a pathological curvature of the spinal column, which most often occurs in the thoracic region. In such a situation, a person’s posture may simply be a slouch, or a hump may form. The disease affects males more often; the disease can develop during a growth spurt at 10-15 years of age. It is worth understanding that kyphosis in the thoracic spine often does not manifest itself at all until no one tells the person that he looks stooped and has problems with posture.


A round back is a violation of posture, in which there is an increase in thoracic kyphosis (normally, this is a moderately pronounced posterior bend, here an increase in backward bending in this section is assessed when looking at a person from the side) and a smoothing of lumbar lordosis (that is, a decrease in forward bending in this department).

What happens? Of course, a shift in the center of gravity, in order to compensate for this and maintain balance, a person begins to be forced to bend his legs and acquires a characteristic gait on half-bent legs. At the same time, the head is slightly moved forward, the shoulders are raised upward, and the stomach protrudes slightly.


In order to never find out what it is - thoracic kyphosis, it is best to prevent its occurrence. All prevention methods are aimed at maintaining correct posture, which is especially important in childhood. If the moment has been missed and your posture is impaired, you need to contact a doctor as soon as possible. The recommendations also concern the proper arrangement of a place for sleeping and working, since we spend a lot of time at the desk and in bed, and an incorrect posture can significantly worsen the quality of life in the future. Do not neglect physical activity, but be attentive to the state of your health - healing of sports injuries without medical supervision is fraught with complications. If you take care of the prevention of pathology in time, you won’t have to think about what the norm is for kyphosis of the thoracic spinal column.


A flat back is a postural disorder in which the severity of the curves of all parts of the spine decreases.

People with such a violation of posture usually have a long neck, shoulders are lowered down and shifted anteriorly, from the side the person looks very straight, as if stretched out in one line from the top of the head.

It is very difficult for such patients to remain in the same position for a long time, fatigue sets in very quickly.

The biggest danger is that with various axial loads (squats with a barbell, deadlifts), when jumping and running, the impulse is not able to be absorbed, and it is immediately redirected to the base of the skull and, accordingly, is then transmitted to the brain.

Treatment methods for kyphosis deformity

The optimal type of treatment is selected by an orthopedic surgeon

. The doctor will have to, first of all, explain to you what kind of disease this is and what ways to solve the problem exist. The type of treatment will depend on how severely the spinal column is deformed - in the first stages it is possible to correct the situation with exercises and drug treatment, but in the latter stages only surgery is indicated, since other methods are ineffective. It often happens that the situation is aggravated by the development of compensatory lordosis in the lower part of the spine, which is a protrusion forward. In general, treatment of kyphosis of the thoracic spine involves:

  • taking medications;
  • formation of back muscles;
  • corseting and bandaging;
  • surgical interventions in the structure of the spinal column.

But, no matter what type of treatment the specialist chooses, it will be comprehensive, since only in this case will it be possible to get rid of the symptoms of kyphosis of the thoracic spine as much as possible and regain comfort.

Drug therapy

Every qualified specialist knows how to treat thoracic kyphosis and what the purpose of taking medications is. First of all, this is to relieve a person from the symptoms of the disease.


  1. Increase blood circulation.
  2. Relieve pain.
  3. Ensure the conduction of nerve impulses.

In such a situation, the patient’s general condition improves, and favorable conditions are created for strengthening the back muscles. Often, in case of severe pain, blockades are placed, which are an injection of novocaine or lidocaine into the affected part of the spinal column.

Use of glucocorticosteroids

The use of such drugs can also be considered a medicinal type of treatment for thoracic kyphosis. Such drugs contain steroid hormones, which in the human body are produced by the adrenal cortex. Synthetic analogues have found wide use in the treatment of kyphosis due to their anti-inflammatory properties, but their use is not always possible. The thing is that they have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the immune system.

Exercise therapy, massage

Kyphosis of the spine and chest necessarily includes the formation of the back muscles, which can fully support the torso. In such a situation, it is not only useful to exercise and attend massages, physical therapy is also often prescribed. The most effective ways to get rid of kyphosis are methods aimed at maintaining correct posture in sitting and standing positions. During physical therapy it will be important to increase the amount of muscle mass. Often physical training is combined with antispasmodic drugs, which will cause muscle tension during exercise. This will lead to the fact that incorrectly located vertebrae will begin to shift to their proper place. Massages are designed to create relaxation zones. In such a situation, muscle tension will begin to “pull” the vertebrae in the right directions, which will ultimately significantly improve the situation.

Use of bandages and corsets

If you go to your doctor with a question about how you can correct kyphosis of the thoracic spine, you will most likely be prescribed to wear a bandage or corset. Such devices vary in their degree of rigidity: the higher it is, the more difficult it is to wear a corset. However, in this case, the effect of its use will be significantly higher. The devices are aimed at maintaining correct posture during:

  • seats;
  • walking;
  • sleep.

In adults, the pathology can only be treated with the use of corsets, since the muscles are no longer strong enough to independently bend the spine. As a rule, the longer a person wears a corset, the greater the effect.


Serious degrees of development of kyphosis of the thoracic spine cannot be cured with corsets and pills. In this case, you will need to resort to radical methods. You may be prescribed:

  1. Spinal traction with special devices.
  2. Surgery to correct the shape of a vertebra.

Traction is a rather painful, but very effective method. Special devices with correctly selected tension force and consolidation of the resulting effect allow you to achieve noticeable progress in treatment. However, a back sprain will cause severe pain, so the person will be advised to take analgesics to relieve the condition. Operations are indicated if individual vertebrae are too severely deformed and it is impossible to correct the situation in other ways. In this case, a spondylotomy or spondyloplasty will be used, due to which the shape of the ligaments and vertebrae will be returned to normal and other treatment methods will become available.

POSTURAL DISORDERS: Plano-concave back

A plano-concave back is a postural disorder in which thoracic kyphosis (normally a posterior curve) is smoothed out, and lumbar lordosis (normally an anterior curve) increases or remains unchanged. Cervical lordosis (normally an anterior bend) can also be smoothed, as well as thoracic kyphosis.

In this case, the pelvis moves backward, the shoulder blades take on the appearance of wings, which is why they are called pterygoid, the legs can either bend to some extent, or, in contrast, have a tendency to hyperextend at the knee joints.

POSTURAL DISORDERS: Kyphoscoliotic back.

Kyphoscoliotic back is a postural disorder in which scoliosis (that is, lateral displacement of the spine) is combined with a more pronounced thoracic kyphosis (normally a posterior bend, here a more pronounced curvature of the spine from front to back).

Depending on which direction the spine is displaced, right- and left-sided kyphoscoliosis is distinguished.

This poor posture is often the cause of back pain, fatigue, increased fatigue and dysfunction of internal organs.

POSTURAL DISORDERS: Lordoscoliotic back

Lordoscoliotic back is a postural disorder in which scoliosis (i.e., lateral displacement of the spine) is combined with a more pronounced lumbar lordosis (i.e., curvature of the spine from back to front).

In this case, the pelvis and buttocks protrude backward, and the stomach, on the contrary, protrudes forward, the gait becomes “duck-like”.

Such patients are often bothered by back pain, which is either constant or provoked or intensified by physical activity. Patients may even find it difficult to sit or lie down due to severe back pain.

Getting rid of asymmetry

In order to learn to keep a straight back, you need to regularly perform exercises that will remove the acquired asymmetry. Asymmetry is most often observed with scoliosis, a curvature of the spine in a certain direction. This situation can be corrected with the help of special exercises, the purpose of which is to relieve muscle spasms. With scoliosis, adolescents and adults experience spasms on one side of the back.

The other side is constantly relaxed, which is why the muscles lose their tone and become weak. In order to determine the spastic side, it is enough to look in the mirror and determine which side is lowered down more than the other. It is by this sign that a spasm can be identified. A series of exercises developed by specialists will help improve muscle tone on one side and eliminate spasm on the other.

How to do back hyperextension correctly?

Their implementation can be carried out either under the supervision of a specialist or at home. Such activities include:

  • manual therapy or manual massage – deep work on muscle tissue helps improve blood circulation and metabolism;
  • using the Kuznetsov applicator - this device accelerates blood circulation in the back and improves a person’s overall well-being;
  • self-massage using a warm towel or a special brush – the procedure activates blood flow to the spine;
  • exposure of the back muscles to a stream of hot water - this procedure promotes blood flow to the affected areas;
  • a special set of exercises.

These rules of good posture contribute to the fact that after a month of regular exercise, a person begins to restore normal body symmetry. To do this, you need to practice every day for 10–20 minutes.


Poor posture, as you understand, is not a serious disease in itself, but it does affect a person’s quality of life.

For some, the curvature of the spine can be an aesthetic drawback and form complexes and psychological pressures.

There are also more serious consequences: for example, a change in the position of internal organs, which occurs due to the curvature of the spine. In this case, their functioning processes are disrupted. In addition, many muscle dysfunctions are associated with poor posture.

And of course, one of the frequent companions of spinal curvature, regardless of the altered axis, is headache.

Symptoms and associated hazards

A round back is not a matter of aesthetics. Incorrect posture affects all organs and systems, which leads to deviations from their healthy functioning.

Violations are expressed:

  • In chest deformation;
  • Depression of cardiac activity;
  • Difficulty breathing;
  • In hand pain syndrome;
  • Loss of sensitivity of the skin of the dorsal and thoracic areas.

If the changes have not yet entered the chronic stage, posture defects disappear when lying on your back. At this stage, it is still possible to strengthen the muscular skeleton without much effort and restore the correct shape of the spinal column.


Due to the fact that postural disorders, as we have already seen, can significantly reduce a person’s quality of life, the selection of optimal treatment is important.

In any case, treatment should be comprehensive and include:

  1. Special gymnastics,
  2. Therapeutic swimming in the pool,
  3. Maintaining correct body and back posture while studying and working,
  4. Orthopedic pillows and mattress,
  5. Manual manipulation of the spine with the aim of correcting and strengthening it using osteopathic techniques.

Prevention and treatment

Preventive actions:

  • Proper organization of the child’s workplace. Furniture of the appropriate size. Sitting on a chair, the child should lean on the back with a straight back and touch his feet to the floor with his entire foot. Good left-side lighting;
  • Optimal lesson schedule. The younger the child, the shorter the period of motionless sitting in one position should be. It is necessary to take breaks for warm-up games;
  • Comfortable bed with a semi-rigid mattress without sagging or bulging. Stable bedtime schedule. Limiting evening television viewing;
  • Proper nutrition. The diet must be brought into line with the needs of the growing organism;
  • Gymnastics, sports clubs, swimming and other active outdoor activities.


Of all the above methods, osteopathy is the most effective.

In the arsenal of an osteopathic doctor there are many therapeutic techniques that help not only restore the normal axis of the spine, but also strengthen muscles, remove clamps, blocks and pathological tractions, and also start the process of self-healing of the body.

The result that a course of osteopathic treatment can achieve is the elimination of the causes of poor posture (including the consequences of a birth injury suffered and not corrected in time), the launch of self-regulation and a re-adaptation system and, of course, as a consequence of all of the above, the gradual correction of impaired posture.

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Treatment for a round back: massage, osteopathy and kinesitherapy

In children, orthopedists often like to prescribe wearing a special corset to treat a round back. Yes, it gives a quick visible effect. Which completely disappears immediately after the child stops wearing the orthopedic corset. Moreover, the angle of curvature of the spinal column after improper use of such a device increases by about 5-10 degrees.

This is due to the fact that the brace actually deprives the child's back muscles of participating in the process of providing stabilization during movement. It replaces their functions. As a result, the muscles relax and undergo dystrophy. After abandoning the corset, there is simply nothing to hold the torso and spine. Therefore, poor posture progresses quickly.

To treat a round back in children, it is much more effective to train the own muscles of the back frame for performance. To do this, you can use osteopathy and therapeutic exercises, reflexology and much more.

Massage for a round back allows you to relax those muscle groups that provoke curvature of the spinal column and increase the tone of their antagonists. In this way, natural posture correction occurs. Kinesitherapy allows you to strengthen the muscular frame of the back and form beautiful posture.

The course of correction depends on the degree of curvature of the spinal column and the presence of concomitant pathologies. Schedule a free initial consultation with a podiatrist at our manual therapy clinic. The doctor will conduct an examination, review the medical documentation and tell you how individual treatment can be carried out in your case.

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