Kuznetsov applicator, benefits and harms, contraindications, types, how to choose, price

What does the Kuznetsov applicator (also called the Kuznetsov applicator) treat? This question arises for everyone who has heard about a massager, but is not familiar with its principle of operation. This device acts on individual tissues, promoting blood flow. The massager is recommended for use by people suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system, heart, blood vessels, etc.

About the applicator

Kuznetsov applicator, what is it and what is it for...

The Kuznetsov applicator is a unique device for influencing biologically active points of the body , the principle of which is based on the methods of acupuncture, acupuncture and reflexology, known for their high efficiency and their roots going deep into the history of ancient Chinese medicine and Indian yogis.

The author of the invention is our compatriot Ivan Ivanovich Kuznetsov, a music teacher from Chelyabinsk. Kuznetsov himself called his invention “applicator” , the first “I”, but the people decided otherwise and we all call this “device” nothing more than “Kuznetsov’s applicator”.

How does it affect the body and well-being?

The applicator stimulates increased blood circulation, having a beneficial effect on metabolic processes and tissue regeneration. The therapeutic effect is on the nervous system, which switches to the pain signal from contact of the needles with the skin. Using a massager allows you to achieve the following:

  • Improve sleep quality.
  • Stimulate blood flow.
  • Reduce pain from intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis, muscle spasms.
  • Increase brain performance.
  • Increase skin tone.
  • Get rid of migraines and other headache symptoms.
  • Boost immunity.

Speaking about the benefits and harms of the Kuznetsov applicator, most users note only a positive effect. Negative manifestations from the massager can only occur if the conditions of use are violated - exposure to affected skin, excessive pressing of needles.

Types of Kuznetsov applicators

By color

Kuznetsov's applicators have differences in color , each color indicates its type of effect on the skin surface:

  • Green – has the most delicate effect and is suitable for people with sensitive skin, does not have magnetic inserts;
  • Blue – has sharper needles, the effect on the skin is less gentle, but due to this the effect is more pronounced, does not have magnetic inserts;
  • Yellow - the sharpness of the needles is similar to the blue version, but in addition to this there is a magnetic insert that enhances the effect of the applicator;
  • Red - completely repeats the green version and, like the yellow type of applicator, has a magnetic insert in the middle;

According to the operating principle

According to the principle of operation, applicators can be divided into 3 main types and 2 additional ones: needle, Tibetan and magnetic, rollers and belts .

  1. Needle - this is a standard version of the Kuznetsov applicator, has single needles of medium sharpness and is suitable for the treatment of a wide range of diseases, as well as their prevention.
  2. Tibetan is a modernized version of the needle applicator, has double needles with varying degrees of sharpness, and has the color gradation described above in this article.
  3. Magnetic - this version of the Kuznetsov applicator has an additional magnet, a magnetic insert located in the center of the needle element. The action of a magnet in combination with acupuncture allows one to achieve better results in the treatment of various diseases.
  4. Rollers – this type of applicator can also be referred to as “rollers” or “rollers”. The principle of their operation does not differ from the types of applicator described above, however, this form of the applicator allows you to most effectively and conveniently treat those areas of the body that are difficult to treat with a mat.
  5. Belts - the convenience of this type of applicator is that you can use the applicator and continue doing household chores, moreover, it can be worn under clothes and used not only at home.

By size and number of needles

Sizes can vary from 3*8 cm - for small children and ending with a size of 12*47 cm. for adults, it all depends on the manufacturer and its standards.

The most popular sizes are:

  • 12 * 16 cm.
  • 17 * 28 cm.
  • 20 * 32 cm.
  • 30 * 40 cm.
  • 40 * 21 cm.
  • 40 * 67 cm.
  • 41 * 60 cm.
  • 42 * 67 cm.
  • 50 * 75 cm.

According to the number of needle elements, applicators are divided into:

  • 60 needles
  • 100 needles
  • 152 needles
  • 384 needles

You can also make Kuznetsov's applicator yourself , for this you can buy a ready-made kit, or make an applicator entirely from improvised materials. Read more in the article “Do-it-yourself Kuznetsov applicator”.

Instructions for use

For the therapy to proceed safely, the following conditions must be met:

  • When affecting the lumbar or abdominal area, the procedure should be carried out at least an hour after eating.
  • You should not take a cool shower after the procedure, as exposure to the applicator causes blood flow.
  • After the massage you should rest for 15-20 minutes.
  • If you have allergic rashes, dermatosis or other skin damage, you should not use the applicator.
  • The therapy lasts an average of 20 minutes, but if the pain is too strong, the procedure must be stopped.

For the neck

For the treatment of osteochondrosis, it is recommended to use a roller-shaped applicator. The procedure lasts 10-15 minutes, you need to fix the position for 60 seconds, then slightly change the position of the head, and so on until the end of the session. There should be no pain; if it does appear, stop therapy immediately. The course lasts 3 weeks, after which you should take a break for 2 weeks.

For the back

Back pain can be caused by diseases of internal organs, sprained ligaments and muscles, and compression of nerve endings. For the back, the most suitable applicator is in the form of a mat or a large belt.

When using the applicator on the back, the procedure should be performed for 30 minutes. The duration of the course is 2 weeks, after which a break is taken for 10 days. Using a back applicator will help relieve muscle tension and relieve pain.

For legs

The surface with needles is used with feet for arthritis of the toes or heel spurs. The procedure can be performed sitting or standing if pain allows. The duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes. It is also useful to walk on the mat, transfer your body weight from one leg to the other, and turn your foot to the outer or inner side.

Trampling on needles will help overcome the problem of numbness in the limbs.

For face

The mat is applied to the previously cleaned face. This helps to tighten the oval of the face and eliminate inflammation. The procedure lasts 10 minutes and is performed every other day.

For various diseases

Kuznetsov’s applicator is not capable of curing diseases; it is rather a preventative agent that helps relieve pain in the following diseases:

  • Radiculitis – if the disease is acute, experts recommend three acupuncture sessions per day. The duration of the procedure should not exceed 5 minutes, since the pain syndrome with radiculitis is extremely high.
  • Sciatica – when there is compression of a nerve, it is recommended to carry out the procedure every day, the duration of the session is 10 minutes, the sharpness of the needles is average. The applicator is applied to the lower back, buttocks and outer thighs.
  • Spinal hernia - the treatment regimen is identical, but the procedure lasts 30 minutes. After the end of the session, it is recommended to lubricate the problem area with camphor oil and wrap yourself in a warm blanket for an hour, or wear warm clothes.
  • Arthrosis – the applicator for arthrosis is used daily, preferably 2 times a day. The mat is applied to the affected joint, the pressure is medium. Afterwards it is recommended to wear something warm, this will help improve blood circulation.

How to choose

When choosing a Kuznetsov applicator, you must first of all rely on what disease you are going to use it to treat . In some places you can get by with a small mat so you can just stand on Kuznetsov’s applicator, in some places you will need a roller, in other cases you will need a larger mat so that you can lie on it with your back.

You should also take into account the sharpness of the needles of different types of applicators. Choose the right option based on the sensitivity of your skin, as well as your doctor’s recommendations. In principle, if you buy a larger rug, it won’t be any worse.

A large rug can be used in the same way as a small one , moreover, it can be rolled up and you will get something like a roller, which can also be used successfully. It won’t take up much space, but it will have more possibilities for use.

In general, I recommend taking a larger applicator.

Indications and contraindications for use

The use of the applicator is prohibited during pregnancy, skin ailments, severe fever and malignant neoplasms. The accumulation of warts and moles is also unacceptable in the areas where the massager is applied.

The applicator is indicated for use in the presence of the following diseases:

  • Accelerating the recovery of athletes.
  • Relief of pain – in the thoracic region, joints, lower back, cervical spine.
  • Pathology of the nervous system – insomnia, stress, overwork, weather dependence.
  • For the development of fine motor skills in children.
  • Urological pathologies - the mat is used for prostatitis, inflammation of the ovaries, menstrual irregularities and even infertility.
  • Reducing the appearance of cellulite.

Benefits of the Kuznetsov applicator

Kuznetsov's applicator has many useful properties and can help in the treatment of many diseases. With its help, you can prevent diseases and improve the general condition of the body.

The main benefits of the Kuznetsov applicator are as follows:

  1. has a rejuvenating effect, the skin becomes firmer and more elastic
  2. Helps relieve muscle tension
  3. impaired metabolism is restored
  4. There is a general improvement in well-being, sleep is normalized, insomnia disappears, immunity increases
  5. wound healing and restoration processes are accelerated
  6. the functioning of the circulatory system is restored
  7. Helps relieve various types of pain

Precautionary measures

However, when using the Kuznetsov applicator (and Lyapko, and physical therapy in general), you should always remember that there are cases when time works against patients. When a grandparent begins to have lower back pain, they lie down on the applicator and patiently endure the pain as it actually decreases. But not every pain needs to be endured patiently.

For example, if a patient has developed osteoporosis and, as a result, a compression fracture of a vertebral body with pain, then you should not lie on the applicator, but take an x-ray, determine the level of calcium in the blood plasma, diagnose one or another form of osteoporosis, carry out densitometry and begin specific treatment . Overusing physical therapy for osteoporosis and back pain can simply eventually lead to a hip fracture.

Perhaps an even more difficult situation is found in a patient who first developed a malignant tumor with metastases with acute back pain. In older men, for example, severe back pain, especially at night, often occurs with adenocarcinoma of the prostate gland, with the presence of metastases in the vertebrae.

Therefore, you cannot use the applicator for back pain on your own, but only after a diagnosis has been made. Naturally, it cannot be used for various skin disorders. These are psoriasis and eczema, streptoderma and erysipelas, the presence of varicose veins and varicose dermatitis, trophic ulcers. In a patient with severe diabetes mellitus, any accidental scratch from the action of the applicator can lead to long-term non-healing skin injuries.

For those patients who want to radically get rid of a protrusion or herniated intervertebral disc, it is not medication treatment, gymnastics, or physical therapy that is recommended, but modern neurosurgical surgery. The best way would be to conduct it in countries with a high level of medical development: the USA, Great Britain, Switzerland, Germany. The states of Eastern Europe, for example, the Czech Republic, do not lag behind these countries. Czech neurosurgeons have achieved high results in the surgical treatment of protrusions and hernias of various parts of the spine, including long-term results of treatment.

Conservative treatment of protrusions and hernias can last for years, with varying success. But you need to remember that a protrusion, and even more so a hernia, will never disappear. Those patients who really like to be treated with the Kuznetsov applicator must be treated with understanding. Still, this is a very cheap method of symptomatic treatment, and once you purchase this simple device, you won’t have to spend money on it for the rest of your life, and the applicator is very, very inexpensive.

Harm from Kuznetsov's applicator

How is Kuznetsov’s applicator harmful? In some cases, it is not recommended to use the Kuznetsov applicator , due to the fact that it can cause harm and cause side effects. Kuznetsov’s applicator is a kind of medicine and you need to treat its “taking” accordingly.

There are a number of restrictions that must be followed so as not to harm your body, family and friends. A complete list of indications and contraindications can be found in this article.

How to store and care for a rug

The applicator should be used by one person, as massage may cause microdamage to the skin. For the same reason, the mat is treated with a soap solution before the start of the session.

It is important to consider the shelf life; for models made of inert polymer materials it is 7 years. After this, the plastic loses its flexibility and becomes brittle and brittle. The applicator should be stored at a temperature from +5 to +40 °C; shocks and other mechanical impacts are unacceptable.

Remember that the benefits of using alternative medicine, which includes the Kuznetsov applicator, have not been proven.

Use for lumbar osteochondrosis

Here, too, several options are possible. You can use a massager in the form of a mat. He is spread out on the floor, on a soft blanket. Then you need to carefully lie on the applicator. Since it can be of different sizes, make sure that the lumbar area is on the mat. At short intervals, you need to move the massager a little to affect as many points as possible. It will also be useful to perform several simple exercises, for example, raising your legs one by one, rolling slightly to the right and left. But it is important not to forget that such a massage should not be painful. If a person experiences pain during exercise, they should not be done.

Bottom line

Osteochondrosis causes a lot of suffering and seriously limits our lives. As we have seen, we ourselves can do a lot to cope with the disease. Self-massage using a Kuznetsov applicator or Lyapko applicator does not require much time and physical effort, but the results can exceed all expectations.

This type of treatment has many advantages: no side effects, use of the body’s internal resources, replacement of certain medications, use at home. Worth a try!

The mechanism of action of the applicator for osteochondrosis

The use of an applicator refers to reflexology. According to this direction in medicine, treatment occurs through the activation of biological points located on the surface of the human body. It can occur either with the help of a specialist (for example, acupuncture) or without his participation (a person can use the applicator himself).

Thanks to the effect of the massager on reflexogenic points, the following effects occur:

  1. Blood flow in nearby tissues improves. This starts the process of regeneration of the vertebrae and intervertebral discs.
  2. The trigger points of the spasm are affected, as a result the back/neck muscles relax, and the inflammation is relieved.
  3. Analgesic effect due to the effect on nerve endings.

You can also note the general effect on the entire body - relaxation, relief of psychological stress, normalization of sleep.

Unlike tablets, which always have side effects, using an applicator is absolutely safe. There are only a few contraindications:

  • The presence of warts, papillomas or raised birthmarks in the affected area;
  • Skin diseases;
  • Oncology;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Heart and pulmonary failure;
  • Blockage of blood vessels;
  • Use with caution during pregnancy.

So, we are convinced that the massager has a positive effect. Now let's turn our attention to its correct and effective use.

General Tips

All applicators, including the invention of Kuznetsov and Dr. Lyapko, are used not in a chaotic manner, but in courses. This must be understood before starting self-treatment. You should consult your doctor first, otherwise you may do more harm than good. In addition, the doctor will advise the optimal shape and size of the device, as well as the exercise regimen.

  • A standard course usually lasts two or three weeks.
  • You need to lie on the spikes every day, preferably after a working day, before going to bed.
  • Between courses you must take a break of seven days.
  • If you have been studying for three weeks, you can take a break for ten to fourteen days.
  • In case of increased sensitivity, it is better to reduce the exposure time to a minimum of ten seconds, and then gradually increase it.
  • If the pain is quite severe, purchase an applicator with a denser arrangement of spikes.

When lying with your full weight on the device, despite precautions, is still unpleasant, there is a backup option. To do this, you will need an assistant who will apply it to the sore spots, changing the pressure while the patient lies on his stomach.

Prices for the Kuznetsov Applicator:

They vary from 100 rubles and end at tens of thousands.

It is important to understand that the effect of an applicator for 500 rubles and an expensive pranamat for 10,000 rubles is identical in essence. It’s just that there is still a markup on the quality of materials, additional things (like a foam layer that is not necessary), more beautiful needles and other rubbish that has no effect on the effect.

Sometimes magnets and other effects not confirmed by medicine are added. But people believe in ALMAG, which means some will buy it here too.

Types of needle massagers

Kuznetsov's iplicators come in four types by color and three types by shape. Green and red needle plates are less sharp, blue and yellow ones are the opposite. Green and red applicators are intended for sensitive skin, yellow and blue - for intensive effects. Some have magnetic inserts that should enhance the effect.

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Iplicators are shaped like mats, rollers and belts. Each massager is designed for a specific area of ​​the body. You can lie on the mats, stand on them or walk on them. The belts are worn with Velcro, and the bolsters are placed under the neck or under the legs.

By the way, today there are many variations of applicators, so don’t be surprised if you see completely different spikes or colors in stores. Each of them has its own advantages, but it was Kuznetsov’s iplicator that served as the prototype for creating new versions of miracle mats.

Analogues of the Kuznetsov applicator:

  1. The Lyapko applicator is almost the same. Only a different type of needle and material (but at least Lyapko was a doctor by training)
  1. The Sadhu board with nails is the most effective but also the most painful way to solve your health problems (to the best of your ability). Most people are not able to lie down on a board with their backs even for a couple of seconds or stand with their bare feet.
  1. Chinese acupuncture is an imperishable original. It is extremely difficult to find specialists in Russia. And if you find them, they will be expensive. It is much cheaper to save up for a trip to China (even if you wanted a cheap plane) and undergo a course of procedures in a Chinese clinic.

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