Ultrasound examination (ultrasound) of the pelvic organs in women

Pelvic organs in women - list

Women usually receive an ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs from a gynecologist. Using an ultrasound machine, the doctor determines the condition of tissues in:

  • Bladder;
  • uterus;
  • cervix;
  • fallopian tubes;
  • ovaries.

It is not only patients who receive ultrasound referrals. Women expecting babies are sent for ultrasound three times during pregnancy. Each trimester has its own control week, during which the doctor is obliged to assess the state of fetal development.

Indications for training

Training for pelvic floor muscle dysfunction is prescribed by a doctor after eliminating contraindications. Considering the structure of the organs located in the female pelvis, symptoms of muscle weakness can be determined independently. Indications for starting intimate ligament training are factors such as:

  1. Childbirth planning. Due to the strengthened muscular corset, the uterus will receive the necessary support, and the risk of prolapse or prolapse of the organ will be reduced.
  2. The period during pregnancy and after childbirth. Due to trained muscles, the birth process is accelerated and facilitated, and the risk of perineal ruptures is reduced. After childbirth, the genitals will quickly recover to their previous state.
  3. Age over 30 years. Most women have weakened pelvic floor muscles with age if they are not trained. To avoid problems in the future, even in the absence of unpleasant symptoms, gymnastics of the intimate muscles is indicated.
  4. Injuries and surgeries in the female pelvic floor. In this case, the natural contraction of muscles is disrupted, and with it the transmission of nerve impulses. As a result, incontinence, anorgasmia and other problems develop.
  5. Hormonal disbalance. Poor blood circulation due to metabolic disorders leads to thinning of the vaginal walls and a decrease in its elasticity.
  6. Physical inactivity. A sedentary lifestyle leads to loss of elasticity and muscle tone. They contract worse, which affects the functioning of all pelvic organs.

Features of ultrasound examination

Using an ultrasound machine, a specialist can only assess the condition of non-hollow organs, that is, those that are not empty inside. In this connection, it is necessary to provide additional consultation to patients regarding the condition of the bladder. So, if you want to examine its walls for chronic cystitis or other pathology, you need to fulfill a mandatory condition - to carry out a full urinary diagnosis, which is not very convenient for those who suffer from incontinence. In this case, urine will act as a reflection of ultrasonic rays, and the bladder will be examined.

If other organs are to be examined, the bladder should be empty so as not to block the view.


It is a muscular organ that, when unfilled, has a sac-like formation, and when filled, it has the appearance of a ball. The volume of the organ can vary, depending on the degree of filling, water load, as well as the frequency of emptying and some health problems.

On average, the volume of the bladder is within 200 ml; when the urination reflex appears, the volume can reach up to 800 ml. In pathological conditions, stretching of the organ is allowed, creating a volume of 1500 ml.

It consists of three components, which are the membranes of the organ:

  1. This is a serous layer that covers the outside of the organ, and the degree of coverage depends on the filling.
  2. The muscle layer, which is multidirectional muscle fibers that ensure complete removal of urine from the organ.
  3. The mucous membrane, which is expelled from the inside of the organ, thereby preventing urine from irritating the structures.

Other components of the organ and their work:

  1. The organ receives two ureters that connect the kidneys and bladder. They carry secondary urine, which accumulates in the organ and is subsequently removed to the outside.
  2. The urethra also emerges from the organ. It is through this that urine is removed into the environment. The female urethra has some features compared to the male one. This is largely due to the structural features of the pelvic organs, as well as the genital organs. In the female body it is wider and shorter.
  3. As the organ fills, the uterus gradually shifts relative to its physiological location. If the uterus is located in a typical position, tilted anteriorly, then when the bladder is full, it tends to straighten.
  4. In front of the bladder is the symphysis pubis , which is a bony structure, and behind it is the uterus. There may be intestinal loops on the sides. Below is the urogenital diaphragm.

The main function of the bladder is to create a reservoir that allows urine to accumulate in its cavity, preventing its constant removal into the environment. It also removes urine from the body.

What does a pelvic ultrasound show?

Using ultrasound you can determine:

  • The position of the organ in the pelvic cavity: is it displaced?
  • What are the dimensions of the organ?
  • Is it properly developed? Are there any anomalies in shape or size?
  • Myometrial structure.
  • Endometrial thickness.
  • Presence of scar tissue.
  • Dinu and width of the cervix.
  • Condition of the fallopian tubes and ovaries.
  • Presence of fertilized egg.
  • The presence and absence of fetal development pathologies.

The simplicity and safety of this type of research has deservedly made this method one of the most popular.

Understanding the female body: external genitalia

The topic of the structure and function of the human body is the basics of health, this is where the understanding of the norm and deviations from the norm begins. But this topic is practically missed in schools and other educational institutions, or is distorted to such an extent that a person begins to live in myths and rumors, being in a state of “chronic fear.” Since women are more emotional, they are more often and more easily influenced by negativity and intimidation. Therefore, knowing yourself, understanding the structure and functioning of the female body is important to prevent unnecessary unnecessary interventions, and vice versa, to receive timely help when necessary. Most women do not have the slightest idea about the female reproductive (genital) organ system. Supposedly there is some knowledge, however, it is too superficial. And what is a woman without female genital organs, right? After all, it is they who determine her main difference from a man.

Female genital organs are divided into external (external) and internal . First, every woman needs to learn how to use a mirror and constantly examine the external genitalia, not paying attention to shame (there is no need to be ashamed of yourself). In women, the external genitalia includes the vulva - the anatomical part of the external genitalia, which includes the vestibule of the vagina, labia majora and minora, clitoris, pubis, urethral opening, hymen, Bartholin's glands and vaginal opening. Let's skip the topic of the attractiveness of the external genitalia (despite the fact that, in fact, this topic worries many women and men), and let's remember only some important points of the anatomy and physiology of this part of the body.


In all textbooks on gynecology and obstetrics, the pubis is mentioned in only two or three words, although it is of great importance in the lives of women and men (men also have a pubis). The soft bump of fatty pad at the front of the vulva covering the pubis is called the Tubercule of Venus or Aphrodite's Tuberosity. Venus for the Romans and Aphrodite for the Greeks were goddesses of love, female sexuality, fertility and beauty. This part of the female body plays an important role, particularly in sexual relations. The fat pad covers the pubic bone, which is an integral part of a large bony formation - the pelvis. It has the shape of a bowl and contains a large number of organs, providing a reliable support for them. Organs that do not extend beyond the bone formation of the pelvis form the small pelvis. It is in the pelvis that the internal organs of the female reproductive system are located, including the body of the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Therefore, the pubis with a fatty pad perform a protective function - during impacts, falls, especially on the front wall of the abdomen, the force of trauma to the internal organs is reduced due to this tubercle of Venus. Considering that the first three months of pregnancy, when all the organs and organ systems of the unborn child are formed, the uterus is located deep in the pelvis and does not extend beyond the pubic bone, this is another important level of protection of the future offspring from damage. During sexual intercourse, which is accompanied by active movements of the partners, the pubis protects the woman and man from trauma to the genital organs, as well as the pelvic bones (in other words, it protects from friction and bruises). In addition to the fat pad, the pubic skin contains a large amount of hair, which many young women shave, partly complaining of skin irritation and other problems associated with hair removal. Pubic hair appears during puberty, and this growth is caused by an increase in the amount of male sex hormones in a girl's body. Perhaps one of the scientists or doctors will mistakenly call the hair on the external genitalia a kind of vestige, that is, a mistake of nature, which did not have time to get rid of the remnants of the “evolutionary past.” But this is a mistaken opinion.

Why does a woman need pubic hair?: - Firstly, they are also a “natural pad” that protects the skin and pubic bones from injury. — Secondly, hair protects against small foreign bodies and liquids getting into the genital opening. - Thirdly, the skin of the pubis contains a large number of sebaceous and sweat glands, which secrete a secretion with a specific odor, which plays a role in sexual attraction of the opposite sex (including instinctively through smell). Pubic hair accumulates these substances and increases the odor of this area of ​​the body. - Fourthly, pubic hair also plays a hygienic role - it prevents vaginal discharge from evaporating and spreading outside the body. - Fifthly, the pubic skin is quite sensitive and, when stimulated, plays an important role in a woman’s sexual arousal.

Pubic hair growth is determined by genetic and constitutional factors, just like body hair growth throughout the body. The age of a woman does not affect the length of pubic hair - it does not change from the moment the hair appears, which cannot be said about the amount of hair - lush “vegetation” is observed in women’s adulthood.

Intimate haircut

Every woman has her own whims and requirements for female “beauty,” especially in the intimate parts of the body. In part, such demands are a tribute to fashion, and are also provoked by men themselves, who often compare the condition of the vulvas of their chosen ones with photographs of porn stars in adult magazines. “Intimate haircut” is another cry of fashion, and there are so many “hairstyles”! By the way, there is also a men's “intimate haircut”. However, you need to remember that pubic hair and labia majora are not scalp hair, since they are associated with sexually transmitted infections, scabies, and pubic lice. It is not uncommon for the skin to become cut, allowing blood to get onto the instruments. Unfortunately, not all “intimate hairdressers” process and sterilize their instruments correctly, because such treatment quickly dulls the blades and knives, and generally disables some instruments. Therefore, there is no guarantee of complete safety of an intimate haircut. And since the intimate part of the body is quite often wet, in the presence of wounds to the skin and mucous membranes, good soil arises for the growth of bacteria and the inflammatory process.


Few women think about how many different holes there are in the perineum and how they are located. If you move from the lower edge of the pubis to the anus, then a woman has three openings of different sizes: the first is the opening of the urethra, through which urine is excreted, slightly lower there is the entrance to the vagina, through which children are conceived and born, and outside the vestibule of the vagina is the anal hole through which intestinal waste is eliminated. In addition to these main “holes,” there are numerous openings of a number of glands, but it is often impossible to see them with the naked eye. Parents rarely explain to their children through which “hole” they are born. Almost the entire area between the pubis and tailbone, and on the sides, is called the perineum - “between the legs.” It is important to note that the skin of the perineum is the dirtiest part of the human body, as discharge from the urethra, vagina and anus accumulates on it. These secretions not only accumulate throughout the day, but also create an excellent environment for the growth of microorganisms, most often the intestinal group (from the anus) and skin microflora (staphylococci, streptococci, fungi). Cleansing the skin by washing with warm water and soap at least twice a day (ideally after each act of defecation and urination) is the key to preventing inflammatory processes in the external genitalia.

Labia majora and labia minora

The labia majora are two folds of skin containing a dense layer of fat and covering the entrance to the vagina. They protect the vagina from microorganisms. In girls, the labia majora are closed, so they are more reliably protected from germs and foreign bodies. With the onset of sexual activity, the labia majora open. Some women have dark discoloration of the labia majora, which is mostly normal. Pigmentation often increases during pregnancy. The labia majora are identical in origin and structure to the male scrotum - a pouch of skin where the testicles are located. The labia minora , according to some doctors and sexologists, are part of the clitoral system. They are folds of skin with a large number of nerve endings. During sexual arousal, the labia minora swell and turn red, as does the clitoris. They cover the head of the clitoris, the urethra and the opening of the vagina, as well as the openings of a number of glands.

We can say that the labia minora is the “face” of a woman. Do not take this statement straightforwardly, but understand that the shape and color of the labia minora are individual and specific for each woman, and that any woman can be recognized by them, if such signs were recorded somewhere, just as photographs of the face in profile and full face are recorded, and fingerprints in the criminal record. The color of the labia minora can have different shades of the mucous membrane - from pale pink to dark red (burgundy), as well as brown (women prefer to call it the color of chocolate). These shades can change throughout a woman's life, as well as during certain periods, for example, during pregnancy. For some reason, among people, in particular women's doctors, there is a misconception that the labia minora should be almost the same in all women. On the contrary, the number of species of this part of the external genitalia is varied, including in size. Look at the women's faces. How many types of female lips are there? Many, regardless of various types of classifications! The same can be said about the size and size of the labia minora (and color has already been mentioned). Often the sizes of the right and left labia in women can be different, with smooth or fringed edges, asymmetrical, narrow, wide, shiny, matte, etc. This is all normal. Many women, especially young ones, having seen photographs of the labia minora in a textbook on gynecology or in some pornographic photographs and compared with their own, go to extremes and try to somehow correct the “defect,” starting with all kinds of bleaches and ending with plastic surgery. If the size of the labia creates discomfort (pain), or a woman experiences moral dissatisfaction or an inferiority complex, then surgical labiaplasty is possible. Most often, such intervention is not justified.

Piercing Modern fashion includes decorating the external genitalia with earrings and other objects, which is called piercing, since most often the attachment of jewelry requires a puncture of the skin. If all the rules of hygiene and sanitation are followed when performing a piercing, then there is no harm. However, the labia majora and minora are extremely sensitive and easily irritated, so the appearance of a foreign body, even a small one, on the labia majora and minora can cause pain, discomfort, and discharge. Many men like such jewelry, which means that women go to any lengths to please their sexual partners. Most of them still cannot stand wearing such jewelry for a long time - it is always an unpleasant torture, regardless of the area in which the skin is punctured and the “toy” is attached. Only a few get used to piercings and stop complaining. Of course, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the labia and if an inflammatory process or injury occurs at the puncture site, seek help from a doctor.

Vaginal vestibule

The entire area between the labia and the opening of the vagina is called the vestibule of the vagina. It is always moisturized due to the constant secretion of glands and vaginal discharge in this part of the body. Irritation of the mucous membrane of the vaginal vestibule with chemicals and mechanically (friction from wearing underwear) can lead not only to increased production of secretions, but also to trauma and ulceration of the skin and mucous membranes. It is this area of ​​the external genitalia that most often suffers during sexual intercourse, if it occurs without appropriate preparation - due to friction with the penis, abrasions, burning, pain, and discomfort are inevitable. Having received negative experience of such sexual relations, many women begin to avoid sexual contact with men.

Itching of the vulva

A woman’s vulva contains a large number of nerve endings (unlike the vagina, which is almost insensitive to pain), so this is primarily associated with the function of reproduction. Therefore, even a slight chemical or physical irritation of this area of ​​the skin and mucous membranes can lead to discomfort, pain, itching, and burning. It is a mistake to believe that only infections lead to discomfort and itching of the external genitalia. When discharge appears, it is not the vagina that itches, but the vulva. In reality, there are more than 100 different diseases, both “local”, that is, in the vulva area, and general (diabetes mellitus, cleft palate, psoriasis and others), accompanied by itching of the vulva. Different age categories of women may have different diseases with complaints of itching and burning of the external genitalia. The infectious process is not present in all cases of discomfort and itching of the vulva. For example, this could be a reaction to soap, washing liquid, synthetic underwear, tight pants or tights, various kinds of intimate gels, intimate perfumes. Before menstruation, women experience a physiological state of low estrogen levels; the same condition occurs after childbirth when breastfeeding, which can also be accompanied by itching. Various skin diseases (dermatitis, skin infections), allergic reactions, diseases of the liver, nervous system and many others can be manifested by complaints of itching.


The hymen is located at the entrance to the vagina and is a section of the vaginal mucosa 0.5-2 mm thick, usually semi-lunar or ring-shaped (there are about 20 forms of hymen). It plays a barrier (protective) role. The hymen normally has one or more holes that allow menstrual blood to flow out of the vagina during your period. The congenital absence of the hymen is called aplasia of the hymen. This condition occurs extremely rarely. If the hymen is preserved, such girls are called virgins, or intact. Does the presence of a hymen mean that a girl is sexually inactive? No, it doesn't mean that. If only because the hymen can stretch and not be damaged during sexual intercourse (depending on its elasticity). In addition, there is anal and oral sex, which is now practiced by young people.

In infant girls, the hymen, due to the influence of maternal hormones (estrogens), is dense, has many folds and protrusions, is pale pink in color, and can protrude outward from the vagina (be curved), despite the fact that it is located slightly deeper towards the vagina than in an adult woman. This condition can persist in girls up to 4 years of age. The size of the hole in the hymen of a baby girl is very small - about 1 mm, and increases by about 1 mm every year. Gradually, the labia minora grow down, covering the entrance to the vagina. From about 6-7 years of age, the hymen, on the contrary, becomes thin, transparent, smooth and quite sensitive to irritation. Therefore, uncomfortable, tight, rigid underwear and clothes can cause serious discomfort in a little girl, which an inexperienced mother or doctor will mistake for some kind of inflammatory process.

Is it easy to lose your virginity? It is not easy to damage the hymen, however, it is quite possible. This danger arises from the very first years of a girl’s life. In post-Soviet countries, almost all girls are diagnosed with fusion of the labia minora, or synechiae, and therefore they immediately intervene not only with a rough examination, but also with aggressive, rough treatment in the form of separation of these lips. Disconnection is often performed in the office during a finger examination without any anesthesia.

Synechia of the labia minora is a common occurrence in girls under 6-7 years of age, which most often does not require surgical dissection. Doctor intervention is necessary only in cases of obstruction of the outflow of urine and the addition of an infection of the genitourinary system, but such cases are extremely rare. Such manipulations can lead to damage to the hymen, especially if it is performed without anesthesia. Treatment of “vaginitis” in little girls with vaginal suppositories is not justified. In a girl aged 1-3 years, the diameter of the hymen opening is up to 3 mm, and it is quite dense and inextensible, when the diameter of vaginal suppositories is usually 8-15 mm. Small suppositories for the urethra have a diameter of 3-6 mm, but doctors rarely use them. Thus, the modern generation of girls is in danger of losing their virginity long before they become sexually active.

Learn more about girls’ health from Elena Berezovskaya’s seminar “A Girl with a Prospect for Her Future as a Mother”

Is it possible to damage the hymen with sanitary tampons ? The use of sanitary tampons has its negative sides. It is not for nothing that nature created the outflow of menstrual fluid from the vagina to the outside - this is a dead endometrium, therefore waste. But when a tampon is inserted into the vagina, this outflow is disrupted. Dead endometrium, along with blood, accumulates at the end of the tampon in the area of ​​the cervix and posterior vaginal fornix. And since there is not enough oxygen available, a favorable environment for the proliferation of dangerous bacteria arises. This is how toxic syndrome occurs in some women. In teenage girls at puberty, injury to the hymen with tampons and other objects is quite possible. Damage to the hymen by a sanitary tampon is also possible if the hymen has several small holes, rather than one in the center. In adult girls (after 20-22 years), the hymen is elastic, the hole is of such a size that allows you to insert a hygienic tampon into the vagina. But it is necessary to insert and especially remove a used tampon carefully, without sudden movements.

Sexual partners often insert fingers into the vagina and stretch the hymen for several purposes. Firstly, this reduces the pain of defloration at the beginning of sexual intercourse. Secondly, there is a misconception that after many “stretching of the hymen” with the fingers and then insertion of the penis, the girl remains a virgin. Even from inserting fingers, small tears appear in the hymen, and when this is practiced constantly, soon the hymen is completely torn. You must also be careful about a number of infections that can be transmitted through dirty hands. Modern youth also insert various objects into the vagina. There is a competition among teenagers to see who can insert what into the vagina and hold this object for as long as possible. The list of such items is large and shockingly diverse. Therefore, virginity can be lost not only through sexual relations, but through various games, masturbation with the use of objects, and also sometimes during intense sports activities associated with sudden movements, frequent falls, and perineal injuries. Defloration or damage to the hymen during sexual intercourse may be accompanied by pain, but with proper preparation of the woman, especially if she is well aroused, it passes without pain. Bloody discharge during defloration appears only in half of the cases.


Just below and behind the anterior commissure of the labia majora is the clitoris, or lustrator, a sensitive area of ​​the female body in terms of sexual arousal. The structure of the clitoris resembles the male penis (penis), but lacks the urethra. The clitoris is a sexual organ in all female mammals without exception. Its role is not fully understood, but the clitoris is a source of arousal and sexual satisfaction, since it contains a large number of nerve endings and blood vessels. Clitoral stimulation is used during intercourse and masturbation to achieve sexual satisfaction. The glans of the clitoris contains between 6,000 and 8,000 nerve endings - no other part of the body, female or male, has so many nerve endings, and this is four times the number of nerve endings in the glans of the male penis. This means that the female clitoris is much more sensitive to the male genital organ, which is important for a woman's sexual response to intercourse. Does marriage, and therefore regular sex life, affect the size of the clitoris? It turns out not. The size of the clitoris is the same in married and single women. The size of the clitoris also does not depend on sexual orientation - they are the same in women living only with men, bisexual women and lesbians.

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Are there any restrictions for ultrasound diagnostics?

When a woman suffers from pain during menstruation, or her cycle is unstable for a long time, the gynecologist gives a referral for an ultrasound. To obtain information about the condition of the fallopian tubes and follicles, it is important to conduct the examination on days 5-7 from the first day of the cycle, that is, from the day of menstrual bleeding.

But if you want to find out the cause of problems with conception, research must be carried out at least three times:

  • from the 8th to the 10th day from the beginning of menstruation;
  • from the 14th to the 16th day from the first day of bleeding;
  • from the 22nd to the 24th day of the cycle.

For pregnant women, there are also certain time frames for assessing the condition of the fetus. Conducting an ultrasound examination at other times is not considered informative. Each trimester of pregnancy has its own weeks for diagnosis:

  • from 10th to 14th week;
  • from the 20th to the 24th week;
  • from the 30th to the 34th week.

If there are suspicions of pathologies, the number of studies can be increased to determine the condition of the fetus over time.

What does a pregnant ultrasound tell you?

Pregnant women can refuse a routine examination with an ultrasound machine, but this is not recommended, because this painless type of diagnosis allows you to find out about very important changes in the child’s body, in particular, whether he has Down syndrome. According to the regulations of conduct, a medical worker is obliged to notify future parents about a serious genetic disease that entails disability from birth. In this case, the woman is given a complete plan of action if she decides to terminate the pregnancy. The antenatal clinic is obliged to provide all necessary medical care, regardless of the long period of time.

If there is a risk of miscarriage, the gynecologist will monitor the condition of the cervical canal, the length of the cervix and the location of the placenta.

Additionally, ultrasound can easily detect oligohydramnios, as well as:

  • quality of blood flow, its intensity;
  • location of the umbilical cord for entanglement;
  • fetal heart rate;
  • fetal presentation.

With the help of a modern three-dimensional imaging system, the expectant mother can see the face of her unborn child, which always cheers up a pregnant woman.


This is the final section of the digestive tract. This organ is located in the pelvic area, nearby there are neuromuscular and vascular fibers. In front of the rectum are the vagina and uterus, as well as the ovaries.

Due to this close arrangement, problems associated with the rectum or uterus can imitate each other, which sometimes complicates the clinical picture.

Structure of the rectum:

  • This organ has the shape of a cylinder and, relative to other parts of the digestive tract, is a significantly expanded formation. That is why one of the sections of the rectum is also called ampullary.
  • Their wall consists of muscle fibers of various directions, most of them are circular muscle fibers, and also to a small extent longitudinal. They perform the main function of the organ.
  • The rectum, as a pelvic organ, has a high degree of blood supply.
  • Particular importance is given to the final part of the rectum - its sphincter. It has some of the most powerful circular muscles.

The rectum as an organ has few functions, among which the main one is the removal of feces from the body into the environment:

  1. Products of nutrient processing after passing through the overlying sections of the large intestine accumulate in the ampullary section of the rectum.
  2. After the accumulation of the required amount of feces occurs, a reflex irritation of the organ occurs, creating an evacuation reflex.

Ultrasound methods

There are two types of sensors that are used for research. One is called transabdominal. It is enough for a specialist to apply it tightly to the body so that the ultrasound waves begin to show the internal organs.

Another type of sensor is called transvaginal. Based on the name, it is easy to guess that it is inserted into the vagina to look at the organs from a different angle. To conduct such a study, the doctor places a condom on the sensor to ensure sterility. Budgetary institutions often ask patients to buy it for themselves if the deposited funds are not enough to provide the office with consumables.

In addition, there are stationary and mobile devices. Ultrasound diagnostic rooms are equipped with stationary ones. The doctor can take the mobile device with him to visit patients at home. Modern ambulances are also equipped with such equipment.


In many cases, in order to avoid complications from the pelvic organs, preventive measures should be followed, which consist of several rules for lifestyle changes.

Among them are:

  • Regular visits to a specialist to prevent the development of diseases of the pelvic organs. As well as timely treatment in the event of complaints punishable by damage to these parts of the pelvis.
  • Preventing the occurrence of infectious or nonspecific inflammatory processes. To do this, measures should be taken to protect sexual intercourse, especially with unverified persons. The only method of protection at present is a condom, which protects the body from germs entering it from the male genitals.
  • Compliance with personal hygiene measures and timely treatment of chronic diseases not only of the pelvic organs, but also of other body systems.
  • Prevention of hormonal disorders. To do this, first of all, you should take a responsible approach to issues of contraception. It is the termination of pregnancy that leads to serious hormonal disorders, including the development of inflammatory complications. That is why every woman should pay great attention to the condition of the pelvic organs and maintaining their health.

How the study is conducted and what you need to know

Carrying out diagnostics, as a rule, does not require special preparation, with the exception of the condition of the bladder, which the doctor will warn you about in advance. When a patient enters the office, she should remember that it is advisable to turn off her mobile phone during the examination.

After presenting her documents to the doctor, the woman can go to the couch. If the examination is carried out with a transabdominal sensor, it is not necessary to undress completely - you just need to lower your pants or lift your dress so that the lower abdomen is free from clothing.

When examined with a transvaginal probe, the patient must completely remove pants, tights and underwear. Her position on the couch is lying on her back with her knees bent.

It should be noted that neither one nor the other sensor causes any discomfort. The procedure is completely painless.

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