Symptoms and signs of pre-stroke condition in women and men

If you know exactly the signs of stroke in men, you can avoid serious complications leading to disability and death. A cerebral stroke (CBI) occurs due to impaired blood supply. The attack is facilitated by narrowing of the lumen in the arteries or rupture of blood vessels, resulting in hemorrhage.

Description of the disease

Pre-stroke is a partially stopped, but independently renewed blood supply to the brain (BM), when there is a short-term interruption in the nutrition of brain tissue. Over the course of several hours, the body tries to cope with the crisis situation on its own, using compensatory capabilities. In some cases, the pathological condition disappears without a trace within the first day after the onset of the attack. However, most clinical cases end in the development of a “full-fledged” stroke.

Hemorrhagic and ischemic forms of acute cerebrovascular accident occur. Due to oxygen starvation, destruction of blood vessels, sudden formation of hematomas with pressure on intracranial structures, the death of brain cells occurs, which also leads to irreversible consequences. The main symptoms depend on which area is damaged the most. A person may lose the ability to speak, maintain balance, motor functions, intellectual abilities, etc.

During a hemorrhagic disorder, hemorrhage occurs in external tissues; with ischemic damage, the vascular channels become clogged, and the tissues they feed, not receiving oxygen and microelements, die. There is another form of pathology – microstroke. It is characterized by blockage of the smallest vessels responsible for small areas of the brain; it can last from several minutes to several hours, followed by restoration of well-being.

Ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke

IGM is divided into two main types depending on the cause of its occurrence:

  1. The ischemic form is considered less dangerous, as it differs in the duration of development, which allows timely detection of abnormalities in the cerebral blood supply. The root cause is blockage by a blood clot, narrowing of the lumen in the arteries, resulting in a deficiency of oxygen and nutrients, since the blood does not circulate in a normal rhythm.
  2. The hemorrhagic type is the most dangerous, as it occurs unexpectedly and occurs in an acute form. It develops most often against the background of pathological disorders, which leads to rupture of cerebral arteries and hemorrhage. Another name is apoplexy, before which blood pressure rises sharply. During a rupture, the cranial cavity is filled with blood fluid, which contributes to the formation of hematomas. The severity of symptoms depends on the type of rupture - extensive or small-focal.

The treatment method is selected based on the type of disease, which is determined during diagnostic procedures. At the Yusupov Hospital, doctors conduct a comprehensive examination, which allows them to identify the severity, form, and period of development of the pathology, on the basis of which individual therapy is prescribed and a preliminary prognosis is built.

The first symptoms of ischemic stroke in men

Ischemic damage in the stronger sex is more often diagnosed after the age of 40, especially with such abnormalities as atherosclerosis and thrombosis that occur against the background of an unhealthy lifestyle. It occurs in the following forms:

  1. The subacute form is characterized by a gradual increase in symptoms, since blood circulation is not completely impaired. An attack can occur within a few hours or days (maximum 3-4).
  2. The acute type is characterized by rapid and pronounced symptoms. During an impact, the blood supply stops, which causes tissue death in parts of the brain (necrosis). Differs in extensive foci.
  3. Chronic form - from the beginning of the appearance of alarm signals to the attack, 2 or more months pass. The nature of the symptoms up to exacerbation is moderate.
  4. The course of a stepwise type is characterized by frequent changes of remission and exacerbation. The impact is possible after 2 weeks.

At an early stage of the disease, dizziness, chest pain, loss of strength, weakness, and stupor are noted. Next, the patient exhibits the following:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • partial memory loss;
  • fainting;
  • paresis in the muscular system of the tongue and face (usually on one side);
  • impaired coordination of movements - gait changes, stability decreases;
  • loss of orientation in space;
  • increased sweating;
  • lack of air;
  • numbness in the upper and lower extremities;
  • paralysis of one or both sides;
  • inability to fully pronounce words;
  • a sharp decrease in visual acuity;
  • difficulties with reading, counting, writing words;
  • progression of memory loss.

Usually one side of the body is affected: if damage to the arteries occurs on the left, then numbness and curvature are observed on the right side and vice versa.

The first signs of hemorrhagic stroke in men

When blood vessels rupture, brain cells are destroyed and the trunk is damaged. This leads to increased pressure on internal organs - the visual apparatus, heart, central nervous system. As a result, swelling of the brain occurs, displacement of parts of the central nervous system, therefore, in the hemorrhagic form, neurological symptoms appear.

What's happening:

  1. Immediately before the attack, you feel very dizzy, the pain increases rapidly. Then the limbs go numb, blood pressure rises, the face and neck turn red, weakness and severe nausea are felt.
  2. As it progresses, the smile becomes bent, the tongue spontaneously turns to one side, and speech function is slightly impaired.
  3. While the patient is conscious, a fear of light and sounds develops, there is no coherence of speech (it becomes impossible to formulate a thought, pronounce a whole sentence, letters “fall out” of words). Floaters flash before your eyes and an epileptic seizure begins.
  4. After this, the person faints, does not react to light, and the face becomes distorted and asymmetrical. If you open his eyes slightly, you can notice the floating state of the apples, the resulting squint.
  5. In an unconscious state, the patient's blood pressure drops sharply, the pulse and heart rate slow down.
  6. When hemorrhage begins, neurological signals increase - motor activity is partially reduced or completely lost, muscle tone weakens. When examining the eyes, a significant dilation of the pupils is noticeable. The corners of the lips droop, which smooths out the nasolabial triangle.
  7. A period of stupor sets in, during which the person falls into deep sleep, so there are practically no reactions.
  8. If there is no action, a representative of the strong half of humanity falls into a coma, which is dangerously fatal.

Ischemic or hemorrhagic stroke - how to distinguish?

To independently (before the doctors arrive) determine the type of stroke condition, pay attention to the main distinguishing features:

ManifestationsIschemic injury with impaired blood supplyHemorrhagic lesion with rupture of arteries
Level of increase in symptomsSmoothIntensive
Features of the beginning of the strikeWeakly expressedSudden
Filling of the retina with bloodNeverAlways with large tears
Arterial pressureDecreasingIncreasing
Loss of consciousness, faintingShort termLong-term
Degree of sweat separationLightweightStrong
Dry mouthNoEat
Pain in the chest and headMinorHigh, sharp
Nausea and vomitingNausea, but vomiting is manifested only by reflexesSevere nausea and vomiting
Body temperatureIncreases in rare casesAlways increases


The following unfavorable factors can lead to a painful condition:

  • being in a stressful situation for a long time, emotional stress;
  • overwork at work;
  • addiction to smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • hypothermia/overheating;
  • constant use of medications that negatively affect the condition of the blood and blood vessels;
  • nutritional errors, obesity;
  • getting used to new weather and climatic conditions (after moving, moving to another city).

Background diseases that have already been diagnosed in the patient also have a significant impact. The risk of developing a pre-stroke increases if a person suffers from high blood pressure, diabetes, blood diseases, migraines, psychosis, and atherosclerosis. The risk group also includes all older people, especially men, as they are twice as likely to suffer from heart disease in humans.

Hospitalization to the clinic

In case of acute cardiovascular, motor and speech disorders, we recommend hospitalization of the patient in the hospital of our clinic. Advantages of inpatient treatment:

  • Full diagnostics. In a hospital setting, the patient undergoes comprehensive instrumental diagnostics: a biochemical blood test for glucose and cholesterol levels, electrocardiography and daily monitoring, ultrasound and Dopplerography of the carotid arteries of the neck, magnetic resonance and computed tomography of the soft tissues of the brain.
  • Identifying the causes of the attack. A thorough hardware examination helps to detect the cause of the pre-stroke condition - atherosclerosis, hypertension, disorders of the pumping function of the heart and other pathologies. And making an accurate diagnosis allows you to begin the necessary treatment and prevent the risk of stroke in the future.
  • 24/7 care. In the hospital, the patient is provided with 24-hour medical supervision. Experienced medical staff will be able to prevent a new attack in time, or provide emergency assistance if your health worsens, and minimize the consequences.
  • Comprehensive restoration. The patient undergoes a program to restore healthy functioning of the cardiovascular system and cognitive functions of the brain. At the same time, he is in a safe, comfortable environment, maintains a healthy sleep schedule and proper diet, and is isolated from the stress factors of the home environment.


The following manifestations are considered signs of a pathological condition with their subsequent increase:

  • numbness of hands, face, pale skin;
  • weakness of the body and pulse;
  • asymmetrical arrangement of facial muscles on the face (drooping of the corner of the lips, lower eyelid);
  • speech problems;
  • stupefaction, lack of recognition of acquaintances;
  • visual disturbances;
  • heart pain;
  • soreness in the head, nausea/vomiting;
  • clouding of consciousness, sweating;
  • involuntary movements, fainting.

If you suspect that something wrong is happening to the person next to you, ask him to do simple things that are difficult for him or will not work out at all: smile, raise both hands up, pronounce his own name or a simple phrase, stick out his tongue ( it will be skewed). Externally, specific symptoms also appear: facial distortion on one side. With ischemia, it is more often possible to provide timely assistance, since the symptoms increase gradually. Hemorrhagic disorder is a rapidly developing condition, based on sharply increased internal pressure. The patient feels a sharp “shock” pain in the head and briefly loses consciousness.

Precursors of stroke in men

The first symptoms of a stroke in men may be mild, so the patient does not always realize the danger of the condition. The appearance of alarm bells does not last long, but between exacerbations the period of remission is also short-lived. To recognize the approach of an attack, it is necessary to pay attention to the precursors of the disease, which have characteristic differences:

  • frequent dizziness and pain at the site of the outbreak;
  • squeezing sensation in the chest area;
  • nausea, gag reflexes;
  • sudden mood swings, causeless psycho-emotional disorders;
  • facial redness due to hot flashes;
  • tinnitus;
  • rapid breathing;
  • sharp pain in the back of the head;
  • insomnia;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • shortness of breath during movement and at rest;
  • absent-mindedness.

If such signals persist for several days, you should seek help from the hospital. You can undergo an examination in Moscow at the Yusupov Clinic, where neurologists will carry out diagnostics using modern equipment and establish an accurate diagnosis even at the initial stage of development of a stroke condition.

Depending on the location of the damage to the cerebral arteries, characteristic symptoms of a stroke appear in a man:

  1. In the brain stem there is a sudden loss of consciousness, paralysis on both sides, after which the person falls into a coma.
  2. In the subarachnoid space there are pronounced general cerebral signals.
  3. In the cerebellum - intense pain in the back of the head, severe nausea and vomiting. Feature: the patient cannot take a vertical position.
  4. In the ventricles - the disease is accompanied by fainting.
  5. In the parietal lobe, acquired skills are lost, tactile sensations are disrupted, and spatial disorientation occurs.
  6. In the temporal lobe - the patient does not recognize familiar sounds and does not understand native speech. The pathology is accompanied by hallucinations.
  7. In the frontal lobe, causeless aggression or, conversely, depression and convulsions appear.

How to check?

When the first signs appear, you should immediately call an ambulance. When the victim is taken to a medical facility, he is urgently examined using the following methods:

  • Blood pressure monitoring.
  • Laboratory blood analysis for general indicators, cholesterol, sugar levels.
  • ECG.
  • Doppler ultrasound.
  • CT scan of the brain.
  • MRI of the brain.

If a hemorrhagic lesion is suspected, computed tomography is considered the best way to detect hemorrhage. In subsequent stages of development of stroke damage to the brain, it is better to monitor changes in tissue functionality using MRI, since magnetic tomography best visualizes soft tissue structures, inflammation, and necrotic processes.

Calling a doctor to your home

An experienced neurologist visits the patient’s home and provides first aid for signs of a stroke. What a doctor can do at home:

  1. Diagnostics . The neurologist examines the patient, measures pulse, blood pressure and temperature, and conducts motor and speech tests to assess the severity of the condition.
  2. Emergency hospitalization. When an acute pre-stroke condition or a stroke itself is recognized, the medical team quickly and safely transports the patient to the clinic.
  3. Eliminate symptoms. If the patient’s condition does not cause acute concern, the doctor conducts therapy at home. The complex of medications helps restore cerebral circulation, eliminates disturbances in heart rhythm and blood pressure.

Diagnostic features

Standard diagnostic procedures in the form of tests, ultrasound, electrocardiography are carried out in any medical institution at the place of treatment, but conditions for tomography are not always available in government organizations and hospitals. To find the nearest clinics with the necessary equipment and trained experts, please visit our registration portal for any type of examination. Choose services, compare clinics by ratings, reviews, equipment descriptions, prices, discounts, location and other parameters. Our service operators will help you get advice and make an appointment at any medical center in the city. Call, book an MRI and CT scan on special terms from the service.

Treatment methods

After a comprehensive diagnosis, an individual recovery program is formed for the patient based on methods of drug therapy and physiotherapy for pre-stroke conditions.

Drug therapy

  • ACE inhibitors, beta-blockers, ganglion blockers - for vasodilation and treatment of arterial hypertension, normalization of blood pressure and heart rate.
  • Anticoagulants and antithrombic - to eliminate blood clots in blood vessels and prevent thrombosis, restore healthy blood flow.
  • Statins - for removing cholesterol and already formed cholesterol plaques from blood vessels, normalizing lipid balance.
  • Angioprotectors - to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and increase their elasticity, stimulate the regeneration processes of the cardiovascular system.
  • Neuroprotectors - to restore connections between brain neurons and improve signal transmission, increasing the protection of brain cells from damage after circulatory disorders.
  • Nootropics - to improve cellular metabolism and cerebral circulation, restore and stimulate the cognitive functions of the brain: thinking, speech, memory, concentration, coordination of movements.
  • Sedatives, anxiolytics, antidepressants - for the treatment of increased anxiety, panic attacks, depressed mood - stress factors for the recurrence of the pre-stroke state.
  • Analgesics, antispasmodics - for the treatment of headaches, muscle spasms and other painful symptoms of pre-stroke.


  • Medicinal electrophoresis. Administration of drugs using direct electric current of low strength and voltage. Improves absorption and increases the concentration of drugs in a course of drug therapy, prolongs their effect. Stimulates the conduction of impulses along nerve fibers, improving brain function.
  • Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). The effect of magnetic impulses on the brain improves intercellular interaction and normalizes blood microcirculation, restores nerve connections, and is used in the rehabilitation of motor and speech skills.
  • Transcranial electrical stimulation (TES). The effect of electrical impulses on brain structures has an analgesic effect, helps stimulate the regeneration of brain cells and normalize blood pressure, and increases the body's adaptive capabilities to protect against stress factors.
  • Hydrotherapy. Radon and sodium chloride therapeutic baths help normalize blood circulation, dilate blood vessels, lower blood pressure and strengthen the heart muscle. And pine baths have a sedative effect, reduce emotional stress and increase stress resistance.

How to help the victim

It is absolutely impossible to treat pre-stroke and stroke at home, even if the first symptoms have disappeared on their own. Be sure to call an ambulance and provide first aid to your loved one. It consists of providing bed rest with the head slightly elevated on the pillow. You cannot bend your neck; any external things that impede breathing or blood flow (tie, tight collar) must be removed. Medications that can be given include antipyretics, blood pressure normalizers, and sedatives.

When the victim is admitted to the hospital, his condition is constantly monitored to prevent a stroke or recurrent attack. As medical support, he is prescribed medications that normalize blood pressure, have a positive effect on blood vessels and prevent the formation of blood clots. After discharge, a strict diet, giving up bad habits, and moderate physical activity are prescribed.

Stroke test

There is a test called BE FAST, which is used in medicine to instantly diagnose a stroke attack. The abbreviation has its own meaning:

  1. B - balance. You need to watch how a person makes movements. Poor balance indicates an impending blow.
  2. E - eyes. Check the level of visual acuity - have the patient alternately close/open his eyes and tell what he sees in front of him.
  3. F - face. Ask to smile and stick out your tongue. During an attack, curvature occurs in one direction.
  4. A - arms. Have the victim raise both arms or shake their palms - one of the limbs will be weaker or will not rise.
  5. S - speech. Talk to the victim - if there is a lack of cerebral blood supply, speech is impaired.
  6. T - time. The patient denies the disorder.

If you discover at least one type of deviation, immediately contact the Yusupov Clinic, where experienced doctors will provide primary medical care, establish an accurate diagnosis, and prescribe therapeutic measures. For this purpose, innovative medical technologies of the European level, powerful equipment, and an individual approach are used. You can ask questions and get tested by calling the numbers provided.

How to determine the onset of a stroke

It is impossible to distinguish a transient ischemic attack from an irreversible acute circulatory disorder without medical assistance. Both situations require hospitalization. Serious attacks can be identified using a simple test:

  • The patient needs to symmetrically extend both arms forward, then alternately touch his nose with each palm. The inability to do this, sudden disturbances in the trajectory of movements, and a distorted body are signs of an attack.
  • When looking in the mirror or at your interlocutor, you should smile broadly, stick out your tongue far, and say a few words. A possible stroke is indicated by distorted or paralyzed corners of the mouth, deviation of the tongue to the side, and slurred speech.
  • You must try to write on paper or type any text on the keyboard. During a stroke, this is very difficult to do; the result is a meaningless set of letters.

One or more alarming symptoms is a reason to urgently call for medical help or go to the hospital. The first 3 hours after a stroke are most important for restoring blood circulation and preventing irreversible brain damage. A doctor is also necessary in cases where health has recovered on its own.

First aid for strokes

You should not try to give patients tea, coffee, water, try to give them food, give them a massage, or offer them medications that they have not taken before. Those suffering from chronic blood pressure disorders or heart disease can be offered their usual medications to prevent acute attacks of hypertension and arrhythmia.

Adequate measures that are important to take before the arrival of the medical team:

  1. Sit or help the patient lie down in a comfortable position, put a pillow, a cushion of clothing or a towel under the head.
  2. Unfasten the belts, loosen the collar, ties, unfasten the buttons on the neck and chest, freeing your breath.
  3. Provide fresh air flow by opening doors and windows in the room.
  4. Measure the victim's blood pressure and pulse.

In the absence of independent breathing and consciousness, it is allowed to perform an indirect cardiac massage by rhythmically pressing on the chest. But only if you have the necessary skills.

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