Why does the jaw hurt near the ear and what to do?

If something hurts somewhere, you should not endure the pain, but go to the doctor. If your neck hurts, radiates under your jaw, and in general the pain causes serious discomfort, then you can contact one of these specialists - a surgeon, neurologist
, dentist,
- or make an appointment with
a therapist
, who will refer you to the right doctor. An accurate diagnosis cannot be made based on the location and nature of the pain alone. Additional examinations may be required to help find the right solution and relieve you of painful discomfort. Pain in the neck and jaw occurs for a number of reasons, which can be divided into mechanical effects and acquired diseases and pathologies. If such pain accompanies you constantly, then it cannot be ignored. The lack of well-chosen treatment can result in a whole list of unpleasant consequences.

about the problem

Pain in the maxillofacial area (myofascial pain syndrome) is a complex interdisciplinary problem in medicine.
Pain in the jaw can occur when teeth, bones, cartilage, muscles, blood vessels and nerves of the maxillofacial area are damaged. The causes of damage can be inflammation, dystrophy, trauma, tumors of the tissues of the maxillofacial area, anomalies in the structure of the skeletal system.

Usually the first specialist people turn to when they experience pain in the jaw area is a dentist. But the cause of pain is not always diseases of the oral cavity and teeth. For some patients, the dentist finds it difficult to diagnose.

Next, patients will undergo examination: by a neurologist to exclude inflammation of the trigeminal and laryngeal nerves, diseases of large vessels of the neck and head; an ophthalmologist to identify diseases of the eye and orbit; an otolaryngologist to examine the nasal passages, sinuses and exclude chronic inflammatory processes.

There is also a group of diseases that do not directly affect the jaw tissue, but the pain they cause can radiate into the jaw. Such pain can occur during myocardial infarction and angina attacks. In this case, pain is simultaneously felt in the left shoulder blade and left arm. Chronic pain in the jaw of an aching nature occurs due to inflammatory processes in the large vessels of the neck and head. To distinguish between these conditions, an in-depth study is required using functional diagnostic methods, MRI, and CT.

If all known diseases are excluded, the question arises, what then causes pain in the maxillofacial area?

The most common cause is a severe spasm of the masticatory muscles, which causes sudden and sharp pain in the jaw when chewing, yawning, opening the mouth wide, etc. Such pain is called myofascial, and the disease is myofascial pain syndrome.

The mechanism of development of myofascial pain and muscle spasm is associated with the formation of painful muscle compactions in the masticatory muscles, which are called “triggers”. The trigger may be located outside the area of ​​pain, and when pressure is applied to it, a painful lumbago occurs in the maxillofacial area.

Pain in the jaw can be aching, intermittent or constant, more acute or dull, accompanied by tingling, numbness and goosebumps. Additional symptoms are possible: twitching of the facial muscles, noise, ringing in the ears, stuffy ears, clicking in the jaw joints, increased sensitivity to cold. In severe cases, the pain spreads to the other half of the face, and it is difficult to open the mouth and chew.

The causes of triggers are: increased excitability of the central nervous system, trauma to the skull and maxillofacial area, cervical osteochondrosis. Therefore, in addition to the jaw area, pain can be observed in the cervico-occipital, as well as in the temporal, frontal and parietal areas of the head.

Thus, pain in the jaw occurs for a wide variety of reasons, and establishing a diagnosis is often very difficult.

Myofascial pain is the most difficult type of facial pain for dentists and specialists to diagnose. Pain and spasms in the jaw muscles are recognized and treated only by a vertebroneurologist.

Possible complications

If an unpleasant symptom occurs, you should immediately contact your dentist. You should not postpone your visit, since the problem itself will not disappear, but may only get worse. Only a specialist can tell you what to do. In order to make an accurate diagnosis, a computed tomography scan is prescribed. If the doctor excludes the presence of dental problems, the patient will be referred to another specialist (neurologist, oncologist, phlebologist, etc.). Lack of help for muscle tension can lead to the following problems:

  • the appearance of back pain;
  • dizziness;
  • sleep disorders;
  • blurred vision, pain in the eyes;
  • increased sensitivity to light;
  • depressive state.

If the discomfort is accompanied by congestion in the ear, there is a risk of partially or completely losing hearing. When the jaw does not open completely, it shifts. It becomes painful to chew. After some time, problems with teeth arise, enamel wears off, and sensitivity increases.

standard treatment

In case of acute pain, urgent medical care is required in specialized clinics.

For chronic pain, painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are usually prescribed. The pain can be relieved by cold or heat, massage, and physiotherapeutic procedures.

In severe cases of chronic pain, when the cause is not identified, doctors often associate them with mental disorders and therefore prescribe tranquilizers, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants.

What are the symptoms of TMJ dysfunction?

Dystrophic changes rarely develop in one day. This is a gradual process. Usually the initial stages are characterized by painful sensations: the masticatory muscles ache, the pain radiates to the temples and head, to the ears. Patients may confuse problems with TMJ with otitis media or toothache and often seek help from a dentist, who does not find any problems with the teeth, but detects incipient pathology of the joint.

Another characteristic sign is crunching and clicking sounds when yawning, chewing food, or talking. Then chewing and speaking becomes uncomfortable, and the patient begins to “protect” the jaw, reducing the amplitude of mouth opening. This leads to other problems: with the articulation of sounds, with chewing food. Due to the constant tension of the neck muscles, the head hurts more and more often, and the skin of the face may become numb.

Often the problem occurs after dental prosthetics. There is nothing surprising in this: the installation or removal of teeth leads to a redistribution of the load in the mouth, which can cause pain in the joint.

And all this can ultimately lead to tissue degeneration (erasure of cartilage) and stiffness of the TMJ - arthrosis.

our treatment

Unlike standard algorithms for searching for the cause of jaw pain, our clinic uses a specialized vertebroneurological approach. This approach allows you to accurately determine whether jaw pain is due to muscle triggers or not.

We consider triggers as one of the main causes of jaw pain in cases where the cause is not determined by other specialists: dentist, ENT specialist, ophthalmologist, neurologist.

To treat painful muscle spasms and tightness (triggers), we use the method of muscle mesotherapy. After a series of microinjections with vitamin preparations, muscle spasms are relieved and areas of compaction are resolved, as a result of which pain in the jaw goes away.

Additionally, sessions of osteopathy, acupuncture, and physiotherapy are prescribed.

Types of neck and jaw pain

The neck may hurt on the left side under the jaw, or the pain occurs on the right or in the front and radiates to the back. The nature of pain can be very different, due to one or another reason for its occurrence. The nature of the pain is very important for making a diagnosis, so it is necessary to describe it to the doctor as accurately as possible.

Intense pain on the sides of the neck under the jaw

Most often, such pain occurs due to inflammation of the lymph nodes and tonsillitis. Both diseases are the result of an infection entering the body. Migraines and dental infections can also cause severe pain under the jaw.

It's a dull pain

If the pain is aching in nature, then it could be caused by a migraine, which, with bright light, changes in lighting or loud sounds, intensifies and concentrates in one place. Additionally, symptoms such as vomiting, nausea, vision problems and constant thirst may appear. Aching pain can also be associated with infectious dental diseases.

Pain under the jaw on the left

If your neck hurts on the left side under the jaw, then this may indicate almost any of the diseases that were listed above; Pain can also be associated with problems in the cardiovascular system. For example, pain on the left under the jaw appears with a heart attack or angina, which, as a rule, comes from pain in the chest area and is accompanied by acute pain in the teeth.

Pain when pressing

If your neck under your jaw begins to hurt when pressed or pressed, this may indicate inflammation of the lymph nodes, as well as diseases such as auricular ganglion neuralgia, osteogenic sarcoma, or the presence of sialoliths. Any painful sensations cannot be ignored. Even if discomfort in the neck and jaw does not cause any particular problems, this is not a reason to ignore it. Seeing a doctor in a timely manner is a decision that needs to be made immediately. Only a doctor can tell why your neck hurts under your jaw and what needs to be done about it.

cost of treatment

The cost of treatment in our center is calculated individually, depending on the severity of the disease, its duration and the presence of complications.

Each patient is prescribed comprehensive sequential treatment in the form of a course of individually selected procedures.

In addition to the procedures, the treatment course includes a free follow-up appointment.

Initial and repeat appointments, as well as medications prescribed by a doctor, are paid separately. The cost of the initial appointment is 3,000 rubles.

A 10% discount is provided for a one-time payment for a treatment course.

What to do if your jaw and neck hurt

The surest and most correct step is consultation with a specialist. You can start with a therapist who will examine you, collect anamnesis, make a preliminary diagnosis and give a referral to a specialist. For diagnosis, you may need to do an x-ray, ECG

, blood test, MRI, CT scan, etc., depending on what is the possible cause of your illness. When cancer is suspected, diagnosis and treatment are more difficult.

Massage treatments

Massage makes it possible to relax the muscles in the neck area, but it should only be prescribed and performed by specialists. Also, massage is often prescribed as a restorative procedure after an already completed course of treatment. Certain types of therapeutic and simple massage can strengthen the muscle corset and relieve tightness in different parts of the spine. Self-massage can also be prescribed to work out the neck muscles. But before this, a specialist must teach you how to correctly perform all massage exercises (stroking, kneading, rubbing, etc.), and also monitor the results.

Drug treatment

If the cause of pain is an inflammatory process, such as otitis or tonsillitis, then a whole range of medications is prescribed, the action of which is aimed at relieving the symptoms of a cold and getting rid of the virus, bacteria or infection that led to the onset of the disease. It is not safe to prescribe medication on your own. Depending on your condition and problem, taking medications may make the situation worse. For example, a number of medications under certain conditions cause enlargement of the lymph nodes, and this, in turn, is likely to lead to increased pain in the neck and jaw. Medication and other treatment methods are selected based on the problem. To treat the same sore throat, antiviral and antipyretic drugs are prescribed. If a patient is diagnosed with a temporomandibular joint disorder, surgery and physical therapy are considered.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are far from the best option for getting rid of neck and jaw pain, especially when these folk methods are prescribed independently. Tea with honey and plenty of warm drinks for colds and sore throats help to quickly overcome the disease, but do not cure. Only the methods of official medicine can cure a sore throat or other disease. If the problem is inflammation of the lymph nodes, then it is highly not recommended to use such a folk remedy as heating. This can lead to increased inflammation and serious spread. If you experience neck pain, do not try to solve the problem yourself; only a doctor, after a comprehensive diagnosis, will draw up a treatment plan and adjust it as your recovery progresses.

start of treatment

Treatment of jaw pain in our center begins with an appointment with a vertebroneurologist. The initial appointment is conducted by the candidate of medical sciences, chief medical doctor Lyudmila Ivanovna Mazheiko.

A vertebroneurologist will examine the nerves of the maxillofacial area; will identify painful compactions in the chewing, facial and cervical muscles, which are the causes of pain in the jaw; will establish the reason for the formation of triggers; If necessary, he will prescribe additional examination (MRI, CT).

Based on the data received, the doctor will develop an individual treatment plan.

Appointments with a vertebroneurologist are carried out by appointment. To begin treatment, make an appointment.

Why do TMJ dysfunctions occur?

The causes of development are divided into two types: general and local.

  • General ones are various kinds of infectious diseases, metabolic disorders, diseases of the endocrine system, which lead to inflammation of ligaments, muscles and cartilage tissue.
  • Local injuries and excessive load on the articular surface of the head of the mandible. It can be “overloaded,” for example, due to the absence of lateral teeth, malocclusion and bruxism: strong clenching of teeth that occurs due to stress and psycho-emotional disorders. In addition, the condition of the TMJ is affected by our posture, problems with the cervical spine, and so on.

The TMJ is a paired joint and works synchronously. This is an incredibly harmonious and “delicate” system that fails relatively easily: it is enough to lose a couple of teeth, and the load on the joint will change, which will lead to the restructuring of connective and bone tissues. As a result, congruence of the articular surfaces occurs - a violation of articulation.

Treatment for jaw pain varies, depending on what is causing the symptoms.

  • The first thing you need to do is change your diet. Eat soft foods and avoid hard bagels, gummy candies and dried fruits for a while. Do not chew gum or open your mouth too much.
  • Cold or hot compresses to the jaw may help; you can try alternating ice and heat while massaging your jaw muscles and joints.
  • Perform gentle jaw relaxation exercises. Slowly open and close your mouth; draw air between your lips to keep your teeth closed.
  • Correct any habit that may be causing your problem. For example, beware of grabbing your phone between your shoulder and cheek during a long conversation, or carrying a heavy bag for a long time on one shoulder.

If your symptoms do not go away with these measures, contact the Aesthetic Dent clinic, where we will identify the cause and will definitely help you!


The patient experiences pain from jaw movement. In this situation, it is necessary to consult a doctor as soon as possible to begin treatment. It is necessary to find out how to relieve jaw muscle spasm in order to restore health.

During the examination and history taking, the doctor observes the patient, paying attention to his posture and head tilt, neck movements, facial expressions, and facial expressions. The state of the muscles during speaking and swallowing is determined. The presence of the corneal reflex is checked, and the amplitude of movements of the lower jaw is determined. The doctor finds out whether there are problems with the spine.

The patient is examined using diagnostic equipment, an occlusiogram is prescribed to determine the type of bite, and its dynamics and statics are measured. If necessary, an X-ray of the TMJ and an orthopantomogram of the jaws are prescribed, and an electromyographic study is performed.

Symptoms of TMJ problems

The disease manifests itself with the following symptoms:

  • Painful sensations occur on palpation.
  • When opening the mouth, the patient feels a sharp pain.
  • Due to pain, a person experiences difficulty eating and communicating.
  • Breathing through the mouth is difficult.
  • To the touch, the chewing muscles are compacted and slightly increased in volume.
  • Facial asymmetry with unilateral spasm.
  • Low-grade fever.
  • Headache.

The gnathologist
carries out differential diagnosis with a fracture or dislocation of the jaw, as well as with an infectious lesion.
There are three degrees of disease progression: mild (the patient is able to open his mouth four centimeters), moderate (the mouth opens two centimeters), severe (the patient cannot open his mouth more than one centimeter).

Prevention of hypertonicity of the TMJ muscles

Preventive measures against hypertonicity of the lower jaw muscles will help prevent the disease with an integrated approach. It is much easier to follow the general recommendations of doctors than to face a painful spasm of the TMJ. Prevention includes the following activities:

  • Preventive visits to the doctor every six months.
  • Careful systematic oral hygiene.
  • Treatment of caries at its first symptoms.
  • Orthodontic treatment for malocclusion pathologies.
  • Disinfection of food products.
  • Antitetanus therapy for animal bites.
  • A set of necessary vaccinations.
  • Do not open your mouth wide (jaw dislocations often occur when trying to bite off a large fruit).
  • Do not overuse solid foods and do not chew nuts with your teeth.
  • Avoid stressful situations, react less to stress.
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