Signs, symptoms and treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis in women

Thoracic osteochondrosis of the spine is the “safest” of all types of osteochondrosis, because the thoracic spine is the least mobile. This form of the disease occurs rarely; more often people develop cervical and lumbar osteochondrosis. It is difficult to diagnose and its symptoms can be mistaken for other diseases.


The older a person gets, the more likely he is to develop signs of osteochondrosis in various parts of the spine.
The cervical and lumbar regions are the first to succumb to the onslaught of the disease. Thoracic osteochondrosis develops less frequently. But is it? There is an opinion that the thoracic region is stronger and more resilient. The vertebrae here are less mobile than others. In addition, the muscles in the chest area are well developed, which creates a kind of corset for the spine.

But according to another version, thoracic osteochondrosis is less often treated due to the complexity of diagnosis. Symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis are easily confused with other diseases.

Feeling pain in the chest, the patient listens to his feelings. What is it: heart, lungs or maybe stomach? Time is lost in going to offices. Subspecialists look for pathologies in their field, prescribe studies and even make prescriptions. The aggravation subsides. But the symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis, disappearing, return again.


As you understand, osteochondrosis is a real “tangle” of symptoms, which, by unraveling, the doctor will relieve you of pain and torment. But it is not possible to eliminate changes in the vertebrae and discs. Therefore, the words “treatment of osteochondrosis” must be understood correctly. If you are interested in eliminating pain and other suffering, then yes, it is quite possible. And if you conduct an academic discussion on the topic of returning the vertebrae and discs to their original appearance, “like a newborn child,” then no, the past cannot be returned. You need to be realistic, and then you will not fall for scammers.

Don't fall for scammers!

It is impossible to return the vertebrae and discs to their original appearance!

What method of treatment is considered the main one?

Gentle manual therapy is the main type of treatment for osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. It’s like an antibiotic for pneumonia—you can’t do without it. The remaining types - massage, medications, physiotherapy and exercise therapy - are auxiliary.

How does gentle manual therapy work?

The nutrition of the discs is directly related to the muscles surrounding the spine. In addition, the back muscles themselves are one of the constituent causes of pain in osteochondrosis of the thoracic region. Gentle manual therapy is a special method that allows you to return muscles to their natural physiology, eliminate spasms, muscle tension and improve nutrition of the discs.

Intervertebral discs are the only part of the body that does not have blood vessels and is nourished by the proper functioning of the muscles.

In addition, when performing treatment using hands, the chiropractor:

  • will relieve the load from the affected vertebrae and discs and distribute it correctly;
  • relaxes the muscles and helps them return to normal;


  • relieves the patient of clamps;
  • improve disk power supply;
  • will restore the motor functions of the body;
  • normalizes blood circulation.

Manual influence mobilizes the internal forces of the body and triggers self-healing mechanisms.

The treatment is absolutely safe.


The reasons for the development of thoracic osteochondrosis are typical for other parts of the spine:

  • regular overloads;
  • age-related changes;
  • prolonged stay of the body in a stationary, non-physiological position;
  • posture disorders;
  • injuries;
  • excess weight;
  • lack of vitamins and metabolic disorders.

Changing your lifestyle means getting better! But at some stage it is no longer possible to cope without professional medical help.

What are the symptoms of osteochondrosis like?

Diagnosis of this disease is very difficult, since the symptoms are easily confused with other pathologies. For example, angina or heart attack are also characterized by chest pain. However, after taking medications for the heart, the pain goes away, but in the case of osteochondrosis, it does not.

Sometimes radiating pain can lead to thoughts of appendicitis, inflammation of the gallbladder or gastritis. The sensations are similar to colitis and ulcers. Also, the symptoms resemble pathology of the mammary glands in women. Therefore, it is imperative to consult a specialist to make a correct diagnosis.


Without treatment, thoracic osteochondrosis develops into more severe forms: protrusion and herniation of intervertebral discs, spondylosis. These are diseases in which pain becomes a constant companion. In addition, deformed vertebrae can compress the spinal cord canals. Internal organs (kidneys, liver, etc.) will no longer receive sufficient oxygen and nutrients, which will lead to disruption of the functioning of these organs. The cardiovascular and endocrine systems will be especially affected. At the initial stage, local pain syndrome bothers you from time to time and coping with it is not difficult. At the fourth stage, complete immobility of the segment and paralysis occurs, leading to disability. And in such severe cases, “Doctor Ost” is ready to come to the rescue, but urges not to let the disease progress to such an extent.

Symptoms and sensations of thoracic osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is less common than osteochondrosis of the cervical or lumbar spine. The thoracic vertebrae are less mobile and more protected. This disease is complicated by the fact that the symptoms are difficult to identify, and subsequently this can lead to a number of other diseases.

One of the main reasons for the appearance of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is the presence of scoliosis in a person. With curvature of the spine, pressure on the vertebrae increases and they become displaced and discs fall out of the spinal column. The pain that occurs with this disease is indicated by the fact that changes occur in the vertebrae, metabolism and blood supply are disrupted. This disease mostly affects people who lead a sedentary lifestyle, office workers, drivers, and students.

With thoracic osteochondrosis, symptoms and sensations are divided into the main pain syndromes: dorsago and dorsalgia. Dorsalgia is a persistent chronic pain that is mild and brings minor discomfort to the patient. Dorsago is a sudden, sharp pain. It occurs when a person stays in a certain position for a long time and suddenly changes it. Shortness of breath may appear, it becomes difficult to breathe, and the muscles are difficult to control.

Expert opinion


Elena Yurievna Panasyuk

Rheumatologist, doctor of the highest category, member of the Association of Rheumatologists of Russia

Osteochondrosis is a pathology that occurs in 40% of the world's population over the age of 35, and in almost all older people. Even teenagers sometimes show the first signs of the disease - a decrease in the thickness of the intervertebral discs and pain in the spine.

Osteochondrosis develops gradually and is characterized by impaired nutrition of hyaline cartilage located in the intervertebral discs. As a result, they lose their original shape and crack, which entails severe pain and malfunctions of the entire musculoskeletal system.

With physical overload, the pain only intensifies, and along with it other signs and symptoms. With uncontrolled or complete absence of treatment, muscle atrophy occurs, the skin turns pale, the heart rhythm and the functioning of internal organs are disrupted.

It is not recommended to delay treatment of osteochondrosis; the disease progresses quickly. To begin with, pain is relieved with the help of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, therapeutic exercises and massage are prescribed to strengthen the muscular skeleton. In severe cases, drugs are used for intramuscular and intravenous injections; for severe syndromes, glucocorticosteroids, novocaine blockade and other methods are prescribed. Specialists at the Yusupov Hospital practice comprehensive treatment of thoracic osteochondrosis.


  • The treatment program is prescribed depending on the complexity of the pathology with which the patient applied.
  • If diagnostics are required, the necessary MRI examinations can be obtained at a discount.
  • In any case, a comprehensive healing effect will be provided on the musculoskeletal system.
  • Instead of drugs with their side effects, we use modern hardware techniques: high-intensity laser and a unique EPS painkiller system.
  • We use modern technologies of regenerative medicine for the speedy restoration of damaged tissues of nerves, joints, vertebrae: catgut, alloplant, PRP, SVF.
  • Posture correction and non-surgical treatment in severe stages (for protrusions, hernias) are performed using robotic systems DRX and ExtenTrak.
  • Classes with rehabilitation medicine specialists on modern kinesiosimulators and manual therapy allow you to train the correct motor patterns, postures and a strong muscle corset for healthy posture and active longevity!

Thoracic osteochondrosis - treatment in Chelyabinsk

Lately I've been struggling with my lower back. In the evenings my back often ache and sometimes when I move awkwardly it shoots so hard that sparks come out of my eyes! I save myself with Voltaren, apply phenolgon, and wear a bandage when working in the country. And, of course, in the bath I steam my lower back properly! But attacks of pain still make themselves felt from time to time. My wife says that I have a pinched nerve and that it’s time to switch to injections. Please advise what is the best injection for a pinched nerve? I will give the injections myself. How else is a pinched nerve treated? I don’t want to move to the city at the height of the summer season. I really count on your help. Answer. You know well what to do if a nerve is pinched. First of all, take analgesics to relieve the painful symptom of a pinched nerve. Next, take a comfortable position, relax and spend enough time in complete peace to relieve the spasm. Patients cope well with attacks on their own and mistakenly believe that in this way they can defeat the disease. I strongly recommend that you put off your dacha affairs and come to the city to see a doctor. Firstly, it is absolutely forbidden to make appointments in absentia. Secondly, you absolutely need a short break, because overworked muscles are one of the causes of pinched nerves. In addition, I do not have enough data to make a diagnosis. Before looking for a way to cure a pinched nerve, you need to determine the causes and nature of this disease.

A pinched nerve is compression of the nerve processes of the spinal cord. They can be pinched by displaced vertebrae, spasmed muscles, and intervertebral hernias. As a rule, the doctor is faced with the need to treat the primary disease that caused the pinched nerve: osteochondrosis, dorsalgia, protrusion, herniated intervertebral discs and other disorders of the musculoskeletal system. You have to deal with the consequences of injuries less often. Severe pain is the main symptom of a pinched nerve, forcing you to seek medical help. But there may be no external signs of a pinched nerve. Complaints of lumbago with sharp pain are signs of a pinched sensory nerve. In contrast, a pinched motor or autonomic nerve may go undetected for a long time. So let’s consider you lucky: there is every chance of starting treatment on time.

I believe you have a pinched sciatic nerve. This is indicated by periodic pain in the lumbar region. You may have noticed other signs of a pinched sciatic nerve: weakness and numbness in the legs, difficulty moving, and even gastrointestinal disorders. Patients with a pinched sciatic nerve experience difficulty standing straight; they adopt a forced bent body position in order to somehow alleviate their condition. In advanced cases, complete pinching of the sciatic nerve (compression) may occur, and inflammation will begin. Symptoms will be added: redness of the skin in the damaged area, swelling, increased skin temperature, twitching of the limbs.

Pinched sciatic nerve is a fairly common case. But pathology in the lumbar region often develops in parallel with disorders in other parts of the spine. It is important to exclude the possibility of a pinched nerve in the cervical spine. Listen to how you feel. When a nerve is pinched in the cervical spine, the neck may become stiff, it is difficult to turn the head to the sides, the pain may radiate to the shoulder blade, forearm or even the arm, and a tingling sensation will occur. Dizziness, “stars in the eyes”, deterioration of hearing and vision, and instability of blood pressure are noted. I hope you will pay due attention to your own health. Without proper treatment for a pinched nerve, spasms will recur more and more frequently. To avoid possible complications, it is necessary to undergo an examination and eliminate the cause of the pinched nerve, and not just relieve the symptoms of a pinched nerve.

Now about how to treat a pinched nerve. The treatment regimen is selected by the doctor individually based on the collected medical history and studies. You cannot prescribe treatment for a pinched nerve yourself. Please note: some types of pinched nerves have contraindications to heat! Be careful with the bathhouse.

Injections for a pinched nerve are prescribed in order to relieve inflammation and pain, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. This is a more effective method than taking medications in pill form. But such treatment should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor to prevent side effects.

Interstitial electrical stimulation (ITES) helps to quickly relieve even the acute pain symptom of a pinched nerve. This method acts directly on the damaged area of ​​the nerve with microcurrents. At the same time, VTES relieves inflammation and muscle spasm, thereby eliminating the cause of nerve entrapment. Belozerova’s hardware therapy clinic offers many proven and modern methods for treating pinched nerves. Depending on the indications, they will be able to select an effective treatment regimen for you. VTES, like other types of physical procedures prescribed for the treatment of pinched nerves, is good because it reduces the drug burden on the body and helps to quickly get rid of pain, achieve long-term remission or complete recovery.

After treatment for a pinched nerve is completed, the following recommendations must be followed as preventive measures: wear orthopedic shoes, take correct postures during any movement (especially when lifting heavy objects), follow a rational diet, avoid spinal trauma, distribute the load and exercise regularly physical culture. All this will protect you from re-pinching the nerve and the troubles associated with this disease!

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