Lower back pain in women, why does this happen?

Menstruation is a regular natural process of cleansing a woman’s body. It is often accompanied by a deterioration in well-being and mood swings, which are associated with hormonal changes. In addition, 9 out of 10 women have pain in the lower abdomen, the mammary glands swell, and their sensitivity increases. And many girls also have lower back pain before menstruation. If the pain is moderate, occurs only a few days before menstruation and goes away quickly, then there is no particular cause for concern. But if the pain syndrome is severe, the discomfort spreads to the leg or lower abdomen, and is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, then you should consult a doctor.

Many young, inexperienced girls are interested in whether their lower back can hurt before menstruation. According to doctors and most women, this phenomenon is quite common, it’s just that sometimes it is a variant of the norm, and in some cases it indicates various diseases.

Sometimes, a few days before menstruation, a nagging pain appears in the lower back. This symptom may be caused by biological processes that occur before menstruation. Then the woman’s breasts swell, her stomach tightens, headaches, vertigo (dizzy), weakness, nausea, insomnia, and increased irritability appear. These unpleasant symptoms may be complemented by painful sensations in the lumbar region.

At the level of the lumbosacral spine there are a large number of nerve endings. Before menstruation, the size, volume, and weight of the uterus increases, which can irritate the nerves in the lower back. Then pain appears in the lower back.

As you know, during menstruation the endometrium (the inner layer of the uterus) is shed. This process involves the myometrial muscles, which are inactive between cycles. During contraction, they indirectly affect the sacrum, which can also cause pain.

Important! You should not abuse antispasmodics if you experience severe lower back pain. First, try to take a horizontal position; if the pain does not disappear after 20–30 minutes, then take 1 tablet. If the medicine does not help, then consult a gynecologist.

If the pain appears for the first time, and it is quite severe, then this is a serious reason to consult a doctor. The specialist will identify the cause of the pain and leave an action plan. In some cases, it is enough to take high-quality sedatives. Consultation with a specialist is necessary, since often painful sensations in the lower back before menstruation indicate infections of the genitourinary organs.

Natural causes

If you are interested in the question of why your lower back hurts before your period, then read the information presented below. If discomfort first appeared 1–3 years after the first menstruation, then it is associated with ovulation (the beginning of egg maturation), which occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. Then the girl has pain in her lower abdomen and back. This condition is not associated with pathologies of the genital organs, it is normal, and the discomfort quickly passes.

Lower back pain before menstruation can be caused by intense contraction of the myometrium

Many girls are interested in the question of how many days before menstruation pain may appear. As a rule, discomfort in the lower back, caused by natural changes in the female body, occurs 1–2 days before menstruation or on the first day, and it disappears after 24–48 hours.

Doctors identify several causes of pain in the lower back before menstruation:

  • Due to intense contraction of the uterine muscles, tension in the pelvis increases. The myometrial muscles contract to reject the mucous membrane and indirectly affect the sacrum, causing pain.
  • Before menstruation, the size of the uterus increases; if it is slightly tilted back from its natural position, has a bend or curvature, then discomfort occurs. When the enlarged uterus begins to contract, it compresses the nerve endings of the organs and systems surrounding it. Then the lower back, lower abdomen may hurt, discomfort may spread to the right or left side, lower limbs.
  • Some girls have a low pain threshold, which is why they are very sensitive to various physiological processes that occur on the eve of menstruation. So, some of them think that the pain during uterine contractions is very strong, although most women do not even feel it.
  • Before menstruation, hormonal changes occur in the body, then the concentration of progesterone and estrogen decreases. These biologically active substances improve a woman’s mood, in addition, only they are able to relieve the pain that is provoked by prostaglandins (hormones that are responsible for the contraction of the myometrium). But since their level decreases, the woman feels discomfort to the fullest. Then the lower back, lower abdomen suffer, and sometimes the legs (usually the hips) hurt.
  • Hormonal changes can cause stagnation of fluids. Due to the fact that the water balance is disturbed and fluid is poorly removed from the body, internal tissue swelling occurs in the pelvic area. This tumor compresses the nerve centers, then a pain reaction occurs in the lower back.
  • Pain in the lower back can be caused by an intrauterine device. This device causes the uterus to contract more actively before menstruation.

Another reason for pain in the lumbar region before menstruation is pregnancy. If you had sexual intercourse without using contraceptives before the onset of this symptom, you should take a pregnancy test. If the result is positive, then it must be confirmed using ultrasound. In addition, this study will help identify ectopic pregnancy.

Reference. With osteochondrosis of the lumbosacral region, pain in the lower back increases before menstruation. This occurs because the intervertebral discs are damaged; when protrusions or hernias appear in this area, the pain reaction is complemented by neurological disorders (numbness of the groin area, legs, impaired functionality of the pelvic organs, etc.).

Exacerbation of diseases not related to gynecology

The menstrual cycle can influence the exacerbation of processes that are not related to gynecological pathologies. Among them:

  • inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and bladder: pyelonephritis, cystitis, urolithiasis;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland, in which abnormal hormonal levels increase painful discomfort during menstruation;
  • neurological disorders are characterized by spasms and “lumbago” radiating to the chest and legs;
  • injuries to the back and pelvic organs.

Pathological pain

There are other reasons why your back hurts before your period, but they are not as harmless as those described above. Menstruation is stress for the body, which can trigger the activation of pathological processes.

Adhesions in the uterus can also cause pain in the lower back before menstruation

Doctors identify pathologies that can cause pain in the lower back before menstruation:

Pain in the lumbar spine in women

  • Infectious diseases of the genitourinary organs (salpingitis, endometritis, inflammation of the appendages, etc.). During an inflammatory process, adhesions (consolidations of connective tissue) may appear in or around the uterus, and then the outflow of blood is disrupted. The uterus tries to push out everything unnecessary, and adhesions retain blood, which leads to more intense contractions of the muscle layer. The uterus compresses the nerve centers in the lumbar region, causing pain. During infections, the patient feels weak, the temperature rises, there is heavy discharge, and there is severe pain in the lower abdomen.
  • Benign formations in the uterus or ovaries. Due to a cyst or fibroid, the size of the genital reproductive organs increases, and then the outflow of blood is also disrupted.
  • Thyroid dysfunction leads to hormonal imbalance, which, in turn, causes pain in the lower back. To understand that the discomfort is caused by a dysfunction of the thyroid gland, pay attention to the presence of the following symptoms: sudden weight loss, sleep disorders, nausea, vomiting, swelling of the extremities.
  • With an ectopic pregnancy, not only pain occurs in the lower back, but also cephalalgia (headache), nausea, vomiting, pain in the lower abdomen, menstrual irregularities and other symptoms. If they appear, you should urgently contact a gynecologist to perform an ultrasound.

Attention. A bicornuate uterus is a rare congenital pathology in which the organ has an irregular bifurcated shape. With this disease, a woman may experience pain in the lower back before her period.

If lower back pain appears suddenly and is accompanied by other suspicious symptoms, then this is a good reason to urgently visit a gynecologist. Moreover, you need to visit the doctor before the end of menstruation.

Relative progesterone deficiency

The production of prostaglandins is a hormone-dependent process that increases under the influence of estrogens and decreases with the participation of progesterone3. During puberty (adolescents), there is a relative deficiency of progesterone, which leads to pain during menstruation 3.7.

Also, the appearance of dysmenorrhea, and, accordingly, pain in the back and abdomen during menstruation, can be influenced by external factors: smoking4, obesity or underweight, emotional background1, repeated stress, exposure to extreme temperatures, infectious diseases, injuries, excessive physical activity4. Of no small importance is the negative opinion about menstruation expressed by loved ones: a girl who knows in advance about the menstrual pain of the adult woman living with her is more likely to suffer from dysmenorrhea in the future4.

Treatment methods

If you experience frequent pain in the lower back before your period, you should visit a gynecologist. A thorough diagnosis will help identify the nature of the pain. First, the doctor conducts a survey of the patient, he is interested in information about the nature, severity of pain, the appearance of discomfort in the lower back among relatives, etc. Then the specialist will conduct a gynecological examination, take smears for flora, cytology, and sexually transmitted infections. If necessary, an ultrasound is prescribed, as well as a blood test for hormones. After identifying the cause of the pain, the gynecologist draws up a treatment plan.

Pain in the lower back and lower abdomen that is aching or cramping in nature needs to be treated. Many people use Analgin or No-shpa for this purpose, but these medications are ineffective, since their therapeutic effect lasts for several hours, and then the painful sensations resume. NSAIDs, which are usually used to treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system, are considered more effective. To relieve pain, you can use Nimesil, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, Indomethacin, etc. These drugs inhibit the formation of prostaglandins, which cause pain and relieve spasm of the uterine muscles.

Important. NSAIDs must be taken according to a certain schedule, for example, the first 3 days of menstruation or 1-3 days before menstruation, to prevent the occurrence of pain.

Combined oral contraceptives (COCs) can also be used to treat pain. These medications act on the inner lining of the uterus, reducing its thickness, which reduces the level of prostaglandins in the body. Due to this therapeutic property, COCs are used for endometriosis, which often causes pain in the lower abdomen and back before and during menstruation.

And also, oral contraceptives do not allow the follicle (the container of the egg) to mature and rupture, blocking ovulation. To make the cycle anovulatory (without ovulation and development of the corpus luteum), and menstruation painless, COCs are taken according to a complex regimen for 3–6 months.

Carefully! It is not recommended to take NSAIDs and COCs on your own, as these medications can cause dangerous complications. While taking NSAIDs, the risk of peptic ulcers, heart pathologies, liver damage, kidney damage, etc. increases. Long-term use of COCs threatens infertility or breast cancer.

If lumbar pain before monthly uterine bleeding is caused by infections of the genitourinary organs, benign formations or endocrine disorders, then treatment is aimed at eliminating the original source. The treatment plan is drawn up for each patient individually, taking into account the diagnosis, degree of disease, age, and characteristics of the body.

Pain after menstruation

At the end of the critical days, a woman’s condition almost always improves. But complaints that the lower back hurts after menstruation are also not uncommon. These painful sensations can occur for the same reasons as during menstruation. An accurate answer to the question of why the lower back hurts will be given by examination not only by a gynecologist, but also by doctors of other specializations. Often the reason why the lower back hurts even after menstruation is the following disorders:

  1. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Neurological diseases.
  3. Hernia.

The hormonal changes that occur during menstruation aggravate the course of existing complications. Knowing the exact diagnosis will provide a solution to the problem and eliminate discomfort after menstruation.

Useful tips for lower back pain before menstruation

If lumbar pain before menstruation is caused by physiological processes, then to reduce it you can use antispasmodics (Baralgin, Spazmalgon, No-shpa) or analgesics (Paracetamol, Sedalgin-neo, Analgin). Doctors advise taking these medications only as a last resort.

Special exercises will help reduce lower back pain

And you can also perform exercises that will help relieve pain:

  • Lie on the floor, bend your knees, place your hands under your lower back, and then tilt your legs alternately to the sides, trying to reach the floor with your knees. Then place your hands under your buttocks, inhale deeply, trying to breathe from your stomach.
  • Roll over onto your stomach, lean on your fists and forehead, and bring your legs together. Then, while inhaling, raise your lower limbs, hold for 30 seconds, breathing deeply, and then slowly lower your legs.
  • Roll over onto your back, put your hands on your stomach, smoothly raise your legs, as in the “birch tree” exercise, then slowly lower them. Breathe from your stomach while doing the exercise.
  • Do not change your position, smoothly do the “scissors” exercise according to this pattern: 3 swings of your legs, and then tuck your knees to your chest.

These exercises will help strengthen your abdominal muscles and relieve soreness.

To relieve pain in the lower back, you can perform self-massage. To do this, lie on your back, with your right hand feel the point on your stomach under your navel (at a distance of four fingers). Then move 2 fingers to the right and left to find points that feel slight pain when pressed. Massage the above points for 3-5 minutes.

Reference. During menstruation, massage should be abandoned, and gymnastics can continue to be performed. At the same time, it is recommended to perform exercises 5-6 times before menstruation, and 2-3 times during it.

If you have a sedentary job, and the pain intensifies in this position, then place a special pad on the chair, which is used for hemorrhoids or diseases of the tailbone. This device will help relieve stress from the lower back, prevent pinching of blood vessels, and relieve pain.

In addition, for lumbar pain, it is recommended to drink more warm liquids (tea, compote, fruit juice) and apply dry heat to the sore spot, and observe bed rest. As prescribed by the doctor, a woman can take vitamins and sedatives.


Painful sensations bother women during the period of preparation of the body for menstruation, during their passage and after their end. Most women complain that their back hurts before menstruation. Most often, the origins of such discomfort are natural and harmless. But still, there is some probability of the presence of pathology. To ensure the normal course of menstruation and other natural processes in the body, you should not neglect a consultation with a gynecologist.

Simple recommendations will help you maintain normal well-being in the conditions of a favorable doctor’s opinion:

  • do not overcool or overstrain the lumbar region during menstruation;
  • adhere to a balanced diet and water-salt regime;
  • use traditional medicine to alleviate lower back pain;
  • perform exercises, massage and other techniques that relieve symptoms and reduce the pain of menstruation.

Therapeutic measures are permissible only if they are agreed with a doctor.

The most important

Menstruation is a natural process that quite often causes lower back pain. This is caused by physiological changes in internal organs and muscles, as well as hormonal changes. In this case, the pain is moderate and disappears on its own after 1–2 days. But if severe pain appears suddenly and is accompanied by other suspicious symptoms (fever, weakness, copious, unusual discharge), then you should visit a gynecologist. The specialist will conduct a diagnosis, identify the nature of the pain and draw up a treatment plan. You should not regularly take antispasmodics, analgesics, NSAIDs or other drugs to relieve pain without the knowledge of your doctor, as this will only get rid of the symptom, but will not cure the disease (if it is present). If lumbar pain recurs regularly, then this is a good reason to consult a specialist.

When to see a doctor

In addition to natural physiological processes, malaise can be caused by various kinds of pathologies. To determine why the lower back hurts and aches constantly during menstruation, it is important to observe the symptoms:

  1. Character of the pain syndrome: pulling, sharp or aching sensations.
  2. Duration: permanent or temporary, does it go away when changing position.
  3. Level of pain: increases or goes away over time.
  4. Does it radiate to the limbs, legs and arms?

Do not ignore other signs of poor health, such as weakness, headaches, fever, abdominal and chest pain, indigestion, increased gag reflex, bleeding.

The following situations require immediate medical attention:

  1. The duration of pain is more than two days, the pain does not subside and interferes with usual physical activity.
  2. Severe increasing pain radiating to the lower back during menstruation is accompanied by nausea, upset stomach, and vomiting.
  3. Cramping, throbbing pain with spasms, high body temperature.
  4. Pain in young girls during their first menstruation.
  5. This is the first time you have experienced quite noticeable discomfort.


The main symptom of illness is cramping, aching, stabbing or other type of pain in the lower abdomen. It can radiate to the lower back, pelvis, perineum, and inner thighs. Most often, the peak of pain occurs in the first days of the cycle, then the intensity of the pain decreases.

Associated symptoms:

  • general malaise, loss of interest in the outside world, decreased performance;
  • nausea, diarrhea, other digestive problems;
  • sudden mood changes, irritability, sleep disturbances, headaches;
  • sweating, rapid heartbeat.

Painful periods often cause headaches

Treatment tips and advice

Treatment is effective if the exact cause of the discomfort is identified. Antispasmodic drugs and analgesics cope well with the problem, but their action is aimed at eliminating the symptom; they cannot cure the pathology.

If the pain has physiological causes, the main task is to alleviate the situation, since menstruation itself is already stressful, and combined with pain, it means several days of the month are wasted. The use of painkillers may not be suitable for everyone, and chemical drugs can have a negative effect on vital organs.

To cope with pain and live a full, normal life, you should sign up for yoga or practice meditation. Thus, not only pain is eliminated, but also tension. The sets of exercises are designed in such a way that they can be performed at home without much difficulty, and the results appear quickly and are seen comprehensively. In addition to eliminating the symptom, it is easy to improve the psycho-emotional state, which is often disrupted during menstruation.

During menstruation, in order to avoid pain in the lower abdomen that radiates to the back, it is recommended to avoid unpleasant communication, rest more and think positively. Healthy sleep also has a good effect on the general condition of the body.

In order to feel in good shape and easily cope with the onset of menstruation, you should reconsider your diet. Food should be healthy, nutritious, balanced. The daily menu should include dried apricots, broccoli, fish, cheese, cottage cheese. It is periodically necessary to enrich the diet with B vitamins and magnesium.

An effective way to relax smooth muscles and relieve pain is a warm bath.

Important! In this case we are talking about warm, not hot water. Also, before immersing in water, you must use a tampon and exclude additives in the form of foam and salts.

This method is effective, but you must be aware of the risks of infection.

The result will not be long in coming if you put a warm heating pad on your stomach.

To ensure that the onset of menstruation is not accompanied by pain, it is important to maintain hygiene. In this way, the development of infection can be prevented

In addition, you should reduce physical activity a couple of days before the start of menstruation, engage in protected sex, not participate in donor programs, and avoid going to the pool. In winter, try not to freeze, and also consult a doctor promptly if there is the slightest deviation in your health.

Tips on how to improve your quality of life during your period:

  • Eliminate stress and negativity.
  • Reduce physical activity.
  • Meditate, relax.
  • Wear clothing that does not restrict movement.
  • Eat light foods. Do not overload your stomach.
  • Reduce salt intake.
  • Resort to aromatherapy.
  • Take vitamins (B6, primrose oil).
  • Use diuretics.
  • After consultation with the doctor, hormone therapy is carried out to normalize the background.

To improve your general condition, and so that critical days do not stand out from the flow of days, it is recommended to give up bad habits.

Some ladies practice masturbation with obligatory orgasm, as this promotes a rush of blood to the genitals and relieves hypertonicity in the uterus.

Calcium with magnesium 7 days before the start of menstruation prevents pain in the tailbone and abdomen. You can take tea with raspberry leaves or fennel at night.

There are many methods to get rid of lower back pain during menstruation, and you can choose something effective depending on individual preferences. Some people find it easier to take an aspirin tablet, while others resort to a massage of the lower abdomen. In some cases, doctors prescribe hormonal contraceptives to relieve pain.

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