Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine and the Kuznetsov applicator – whose will it take?

What is a sequestered hernia

Sequestrum is a separated and necrotic part of tissue located among living tissues. A hernia is called sequestered, in which part of the nucleus pulposus is separated from its main mass.

The mechanism of pathology formation is as follows. First, the integrity of the fibrous ring is disrupted. A part of the nucleus pulposus (which is a hernia) emerges into the resulting defect. With great or too sudden physical activity, this part is separated from the main mass of the disc and moves up or down.

With a sequestered hernia, part of the intervertebral disc becomes separated from its main mass. It is located freely in the spinal canal, where it can touch the nerve roots. It is this effect on the spinal roots that poses the main threat.

Reasons for development

The etiology of this disease is not precisely known. There are several predisposing factors for the development of sequestered hernia:

  • osteochondrosis;
  • congenital pathology of the spine;
  • spinal injuries.

People facing at least one of the listed factors are at risk. Under certain circumstances, they may experience a herniated disc. Such circumstances may include physical activity, heavy lifting, or falling from one’s own height. The more pronounced the predisposing factor was, the greater the chance of the formation of a sequestration of the intervertebral disc.

Additional factors play a role in the development of disc herniation. These include excess weight, a sedentary lifestyle, and poor posture. By themselves, they cannot lead to the disease, but they increase the chances of its occurrence. Thus, overweight people are more likely to develop degenerative spinal diseases. With a sedentary lifestyle, the ligamentous apparatus of the spine suffers, which also predisposes to the occurrence of the disease. With scoliosis or kyphosis, the problem most often occurs in places where the spinal column is curvature.

What is the danger

Destruction of the intervertebral disc goes unnoticed for a long time. The disc is not innervated and has no blood supply in adults. If the sequester does not affect any structures of the spinal cord, it does not pose a danger. The main problem is that there is no free space in the spinal canal. One way or another, some brain structures remain compressed by part of the disc.

The sequester can put pressure on the nerve roots. This stops the transmission of impulses along the nerve fibers. This leads to disruption of the functioning of those organs and parts of the body that were innervated by these fibers. This can cause paresis or even paralysis of the upper or lower limbs.

A sequestered cervical hernia can lead to compression of the vertebral arteries. These arteries supply brain tissue. Poor blood supply to the brain leads to headaches and fainting. Squestered hernias of the lumbosacral region are especially dangerous. They can cause the so-called “cauda equina syndrome”. In this case, the fibers innervating the lower limbs, pelvic organs, and perineum are affected.

Stages of development of a sequestered hernia

In severe cases, a sequestered hernia leads not only to paresis of the lower extremities, but also to disruption of the functioning of the pelvic organs. Urinary retention caused by compression of the cauda equina provokes the development of an infectious process in the bladder. Its complication can be pyelonephritis, an infection of the renal pelvis.

Constipation due to impaired innervation leads to intestinal obstruction and intoxication. The reverse process - urinary and fecal incontinence - is also possible with the described pathology. This significantly complicates social functioning and leads to disability.

Localization of sequestered hernia

A sequestered hernia of the spine can be observed in any of its parts. Accordingly, hernias of the cervical, lumbar, sacral and thoracic regions are distinguished.

Sequestrated cervical hernia

It often occurs between the fifth and sixth (C5-C6) or sixth and seventh (C6-C7) cervical vertebrae. It can develop in case of osteochondrosis or cervical injury. With osteochondrosis, the pathology occurs gradually, with injury - more acutely. In the cervical region there are small vertebrae and their openings; accordingly, there is a narrow spinal canal. A protrusion in this section can compress the spinal cord, disrupting the efferent innervation of all organs and parts of the body. Compression of the vertebral artery, which also lies close to the vertebral bodies, leads to disruption of the blood supply to the brain.

Want to learn more about the symptoms and treatment of a cervical hernia? Read our article.

Each type of intervertebral hernia has serious complications, so you should not delay treatment.
See how easy it is to get rid of a hernia in 10 sessions

Sequestrated lumbar hernia

In 75% of cases it occurs between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae (L4-L5). Develops due to degenerative changes in this area. Triggering factors can include physical exercise, especially heavy lifting, as well as injury. At this level, damage to both efferent and afferent nerve fibers going to the lower extremities is possible. The result is sensory or motor dysfunction of the right or left leg.

Read all about lumbar hernias in this article.

Sacral sequestered hernia (l5 s1)

Occurs between the fifth (last) lumbar vertebra and the sacrum. It is also a consequence of osteochondrosis and excessive or sudden physical exertion. A sequestered hernia l5 s1 can affect the cauda equina, leading to damage to its fibers. This entails not only impaired sensitivity or movement in the lower extremities, but also dysfunction of urination and defecation. Erectile dysfunction is also possible in men.

Sacral sequestered hernia affects the l5 s1 vertebrae and can cause sensory impairment in the lower extremities

Sequestrated thoracic hernia

In this department, problems can occur with equal frequency between any vertebrae. This is a rare pathology. It is observed in people with spinal curvature (kyphosis), as well as with severe injuries and playing contact sports. Compression of the spinal cord at the level of the thoracic spine leads to disruption of the innervation of the legs, as well as difficulty in respiratory function. Disease in this department is more difficult to diagnose, since it often imitates symptoms of diseases of other organs and tissues (heart, pleura, stomach, muscular frame of the chest).

More information about thoracic hernias here.

What is the Kuznetsov and Lyapko applicator?

People started talking about these devices back in Soviet times, as special massagers that could cope with diseases of the spine.

Kuznetsov applicator

The beginning was made by I. I. Kuzetsov, initially a music teacher. In addition to his main profession, Kuznetsov actively studied Chinese medicine, which later gave him the idea of ​​​​creating such a healing instrument.

Legend has it that Kuznetsov once suffered severe burns to his lungs from toxic fumes from an insect repellent. The inventor did not want to resort to official medicine.

He attached pins to the yoga mat , with such a device he tried to heal himself. And I must say - successfully. Positive results from this type of simulator prompted Kuznetsov to think about creating mats “with spikes” on an industrial scale to help other people get rid of many of their ailments.

The design of the mat was somewhat redesigned into a more gentle version that would suit everyone : now the basis of such a massager was a fabric or oilcloth mat on which square or round spiked plates were located (the spikes were blunt).

Kuznetsov's original applicator has been changed to a more gentle version

Video: “Kuznetsov’s applicator: benefit or harm?”

Applicator Lyapko

Lyapko slightly changed Kuznetsov’s invention, but the operating principle remained the same. The work of the successful music teacher was continued by the Ukrainian reflexologist N. G. Lyapko. He decided that Kuznetsov’s technology needed some improvement, so he decided to create his own massager . The modernized version is believed to be safer and more effective than Kuznetsov's original version.

, a medical rubber mat was taken (they were made of an alloy of zinc, nickel, chromium, copper, aluminum and iron).

The needles were fixed quite clearly, since they were prevented from going beyond the designated zone by a special edge located along the perimeter of the applicator.

The Lyapko applicator has several varieties, produced for people with different initial data (weight, height, body structure, pain threshold, skin type, etc.).

Operating principle

Both applicators have the same mechanism of action . These massagers have a reflex and acupuncture effect on the patient’s body. Metal needles can also create a galvanic-electric effect at the point where the needles come into contact with the skin. This leads to reactions in the body that affect nerve endings and acupuncture points.

The principle of operation of the applicators is based on the impact on reflex points

Blood circulation and metabolic processes improve, pain sensations decrease. The absence of pain when the skin comes into contact with needles is explained by the fact that the body actively begins to produce endorphin hormones, due to which tactile sensitivity is significantly reduced, and the patient does not feel pain when in contact with massage spikes.

Video: “All about the Lyapko applicator”

Find out more about massage treatments for spinal hernia:

  • You can read about manual and honey back massage for a hernia on the page
  • You will learn how to properly massage the neck for a herniated spine here.
  • Exercises to strengthen back muscles with a herniated disc

Types of sequestered hernia

Sequestered spinal hernias are divided into types in relation to the plane of the spinal column. Thus, they distinguish:

  • dorsal (posterior)
    – protrude into the lumen of the spinal canal, are most common, are subject to conservative and surgical treatment;
  • median
    - rarely found, mainly between the lumbar and sacral vertebrae, causing concern only in case of intense increase in size;
  • paramedian
    - in this case, the hernia protrudes in the projection of the nerve root and touches it, they are the most painful and quickly lead to complications.

Detailed qualifications in our article “Types of spinal hernias”.

Symptoms of a sequestered hernia

The manifestations of this disease largely depend on in which part of the spinal column the sequester is located. The leading pain syndrome in all situations will be pain, but its intensity and localization may vary.

Symptoms of sequestered lumbar hernia and l5 s1 hernia

The pain is localized in the lumbar spine. It can vary in intensity. In mild cases, pain occurs when performing certain movements. In severe cases, the pain from a spinal hernia is constant and decreases only in one body position. In this case, the patient constantly strives to take the position in which the pain is minimal.

Pain sensations can be localized along the sciatic nerve. In this case, the buttock, the back of the thigh, the lower leg, and sometimes the foot hurt. In addition to pain, sometimes there is a decrease in the sensitivity of the lower limb, and in the most severe cases, a violation of motor functions. Some patients cannot step on their heels and walk on their toes. In rare cases, disorders of the pelvic organs are observed.

Symptoms of sequestered hernia of the thoracic and cervical spine

Cervical hernias are most often accompanied by pain in the neck, scapular region and upper extremities. Sensory disturbances occur on the skin of the upper extremities. In some patients, the pathology is manifested by motor disorders, for example, transient or permanent paresis of one or more fingers.

In the most severe situations, the hernia does not affect the nerve roots, but the spinal cord and can disrupt the innervation of any organs and parts of the body. It is also possible that cerebral circulation may be impaired due to compression of the vertebral arteries.

In the thoracic region, hernias are most often accompanied only by pain. In this case, pain can be located not only in the back, but also radiate throughout the chest. So they imitate intercostal neuralgia, myocardial infarction, stomach ulcers and other diseases.

Application of the Kuznetsov applicator

It is important to use the Kuznetsov massager correctly so as not to aggravate the situation . The applicator is placed on the affected area, pressing it with body weight (or in another way). This position must be maintained for 20-30 minutes. The therapeutic course of such acupuncture lasts 2 weeks, after which it is necessary to take a break.

Familiarize yourself with the locations of the applicator impact zones

You can use the applicator several times a day: for example, 2 times for 10-15 minutes or 4-6 times for 5 minutes. Since such exercises have an analgesic effect, it would be more advisable to stretch out the daily 20-30 minutes of exercise throughout the day. Remember that exercise should be done 30 minutes before meals or 2 hours after.

Pressure on the affected area can be done in several ways, depending on the symptoms:

  1. In a lying position using your own weight. This method will ensure a uniform effect of massage spikes on the skin. In this case, applicators in the form of rollers (or mats) under the lower back or under the neck are best suited. To perform the exercise correctly, you should place a cushion (or spread a mat) on a flat, hard surface and lie on top. There is no need to freeze in one position for the entire massage; change your position slightly so that the spikes evenly massage all points in the affected area. For this type of load, it is better to choose a massager with the least sharp spikes/needles, since it is quite difficult to control body pressure and you can overdo it with acupuncture;
  2. If you have pain radiating to the limbs, head or joints, then you can choose a small massage mat or pillow. Apply the pad to the affected area and apply pressure with your hands. Slightly move the applicator over the surface, increasing the area of ​​influence. For this type of massage, you can select an applicator with sharper spikes, since you have the opportunity to control the pressure of the needles on the affected area;
  3. Applicators can be secured with belts or corsets. Such options will be convenient for those who suffer from thoracic or lumbar hernia. The massager is placed in the affected area and then pressed to the surface using a corset or elastic belt.

Important! Pain from using applicators should not exceed the body's pain threshold. If you feel an increase in local body temperature (in the areas that you massage), then you are using the applicators correctly, there is no need to worry.

Diagnosis of sequestered hernia

This pathology is diagnosed and treated by several specialists. Vertebrologists deal with pathology of the spinal column. Innervation disorders that arise as a result of the development of a hernia are identified by neurologists. Surgical interventions on the spinal cord are performed by neurosurgeons. The best results can be achieved through the coordinated work of all doctors.

Diagnosis begins with a detailed examination of the patient. It allows you to identify the level of damage to the spinal column and the depth of damage. Then they move on to additional diagnostic methods. The gold standard for making a diagnosis is magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

MRI allows you to visualize in detail each vertebra, intervertebral discs and ligaments of the spinal column. In this way, it is possible to detect a sequester, determine its type and location.

Less informative, but more accessible is CT - computed tomography. It also shows soft tissue, but with a lesser degree of visualization of structures. Another diagnostic method is radiography of the spinal column. It does not show soft tissue, but allows you to assess the integrity of bone structures and their position relative to each other. X-rays are performed in conjunction with MRI or CT.

Laboratory tests will not help make a diagnosis. They are necessary if surgical treatment is chosen. A general and biochemical blood test, a coagulogram and a urine test are the standard list of preoperative preparations.

What types of intervertebral hernias are most difficult to treat?

4 stages of treatment for intervertebral hernia

Minimally invasive treatment of intervertebral hernia

Innovative treatment of disc pathology.

Do you want to return to your normal lifestyle in a few days? We can do it!

An innovative and effective method of minimally invasive treatment of intervertebral herniation with or without short-term hospitalization.

In the past, patients with bulging discs were treated conservatively, including exercise avoidance, medications, injections, and/or physical therapy. Unfortunately, this did not always bring relief. People for whom conservative treatment failed were forced to live with symptoms or consider major spine surgery. If they had surgery, recovery could take weeks or months, causing significant problems in their daily activities and lives.

Today everything is different. Minimally invasive techniques are a good alternative treatment option for those people who have not benefited from conservative treatment, but are not yet ready for extensive surgery. The use of puncture systems represents a minimal access procedure performed on an outpatient basis; a procedure in which the patient goes home the same day or within a few days after surgery with only a small bandage on his back. After removing the disc protrusion, it is processed in such a way that it allows one to expect the rupture of the fibrous ring to be closed. As a result, the pressure in the disc decreases, which leads to relief of symptoms

Currently, if we recommend surgical treatment to a patient, then in 90% of cases it is enough to limit ourselves to minimally invasive, low-traumatic intervention.

Duration of the procedure: 30 minutes.

Local anesthesia: no stress for the body.

Check out: same day or next day.

The spine is made up of a number of bones called vertebrae. The vertebrae are connected to each other by discs consisting of a tough outer layer called the annulus fibrosus and a gel-like center called the nucleus pulposus. If the annulus fibrosus disc is damaged due to injury or weakened by age, a certain area of ​​the disc may give in to pressure, causing the disc to bulge or leak the contents of the nucleus. This phenomenon is called “intervertebral hernia.”

A bulging or herniated disc can put pressure on the spinal cord and nerve roots of the spine, causing a person to experience severe pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness in the back and/or legs. If this pathology cannot be cured using conservative methods such as physiotherapy and pain therapy, minimally invasive surgical treatment of back pain associated with displacement of intervertebral disc tissue is performed.

The transcutaneous puncture disc removal system is an innovative minimal access spinal system designed to effectively access a diseased intervertebral disc without damaging the surrounding area. This system offers comprehensive treatment. In addition to decompression, disc treatment is performed, which allows for the closure of ruptures in the annulus fibrosus.

Who is a candidate for this procedure?

Patients with lumbar spine protrusion for whom conservative treatment has failed may experience relief from puncture disc removal.

Typical signs of lumbar disc protrusion are low back pain or pain radiating down the leg, accompanied by pain in the lower back.

This treatment may be ineffective for progressive osteochondrosis or spinal fractures. Your doctor will review your case and determine whether you are a candidate for this treatment procedure.

Before the procedure begins

The medical examination includes a physical examination. Diagnostic tests such as MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), steroid injections, or discography may be performed to diagnose and localize the disc protrusion and confirm the appropriateness of the procedure.

What surgery is necessary in case of intervertebral disc protrusion?

Intervertebral disc protrusion (intervertebral disc protrusion) is characterized by bulging of the intervertebral disc into the spinal canal without rupture of the annulus fibrosus.

Percutaneous (percutaneous) puncture nucleoplasty does not require a surgical incision. During this intervention, the surgeon uses only a special surgical cannula, which is inserted into the intervertebral disc through an instrument.

During the procedure

The use of transcutaneous puncture disc removal requires the patient to remain prone throughout the procedure. In general, minimum anesthesia requirements must be met. The needle is inserted through a puncture in the skin at the level of the affected disc, after which an incision is made through which the cannula is inserted.

Correct placement and position of the cannula is assessed by X-ray image control.

A special feature of this treatment is the ability, during one surgical procedure, to perform a series of sequential effects on the disc tissue - different in mechanism and energy of impact, which, when combined, potentiate a positive clinical effect.

Discectomy. Grasping neurosurgical instruments are used to remove and decompress the protrusion - they remove excess disc tissue.

Nucleoplasty. In some cases, mechanical reduction of the volume of the intervertebral disc alone is not enough to treat discogenic back pain. Using a special probe, the doctor further reduces its volume by high-frequency stimulation of the nucleus pulposus, thus reducing the risk of subsequent repeated episodes of back pain (relapses).

Annuloplasty. Sometimes the strong fibrous ring surrounding the intervertebral disc is simply unable to return to its original position. In the worst case, this may lead to additional complaints, accompanied by shooting pains in the back and legs. If this problem occurs, our doctors use additional capabilities of the method. Using the same special probe, our doctors are able to carry out targeted treatment of the annulus fibrosus, namely tightening it through thermocoagulation to potentiate the closure of the disc defect in the annulus fibrosus.

The local thermocoagulation method also ensures that high frequencies created by a thermal probe influence the affected formations of the fibrous ring to interrupt pain impulses, after which a decrease in the volume of the hernia and a decrease in pressure on the nerve roots are observed. Using this thermal method, it is possible to reduce the number of pain receptors in the walls of the intervertebral disc and, thus, get rid of discogenic back pain. The patient feels the positive effect of the operation right in the operating room.

At the end of the procedure, the cannula is removed and a small bandage is applied over the sutures.

Due to the absence of soft tissue and nerve root trauma, blood loss and gentle technique, the likelihood of scarring near the spine is minimal.

The absence of scars and cicatrices is one of the advantages of this treatment procedure. Open spinal surgery usually leaves scars on the skin and in the surgical area, which can lead to long-term nerve irritation and impairment of nerve function.

However, with the help of a scarless puncture intervention, the patient will be able to avoid these problems and recover faster. Thus, compared to the open microsurgical technique, this spinal surgery is gentle while maintaining high efficiency.

Potential benefits of the procedure:

  • Performed on an outpatient basis or with short-term hospitalization
  • Short procedure time
  • Performed under local anesthesia
  • During the procedure, only a small skin incision is made
  • The procedure is performed with minimal access
  • Possibility of complex treatment
  • Rapid symptom relief
  • Possibility of treating multiple affected levels of intervertebral discs
  • Quick return to normal life and daily activities
  • Retains the possibility of any additional surgical intervention in the future, if such a need arises.

Safe, fast and effective treatment of discogenic pathologies

  • Minimally invasive access
  • Standard mechanical decompression using neurosurgical instruments
  • A combination of several treatment procedures: mechanical decompression, ablation of the nucleus pulposus (nucleoplasty) and annuloplasty
  • Minimal annulotomy – minimal risk of relapse

After the procedure

The patient must remain in the hospital after treatment for follow-up, which usually takes from several hours to several days. In most cases, symptoms caused by a herniated disc will go away or improve within 2 weeks.

The patient may experience some discomfort or tenderness at the incision site. After about a week, the patient undergoes physical therapy, an important step towards full recovery. The patient is usually allowed to engage in physical activity and return to work. The attending physician will definitely provide a detailed plan for recovery.

Do you want to return to normal life? Minimally invasive treatment at our hospital may be the best solution for you. Consult our specialist.

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Treatment of sequestered hernia without surgery

The success of treatment largely depends on the timeliness of diagnosis. The earlier therapy is started, the better the effect. Treatment of a sequestered hernia without surgery is possible in mild cases. Conservative treatment includes drug therapy, treatment with folk remedies, the Bubnovsky method, physiotherapy, massages, exercise therapy. Even for a sequestered lumbar spinal hernia, treatment can begin conservatively.

Drug treatment

Drugs for the treatment of sequestered hernia

With the help of drug therapy it is impossible to remove sequestration, but it is possible to make the course of the disease asymptomatic. For this purpose, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • Local analgesics
    are used in the form of blockades. To do this, drugs (Novocaine or Lidocaine in combination with glucocorticosteroids) are injected directly into the area of ​​the sequestered disc herniation. This leads to the disappearance of pain.
  • NSAIDs
    – non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Ketanov, Celecoxib, Nimesulide) are used in the form of tablets or injections to reduce back pain.
  • Muscle relaxants
    - drugs that can relax striated muscles (Sirdalud, Meloxicam) help reduce pain and eliminate the feeling of stiffness in the back.
  • Chondroprotectors
    are medicinal substances (Chondrolone, Chondroflex) that do not affect an already formed hernia, but prevent the development of protrusions in other parts of the spine.

Folk remedies

Doctors do not recommend treating a sequestered hernia exclusively with traditional methods. They can be used in combination with other methods of therapy. The following types of treatment are used in folk medicine:

  • applications with anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointments (Capsicam, Fastum gel, Nise)
    - they are placed on gauze, applied to the back and secured with an adhesive plaster;
  • alcohol compresses
    - gauze is soaked in alcohol and aloe juice or garlic juice, placed on the sore spot and covered with film, the compress should be kept for 2-3 hours;
  • a wool belt for the back
    - used for protrusions of the lumbar region, prevents increased inflammation.

Bubnovsky method

This treatment method is a type of physical therapy. Dr. Bubnovsky proposed a number of physical exercises according to a special program, which are aimed at the prevention and treatment of spinal diseases.

Bubnovsky’s gymnastics are exercises with your own body weight, as well as exercises on special multifunctional simulators. The technique is relatively new, but its author speaks of good treatment results.

Exercises according to the Bubnovsky program

For a sequestered hernia, Bubnovsky gymnastics are rarely used, since displacement of the sequester can lead to complications. But the method can be used in complex treatment or after surgery.


Physiotherapy is one of the main methods of treating spinal diseases. For sequestered hernia, it is used in patients without complications. The following treatment methods are used:

  • magnetotherapy - exposure to a constant or alternating low-frequency magnetic field, helps eliminate swelling, muscle spasms and reduce pain, used for severe inflammatory processes;
  • acupuncture is a Chinese technique of influencing Qi energy using acupuncture with needles, which improves blood circulation in the spine and eliminates muscle spasms;
  • electrophoresis is the movement of medicinal particles using an electric field; electrophoresis with cariprazyme is most often used to treat hernias; it reduces swelling and treats inflammation.

Read more about electrophoresis here.

Exercise therapy

Physical therapy should accompany both conservative therapy and surgical intervention. You need to start it with an instructor. All exercises are performed from a position lying on your stomach or lying on your back. They should be performed slowly and smoothly. Gymnastics may look like this.

From the starting position lying on your back with arms and legs extended:

  • raising your arms up, stretching, lowering your arms;
  • flexion and extension of the knee alternately between the right and left legs;
  • pulling your legs bent at the knees to your chest with your hands.

From the starting position lying on your stomach, arms and legs extended:

  • bending the legs at the knee joints, touching the buttocks;
  • bending and straightening the legs, moving to the sides;
  • abduction of the leg bent at the knee from the body.

Massage and manual therapy

Massage and manual therapy are not indicated for every sequestered hernia. In some cases, pressure, on the contrary, can displace the sequester and lead to complications. Massage should be prescribed by the attending physician, based on the location and size of the hernia.

Massage helps relax the back muscles and reduce pain. In order for it to be beneficial, the softest, most gentle techniques are chosen. At the same time, they try to minimize pressure and friction. Massage is indicated after completion of treatment to avoid relapse.

Using the Lyapko applicator

The Lyapko applicator also has many varieties : from a regular massage mat covered with special needles, to a needle ball, which is used to treat the spine in children. Methods of application are the same as for the Kuznetsov applicator.

The only difference is in the mechanism of action. If Kuznetsov’s massager acts only as an acupuncture remedy, then Lyapko’s version affects the body with the help of galvano-electric microcurrent, which improves blood circulation, increases muscle tone and has a direct massage effect.

It is believed that this tool is more effective, although everything is individual for each patient. It is only important to consult with a specialist before using any design to avoid worsening the condition or the appearance of unwanted symptoms.

Removal of sequestered hernia

With a sequestered hernia it is often necessary to resort to surgical treatment. This is a necessary measure when the sequestration does not resolve on its own.

Indications for surgical treatment

If the sequester has not undergone resorption after a long time, surgery is necessary

Surgical treatment is indicated in the following cases:

  • Paresis and paralysis of the upper or lower extremities.
  • Fibrillary twitching of the muscles of the legs or arms.
  • Dysfunction of the pelvic organs.
  • Erectile disfunction.
  • Compression of the vertebral artery.
  • Hernia more than 10mm in diameter.
  • Failure of conservative treatment.

Types of surgical interventions

  • Microdiscectomy
    is the removal of the entire intervertebral disc. It is carried out using a small incision in the projection of the disc. Removal occurs with small instruments under a microscope. Used when relapse is possible.
  • Laminectomy
    is the removal of part of the intervertebral disc, also occurs through a minimal incision, has fewer complications than discectomy, but recurrence of the hernia is possible.
  • Prosthetics
    – used when the intervertebral disc is completely removed and there is a need to replace it. Replacing a disc with a prosthesis avoids the negative consequences of a discectomy.
  • Spondylodesis
    is the fusion of several vertebral bodies with each other. Helps avoid recurrence of hernia. It is used for excessive mobility of the vertebral bodies and for spinal injuries. It is a complement to the operation to remove sequestration.
  • Laser removal
    is one of the newest treatment methods. Allows for artificial resorption of sequestration without violating the integrity of other tissues. Used in cases where there is no threat of relapse.
  • Sequestrectomy
    , an operation that exclusively involves the removal of sequester, was the most gentle operation before the invention of laser removal.

Rehabilitation after surgery

In the postoperative period, pain may persist, and the likelihood of hernia recurrence is high. To prevent this from happening, you must follow your doctor's recommendations. During this period, physiotherapy is prescribed. For example, electrophoresis with vitamins is actively used, and for severe pain - with novocaine. Physical therapy is also used. A set of exercises under the guidance of an instructor will create a muscular frame that will prevent further displacement of the vertebrae.

After the postoperative wound has healed, you can proceed to swimming. Preference should be given to dosed training in the pool. Sudden movements and heavy lifting should be avoided during this period.

Treatment of herniated cervical spine

Treatment of a neck hernia can be carried out without surgery , only with the participation of an experienced specialist. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the importance of comprehensive diagnostics, which includes radiography, CT and MRI. This will allow the doctor to create the correct treatment plan and get the most effective results.

Remember that for complete restoration of the spine, a set of measures should be used, including not only the use of medications and folk remedies, but also the use of physiotherapeutic methods and physical therapy.

At the present stage of development of society, the method of exposure to shock waves is the most effective. We will talk about its advantages below.

Treatment of cervical disc herniation without surgery: the role of shock wave therapy

It is impossible to overestimate the importance of shock wave therapy in restoring pathological conditions of the spine and musculoskeletal system. The method is based on the use of acoustic waves with a frequency of up to 16 Hz, which are not perceived by human hearing. The effect of such infrasonic vibrations is identical to the effect produced during acupressure, only with a higher frequency.

At the same time, shock waves have the ability to easily overcome muscle tissue and liquid media. In turn, lingering in cartilage and bones, they provide an impulse of energy that quickly crushes pathological formations, for example, osteophytes. This relaxes the muscles and relieves pain.

Most often, in case of hernia and protrusion of the cervical spine and the need for non-invasive treatment of these ailments, a course of 15–20 sessions is prescribed. Depending on the individual situation, a special focusing head is used that can penetrate into the deep layers of the spine (up to 4 cm).

That is, when it comes to intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine, and the most effective methods of treatment, shockwave therapy is the winning option. As mentioned above, this helps restore tone, improves the condition of the vertebrae, normalizes blood flow and eliminates pain. However, to achieve maximum effectiveness, it is advisable to combine this technique with other conservative methods of treating cervical hernia.

These include: manual therapy, the use of a special diet, the use of folk remedies, physical therapy, and other procedures. These are the ones that will be discussed further.

If you are concerned about a cervical hernia, in our clinic you can undergo treatment with shockwave therapy at one of the lowest prices in Moscow.

Serviceprice, rub.
Shock wave therapy (SWT) treatment consultationfor free
Herniated Disc Treatment Procedure Blue Tip/Red Tip1200 / 1600 ₽
Discount on the initial visit to the clinic20%

Make an appointment Online booking

  • Clinic on Krasnopresnenskaya +7 (499) 252-41-35 Volkov lane, 21
  • Clinic on Varshavskaya +7 (499) 610-02-09 Varshavskoe highway, 75, building 1
  • Clinic in Annino +7 (495) 388-08-08 Varshavskoe highway, 154, building 1

Drug treatment of cervical disc herniation

Treatment of a herniated cervical spine without surgery involves, first of all, the use of special medications. Their action is aimed at eliminating the main signs of the disease, as well as preventing the dangerous consequences of a hernia.

These funds include:

  • Anti-inflammatory agents. These include non-steroidal drugs that can quickly eliminate the inflammatory process, relieve swelling and pain, and also relax muscles;
  • Painkillers and antispasmodics. Help eliminate pain in various parts of the spine and other organs to which pain radiates;
  • Medicines to relieve muscle tension. To eliminate spasms in muscle tissue, the patient is prescribed muscle relaxants;
  • Chondroprotectors. Promotes the restoration of damaged cartilage tissue;
  • Vitamin complexes. To speed up the healing process and improve the general condition of the patient.

Features of the use of physiotherapeutic procedures

14-21 days after starting to use medications and eliminating pain, experts advise moving on to physiotherapeutic procedures.

They are prescribed to achieve the following positive effects:

  • Restoration of metabolic processes in a specific area;
  • Normalization of blood circulation;
  • Improving the ability of cells and tissue to regenerate;
  • Removal of residual pain. Patients who have undergone treatment for a cervical hernia leave reviews indicating noticeable improvements already after the 3rd procedure;
  • Elimination of muscle spasms. This allows you not only to relax your muscles, but also to relieve nervous tension.

The essence of acupuncture

One of the most proven methods, acupuncture, is based on physiotherapeutic effects associated with irritation of skin receptors. This allows you to launch regeneration processes in the skin structures and restore metabolism. In addition, by resorting to this method, you can quickly cope with pain.

The role of neck corsets

If you are interested in treating a cervical disc herniation without surgery, a specialist may recommend using special orthopedic collars. The role of such cervical corsets cannot be overestimated, since they provide reliable fixation of the spine in the cervical region, preventing the development of complications in the future.

Moreover, when a herniation of the cervical spine disc c6 c7 is diagnosed, treatment should be aimed primarily at reducing the load on this area. This is also facilitated by the use of a fixing corset. It eliminates spasms and tension in the muscles, thereby relieving pain. However, it is not recommended to use such a device constantly, since it can cause atrophic processes in muscle tissue.

Make an appointment Online booking

  • Clinic on Krasnopresnenskaya +7 (499) 252-41-35 Volkov lane, 21
  • Clinic on Varshavskaya +7 (499) 610-02-09 Varshavskoe highway, 75, building 1
  • Clinic in Annino +7 (495) 388-08-08 Varshavskoe highway, 154, building 1

Kinesitherapy is one of the types of physical therapy

A set of special physical exercises, called kinesitherapy, is performed immediately after completing medication. This method of treating a herniated cervical spine without surgery is also considered one of the most effective and allows you to restore tissue nutrition, but remember that during physical activity there should not be any pain.

In addition, if there is a hernia in the cervical spine, treatment through gymnastics should be carried out with the participation of an experienced rehabilitation physician.

Use of folk remedies

If you have been diagnosed with a cervical hernia, treatment with folk remedies . But this method should not become an absolute alternative to the use of medications. Moreover, before using it, you must visit a competent specialist who will give detailed answers to all your questions.

The most effective methods include:

  • The use of compresses with horse fat;
  • Alcohol infusions with the addition of garlic;
  • Baths with the addition of sea salt.

Features of using the Glisson method

In order to treat a hernia of the cervical spine without surgery, they also resort to using a special device - a Glisson loop. This device is widely used to prevent and combat ailments that occur in the spinal column in the neck area.

Thanks to the use of a Glisson loop, it is possible to eliminate compression in the vertebral area, ensure normal nutrition of cells and relax nearby muscles. Positive effects are achieved by fixing the device on the head and using special weights.

To prevent dangerous consequences, it is recommended to carry out the above procedure under the supervision of an experienced specialist.

Special diet

If a patient is diagnosed with a C5 C6 disc herniation in the cervical spine, a prerequisite for successful treatment is the use of dietary products. Moreover, the dishes used for food must be enriched with important microelements and vitamins, without containing harmful substances. It is also necessary to exclude spicy, fried and fatty foods from the diet. Quitting alcoholic beverages and tobacco products is also included in the list of prohibited items.

The list of foods containing vitamins important for the spine includes:

  • Dairy and fermented milk products;
  • Seafood;
  • Eggs;
  • Beef and chicken liver;
  • Various cereals;
  • Vegetables: carrots, cabbage, pumpkin, greens, etc.;
  • Red berries and citrus fruits.

In addition, it is important to follow the correct cooking technology: to preserve nutrients, they should be baked, boiled or steamed until cooked.

Massages are another effective way to treat illness.

When there is an intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine, massages should be a mandatory stage of treatment. However, their help is resorted to only after pain has been eliminated. The minimum massage course is 10 procedures.

Thanks to this conservative method, it is possible to restore the elasticity of ligaments, relax muscle structures and cope with pinched blood vessels and nerve endings. But to achieve a successful result, such therapy must be carried out with the participation of a qualified and experienced rehabilitation therapist.

Kuznetsov applicator

Often, treatment of a hernia of the cervical spine in Moscow is carried out using another effective device - the Kuznetsov applicator. You can lie on such a roller, or use it to actively influence the affected area by rolling.

Through the use of such a device, it is possible to quickly normalize blood flow in muscle structures and the spine, eliminate tension in them and cope with acute pain in the head area.

Make an appointment Online booking

  • Clinic on Krasnopresnenskaya +7 (499) 252-41-35 Volkov lane, 21
  • Clinic on Varshavskaya +7 (499) 610-02-09 Varshavskoe highway, 75, building 1
  • Clinic in Annino +7 (495) 388-08-08 Varshavskoe highway, 154, building 1

Efficiency of electrophoresis

This physiotherapeutic method is based on the action of a stream of discharged particles emitted by special equipment. Such particles easily penetrate bone structures, soft tissues and skin. In this case, medications necessary to enhance the positive effect are applied to the skin in advance.

This method gives a pronounced antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Administration of painkillers

In this case, we are talking about a blockade and the introduction of drugs into the affected area to relieve severe pain. For this purpose, novocaine and lidocaine are used simultaneously with antispasmodics.

An important advantage of this method is the prolonged antispasmodic effect.

The importance of physical therapy

To obtain a relaxing and strengthening effect for the muscles, as well as traction of the spine, special training is carried out. However, to achieve maximum positive results, they should be carried out with the assistance of an experienced physiotherapist.

Approach to hernia treatment at the Paramita clinic

The Paramita Clinic has everything necessary to treat patients with sequestered hernia. The clinic employs such specialists as: neurologists, vertebrologists, reflexologists, massage therapists, chiropractors, kinesiotherapists.

Paramita specializes in diseases of the spine. Here they diagnose hernias, as well as all types of conservative treatment, including physiotherapy, acupuncture and massage. The patient can receive the entire range of treatment procedures in one clinic.

We use non-surgical hernia treatment techniques
Read more about our unique technique

An integrated and professional approach is the key to successful treatment. The clinic prefers therapy that combines Western and Eastern techniques. The risk of postoperative complications is often unjustified, therefore surgery should be resorted to only in the most extreme cases.

Cost of treatment for cervical disc herniation

Serviceprice, rub.
Shock wave therapy (SWT) treatment consultationfor free
Herniated Disc Treatment Procedure Blue Tip/Red Tip1200 / 1600 ₽
Discount on the initial visit to the clinic20%
Primary consultation with a surgeon, consultative and diagnostic1500 ₽
Repeated appointment with a surgeon, consultative and diagnostic1000 ₽
Surgical hernia removal30 000 ₽

Prevention and prognosis

Prevention of a sequestered hernia can be called anything that eliminates the factors predisposing to it. It is important to maintain correct posture and avoid excessive stress and lifting heavy objects. To prevent osteochondrosis, preference should be given to moderate but regular physical activity, swimming, and avoid obesity. In old age, it is recommended to take chondroprotectors.

The prognosis depends on the timeliness of its diagnosis. The smaller the hernia, the better the prognosis. If the sequestration affects the roots and leads to complications, the prognosis is less favorable. The longer the complications exist, the longer it will take to recover.


How to relieve pain with a sequestered hernia?

Novocaine and lidocaine blockades fight pain most effectively. They are performed only in medical conditions. At home, you should use an NSAID, for example, diclofenac. The drug is available in tablets, ampoules for intramuscular injections and ointments.

Is there a chance to cure a sequestered hernia without surgery?

Cure means getting rid of sequestration. There are cases when independent resorption (resorption) of sequestration occurs. That is why the disease is treated conservatively at first. If the hernia is complicated, it is impossible to wait or the sequester has not undergone resorption after a long time, surgery is necessary.

How long does the recovery period take after surgery?

The rehabilitation period ends when the patient ceases to be bothered by any symptoms. With a favorable outcome, the rehabilitation period ranges from 4 to 6 weeks.


  1. Bersenev V. Spine and pain.
  2. Rodionova O. Health of the back and spine: Encyclopedia
  3. Krotenkov P.V., MRI tomography in the diagnosis and treatment of herniated thoracic intervertebral discs. (Russian) Bulletin of radiology and radiology.
  4. Kaplan L. Lumbar disc herniation. Per. from English N. D. Firsova.
  5. Tkachev A.M., Epifanov A.V., Akarachkova E.S. “Patophysiological aspects of resorption of intervertebral disc herniations,” Consilium Medicum.

Intervertebral hernia, Spine, Pain, Treatment without surgery Date of publication: 10/22/2020 Date of update: 12/23/2020

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Read the rules for using the Kuznetsov applicator for hernia

  • Do not eat before the procedure for at least 1.5-2 hours. After the procedure, refrain for another half hour.
  • Go to the toilet, as the action of the applicator can greatly relax the muscles of the body.
  • There must be fresh air in the room.
  • After the session, just lie down for a few more minutes (without the applicator). The body's rhythms must return to their previous state.
  • Finally, rinse the Kuznetsov applicator; this is necessary, since the applicator comes into contact with the skin. To eliminate the risk of contracting infectious diseases, the applicator must be kept clean.

Kuznetsov applicator for menstruation, get rid of it in 2 minutes

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