The use of ointments for the treatment of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

The ointment for cervical osteochondrosis is selected by the doctor taking into account the primary localization of the pain syndrome, its duration, the presence of chronicity, type and quality characteristics. What matters is bioavailability and the time during which the maximum therapeutic concentration of the active ingredient accumulates in the systemic circulation. The first choice drugs are ointments with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

In the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, their combination with chondroprotectors, gels and creams with a warming, distracting effect is practiced. Treatment is supplemented with drugs in tablet forms and in the form of injection solutions, depending on the degree of diagnosed pain and their pathogenetic division into nociceptive, neuropathic and dysfunctional.

What is osteochondrosis, symptoms

Osteochondrosis is a condition in which degenerative-dystrophic changes are observed in the intervertebral discs and vertebrae . They lead to the fact that the vertebrae are deformed, destroyed, and bone growths appear on their edges - osteomyelitis.

There is no characteristic clinical picture for osteochondrosis.

The spinal disc with osteochondrosis is destroyed with further pinching of the roots

But patients most often complain about :

  • headaches that appear in paroxysms; attacks can last from several hours to several days;
  • dizziness;
  • impaired sensitivity of the scalp;
  • numbness;
  • the appearance of problems with vision and hearing.

Ignoring the need for treatment leads to a worsening of the condition; the nerves and vessels passing through the neck begin to be compressed even more.

What types of medications are most effective for osteochondrosis?

If degenerative-dystrophic changes occurring in the vertebrae of the neck are detected, it is necessary to begin treatment immediately. It is important to eliminate inflammation, restore damaged cartilage and bone tissue, dilate blood vessels and minimize the manifestations of the disease.

Prescribe chondroprotectors, vitamin complexes, which include vitamins B6, B1, A, C.

To get rid of pain, analgesics are recommended in combination with antispasmodics . Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are considered effective . They are prescribed in the form of tablets, intramuscular injections and external agents.

The negative impact of NSAIDs on the human body can be minimized if you refuse to use systemic medications and use only ointments and gels. They have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and local irritant effects.

But the main emphasis in the treatment of osteochondrosis is on non-drug methods . Patients are prescribed gymnastics, recommended to do massage, self-massage, and physiotherapy.

Treatment of cervical osteochondrosis with ointments

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine disorders and other disorders of the functioning of the body, it is undesirable to use systemic anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

Most often, warming ointments are used for pain in osteochondrosis of the cervical spine. But the process of destruction of cartilage tissue is accompanied by an active inflammatory process that affects the nearest nerve endings. That is why osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is accompanied by pain. Ointments can help relieve inflammation and eliminate unpleasant symptoms .

Destruction of intervertebral discs, displacement of the vertebrae and an active inflammatory process provokes a narrowing of the lumen of blood vessels. As a result, the blood supply to the brain is disrupted, which leads to oxygen starvation. Symptoms of lack of oxygen are headaches, dizziness, and numbness of the skin. You can improve blood circulation with the help of warming, locally irritating ointments .

With osteochondrosis, connective and cartilage tissue is destroyed. The pathological process can be stopped with the help of chondroprotectors . Ointments cannot completely restore cartilage tissue, they simply slow down or stop the degenerative processes taking place in the intervertebral discs, promote an increase in interarticular fluid, stop the process of leaching of calcium and help restore the joint capsule and cartilage surface.

Chondroprotectors stimulate synthetic processes occurring in chondrocytes, improving their structure . Such medications help restore the matrix of cartilage tissue.

Do you know what stages and types of osteochondrosis there are? Read the following articles:

  • You can learn about the symptoms of first-degree osteochondrosis of the cervical spine on the page
  • Diagnosis and prevention of grade 2 osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
  • Features of the treatment of grade 3 osteochondrosis of the cervical spine
  • You can read about the consequences of neck osteochondrosis at each stage here

Advantages and disadvantages of ointments

When using local remedies for osteochondrosis, you can relieve the unpleasant symptoms of the disease and stop the ongoing dystrophic and degenerative changes in tissues.

The use of local remedies allows:

  • numb problem areas;
  • slow down the progression of the disease;
  • improve the condition of the joints.

The main advantage of ointments compared to systemic medications is the absence of negative effects on the digestive organs . Local remedies, when applied to the problem area, can reduce inflammation, relax tense muscles and stop the destruction of cartilage. But patients must understand that it is impossible to get rid of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine only with the help of local remedies.

Where to apply ointment for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Using topical remedies is easy. The ointments are rubbed into the problem area with your hands using light massage movements for 1-2 minutes . Rubbing the ointment can be combined with a self-massage procedure.

Apply the ointment to areas where pain is concentrated. If, with diagnosed cervical osteochondrosis, there is no pain in the neck area, then the prescribed ointments are rubbed into the area where degenerative and dystrophic changes occur. Afterwards, it is recommended to wrap your neck with a handkerchief or scarf.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs

The best ointment for osteochondrosis is external preparations containing a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (ketoprofen, ibuprofen, nimesulide, diclofenac). After applying it to the neck area, the active ingredients are absorbed by the skin and quickly penetrate into inflammatory foci, where they begin to block the enzyme cyclooxygenase. The result is a decrease or complete cessation of the production of hormone-like mediators of pain and swelling, prostaglandins and bradykinins. The following pain-relieving ointments for osteochondrosis are characterized by the greatest therapeutic effectiveness:

  • with ibuprofen - Nurofen (from 200 rubles), Dolgit (from 180 rubles), Ibuprofen (from 25 rubles);
  • with ketoprofen - Fastum gel (from 195 rubles), Febrofid (from 185 rubles), Artrosilene (from 220 rubles), Bystrum gel (from 160 rubles), Ketonal ointment and cream (from 200 rubles);
  • with diclofenac - Ortofen (from 20 rubles), Diclak (from 190 rubles), Diclofenac - ointment and gel (from 25 rubles), Voltaren (from 190 rubles), Diclogen (from 105 rubles), Diclovit (from 150 rub.);
  • with nimesulide - Nemulex (from 220 rubles), Nise gel (from 170 rubles), Nimulid (from 275 rubles).

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs accumulate in the systemic circulation in low concentrations, which causes rare side effects, among which skin rashes predominate.

Even after a single use of ointment for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine with NSAIDs, blood circulation in articular and cartilaginous tissues affected by inflammation improves. They begin to receive molecular oxygen, nutrients and biologically active substances necessary for regeneration. The spasmed muscles of the spinal column gradually relax and no longer serve as a source of pain and limitation of range of motion.

Classification of ointments for cervical osteochondrosis

Depending on the patient’s condition and the severity of osteochondrosis, the doctor may prescribe:

  • hormonal anti-inflammatory ointments, the use of which quickly relieves swelling;
  • local agents that have an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect (Diclofenac, Voltaren, Fastum gel);
  • warming and locally irritating medications,
  • local chondroprotectors designed to stop the process of destruction of cartilage and bone tissue;
  • homeopathic remedies.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory ointments are intended to stop the inflammatory process . When it is possible to stop the inflammation, the swelling of the soft tissues will decrease. It is swelling against the background of an active inflammatory process that provokes pinching of nerve endings and the appearance of pain. NSAIDs are also prescribed to increase joint mobility and eliminate muscle spasms.

When using warming, irritating agents, blood flow in the problem area increases due to the stimulation of nerve endings . This helps to improve the process of tissue nutrition: they heat up, muscle spasms are eliminated and pain goes away. After applying such ointments, areas of the skin turn red due to active blood flow to the treated area. They have a tonic effect, so they can only be used during the daytime.

One of the main drugs in the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis are chondroprotectors. Chondroprotectors are necessarily prescribed for cervical osteochondrosis. They reduce the severity of the inflammatory process and promote the regeneration of cartilage and connective tissues. They contain components that directly affect joint and bone tissues. Under their influence, calcium molecules combine, thanks to which bone tissue is regenerated, the process of formation of joint fluid is accelerated, and the smoothness of the outer surface of the joints is ensured. The effectiveness of local remedies can be increased by simultaneously taking chondroprotectors in tablet form.

Homeopathic topical preparations are made based on substances of plant origin . Under their influence, inflammation is relieved, pain is reduced, and tissues are regenerated. The likelihood of developing side effects when using drugs in this group is minimal.

Neurologists often prescribe local remedies that contain several active substances . The combined agents relieve pain, have a regenerative and antithrombotic effect, and inhibit the inflammatory process. Ointments help dissolve blood clots and improve blood circulation in the problem area, stimulate tissue regeneration.

List of ointments for osteochondrosis

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Ointments differ according to the active ingredients they contain. If it is necessary to relieve pain and reduce the inflammatory process, then NSAID-based drugs are prescribed.

Products made on the basis of:

  • Diklovit
  • Voltaren
  • Dolgit
  • Brustan
  • Brufen
Nimesulide (available in gel form)
  • Nimulid
  • Nise
  • Ketonal
  • Ketoprom
  • Fastum gel
  • Indomethacin ointment

, made on the basis of nicoboxil, is most often prescribed as a warming ointment Nicoflex and Capsicam are also used. These drugs promote vasodilation and irritate nerve endings. A local increase in temperature and improved blood circulation have a beneficial effect on the muscles.

Only a doctor can prescribe a specific ointment for osteochondrosis. Chondroprotectors reduce the inflammatory process, help restore joint smoothness, the integrity of bone tissue, and reduce calcium loss. When used, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine stops progressing; they suppress enzymes, under the influence of which cartilage tissue disintegrates. They mainly use drugs made on the basis of chondroitin sulfate - Chondroxide, Chondra-Sila, Chondroflex.

Popular homeopathic ointments are Tzel T, Traumeel, Larkspur and products made from snake and bee venom, such as Vipratox, Arthrocin gel. When using them, the development of allergic reactions is possible.

When performing a massage, you can use special massage ointments, which include beebread and mumiyo. They are designed to target deeper layers of muscle. Badyaga Forte, Dikul balm, preparations based on extracts of aloe, ginkgo biloba, and sea buckthorn are popular. Massage ointments are intended to reduce inflammation and stimulate the process of tissue regeneration.

Complex-action drugs can relieve pain , minimize inflammation, and have a regenerating and antimicrobial effect. Dolobene, Fitobene, and Espol ointments are popular.

Video: “What ointments help with osteochondrosis of the cervical spine?”


The organic compounds glucosamine and chondroitin are the building blocks of bones, cartilage, ligaments and tendons. Based on them, various ointments for cervical osteochondrosis have been synthesized, the mechanism of action of which is the gradual elimination of destructive and degenerative changes. The tendon-ligamentous apparatus is strengthened, chronic inflammatory processes are stopped, pain and swelling disappear. The more useful substances penetrate into the destroyed tissues of the spinal column, the faster the regeneration occurs. When choosing an ointment, vertebrologists take into account its composition and the presence of a chondroprotector necessary for a particular patient:

  • chondroitin sulfate forms hyaline cartilage, prevents its breakdown, restores water and electrolyte balance, saturates tissues with nutrients and biologically active substances;
  • a derivative of carbohydrates - glucosamine - is found in all cell membranes, participates in the production of synovial fluid, increases the elasticity and firmness of cartilage and joint tissues.

One of the disadvantages of chondroprotectors is the long therapeutic course and the relatively high cost of drugs. For example, when diagnosing moderate injuries to the cervical spine, patients will need to use ointments and gels 2-4 times a day for 12-24 months without interruption. Apart from surgical intervention, chondroprotectors are the only drugs that can restore the affected vertebral structures.

Neurologists often include Chondroxide ointment (from 390 rubles) in the therapeutic regimens of patients for the treatment of cervical osteochondrosis, the active ingredient of which is involved in the regulation of metabolic processes in cartilage tissues. 1 g of product contains 50 mg of chondroitin. This amount is sufficient to ensure regeneration, chondrostimulation, relief of the inflammatory process, and improvement of metabolism in hyaline and fibrous cartilage. Chondroxide is characterized by one interesting property - its active substance effectively inhibits enzymes that provoke the destruction of the cervical vertebrae.

Long-term course use of Teraflex M cream (from 350 rubles) leads to acceleration of the synthesis of proteoglycans, restoration of the surface of the joint capsule, and stimulation of the production of synovial fluid. The drug contains glucosamine, chondroitin and camphor, which has a local anesthetic effect. And essential peppermint oil exhibits antiseptic, disinfectant, and moderate analgesic activity.

Manufacturers often add hyaluronic acid, which in its chemical structure belongs to the class of polysaccharides, to chondroprotective ointments. Having penetrated the affected joint, the organic compound prevents further degenerative changes by preventing excess friction.

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