Is it possible to use the Kuznetsov applicator for a herniated disc?

The Kuznetsov Iplicator is a means of reflexotherapeutic influence on the human body. Most often, many “roses” with spikes are attached to a flexible/fabric backing, which apply pressure to the area.

Firstly, the creator himself (Ivan Ivanovich Kuznetsov) called it an applicator (needle applicator), and later people spat on the authorship and began to call it an Applicator.

Secondly, it was not he who invented it, but before him. After looking at Chinese acupuncture, he decided to make something similar from needles for his own treatment after a lung burn.

And third , the author of the applicator was not a doctor.

However, the copy turned out to be very successful and allowed him to patent his invention.

Based on the degree of impact, they are divided into 4 types:

  • Green – has the most delicate effect and is suitable for people with sensitive skin, does not have magnetic inserts;
  • Blue – has sharper needles, the effect on the skin is less gentle, but due to this the effect is more pronounced, does not have magnetic inserts;
  • Yellow - the sharpness of the needles is similar to the blue version, but in addition to this there is a magnetic insert that enhances the effect of the applicator;
  • Red - completely repeats the green version and, just like the yellow type of applicator, has a magnetic insert in the middle;

Operating principle of the applicator

The beneficial properties of Kuznetsov’s invention appear when the needles are pressed into the body, stimulating both small capillaries and large blood vessels. As a result, almost instantly a person becomes active, forgetting about fatigue, laziness and other negative feelings.

But this is not the only reason why the applicator is useful. When you press on the points, metabolic processes accelerate, toxins, wastes, and harmful fats quickly leave the body, cholesterol plaques are destroyed, and the nervous system, on the contrary, is restored.

What diseases can a needle massager help cure:

  • neuritis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • vertebral hernia;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • neuralgia;
  • injuries to muscles, ligaments and joints.

Before using this device, consult your doctor to determine if it may cause harm for your specific medical condition.

It has no side effects and has no age restrictions. The only negative is that if you press too hard, it may leave scratches.

The effect of the Kuznetsov applicator on the body. The effect of the rug?

The main function of the Kuznetsov applicator is to influence special points of the body, improve blood circulation, tonify the functioning of all organs and functions of the body, as well as a relaxation effect.

Positive effects include:

  1. Helps relieve muscle tension from the upper layer of muscles
  2. Tightens the skin and has a toning effect
  3. Acceleration of blood and lymph flow in the area of ​​application and, as a result, the ability to recover and wound healing improves, the circulatory system is restored, relieves pain, improves metabolism

The applicator is the best helper for women's problems

Many women suffer when they see cellulite. “Orange peel” not only spoils the texture of the skin, but can also cause swelling and squeezing of capillaries.

Women come up with everything they can to get rid of cellulite. It turns out that you can get rid of this problem using an applicator. To combat cellulite, it is better to choose a blue rug. It is safer for the skin.

Mat effect:

  • Improves blood circulation, tones the skin, making it young and elastic.
  • Relieves tissue swelling.
  • By acting on fat capsules, it breaks them down, reducing them in size.
  • By influencing nerve endings, it increases body tone and immunity.
  • Treats diseased internal organs.

Each area of ​​the body has its own application:

  • To improve performance, you should work on your feet and the back of your head in the morning.
  • For insomnia, apply pressure on the back and base of the skull for a quarter of an hour.
  • For pain during menstruation and PMS, it is also necessary to apply needles to the entire back.
  • By pressing with your body weight, you can get rid of the bumps on the buttocks and thighs.
  • You can simply apply the mat with force to problem areas.
  • To remove cellulite on the stomach, inner thighs and waist area, you should press the mat in these places, securing it with an elastic bandage.

Before starting the procedure, all areas of the body should be prepared. First take a shower, then scrub the skin, then dry the skin thoroughly, and then use the applicator.

How long should I use this device? You need to start the procedure with 15 minutes. If well tolerated, the manipulation can be extended to an hour. It is recommended to perform the procedures every other day for 2 weeks.

Is it possible to lie on your stomach? The skin on the stomach is very sensitive, so the abdominal area needs to be treated especially gently. After the procedure, you cannot use scrubs, anti-cellulite warming creams and wraps. But using aloe cream will not harm the skin.

Prices for the Kuznetsov Applicator:

They vary from 100 rubles and end at tens of thousands.

It is important to understand that the effect of an applicator for 500 rubles and an expensive pranamat for 10,000 rubles is identical in essence. It’s just that there is still a markup on the quality of materials, additional things (like a foam layer that is not necessary), more beautiful needles and other rubbish that has no effect on the effect.

Sometimes magnets and other effects not confirmed by medicine are added. But people believe in ALMAG, which means some will buy it here too.

How to cure foot problems

The needle mat is very beneficial for your feet. If you have flat feet, then stomp on the mat every day for 10-15 minutes. It is useful to do the following exercises:

  • walk on the mat;
  • transfer body weight from foot to foot;
  • When walking, turn your feet either to the outside or to the inside.

In the same way, it can be used to prevent flat feet.

Many people suffer from heel spurs. By applying needles to your heels, you will forget about this problem. The device can be used while sitting. Place your feet on the needles, then press them onto the spikes. For your feet, it is better to choose a rug with blunt spikes.

If your limbs are numb, stomping on needles will also relieve this problem. There are so many different bio-points on the feet that by applying needles to them, you can heal many internal organs.

If you accidentally tripped or lifted something heavy, even healthy people can experience discomfort in different parts of the back. The back will also benefit from exposure to sharp thorns. Just lie on the mat for 10-15 minutes.

Analogues of the Kuznetsov applicator:

  1. The Lyapko applicator is almost the same. Only a different type of needle and material (but at least Lyapko was a doctor by training)
  1. The Sadhu board with nails is the most effective but also the most painful way to solve your health problems (to the best of your ability). Most people are not able to lie down on a board with their backs even for a couple of seconds or stand with their bare feet.
  1. Chinese acupuncture is an imperishable original. It is extremely difficult to find specialists in Russia. And if you find them, they will be expensive. It is much cheaper to save up for a trip to China (even if you wanted a cheap plane) and undergo a course of procedures in a Chinese clinic.

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Indications and contraindications

The logic is very simple. Since the Kuznetsov applicator is a fairly harmless device, the more diseases there are in the list of indications, the greater the sales volume. And the improvement can also be subjective, which simply cannot be quantified. Therefore, they treat anything, from cellulite and prostatitis, to migraines, headaches, and panic attacks.

However, the manufacturers, quite rightly, in order to protect against complaints and filing lawsuits about the ineffectiveness of this device, write that “the best way would be to use the Kuznetsov iplicator as part of complex therapy prescribed by a specialist.” If we translate this into Russian, it sounds like this: “Kuznetsov’s applicator alone, without medications and other treatments prescribed by a doctor, is not able to cope with the diseases for which we recommend it.”

Is it possible to use the Kuznetsov applicator for a herniated disc?

Oddly enough, it is not only possible, but also necessary. We did not claim that this simple physiotherapeutic device is completely useless or harmful. If we throw out all the tricks with magnets, the “bioenergy information system”, the “resonance field” and “acupuncture points”, then it turns out to be undeniable that:

  • the applicator distracts the patient from back pain, improves the quality of life, and allows you to reduce the dosage of medications;
  • intensive blood flow can significantly improve blood flow from the muscles and deep ligaments of the back.

With protrusion and intervertebral hernia, an important pathogenetic factor is inflammation, swelling of the nerve roots, muscles and ligaments. It is clear that improving blood flow ultimately improves venous outflow from the source of inflammation.

And this reduces the severity of pain and myofascial syndrome, on which the chronicity of back pain depends;

  • It is very important that after using the Kuznetsov applicator, you can apply various ointments and creams to the lumbar region for 20 minutes, for example with snake and bee venom, diclofenac, ketoprofen, nimesulide. This will enhance the therapeutic effect of local remedies;
  • For protrusions and hernias in the back, the Kuznetsov applicator can be a lifesaver if the patient is strictly contraindicated with drugs from the NSAID group. This may be due to intolerance to aspirin (with aspirin-induced bronchial asthma), with exacerbation of erosive-ulcerative gastritis or stomach ulcers. In this case, a non-medicinal method of relieving back pain is extremely important.

Lyapko applicator for various diseases

In addition to the Kuznetsov applicator, a Lyapko product has been developed. The applicator looks the same as Kuznetsov’s invention. It also looks like a roller, a mat, it also has needle plates that act on biologically active points of the body.

How are these two devices different? The Lyapko device is equipped not with plastic, but with metal plates. Moreover, the plates have a different metal alloy, therefore they are considered more efficient.

How is this device useful? It also treats many diseases, but having stiffer spikes, it has a much more active effect on the points of the body. However, these capabilities of the device will not be appreciated by those with delicate skin. Thorns can not only injure the skin, but also cause infection. Therefore, metal devices must be handled much more carefully.

In addition, Lyapko’s invention has more contraindications. Therefore, when deciding which applicator to choose, pay attention to contraindications.

Which is better: Kuznetsov’s invention or Lyapko’s? If you look at the degree of influence on the points, it is the same. Only Lyapko’s device is considered a more advanced version of the classic massage mat, and therefore more expensive. The effectiveness of both devices will be beneficial in the fight against the same diseases. Therefore, the patient himself decides what to choose.

Doctors' opinions

At first, doctors did not appreciate the effect of Kuznetsov’s invention. They believed that it was necessary to treat diseases with medications so as not to lead to dangerous consequences. After all, treatment with thorns can worsen the patient’s condition. Gradually, doctors' reviews changed as solid experience in using the drug accumulated.

This video describes the mechanism of action, as well as the areas of application of the Lyapko and Kuznetsov applicators (mats with needles). Indications and contraindications for these products are described. The opinion of a neurologist is given.

Currently, most doctors are of the opinion that the inventions of Lyapko and Kuznetsov are effective, and even perceive them as an alternative to medications.

Main reasons

The reasons for the development of a frozen pregnancy are very diverse. The pathological condition can develop at different times. Most often it is associated with fetal gene mutations that are incompatible with life. In such cases, frozen pregnancy is most often recorded at 8 weeks of pregnancy. Women over 40 years of age are at risk in such cases.

Common provoking factors also include the following:

  • The presence of chronic and/or hereditary pathologies of future parents.
  • Consumption of drugs and alcohol in large quantities by a woman during pregnancy.
  • Treatment of any diseases with potent drugs.

The risks of developing a frozen pregnancy increase:

  • In case of Rh conflict between mother and child.
  • For viral and bacterial infections.
  • In case of hormonal imbalances in the mother's body.
  • With multiple abortions.
  • With constant stress.
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