Laser therapy for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

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  • Treatment of diseases of the joints and spine
      Diseases of the joints of the hands and fingers
  • Hand joint diseases
  • Diseases of the joints of the legs
  • Diseases of the foot joints
  • Diseases of the cervical-brachial spine
  • Diseases of the thoracic spine
  • Diseases of the lumbar spine
  • Treatment of injuries and post-traumatic complications
      Mechanical injuries
  • Thermal wounds
  • Chemical wounds
  • Treatment of cardiovascular diseases
      Arterial hypertension
  • Ischemic lesions
  • Rhythm and conduction disorders
  • Pathological changes
  • Damage to the blood vessels of the heart
  • Treatment of diseases of veins and arteries
      Vein diseases
  • Complications of diabetes mellitus
  • Arterial damage
  • Treatment of diseases of the nervous system
  • Strokes, post-stroke conditions
  • Neuritis
  • Neuralgia, pain syndromes
  • Neuroses
  • Hearing loss
  • Treatment of bronchopulmonary and ENT diseases
      ENT diseases (otolaryngology)
  • Viral infections
  • Bronchopulmonary diseases
  • Sleep apnea syndrome
  • Treatment of allergic diseases
      Allergic respiratory diseases
  • Skin allergic diseases
  • Dermatology, cosmetology, anti-aging procedures
      Dermatological diseases
  • Cosmetology, anti-aging procedures
  • Treatment of urological diseases and sexual disorders
      Urological diseases
  • Sexual disorders
  • Treatment of digestive diseases
      Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Proctological diseases
  • Treatment of dental diseases of the teeth and oral cavity
      Diseases of the gums and mouth
  • Prosthetics
  • Oral injuries
  • Veterinary
  • Many of us live with chronic neck pain for years. Most often, these pains are associated with muscle tension (heavy lifting, sudden or awkward movement) or with injuries to muscles, ligaments, bones, intervertebral discs and spinal roots, and nerve plexuses. The pain restricts movement so much that it becomes impossible to even turn your head to the side.

    Most often, treatment of cervical osteochondrosis begins without consulting a doctor - folk remedies, inexpensive ointments and creams. In the best case, treatment is complemented by massage. But one course may not be enough, while a full massage course of 10 procedures will cost at least 15 thousand rubles.

    Then painkillers and injections are used. Potent drugs dull the pain, relieve symptoms, and the disease, meanwhile, progresses. And the pain comes back again. Moreover, almost all medications have side effects, which can provoke the development of new health problems or exacerbation of chronic diseases.

    In order not to fall into a vicious circle of diseases, you need to follow a more progressive, but proven path. Start laser treatment!

    • The infrared beam of the ORION device with laser precision penetrates directly into the lesion, helps stop the development of the disease and eliminate its cause.
    • Laser procedures at home actively eliminate pain and inflammation, improve blood supply and nutrition of the intervertebral discs, promote the resorption of deposits and eliminate degenerative changes, and help restore the activity of movements.

    In the early stages of the disease, a laser device for home use ORION STEP or ORION PLUS will help cure osteochondrosis of the cervical spine without drugs.

    In case of chronic disease

    ORION series devices are used in complex therapy, as well as in the after-treatment stage after the main course and for the prevention of relapses.

    An important advantage

    laser therapy eliminates the side effects of drugs, increasing their therapeutic effectiveness.

    ORION lasers allow you to treat osteochondrosis at home

    - at a convenient time, without queues and fuss. It is especially important that home laser procedures allow one to meet one of the necessary conditions for productive treatment: after the physiotherapy procedure, a period of rest of 20-30 minutes is required, which is completely lost when immediately after the procedure in the clinic you need to go home or take public transport.

    How to cure osteochondrosis of the cervical spine at home x

    is detailed in the manual that comes with each device.

    Additional consultations

    - before purchasing and after starting to use ORION devices - can be given by a doctor.

    Get a doctor's consultation

    You can call the toll-free hotline
    or individually at the ORION/ORION brand store.”



    • Retail price:
      45,300 rub.

    Warranty from 1 year More about the terms of the guarantee
    There are currently 12 people viewing this product

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    Main characteristics

    Emitter type:Semiconductor Injection AsGa
    Laser mode:pulse
    Emitter type:880 - 910 nm
    Laser pulse power variable:5 W; 10 W
    Pulse modulation frequency variable:5Hz, 80Hz, 1500Hz and Bio mode
    MTBF:2,000 hours
    Exposure time:from 1 to 5 min (electronic timer with countdown)
    Built-in photodiode:for visualization and radiation control


    Emitter type:Semiconductor Injection AsGa
    Laser mode:pulse
    Emitter type:880 - 910 nm
    Laser pulse power variable:5 W; 10 W
    Pulse modulation frequency variable:5Hz, 80Hz, 1500Hz and Bio mode
    MTBF:2,000 hours
    Exposure time:from 1 to 5 min (electronic timer with countdown)
    Built-in photodiode:for visualization and radiation control
    Color Effect:Infrared light: 850 - 980 nm, power 15 mW; 30 mW
    Color Effect:Red spectrum: 600 - 680 nm, power 10 mW; 20 mW
    Color Effect:Blue light: 350 – 490 nm, power 7 mW; 15 mW
    Laser safety according to GOST R. 50723-94:class 1 (highest)
    Laser safety according to SANiPIN 5804-91 (radiation is safe for the eyes):class 1 (highest)
    Electrical safety:class II protection BF (safety class for household appliances)
    Device power:from mains 220V, 50Hz
    Power consumption:no more than 15 W
    Device weight:1,200 grams complete with emitters
    Overall dimensions of the device:245x160x70 mm
    Package size:390x280x125 mm.


    Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine

    Thoracic osteochondrosis is characterized by a varied clinical picture, which is associated with the anatomical and physiological characteristics of this part of the spine. Despite the fact that the number of discs in the thoracic region is twice as large as in the cervical or lumbar region, clinical manifestations of osteochondrosis are observed much less frequently. Clinical symptoms depend on compression (compression) damage to a particular nerve trunk. This is how our internal organs are innervated by nerve trunks extending from the thoracic spine (Th 1 – 12 thoracic vertebrae).

    Innervation of internal organs

    Radicular (radicular) syndromes in thoracic osteochondrosis are manifested by the clinic of intercostal neuralgia. Protrusions (bulges) in the lateral and posterolateral direction or osteophytes most often occur in the lower thoracic sensations Th10 - Th12.

    Clinic: Pain, which is the first symptom of the disease, depending on the level of the affected disc, is either intercostal, abdominal, or inguinal localized. It is often accompanied by numbness and paresis of the legs and, less commonly, by pelvic disorders (incontinence or urinary retention, rectal dysfunction, impotence, etc.).

    Goreltseva N.V., Ogoreltsev D.V., Center for Traditional Medicine "ORPHEUS", Izhevsk

    We came to the conclusion that with complex therapy using analgesics, vasodilators, biostimulants, etc. in the treatment of patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, including patients with neurological manifestations of spinal osteochondrosis with and without radiculopathy, a faster effect is achieved. Laser treatment of spinal osteochondrosis
    was carried out for outpatients and inpatients. Thanks to complex therapy, including laser, in inpatients with neurological manifestations of spinal osteochondrosis with radiculopathy, the average time spent in bed decreased from 27.7 to 20.6 days, that is, by one week.


    • Retail price:
      16,700 rub.

    Warranty from 1 year More about the terms of the guarantee
    There are currently 16 people viewing this product

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    Main characteristics

    Emitter type:semiconductor injection AsGa
    Laser mode:pulse
    Wavelength:880 - 910 nm
    Laser pulse power:constant 9 W
    Pulse modulation frequency:constant 1 500 Hz
    MTBF:2,000 hours
    Exposure time:from 1 to 5 min (electronic timer with countdown)
    Built-in photodiode:for visualization and radiation control


    Emitter type:semiconductor injection AsGa
    Laser mode:pulse
    Wavelength:880 - 910 nm
    Laser pulse power:constant 9 W
    Pulse modulation frequency:constant 1 500 Hz
    MTBF:2,000 hours
    Exposure time:from 1 to 5 min (electronic timer with countdown)
    Built-in photodiode:for visualization and radiation control
    Laser safety according to GOST R. 50723-94:class 1 (highest)
    Laser safety according to SANiPIN 5804-91 (radiation is safe for the eyes):class 1 (highest)
    Electrical safety:class II protection BF (safety class for household appliances)
    Device power:from the built-in battery, charging from the network 220V, 50Hz
    Power consumption:no more than 5 W
    Input voltage (battery):3 V
    Device weight:200 grams
    Overall dimensions of the device:187x60x39 mm
    Package size:240x170x80 mm


    • The infrared laser beam penetrates directly into the lesion
    • Stops the process of joint destruction
    • Relieves inflammation, pain and swelling
    • Course of treatment - 10-14 days

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    • Reduces recovery time by 2-3 times
    • Has no age restrictions
    • Increases periods of remission
    • Does not cause addiction
    • Does not cause allergic reactions or side effects

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    • Therapeutic effect - 87-93%
    • Central Military Clinical Hospital No. 2 named after. P.V. Mandryka
    • GBUZ "Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute (MONIKI) named after. M.F. Vladimirsky"

    View full list of institutions


    200 diseases are indicated for treatment, including:

    • 200 diseases are indicated for treatment:
    • Cardiovascular
    • Neurological
    • Urological
    • ENT and bronchopulmonary
    • Diseases of the veins and arteries

    Full list


    • Approved in Europe - Gold medal at the exhibition in Brussels “BRUSSELS EUREKA 97”
    • Recommended by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation since 1993.
    • The ORION device has been approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation since 1993
    • Designed to the strict standards of the Soviet military industry. Warranty and post-warranty service.

    Free doctor consultation


    • Laser safety class I
    • Malignant neoplasms
    • Blood diseases
    • Active tuberculosis
    • Fever of unknown etiology

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    Laser treatment of osteochondrosis

    Osteochondrosis is a degenerative-dystrophic process that develops in the cartilage and bone tissue of the spine. This is the most common spinal disease, affecting more than 70% of the population. Osteochondrosis most often affects older people, as well as overweight people. The disease has a chronic course and often leads to temporary or permanent loss of ability to work.

    Laser treatment of osteochondrosis

    performed on painful points identified by palpation. The main areas of impact are the paravertebral (paravertebral) and intervertebral areas of the spine at the level of the lesion. To ensure a guaranteed positive effect, additional irradiation of the spinal segments located above and below the affected area is performed.

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    The best way to find out if you have a bulging disc is to see a doctor. Your doctor may suspect a bulging disc based on your symptoms, medical history, and physical examination. But to make a differential diagnosis and exclude other pathologies that may be causing similar symptoms, the doctor can use instrumental research methods. including:


    Although standard radiography cannot show the presence of disc protrusion, it nevertheless allows one to determine the geometry of the spine and exclude damage to bone structures (fractures or tumors).

    CT scan

    . This method provides more information than radiography and produces cross-sectional images of the spine and surrounding structures.


    MRI scanning allows you to obtain three-dimensional images of the structures of the spine and determine the presence of violations of the integrity of the discs (protrusion, disc herniation) or morphological changes in other soft tissues (nerves, spinal cord) and determine the most appropriate treatment tactics.

    EMG (ENMG)

    . These diagnostic tests are necessary in cases where there is suspicion of nerve damage or muscle dysfunction.

    Types of disease

    With osteochondrosis, the cartilage and ligamentous apparatus first suffer, the distance between the vertebrae becomes smaller, their shape and elasticity change. As a result, the muscles become tense, which causes a painful spasm, and nerve tissue can also be pinched. Based on localization, there are several types of osteochondrosis:

    • cervical: damage to the cervical vertebrae, which is often accompanied by compression of blood vessels and deterioration of blood supply to the brain, specific symptoms such as dizziness, numbness of the fingers, migraines, etc.;
    • thoracic: damage to the thoracic vertebrae, accompanied by pain in the chest, in the area of ​​the shoulder blades;
    • lumbar: when the structure of the intervertebral discs is disrupted, pain often develops in the gluteal muscles and the perineal area, the pain intensifies when bending over;
    • polysegmental: several parts of the spine are affected at once;
    • generalized: several parts of the spine and articular tissues are in the affected area.

    Contraindications to the procedure

    Laser therapy is a highly effective, minimally invasive technique, however, it also has its contraindications:

    • pulmonary tuberculosis;
    • blood diseases or bleeding disorders;
    • oncology of the skin and internal organs;
    • angina pectoris in advanced form;
    • cardiovascular pathologies;
    • difficult to treat anemia;
    • diabetes;
    • pregnancy;
    • failure of internal organs;
    • dysfunction of the thyroid gland;
    • hemorrhagic stroke.

    Relative contraindications are the period of breastfeeding and mental disorders.

    Stages of the disease

    Prevention and treatment of osteochondrosis begins with a thorough diagnosis, during which the doctor will determine risk factors or the stage of development of an existing disease. There are 4 successive stages:

    • First: discomfort in the affected area, minor symptoms.
    • Second: the appearance of pain, the likelihood of compression of the nerve roots and the development of complications in the form of pain and sensitivity disorders. The pain is relieved with medication.
    • Third: changes in tissue structure, possible spinal deformities and postural disorders.
    • Fourth: movement disorders, frequent exacerbations, severe pain.

    Exacerbations are possible at any stage, especially as a result of exposure to unfavorable factors such as hypothermia, increased stress, or injury. In this case, the injury does not necessarily relate to the spinal column. For example, a leg injury forces a person to move on crutches, because of this, certain parts of the spine are overloaded, which leads to aggravation.

    In the absence of timely treatment, complications develop in the form of protrusion, extrusion (hernia) and more. As the disease progresses, spinal deformities may occur - scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis.

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