If, when your period is late, the pregnancy test is negative and your lower back hurts

The most common gynecological problem is disruption of the female cycle, especially the absence of menstruation - amenorrhea. In this case, many representatives of the fair sex of reproductive age buy a pregnancy test. Its negative indicator pleases some, but saddens others. But in any case, if the delay was small, almost everyone waits another week or two before getting checked again. If the same result is repeated, if the cycle has not improved, a trip to the doctor will be inevitable.

Why can menstruation be delayed?

The reasons for missed periods are varied:

  • pregnancy;
  • gynecological diseases;
  • change of climate or time zone;
  • strong emotional disturbance;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • strict diet;
  • presence of bad habits;
  • the beginning of menopause;
  • side effects of certain medications.

The most common reason for delayed periods in teenage girls is hormonal instability. It may take up to a year after your first period before your cycle settles and becomes regular. The delay in menstruation ranges from 5-7 days to a month or more.

Physiological causes of menstrual irregularities include fasting, emotional disturbances, and physical activity. In this case, the coherence of the pituitary-ovarian system and hormonal levels are disrupted. This leads to a delay in menstruation for a long time - until the impaired functions are restored.

A delay in menstruation can be caused by a severe cold or other infectious disease. This is a kind of stress for the body, so all physiological processes slow down.

The reason for a delay in menstruation may be a medical termination of pregnancy. To do this, they use a shock dose of hormones, which creates an imbalance in the body. For two to three months, menstruation comes late or does not come at all.

The reasons for delayed periods after 30 years, in addition to pregnancy, can be various diseases of the female reproductive system:

  • ovarian cysts and tumors;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • obstruction of the fallopian tubes;
  • adhesions in the pelvic cavity.

The reason for delayed periods after 45 years is the onset of menopause. The function of the ovaries begins to fade, they produce less hormones. Therefore, the menstrual cycle becomes unstable and then stops completely.

Lower back pain in women, why does this happen?

To begin treating pain, it is necessary to determine the cause of its occurrence. In most cases, discomfort in the lower back does not threaten the patient’s life, but it brings enormous suffering, from which it must be immediately relieved.

Causes of low back pain in women

Doctors report that one of the most common causes of lower back pain is excessive physical activity. Exercises that involve bending and lifting heavy objects can lead to “lower back strain.” A similar situation can arise after active physical activity, for example, fitness or aerobics.

Another cause of lower back pain is lack of regular physical activity. Due to a sedentary lifestyle, most people have circulatory disorders in the lumbar region. Working at a computer is an activity that requires staying in one position for a long time and is harmful to the spine. If you sit incorrectly, then pain in the waist will sooner or later make itself felt.

You should not ignore such a factor as hypothermia (popularly “cold lower back”). Lovers of low-waisted trousers and skirts may complain of pain in the waist area. Most often, this reason is typical for the cold season.

Chronic diseases of the back and nerve endings can also cause discomfort in the lumbar region. Pain that occurs symmetrically on both sides may be a signal of kidney or ovarian problems.

Constant stress also contributes to pain in this area. Being in constant emotional tension, all mental problems result in more global ones, which already require medical intervention.

Why does pain occur during menstruation?

Most women experience discomfort associated with their menstrual cycle. Why does the lower back hurt during menstruation? The main reason is an increase in body weight, which occurs due to changes in hormonal levels. Before the onset of menstruation, fluid accumulates in women's bodies. As a result, body weight increases and edema forms.

The problem in such a situation can be solved with the help of diuretics, but this method can only be used after consultation with the attending physician. When using such drugs, not only excess fluid is removed from the body, but also minerals, the lack of which will negatively affect the functioning of other organs.

Some doctors are of the opinion that discomfort in the lower back occurs due to the action of hormones that are responsible for the tone of the uterus. In theory, they also cause similar pain. If a girl has gynecological diseases, then at the peak of their exacerbation menstruation can be caused, and pain in the female genital area can radiate to the lower back.

To ease back discomfort, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Give yourself a heat compress or use a heating pad. With its help, the muscles will relax and the spasm will subside.
  • Get plenty of rest and relaxation, avoid physical activity so as not to aggravate the situation.
  • Yoga will help relax your back muscles, which will also relieve pain in the abdominal area.

Why does lower back pain occur during pregnancy?

Quite often, pregnant women complain of lower back pain. The answer to this question will not be long in coming: due to rapid weight gain, there is an uneven load on the spine. The back muscles cannot quickly adapt to new body parameters, which results in unpleasant pain.

Patients who are faced with a similar problem should purchase a bandage - it can be worn starting from the fourth month of pregnancy. A properly selected bandage will relieve a woman of periodic back pain and will also help the disappearance of stretch marks.

In addition, there is another reason, in addition to weight gain, - in the early stages of pregnancy, a woman’s hormonal background changes. During the entire period of pregnancy, due to the increase in fetal weight, the center of gravity constantly changes.

Here are some ways to help manage back pain during pregnancy:

  • avoid sudden movements, bends and turns;
  • massage your lower back occasionally;
  • control weight gain;
  • Try to sleep on your side with a pillow between your legs.

How to provide first aid?

Sharp pain in the lower back can be relieved with the help of universal painkillers. It is strictly forbidden to warm this area, use mustard plasters and compresses. If you have back pain

arose as a result of hypothermia, in this case it is worth using your own heat - wrapped in a woolen belt. Such a procedure will have a positive effect on the spasming muscles of the lower back and will have warming properties.

In addition, there is a special therapeutic set of exercises for the lower back. The exercises are quite easy to do, so you can do them without even leaving home. At the same time, it is very important to monitor the sensations that arise in the back while performing a set of exercises. If a person feels pain, then it is necessary to stop the activity immediately.

If you notice discomfort in the belt area for a long time, then it’s time to seek help from a doctor and undergo a full examination of the body, as a result of which all the causes of possible discomfort will be established. The attending physician will select an individual course of treatment for each patient.

You should not run away from the problem - the pain may subside temporarily, but soon it will make itself felt.
Therefore, it is worth solving the problem at the initial stage of its occurrence. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Signs and diagnosis of menstrual disorders

The main sign of menstrual dysfunction is the absence of menstrual bleeding 5-7 or more days after the expected date of menstruation.

In this case, spotting bloody discharge and profuse leucorrhoea may appear.

Symptoms that accompany cycle disorders:

  • discomfort or pain in the lower abdomen;
  • chest pain;
  • general malaise;
  • nausea;
  • the appearance of acne;
  • weight gain;
  • Excessive body hair growth.

Symptoms of a missed period include emotional disorders. The woman’s mood changes - she becomes irritable, whiny. Girls get tired quickly and their libido decreases. All this points to hormonal disorders.

If menstruation is absent for 6 months, a preliminary diagnosis of amenorrhea is made. In such cases, it is imperative to contact a gynecologist and undergo the necessary medical examination.

To identify the cause of cycle disruption, the doctor conducts an examination:

  • gynecological examination;
  • smears for flora and atypical cells;
  • blood tests for hormones;
  • instrumental diagnostics - ultrasound, x-ray.

Sometimes a trial treatment with hormonal drugs is prescribed for diagnosis.

Causes of pain when menstruation is delayed

It often happens that when menstruation is late, the lower abdomen hurts. The reason for this is concomitant diseases. Thus, a delay of menstruation for more than a week, accompanied by nagging pain in the lower abdomen, indicates the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy.

Purulent discharge with an unpleasant odor, foamy, profuse, indicates genitourinary infections. If bacteria cause inflammation of the uterus, menstruation does not occur on time, and pus is released instead of blood. General well-being also suffers - body temperature rises and malaise occurs.

The absence of menstruation, combined with swelling of the mammary glands and mild discomfort in the chest, most likely indicates pregnancy. If the pain is severe, lumps are felt in the chest - this could be mastopathy or a tumor of the mammary glands, you need to see your doctor.

Gynecological diseases

If there is no period for one or more days, and the test shows a negative result, then the cause of the delay may be diseases of the reproductive organs. Most often, these diseases are accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen or lower back;
  • delay of more than 4–5 days;
  • discharge, burning or itching in the labia area;
  • pain during intercourse or urination.

Pathologies of the female reproductive organs can occur due to two main reasons: inflammation (due to hypothermia) and infections that are sexually transmitted. A delay in menstruation may indicate the presence of such diseases.

Vaginitis (colpitis).A disease in which the walls of the vagina become inflamed. The pain is usually intense and cutting in nature. Vaginitis usually causes pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. The disease may also be accompanied by discharge, burning and itching.
Adnexitis.This is an inflammatory process in the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The disease is accompanied by mild nagging abdominal pain and retention. Often with adnexitis there are practically no specific symptoms, so the disease is difficult to diagnose and treat. Without proper attention, the disease becomes chronic and can cause infertility.
Endometritis.A disease in which inflammation of the endometrium (uterine lining) occurs. With endometritis, the lower back and lower abdomen hurt, and bleeding may also occur.

Diseases such as polycystic ovary syndrome, fibroids, tumors and polyps often occur. Sexually transmitted diseases can also be the reason why you don’t have your period at the right time. For example, candidiasis (or thrush) is a disease in which the number of fungi in the vagina increases. Normally, such fungi, but in small quantities, should be present in the vagina of a healthy woman.

During sexual intercourse, the infected partner can introduce an additional amount of them, as a result of which this unpleasant process begins. A woman experiences symptoms such as a burning sensation inside the vagina and itching, cheesy discharge, and aching pain in the lower abdomen. Discomfort can usually last 2-3 days. If it lasts longer, be sure to consult a doctor.

To treat thrush, the doctor prescribes special tablets or suppositories.

Consequences of delayed menstruation

The consequences of delayed menstruation depend on the cause of the cycle disruption. If this was associated with conception, the pregnancy will further develop. If the cause is an ectopic pregnancy, surgery may be necessary.

Cycle disruption associated with external causes - diet, stress - will progress as long as exposure to these factors continues. The outcome is complete hormonal depletion. The same result is observed in diseases of the reproductive system. Without adequate treatment, hormonal imbalance increases, amenorrhea and secondary infertility occur.

What could be the reasons

Delayed menstruation is a common companion of adolescence . The reason is the maturation of the reproductive system and the formation of the cycle. Irregular periods are observed for two years after menarche - the first menstruation. This is normal.

The absence of menstruation after 45 years of age may indicate the onset of perimenopause. There is a natural decline in reproductive function. The cycle becomes irregular, the discharge is scanty, and after a couple of years it stops completely.

Delay in reproductive age occurs when pregnancy occurs. It can also be caused by various diseases of the genitourinary or endocrine systems. The cycle is influenced by many other factors - exhaustion of the body, stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, diets.

How to establish a cycle - treatment

Gynecologists treat menstrual irregularities. Treatment tactics depend on the cause of the delay. If the reasons are external factors, you need to remove them:

  • establish adequate nutrition;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • limit stress;
  • Avoid heavy physical activity.

If this is done on time, it is possible to restore the cycle without hormonal drugs or surgical interventions.

If the cause is a disease of the reproductive system, the doctor may additionally prescribe:

  • a course of hormonal drugs;
  • antibiotics or antifungals.

When malignant tumors are detected, treatment tactics are selected individually. An assessment of the clinical stage of the tumor is required. Depending on this, the main treatment is chosen - surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, hormones, etc. management tactics are determined by the attending physician.

Violation of the cycle and the presence of pain are reasons to consult a doctor

If your period is late, you should first take a pregnancy test. If it turns out to be negative, and the woman cannot attribute the delay to any physiological reasons, she should consult a doctor.

Depending on the duration of the delay and accompanying symptoms, the doctor recommends undergoing examination:

  • hormone tests;
  • ultrasound examination of the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes;
  • hysteroscopy;
  • smears from the vagina and cervical canal for flora and atypical cells;
  • X-ray of the skull.

Based on the results of the examination, a final diagnosis is made and treatment is prescribed. If a woman does not see a doctor, the disease can progress and even cause infertility or damage to other organs. In extreme cases, endometrial ablation is performed, that is, surgical removal of the mucous membrane of the uterine cavity.

The usual cause of delayed menstruation is pregnancy. This can be determined using a hCG test. If the test is negative, then the delay in menstruation is associated with hormonal imbalances or diseases of the reproductive system. Relatively harmless causes of cycle disruption are a strict diet, stress, and physical overload.

A gynecologist will help you understand the reasons for delayed menstruation. You need to contact him in any situation if your period does not come on time.

Kidney and gastrointestinal diseases

These structures are closely related to the genital organs, which is why the genitourinary system has such a name. Diseases of the kidneys, bladder, inflammation and urinary tract infections can also cause delay and problems with the functioning of the reproductive system. The most common diseases are pyelonephritis and cystitis. A negative pregnancy test, pain in the lower abdomen, frequent and painful urination, discolored urine, burning, and increased temperature may indicate problems with the kidneys.

Disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract can have a variety of manifestations and also affect the menstrual cycle. The causes of the disorders may be inflammation of the intestinal walls, cancer, inflammation of the appendix, etc. There is no direct relationship between gastrointestinal diseases and cycle disorders, but an imbalance in the body can have negative consequences. In addition to delay, gastrointestinal disturbances may include nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea. Abdominal bloating and fever may also be present.

The fact that you do not have your period on time can be caused by several reasons. Not all of them are dangerous; a delay may also be a variant of the norm, but in any case, such symptoms should not be ignored. It is better to immediately consult a gynecologist to make sure that there are no oncological diseases or pathologies.

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