Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine with electrophoresis

Electrophoresis for children

Electrophoresis is a modern, high-tech type of physical therapy treatment that involves transdermal (through the skin) delivery of medications to a painful area without the need to inject into muscle or soft tissue, administer the medication through a vein, or take pills. Instead, the liquid medicine is applied to a dampened pad and then applied to the sore area. Wires are then attached to the pad to an electrophoresis device, which delivers a low, direct electrical current that carries charged drug particles through the skin. The medicine can be administered from either the positive pole or the negative pole, depending on the type of medicine. It is safe, effective and inexpensive. Electrophoresis can help with various diseases, such as bursitis, tendonitis, in the treatment of the consequences of injuries, in the treatment of scar tissue. Electrophoresis in children is also used to treat neurological diseases and diseases of the respiratory system.

What diseases are treated with electrophoresis?

Medicinal electrophoresis is used to regulate the processes of the central nervous system, improve autonomic functions, stimulate tissue regeneration, resolve inflammatory infiltrates, reduce pain, and restore motor functions.

In infants, medicinal electrophoresis is prescribed for:

  • hip dysplasia
  • consequences of birth injuries
  • for hypo- and hypertonicity of muscles
  • for pain syndromes
  • with inflammation of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity
  • for neurological problems


There is a more modern modification of electrophoresis - iontophoresis, in which special long-term wearing patches are used to administer the drug, connected to a very weak direct current source (battery). During iontophoresis treatment, the patch is worn for a certain period of time, depending on the medication being taken. Some patches can be worn for up to 24 hours. The child will not feel pain from the treatment. Only a slight tingling sensation is possible while wearing the patches.

Medicinal electrophoresis in the gynecology department of our clinic

The procedure is prescribed by experienced gynecologists - R. A. Sasunova and V. S. Rigas. Guided by medical indications and the individual characteristics of the patient, they determine the order of the course of treatment. The woman’s condition is monitored and, if necessary, prescriptions are adjusted.

In our gynecology department we use two types of electrophoresis:

  • percutaneous (to the lower abdomen);
  • vaginal.

In the first case, the cost is 800 rubles per session, in the second - 1200 rubles.

Benefits of electrophoresis for children

It is very important that transdermal administration of drugs allows one to reduce the current dose of medication, reducing side effects and preventing possible allergic reactions. For example, 5–10% solutions of substances are used to introduce local effects, and 1–2% solutions are used for segmental reflex effects. Electrophoresis allows for the most targeted administration of medicine to the affected area, without painful and frightening injections for children. Also, the effect of the drug is extended over time, reducing its one-time concentration in the blood. This also happens because a temporary “depot” of the drug is created in the skin, which gradually enters the blood. The medicine can remain highly concentrated in the skin for up to 21 days.

Among the various drug delivery systems available today, the transdermal drug delivery system has shown the best results in improving the quality of life of young patients due to the main advantage: avoiding first-pass metabolism of the drug through the liver, which would significantly reduce the effectiveness of the drug. Other clinical benefits include controlled delivery of drugs, maintaining stable plasma concentrations without pain. The stratum corneum, which is the outermost lipid layer of the skin, acts as a barrier to the absorption of highly polar and hydrophilic drugs. The penetration or absorption of such drugs can be improved using various penetration enhancers (dimexide) and physical and mechanical methods. Nowadays, electrophoresis and iontophoresis have become very useful techniques that transport charged drug molecules across biological membranes and tissues using a weak electrical current.

Treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine with electrophoresis

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is a dystrophic disease of a chronic nature, but it is treatable. Experts know that to help the spine, you should use a device that injects medicine under the skin using a weak current.

Operating principle of the device

To carry out the procedure, use 2 fabric pads of the same size as the electrodes. They are boiled, after which medicine is applied to their surface. Then the doctor places an electrode in the tissue, places it on the problem area of ​​the spinal column and turns on the device.

Before turning on the device, you must select the required current strength. The patient should not feel discomfort. If there is intense tingling or burning, you should tell your doctor about it in order to change the strength of the device.

One session of electrophoresis of the cervical spine should last no more than 15 minutes. The doctor will decide how long the entire course of treatment will last, taking into account the degree of damage to the spinal column.

Advantages of this method of treatment and contraindications

Electrophoresis for getting rid of osteochondrosis has a number of advantages:

  1. There are few side effects, the risk of their occurrence is low. Therefore, this method of treatment is classified as physiotherapeutic.
  2. Direct effect of drugs on the affected area of ​​the spinal column. Painkillers and sedatives are considered the most effective.
  3. If the procedure is performed correctly, the patient will not experience any discomfort.
  4. The beneficial effect lasts for a long time.
  5. Local and general blood circulation improves due to increased vascular tone as a result of exposure to low-power electrical impulses.

Therefore, this treatment method is considered harmless and does not cause serious consequences. It also increases the effectiveness of medications.

Electrophoresis has several contraindications:

  • Allergy to medications or their components;
  • Skin diseases in the area affected by osteochondrosis (skin hyperemia, slight redness, similar to a bruise).


To perform this treatment procedure, medications must be used. Most often used:

  1. Novocaine (Lidocaine, Dicaine). The most common medicine for getting rid of osteochondrosis using electrophoresis. Anesthetizes, works together with antispasmodics and massage. If there are inflammatory diseases, then this remedy cannot be treated.
  2. Lidaza (Lyraza, Nidaza-Imbio, Lidaza-M). It is made on the basis of the enzyme of the same name. Increases the ability of the musculoskeletal system to work. Can improve the trophic state of diseased vertebrae of the neck.
  3. Euphylline (Neophylline, Theophylline, Teopek). Anesthetizes, restores blood supply to the diseased area by expanding the lumen of blood vessels.
  4. Magnesia. Has a sedative effect. Relieves swelling, spasm and cramps.
  5. Karipazim (Streptolaven, Himopsin). This is a new drug. Made from plant ingredients. Has a restorative effect for the regeneration of spinal cartilage.

Treatment result

Physiotherapy is carried out in 10 sessions. If the disease is advanced, the course lasts longer.

The result of using electrophoresis is directly dependent on the other elements of complex treatment of the disease. Because of this, the attending physician chooses the most appropriate medications and other methods to cure a diseased spine.

There are situations when, when performing this procedure, adverse reactions of the body occur. The most common were:

  • An allergic reaction to the substances that make up the medicine;
  • The appearance of redness on the skin and hematoma.

It must be remembered that treatment of osteochondrosis should be carried out by a doctor, and self-medication can lead to serious complications.
Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

Side effects and risks of electrophoresis

Electrophoresis is a safe procedure. During treatment, it is important to avoid direct contact with the electrodes as this may result in mild electrical shock. Most children experience a tingling or burning sensation from the needles during the procedure. More serious side effects are rare and usually short-lived. Side effects of electrophoresis may include:

  • Redness of treated skin
  • Itching of the treated area for a short time after treatment
  • Small blisters (vesicles) at the site where the medication was administered
  • Dry and cracked skin or development of dermatitis
  • Bruises or blisters if the current is too strong
  • Moderate thickening of the skin with frequent treatment, which can be managed by reducing the frequency of treatments

Although these side effects from electrophoresis are expected to subside within a few days, emollients and moisturizers can be used several times a day to reduce symptoms. Sometimes topical corticosteroids may be required.

For what diseases is electrophoresis used?

Electrophoresis is used both for local treatment or pain relief, and for other therapeutic purposes:

  • Reducing inflammation
  • Resorption of edema and lymphostasis
  • Relaxation of spasming muscles
  • Reduced calcification formation
  • Treatment of scar changes

Medicinal electrophoresis is carried out in the treatment of diseases:

  • Muscle tone disorders
  • Polyneuropathy
  • Sleep disorders
  • Enuresis
  • Sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis media
  • Inflammatory bronchopulmonary diseases
  • Treatment of eye diseases and correction of visual impairments
  • Diseases of the urinary system
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
  • Skin diseases
  • Postoperative period

Are there any contraindications

Despite the large number of advantages, there are certain contraindications to the use of electrophoresis, which must be taken into account before starting treatment. First of all, the most common contraindications include individual intolerance to individual components of the drugs used (most often allergic reactions occur to anesthetics). In such cases, you need to choose another drug that does not cause an allergic reaction.

Contraindications for the use of electrophoresis

Electrophoresis is not recommended if the patient has the following pathologies:

  • radicular syndrome (pathological condition accompanied by damage to the roots of the spinal nerves);
  • development of malignant formations (in case of cancer, exposure to galvanic current is not recommended);
  • using an electrical device to maintain heart rhythm (this means a pacemaker);


  • disruption of the cardiovascular system;
  • complicated form of bronchial asthma;
  • damage to the skin in the neck area, for example, scratches or pustules;
  • increased body temperature;
  • intolerance by the patient's body to electric current;
  • development of infectious diseases.

Be sure to discuss everything with your doctor

Important! Many people mistakenly assume that electrophoresis is strictly prohibited during menstruation. But menstruation is a natural process that is not the result of any serious illness. Electrodes cannot be applied only to the area of ​​the ovaries, but with cervical osteochondrosis, the affected area is in the neck area.

Ignoring all of the above contraindications can lead to serious consequences. As a result, electrophoresis may not only not help cope with the signs of cervical osteochondrosis, but also harm the patient’s body even more.

The essence of the procedure and methodology

The method of effectively administering drugs to the site of an inflammatory or any other kind of lesion is used in the practice of physiotherapists with enviable regularity. The therapeutic effect that can be achieved with its help is formed on a cumulative basis and lasts on average up to 20 days. Among the most popular types of EF are:

  • Cutaneous . To place the electrodes, select a clean area of ​​skin without inflammation and, ideally, without moles. Pads are installed under the electrodes, which are pre-wetted in a medicinal solution, and after application they are secured with clamps or special weights.
  • Endonasal . The device for such a procedure is equipped with paired electrodes in turunda attachments and an additional bundle of paired indifferent electrodes. Turundas are inserted into the nostrils, and zero electrodes are attached to the forehead and temples.
  • Endaural . The electrode, protected by turunda, is moistened with the medicine and inserted into the ear canal. Additionally, a hydrophilic pad with a conductive plate is applied to the turunda before insertion. The entire structure is fixed with a bandage or a bag of sand.

The areas of focus and the algorithm for performing the procedure depend on the localization of the pathological processes that need to be eliminated. To make the session as easy as possible and beneficial, you must:

  • before carrying out it, have a good rest, do not be nervous or worry;
  • eat food at least an hour and a half in advance;
  • After you leave the office, take another half hour to have a good rest.

After the session, you should also avoid physical activity and do not heat the injection site.

The patient should receive all recommendations from a physiotherapist, who conducts a preliminary examination, gets acquainted with the person’s medical history and determines the tactics of the upcoming treatment. All further manipulations prescribed by the specialist are performed by the nurse.

With the frequently used cutaneous attachment of electrodes, the procedure follows the following algorithm:

  • the nurse examines the skin on the treated area;
  • then, in accordance with the doctor’s prescriptions, attachments with electrodes are installed on the skin;
  • The patient is covered with a sheet and the current level is adjusted.

During the session, the nurse monitors the patient's condition and controls the operation of the devices. If slight tingling from the electrodes is acceptable, then if there is unpleasant or painful sensation, the session is stopped. If everything goes according to plan and there are no complaints, the procedure lasts from 15 to 30 minutes. The number of sessions is calculated by the doctor, taking into account the indications for electrophoresis and the severity of the effect obtained. It is recommended to conduct sessions daily without intervals of 1 or more days.

What is this procedure

Understanding what electrophoresis is, what kind of procedure it is, what indications or, conversely, contraindications it has, it is worth noting that this is only an auxiliary technique prescribed by a doctor in combination with drug treatment and other physiotherapy options. EF combines the healing properties of electric current and drugs. For some indications it can be used without medication. The method is based on:

  • electrical conductivity of tissues and organs;
  • galvanization - the influence of current on biological processes in the area of ​​influence;
  • the ability of substances included in medicines to disintegrate into ions under the influence of electrical impulses.

When exposed to impulses in tissues, blood circulation and lymph flow increase, the processes of active metabolism and cellular restoration are launched. In areas affected by current, sensitivity to drugs increases, and, accordingly, the therapy used provides maximum effect much faster. In general, Electrophoresis promotes:

  • relief of inflammatory processes;
  • reducing swelling;
  • pain relief;
  • muscle relaxation;
  • normalization of nerve conduction;
  • improvement of microcirculation;
  • rapid tissue restoration;
  • natural synthesis of bioactive substances;
  • activation of the body's protective function.

EF also has a calming effect. Similar effects can be achieved by the penetration of drugs into the body through the intercellular spaces, sweat and sebaceous glands. When receiving minimal medicinal doses through physiotherapy, the most pronounced effect is achieved. At the same time, the medications do not come into contact with the gastrointestinal tract, significantly reducing the risk of side effects. The general advantages of medicinal electrophoresis include:

  • accessibility, non-invasiveness, painlessness;
  • minimal likelihood of side effects;
  • cumulative effect, long-term result;
  • the need to use minimal dosages of drugs.

Separately, there is a targeted effect of treatment on the lesion without affecting healthy tissue.

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