Mydocalm and Spasmalgon - can they be taken at the same time, mechanism of action

Gradual degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spine, characteristic of osteochondrosis, cause pain in the cervical region, back, lower back, as well as in various parts of the head, limbs and internal organs.

The muscular corset in which the spine is located protects it and ensures metabolism. Normally, substances formed during muscle work, including lactic acid, are removed through the bloodstream. Excess lactic acid, when blood circulation is impaired due to spasm, acts on the nerve endings and is felt as pain.

With osteochondrosis, the first protective barrier against further damage to the vertebrae and discs is a spasm of the muscles surrounding the spine. It immediately limits mobility in a disadvantaged segment.

Thoracic osteochondrosis usually manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • pain between the shoulder blades when a person raises his right or left arms, or bends over, and the pain may intensify with deep inhalation and exhalation;
  • chest pain, often occurring when turning, physical stress, or prolonged static load;
  • feeling of a “hoop” on the chest.

However, osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine does not always manifest itself as pain. It often makes itself felt with completely unusual sensations: discomfort in the pharynx and esophagus, burning, itching and numbness in different areas of the skin, disruption of the gastrointestinal tract (patients often “write them off” as manifestations of cholecystitis, pancreatitis, gastroduodenitis, as well as heart and lung diseases).

There is acute pain, “chest lumbago” - dorsago. At this moment, the person has difficulty breathing and practically cannot turn to the sides.

Often there is a chronic course of this condition - the so-called dorsalgia. This is moderate pain, it can begin gradually and last from 2-3 weeks to several months. It intensifies with a deep breath, bends, often prevents you from sleeping at night, and during the day it often goes away after the person “disperses.”).

Spazmalgon :: instructions, indications, contraindications and method of use of the drug

Metamizole sodium + Pitophenone + Fenpiverinium bromide

Spasmalgon :: Dosage form

solution for intravenous and intramuscular administration, tablets

Spasmalgon :: Pharmacological action

A combined analgesic and antispasmodic agent, the combination of drug components leads to a mutual enhancement of their pharmacological action.

Metamizole sodium is a pyrazolone derivative that has an analgesic and antipyretic effect. Pitophenone hydrochloride has a direct myotropic effect on smooth muscles (papaverine-like effect).

Phenpiverinium bromide has an m-anticholinergic effect and has an additional myotropic effect on smooth muscles.

Spasmalgon :: Indications

Pain syndrome (mild or moderate) with spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs: renal colic, spasm of the ureter and bladder; biliary colic, intestinal colic; biliary dyskinesia, postcholecystectomy syndrome, chronic colitis; algodismenorrhea, diseases of the pelvic organs. For short-term treatment: arthralgia, myalgia, neuralgia, sciatica. As an auxiliary drug: pain syndrome after surgical interventions and diagnostic procedures.

Spasmalgon :: Contraindications

Hypersensitivity (incl.

to pyrazolone derivatives), inhibition of bone marrow hematopoiesis, severe liver and/or renal failure, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, tachyarrhythmias, severe angina pectoris, decompensated CHF, angle-closure glaucoma, prostatic hyperplasia (with clinical manifestations), intestinal obstruction, megacolon, collapse , pregnancy (especially in the first trimester and in the last 6 weeks), lactation period. For intravenous administration - infancy (up to 3 months) or body weight less than 5 kg. For tablets - children's age (up to 5 years). With caution. Renal/liver failure, bronchial asthma triad, tendency to arterial hypotension, hypersensitivity to other NSAIDs.

Spasmalgon :: Side effects

Allergic reactions: urticaria (incl.

on the conjunctiva and mucous membranes of the nasopharynx), angioedema, in rare cases - malignant exudative erythema (Stevens-Johnson syndrome), toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome), bronchospastic syndrome, anaphylactic shock.

From the urinary system: impaired renal function, oliguria, anuria, proteinuria, interstitial nephritis, red staining of urine. From the cardiovascular system: decreased blood pressure.

From the hematopoietic organs: thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis (may be manifested by the following symptoms: unmotivated rise in temperature, chills, sore throat, difficulty swallowing, stomatitis, as well as the development of vaginitis or proctitis).

Anticholinergic effects: dry mouth, decreased sweating, accommodation paresis, tachycardia, difficulty urinating. Local reactions: with intramuscular injection, infiltrates at the injection site are possible. Overdose. Symptoms: vomiting, decreased blood pressure, drowsiness, confusion, nausea, pain in the epigastric region, impaired liver and kidney function, convulsions. Treatment: gastric lavage, administration of activated carbon, symptomatic therapy.

Spasmalgon :: Method of administration and dosage

Orally: adults and adolescents over 15 years of age: 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day, without chewing, with a small amount of liquid. Children 12-14 years old: single dose - 1 tablet, maximum daily dose - 6 tablets (1.5 tablets 4 times a day), 8-11 years old - 0.5 tablets, maximum daily dose - 4 tablets (1 tablet 4 times a day) , 5-7 years - 0.

5 tablets, maximum daily dose - 2 tablets (0.5 tablets 4 times a day). Parenterally (i.v., i.m.). For adults and adolescents over 15 years of age with acute severe colic, 2 ml are administered intravenously slowly (1 ml over 1 minute); if necessary, re-inject after 6-8 hours. IM - 2-5 ml of solution 2-3 times a day. The daily dose should not exceed 10 ml.

Spasmalgon :: Special instructions

During treatment with the drug, it is not recommended to take ethanol. With long-term (more than a week) treatment, monitoring of the peripheral blood picture and the functional state of the liver is necessary. If agranulocytosis is suspected or thrombocytopenia is present, the drug should be discontinued. It is not permissible to use it to relieve acute abdominal pain (until the cause is determined).

Use in nursing mothers requires cessation of breastfeeding. Intolerance is very rare, but the risk of developing anaphylactic shock after intravenous administration of the drug is relatively higher than after taking the drug orally. Patients with atopic bronchial asthma and hay fever have an increased risk of developing allergic reactions.

Parenteral administration should be used only in cases where oral administration is not possible (or absorption from the gastrointestinal tract is impaired). Special caution is required when administering more than 2 ml of solution (risk of a sharp decrease in blood pressure). The IV injection should be carried out slowly, in the “lying” position and under the control of blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate.

The most common causes of thoracic osteochondrosis are:

  • scoliotic deformity and postural disorders;
  • long-term static load (at the computer, while driving);
  • weak muscle corset;
  • improper lifting of weights;
  • spinal injuries.

It is important that the correct diagnosis and adequate treatment be determined by a qualified specialist. After all, this disease is easily confused with angina pectoris, heart attack, renal colic, pathology of the mammary glands, lungs, and stomach.

Self-medication can also lead to complications - intercostal neuralgia, protrusions and herniations of intervertebral discs, problems with the heart and other internal organs.

In the First Neurology pain clinic you will find the most modern methods of treating thoracic osteochondrosis. Neurologists and vertebrologists will be able to competently understand the essence of the problem, make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Drugs for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (hereinafter NSAIDs) are used in the acute and chronic period of cervical osteochondrosis as an anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic agent. Indications for prescribing include pain of different localization, swelling, swelling, fever, and stiffness of movement. The treatment program includes tablets, injections, and local therapy.

Tablets to reduce inflammation

NSAIDs in tablets are used for short-term treatment of moderately intense pain, reducing symptoms of inflammation, restoring range and quality of movements. They are easy to use, easy to dose, the therapeutic effect develops 15-40 minutes after administration, and lasts on average for 6-8 hours.

They are presented in a wide range on the pharmaceutical market. Selective and highly selective forms in tablets have received approval from doctors. They are well tolerated by patients and rarely cause toxic reactions.

Anti-inflammatory ointments and gels

An important element in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis are local medications - ointments and gels. They are able to penetrate deep into tissues and create therapeutic concentrations in the focal affected area without the risk of systemic adverse reactions. They are not used to relieve severe pain and, if necessary, to achieve a quick analgesic effect.

Preference is given to drugs in gel form. Unlike ointments and creams, they do not contain a greasy base, which is why they do not leave marks on clothing, penetrate deeply and quickly through the skin into the affected area, and are economical to use. Ointment and cream are more suitable for dry skin. They contain animal and vegetable fats, paraffin, wax, and silicone substances that moisturize and nourish the skin.

Injections to relieve inflammation

Injections are used in the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine in situations where it is necessary to quickly achieve an analgesic effect or there are problems with swallowing. The drug is administered intravenously, intramuscularly or into the area of ​​irritation. Some doctors consider infections the most effective way to treat cervical osteochondrosis. Compared with tablets, the solution enters directly into the bloodstream or focal area, which allows you to quickly achieve the desired effect with minimal risk of adverse reactions.

And for this we have all the most progressive and effective methods:

  • shock wave therapy
  • dosed traction and massage using the Ormed device
  • manual therapy
  • kinesio taping
  • carboxytherapy
  • ozone therapy (intravenous administration of ozonized saline solution and subcutaneous local administration of ozone)
  • mesoinjection therapy with vascular drugs
  • chronomagnetic complex "Multimag"
  • physiotherapeutic techniques (high-top, ultrasound, electrophoresis)
  • medical therapeutic blockades

How is thoracic osteochondrosis treated?

Since the disease that develops from scoliotic changes very quickly takes on a chronic form, it “behaves” exactly the same as any chronic disease. Periods of exacerbation are followed by remission, then the disease worsens again, and so on.

Thoracic osteochondrosis

During the remission period, the patient does not worry about anything; he may even forget about the presence of the disease and stop taking preventive measures. This will very quickly lead to a new exacerbation, which is characterized by such intense pain that therapy with tablet medications is not always suitable for its relief.

By the way. All diseases of the spine differ not only in the medications that treat this or that ailment, but also in the therapeutic methods applied to them. In some cases, tablets or powders help, in others, local application of creamy forms, in others, intramuscular injections are relevant, in fourths, intravenous, and sometimes epidural injections are indicated.

Stages of disease development

During an exacerbation of osteochondrosis, pain can reach its maximum intensity. The patient loses the ability not only to move, but even to simply rise from a flat surface. Any weak movement will immediately give rise to a multiple increase in pain. Of course, in such a situation it is necessary to relieve the pain syndrome unambiguously.

Important! You can't stand the pain. Of course, we are talking about severe, unbearable pain that a person should not endure for a long time. This is not only painful, but also dangerous. It can lead to shock, convulsive spasms, epileptic contractions, loss of consciousness and even death.

We recommend that if osteochondrosis of the neck worsens, you should immediately consult a doctor who can provide professional assistance and prevent possible complications.

When traditional dosage forms, used incrementally, do not bring the expected effect, the strongest ones begin to be used. And sometimes they are used first, without waiting for the effects of weaker forms.

Prices for traditional medicine for back pain

Symptoms of exacerbation of osteochondrosis

If you want to know in more detail what types of injections there are for back pain, as well as the purpose and effectiveness of injections, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Our specialists

  • Tarasova Svetlana Vitalievna

    Expert No. 1 in the treatment of headaches and migraines. Head of the Center for the Treatment of Pain and Multiple Sclerosis.

    Epileptologist. Botulinum therapist. The doctor is a neurologist of the highest category. Physiotherapist. Doctor of Medical Sciences.
    Experience: 23 years.

  • Derevianko Leonid Sergeevich

    Head of the Center for Diagnostics and Treatment of Sleep Disorders.

    The doctor is a neurologist of the highest category. Vertebrologist. Somnologist. Epileptologist. Botulinum therapist. Physiotherapist. Experience: 23 years.

  • Bezgina Elena Vladimirovna

    The doctor is a neurologist of the highest category. Botulinum therapist. Physiotherapist. Experience: 24 years.

  • Palagin Maxim Anatolievich

    The doctor is a neurologist. Somnologist. Epileptologist. Botulinum therapist. Physiotherapist. Experience: 6 years.

  • Mizonov Sergey Vladimirovich

    The doctor is a neurologist. Chiropractor. Osteopath. Physiotherapist. Experience: 8 years.

  • Drozdova Lyubov Vladimirovna

    The doctor is a neurologist. Vertebroneurologist. Ozone therapist. Physiotherapist. Experience: 17 years.

  • Zhuravleva Nadezhda Vladimirovna

    Head of the center for diagnosis and treatment of myasthenia gravis.

    The doctor is a neurologist of the highest category. Physiotherapist. Experience: 16 years.

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Antispasmodics for osteochondrosis and how to treat them

Osteochondrosis is an unpleasant disease, in the presence of which dystrophic disorders occur in the articular cartilage. In principle, the problem can occur in any joint, but most often the intervertebral discs in the cervical or lumbar region are affected. In complex treatment, antispasmodics are mainly used for osteochondrosis of any part.

Spasmalgon relieves spasms and promotes relaxation of skeletal muscles

Pain Remedies

Antispasmodics are very good at relaxing skeletal muscles and helping to quickly get rid of the problem. After all, it is antispasmodic drugs that relieve spasms and start the healing process of lumbar osteochondrosis.

For those who do not know what antispasmodics are, let us explain: these are special substances that relieve spastic pain that occurs due to changes in the functioning of internal organs.

This type of pain is characterized by pulling sensations that build in waves. In women, such pain may be associated with premenstrual conditions.

Analgesics for osteochondrosis relieve muscle tension and improve blood circulation in the neglected area.

Classification of painkillers

Painkillers for lumbar osteochondrosis vary significantly both in their origin, composition, and mechanism of action on the affected areas. Painkillers are divided into natural ones, created on the basis of herbs, and artificial ones, obtained in laboratory conditions.

In addition, antispasmodics are distinguished according to their mechanism of action:

  • Myotropic - affecting the muscles and changing their internal biochemical processes.
  • Neurotropic - acting only on the transmission of nerve impulses.

Painkillers for cervical osteochondrosis can be produced in tablets, suppositories, capsules, tinctures or injections. In this case, doctors often prescribe injection solutions for a faster response. If the effect of the tablet can begin only after 40 minutes, or even an hour, then the injection acts almost instantly.

Medicines can be available in tablets, suppositories, capsules, tinctures or injections

What to use for injections

The most effective drug for osteochondrosis of the lumbar or cervical region is Mydocalm. Thanks to the muscle relaxant substance, an inhibitory effect occurs on nerve endings and the transmission of nerve impulses is inhibited. And lidocaine, present in the composition, has an anesthetic effect, relieving pain.

In addition, the pills do not affect brain processes and patients are able not only to think clearly, but also to lead a normal, measured life. For severe pain, injections can be given up to 2 times a day. It is definitely worth remembering that only a doctor prescribes a course of treatment with Mydocalm, based on the patient’s condition and complaints of pain.

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