Lower back pain, radiating to the buttock and leg: reasons, how to treat

When a person is in an upright position, the main load falls not only on the spine, but also on the hip joints, so any disruption in the functioning of these parts can lead to pain. Pain in the lower back and hip joint can be of different types - it all depends on the cause of the lesion and the type of pathology. Initially, the pain may be insignificant and almost unnoticeable, but gradually it will begin to intensify when walking or other movements and radiate to the leg.

You should not ignore such a signal from the body for help, since untimely treatment of disorders of the hip joint can lead to partial or complete limitation of movement.

Types of pain syndrome and places of its localization

At the initial stages, pain in the hip joint appears periodically and mainly bothers a person at rest; over time, the pain becomes permanent.

Depending on the nature of the pain, pain can be divided into three groups:

  1. acute pain - occurs suddenly and does not last long, determining its location is not difficult;
  2. aching pain – characterized by a wide affected area and periodic nature of occurrence, it is difficult to determine the location;
  3. Chronic pain in the left or right leg – bothers a person for a fairly long period (up to six months); it is usually treated with surgery.

When the hip joint is affected, the pain, as a rule, does not extend only to the localization of the source of inflammation. Other parts of the body may also be affected:

  • shin;
  • foot;
  • hips;
  • spine;
  • buttocks;
  • groin;
  • the inner, outer or back of the legs.

If the pain is nagging, then most likely the person has a muscle strain, which will go away on its own in a few days. If pain in the hip joint on the right or left side does not disappear after a week, it is better to seek help from a doctor.


To prevent the development of such pathologies, it is necessary to carry out daily prevention:

  1. Physical activity should not be from time to time, but every day. Run or at least briskly walk. Adjust this to your age and health status.
  2. If you are overweight , take care of yourself and lose weight.
  3. Avoid stressful situations.
  4. If your relatives had vascular diseases, then you should minimize or even eliminate foods high in solid fats from your diet.
  5. If you have problems with the spine, do not delay, but seek advice and treatment from specialists.

Nagging pain has a different, sometimes very dangerous, etiology. Therefore, you should not even try to treat yourself on the advice of “all-knowing” friends, acquaintances, or the Internet.

Only a qualified specialist will be able to find out the cause of the pain and prescribe the optimal treatment. Don't risk your health and everything will be fine!

Causes of hip pain

Pain in the lower back and hip joint is the result of various factors, which are divided into four groups:

  1. Pathologies of the hip joint, disorders in the muscle tissues and ligaments located around it. This includes any injuries, inflammatory and degenerative processes, etc.
  2. A disorder of joint anatomy in which the head of the femur deviates from its normal placement in the acetabulum. Such conditions are caused by various dislocations (congenital or acquired as a result of injury), contractures of the hip and back muscles, and chronic disorders of motor ability.
  3. Systemic diseases - inflammatory processes of the pubic or sacroiliac joint, changes in the structure of the muscles in the buttock area, neurological conditions (pinched nerves, radiculitis or neuritis). Sometimes viral and infectious processes such as influenza, tonsillitis or pyelonephritis, pathologies of the reproductive system, complications in the abdominal cavity or lumbar region can lead to pain.
  4. Pain caused by stress or psychological stress. They arise due to strong excitement and quickly disappear on their own.

Leg pain in the hip joint may indicate the development of a serious pathology, which, if not promptly consulted by a doctor, can lead to disability and motor dysfunction.

The symptoms of these diseases are largely similar to each other, but some of them have their own characteristics:

Type of diseaseNature of pain
  • Arthritis
Severe pain in the hip joint when leaning on the leg or standing on tiptoes.
  • Coxarthrosis
Pain in the hip joint occurs in the morning and is accompanied by stiffness in the joint, then becomes permanent.
  • Juvenile epiphysiolysis
In the early stages there are no symptoms, then pain in the knee and hip joint appears.
  • Bursitis
The pain spreads to the groin area, buttocks and thigh and intensifies with load on the limb.
  • Tendinitis
Aching pain in the hip joint, which gradually becomes permanent.
  • Legg-Calvé-Perthes disease
First, pain occurs in the hip joint, then moves to the knee joint.
  • Osteochondritis dissecans
Aching pain in the hip joint, which intensifies during active movements.
  • Ankylosing spondylitis
Dull pain in the hip joint and lower back, worsens at night.
  • Transient synovitis
Dull pain in the hip joint that gets worse with any movement.
  • Tuberculous coxitis
Dull pain in the hip and knee joints.
  • Hip dislocation
Acute pain in the hip joint that occurs immediately after injury.
  • Femoral neck fracture
Severe pain in the joint, especially when changing position or performing circular movements. It even reaches a state of painful shock.
  • Pertrochanteric fracture of the femur
Severe pain in the hip joint and groin, which intensifies during movements.
  • Bruise in the joint area
Depending on the side of the injury, pain is observed in the hip joint on the left or right. During movements or palpation examination, the sensations intensify.
  • Myositis ossificans
Aching pain in the hip joint, which gradually intensifies.
  • Clicking hip joint
Acute pain in the hip joint, which is periodic. A specific click is observed in the area of ​​pain distribution.
  • Pelvic fracture
Acute pain in the hip joint - in the left or right, which occurs at the slightest movement. Possible state of shock.

In addition to diseases that directly affect the hip joint, pain can occur for a number of other reasons.

Pain in the back of the thigh

Nagging pain in the back of the thigh can be triggered by high physical activity, during which muscle fibers or ligaments were damaged. Athletes' muscles are more vulnerable to damage after insufficient stretching, so it is very important to properly warm up the body before training. Also, the cause of pain from the gluteal muscle to the knee may be a violation of the sciatic nerve. Such pain is especially pronounced when bending, flexing and extending the hip or knee joints. Acute pain can be caused by improper, sudden lifting of weights, so if you have to lift weights, be sure to use a lower back brace, this way you can prevent back damage and damage to muscles and nerves. You can find these in one of our medical equipment stores in Odessa, Zaporozhye, Dnieper, Kyiv, Lviv and other cities of Ukraine, or order them in the online store ortosalon.ua.

If you are bruised and your leg hurts from the buttock to the knee, you need to apply a cold compress to your leg and fix the damaged area with a thigh bandage. If the pain does not go away after two weeks or more, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Even an experienced doctor will not dare to make a reliable diagnosis based on hip pain without additional diagnostics, since the causes of such discomfort can be very different and they can affect various components of the musculoskeletal system, namely:

  • Upper and inner epithelial layer;
  • Ligaments;
  • Tendons;
  • Muscles and fascia;
  • Nerve roots of the spine.

Causes of hip pain from buttock to knee

In order to at least roughly understand what caused the pain in the hip, you need to find out what biological structure of your musculoskeletal system was damaged, namely:

  • Bone. Often such pathological conditions of the body as osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, arthrosis, bursitis become the cause of hip pain. Pain syndrome can also be a consequence of a bruise. In this case, a hematoma also becomes a companion to discomfort in the leg;
  • Muscles and tendons. Hip pain can occur due to a rupture, sprain, or any other type of soft tissue injury;
  • Infectious and non-infectious etiology. Pain in the leg can be caused by the presence of inflammatory processes of an infectious and non-infectious nature. The most serious causes of leg pain include bone tuberculosis. You must understand that a seemingly insignificant symptom can become a serious signal of a dangerous disease, so if you experience the slightest discomfort, you should seek advice from an experienced traumatologist or orthopedist;

It often happens that patients turn to doctors when the disease has already begun the active stage of destructive work. People expect some kind of “miracle” from specialists when fighting the disease becomes more and more difficult. The first thing I would like to wish for every patient is: firstly, of course, not to get sick, and secondly, if you feel that something is “wrong” with your health, please consult a doctor in a timely manner. This will save your time, money and, most importantly, your own health - Igor Pavlovich Bondarenko, head of the traumatology department of DOKOL.

The cause of pain in the leg from the knee to the gluteal muscle can also be:

Various neoplasms This includes oncological formations of a malignant and benign nature
Joint disorders Pain can be caused by joint diseases, such as arthritis or arthrosis, during which the arterial lumen narrows, which directly leads to pain.
Central nervous system disorders The central nervous system instantly reacts to any problems in the functioning of our body, and therefore instantly sends a signal to the brain so that we take measures to eliminate the problem. Perhaps your hip pain was caused by a pinched nerve, neuritis, or any other disorder related to the central nervous system.
Other reasons There are also a number of secondary reasons that can cause nagging pain from the buttock to the knee. This may be weakened muscle tone, the body’s metrological reaction to changes in weather or climate, pregnancy, a recurrent period of old injuries or bruises

Drawing pain in thigh. Additional symptoms

The following symptoms will help you most accurately diagnose hip pain:

  • Swelling;
  • Feeling of “stiffness” in joints (knee or hip);
  • Fever/chills;
  • Changes in the outer skin (spots, hematomas);
  • Local deformation of the thigh surface (usually small bumps can be seen on the damaged area).

If, along with hip pain, you encounter one of the above symptoms, this indicates that some pathological processes are occurring in your body, which means you need to consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Lower back pain radiating to the leg

The pain effect occurs in the sacrum and throughout the back, with pain in the right hip joint or left hip joint. The reasons for these sensations may be:

  • pathologies of the musculoskeletal system - osteoporosis, vertebral hernia, trauma, the presence of osteophytes, inflammation of cartilage tissue and muscles, pinching of the sciatic nerve;
  • diseases not associated with a disorder in the structure of the spine - improper blood circulation, spinal cord tumors, meningitis, osteoarthritis of the hip joint;
  • proximal neuropathy of the asymmetric type - formed against the background of diabetes mellitus or due to the accumulation of blood behind the wall of the abdominal cavity, accompanied by pain in the hip joint on the right and muscle atrophy;
  • sciatica – characterized by pain spreading throughout the lower limb.

Pain in the hip joint of the right or left leg is not the only possible scenario. In some pathologies, pain affects other areas of the body, for example:

  • Lower back pain radiating to the leg - complete analysis, causes, treatment and prevention
  • if the pain syndrome affects the sacrum, we can talk about the development of an inflammatory process in this section and nearby areas;
  • damage to the radicular part of the spinal cord is accompanied by pain in the lower back that does not extend to the legs;
  • pinching of the sciatic nerve is characterized by the localization of pain in the lower back, then it descends to the buttocks and limbs.

Prevention of pain radiating to the right buttock

Since pain in the right buttock is too common a symptom and may indicate the development of diseases of all vital systems of the human body, it is recommended to prevent it:

  • regular gymnastics for the muscles of the back and limbs;
  • relaxation of the body through swimming and massage;
  • following the correct technique when performing training exercises;
  • weight control;
  • posture control;
  • healthy and balanced diet;
  • development of stress resistance;
  • correct distribution of the load on the spine when lifting and moving heavy objects;
  • avoiding injury;
  • mandatory completion of specialized medical examinations;
  • promptly consult a doctor if you experience discomfort in the right buttock.

Simple recommendations allow you to always keep your body in good shape and prevent the development of complications of existing diseases.


Age-related changes in the body lead to the fact that the intervertebral discs lose moisture and become inflexible, as a result, even the slightest movement causes significant discomfort and pain in the hip joint.

The main sign of the development of lumbar osteochondrosis is sharp pain in the hip joint and back. In addition to pain in the limbs, the disease is accompanied by pain in the neck and shoulder.

The main cause of pain in the lower back and hip joint is root entrapment. As the spinal disc degenerates, it shrinks and moves. Thus, it acts on the one coming from the spinal cord and presses it to the bone. This condition is called foraminal stenosis, and there is sharp pain in the hip joint and lower back.

Diagnosis and treatment of hip pain

If the first signs of the disease appear, you should immediately contact a specialist. Depending on what kind of pain is felt in the hip joint and a number of other symptoms, the doctor will be able to diagnose the disease and prescribe an effective course of treatment.

In addition, a number of laboratory and instrumental studies are carried out that will differentiate the disease from other similar pathologies. This includes:

  1. A general blood test, which allows you to determine the condition of the body as a whole. If the analysis shows anemia, it is necessary to clarify the nature of its development. The number of leukocytes will allow us to determine the severity of the patient’s condition; the platelet level must be determined before the operation.
  2. Urine examination - here it is important not only to determine the color, transparency and density, but also to establish the amount of protein, glucose and bilirubin.
  3. Biochemical blood test and specific markers of rheumatoid type diseases.
  4. A morphological examination of a biopsy specimen is usually prescribed for suspected bone diseases of an oncological nature. It is also performed for fibrous osteodystrophy and cartilaginous exostoses. Typically, to perform the study, a puncture is performed to collect synovial fluid.
  5. X-ray and ultrasound are one of the most accurate methods for determining pathologies of the hip joint. Allows you to determine the presence of a fracture, dislocation, arthritis or arthrosis, as well as establish the cause of the development of these diseases
  6. CT scan makes it possible to examine the damaged joint in different projections.
  7. MRI - visualizes tissue structures in any projection. Using this method, you can study the condition of cartilage tissue, blood vessels, muscle tissue, periosteum and vertebral discs.
  8. Bone scintigraphy - gives a clear image of blood flow in the bones and shows the intensity of metabolic processes. With this type of examination, fractures, arthritis, osteomyelitis and malignant neoplasms can be identified.

Therapy must necessarily be comprehensive and include not only medication, but also other treatment methods (physical therapy, massage, physiotherapy, diet, etc.). To eliminate pain, anti-inflammatory and painkillers are usually included in the course of treatment. It is worth understanding that taking these drugs will not eliminate the very cause of the pathology, but will only bring temporary relief.

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Lower back pain radiates to the leg and buttock - a complaint that doctors hear quite often. This unpleasant phenomenon can significantly limit a person’s ability to live a full life. But what is much more important is that such pain is only a symptom. It is necessary to eliminate the root cause that provokes the appearance of painful sensations.

Treatment methods

When the causes of pain are determined, the treatment method for each patient is selected individually. Vertebrologists prefer to use conservative treatment, but in some patients the disease is so advanced that the only way to solve the problem is surgery.

A conservative form of treatment for lumboischialgia is carried out taking into account the identified deviations. All patients will have their own personal treatment program. The main stages here are: individually developed drug therapy, specialized massage, multi-stage physiotherapy, often manual therapy, sometimes osteopathy, as well as personal sessions with a specialist in the rehabilitation program.

Drug therapy

Most patients are prescribed medications in combination to quickly relieve pain and solve several problems at the same time. They are selected personally, based on the main diagnosis and taking into account other existing diseases. A number of medications have contraindications for use in diseases of internal organs.

The main components of drug therapy for spinal diseases are:

  1. NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are a number of medications that relieve inflammation and reduce pain. These are medications produced in many forms that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and are available in many dosage forms (from tablets, injections and suppositories to creams, ointments, etc.);
  2. Corticosteroids are popular drugs with powerful anti-inflammatory effects, which are used when NSAIDs are poorly effective;
  3. Muscle relaxants are a number of medications that eliminate muscle spasms, which reduces the severity of combat and plays an important role in processes such as the treatment of the back and spine;
  4. Chondroprotectors are drugs that accelerate recovery processes in intervertebral discs. They are often used when treating the spine and joints;
  5. B vitamins are substances that improve neural connections in the spinal cord and peripheral nervous system.


Physiotherapy procedures are used to improve blood circulation, metabolism, regenerate damaged tissues, more accelerated restoration of impaired or lost mobility, reduce inflammation and swelling at the site of pain. Typically, patients receive courses of physiotherapy consisting of 8-15 sessions. Typically this includes:

  • laser therapy;
  • electrophoresis sessions;
  • ultrasound therapy;
  • exercise therapy;
  • UHF.

When treating lumbar ischialgia, physical therapy should not be neglected. Exercises are developed individually for all patients. They start from the diagnosis, take into account age, take into account the level of physical fitness, collect anamnesis of concomitant diseases, etc. This approach helps to choose the level of load and the most effective and non-harmful exercises.

Can lower back pain radiate to the leg?

Yes, maybe, and this is a rather alarming symptom. The spine partly consists of interconnected nerves and performs the most important functions in the body of every person. Therefore, lower back problems inevitably affect your overall health. It is impossible to analyze and decipher the causes of lower back pain radiating to the leg without appropriate diagnostic studies and treatment. The corresponding part of the spine acts as the primary source of pain in the lower back, which radiates to the leg and buttock. But its pathological conditions are different.

Treatment of low back pain radiating to the leg and buttock

After determining the cause of pain, treatment tactics are individually developed for each patient. Initially, patients are prescribed complex conservative therapy. Although sometimes patients develop severely advanced diseases, which can only be treated surgically.

Conservative treatment of lower back pain radiating to the leg and buttock is developed taking into account the detected pathological changes. Therefore, in each individual case it will have its own distinctive features. The main components of treatment are:

  • drug therapy;
  • osteopathy;
  • manual therapy;
  • massage;
  • physiotherapy (phonophoresis, carboxytherapy, ozone therapy, pressotherapy, RF currents);
  • individual sessions with a rehabilitation doctor.

Also, the chiropractor will definitely recommend making certain adjustments to the lifestyle, since low physical activity, excess weight and an unbalanced diet work against the patient. Therefore, it is advisable to take measures to normalize body weight and move more, which is especially important in relation to representatives of “sedentary” professions. At the same time, lifting weights and grueling workouts in the gym should be left in the past.

When treating spinal pathologies, it is important to eat properly so that the body receives all the substances it needs from food. This will ensure an improvement in the processes of tissue restoration and regeneration, and will also lead to a general improvement in well-being.

In some cases, patients are offered to purchase a special orthopedic corset. It will help relieve the back muscles and reduce the load on the spine, which will help reduce the severity of pain. But the size and degree of rigidity of such products are selected for each person individually based on the diagnosis. In our center you can select and purchase a corset that suits you.

Drug therapy

All patients are prescribed a whole range of medications that will help improve their well-being and will affect the cause of pain. Their list, as well as the method of administration, are also selected individually, taking into account not only the diagnosis, but also existing concomitant diseases, since certain drugs cannot be taken in the presence of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, etc.

Thus, the basis of drug treatment for spinal diseases that provoke the appearance of lower back pain radiating to the buttock and leg are:

  • NSAIDs are a huge group of drugs that have anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and are available in almost all possible dosage forms (tablets, solutions for intramuscular and intravenous administration, rectal suppositories, ointments, gels, creams, etc.;
  • corticosteroids are powerful anti-inflammatory drugs, which are used when NSAIDs are insufficiently effective (often prescribed in short courses);
  • muscle relaxants - drugs that quickly eliminate muscle spasms, which leads to a decrease in the severity of lower back pain;
  • chondroprotectors are medications designed to accelerate the regeneration processes of intervertebral discs, but are effective only in the initial stages of the development of osteochondrosis. To prevent diseases of the musculoskeletal system, we recommend the most effective drug Mermaids Marine Collagen to our patients;
  • B vitamins - medications that help improve the conduction of nerve impulses from the spinal cord to the corresponding organs and parts of the body;
  • Vitamin D is a remedy responsible for the condition of bone tissue, as well as for higher brain functions, such as memory, memory, attention, and speech.

For very severe pain that cannot be relieved with analgesics or NSAIDs, blockades can be performed. They are a medical procedure in which an anesthetic solution containing a corticosteroid is injected directly into the area where the compressed nerve passes. Thanks to this, it is possible to quickly eliminate even very severe pain, but the procedure has contraindications and can only be performed by qualified medical professionals who are thoroughly proficient in the technique of placing blockades, in a medical institution. When performing a blockade, there is a risk of nerve damage, especially when a drug solution is administered by a specialist without appropriate training, which is fraught with serious complications.

Manual therapy

Manual therapy is one of the most effective methods of combating pain in the lower back, including those that tend to radiate to the leg and buttock. With its help, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in well-being, not temporary, but permanent. We do not have general standards of treatment; we apply an individual approach to each patient. The use of techniques of manipulation, mobilization, post-isometric relaxation, as well as Gritsenko’s original technique makes it possible to effectively influence the causes of pain and restore the normal anatomy of the spine, which has a beneficial effect on the condition of the whole organism.

Manual therapy and therapeutic massage are not the same thing. Manual therapy involves influencing the spine and has a much wider range of therapeutic possibilities, while therapeutic massage can only improve blood circulation in the soft tissues and affect muscle tone.

Thanks to manual therapy it is possible to:

  • increase the distance between the vertebrae, thereby reducing pressure on the intervertebral discs and eliminating factors predisposing to the formation or increase in protrusions and intervertebral hernias;
  • normalize the position of the vertebrae and eliminate curvature of the spine;
  • eliminate the pressure of vertebral structures on the nerve roots, spinal cord and thereby achieve the elimination of acute pain, including that radiating to the leg and buttock;
  • normalize muscle tone, eliminate spasms and tone overly relaxed ones, eliminate the risk of developing atrophy;
  • increase range of motion;
  • significantly improve the quality of blood circulation and tissue nutrition;
  • activate the body's natural recovery processes.

This is far from the full range of possibilities of manual therapy, since the method involves deep work on the spine. This has a comprehensive healing effect on the body and causes a progressive improvement in well-being. A decrease in pain intensity is observed after the first session, and then the condition improves more and more. Ultimately, patients note not only the elimination of lower back pain radiating to the leg and buttock, but also a noticeable increase in immunity.

The duration of manual therapy and the frequency of sessions is selected individually for each patient.


Physiotherapy procedures are used to obtain anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic effects, improve microcirculation and potentiate other methods of treatment. As a rule, patients are prescribed courses consisting of 8-15 sessions, conducted at different intervals. It could be:

  • electrophoresis;
  • laser therapy;
  • ultrasound therapy;
  • UHF.

Exercise therapy

When dealing with lower back pain radiating to the leg and buttock, the possibilities of physical therapy cannot be neglected. A set of exercises is developed separately for each patient. This takes into account the diagnosis, the patient’s age, his level of physical fitness, the presence of concomitant diseases and other factors. This allows the rehabilitation doctor to select the optimal level of load and the most effective and safe exercises that will bring maximum benefit.

So that the patient can thoroughly master the technique of performing each exercise, the first classes are recommended to be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. If necessary, he will be able to adjust the load and replace the exercises with easier ones to perform. Only after 100% mastery of all exercises is it possible to continue training at home. But it is important to do exercise therapy every day, while avoiding haste and sudden movements. Only in this case will physical therapy be beneficial, strengthen the muscles of the lower back and legs, and also help improve blood circulation and nutrition of tissues in the affected area.

Thus, it is impossible to be negligent in treating lower back pain that radiates to the leg and buttock. This can provoke irreversible changes, including paralysis and disability, which are not always possible to eliminate even with surgery. Therefore, we recommend that you seek medical help at the first signs of discomfort.

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Orthopedic diseases and pathologies

When a bone is deformed or its position is changed, we are talking about orthopedic problems. As a result, the bone begins to compress the nerve endings. There are the following diseases of this type, in which lower back pain radiates to the leg:

Lumbar disc herniation

Intervertebral hernia is a deformation of the vertebral disc that appears after long-term osteochondrosis or other pathological condition. When this problem appears, the lower back often hurts, radiating to the buttock and leg. The pain is usually continuous, but not particularly intense, and with exacerbation it is unbearable.

  • Causes, characteristic symptoms and treatment of pain in the hip joint, radiating to the leg

Inflammation of the sciatic nerve

The sciatic nerve is recognized as one of the most important parts of the spine as it moves the limbs. If there are problems with this nerve, pain in the lower back radiates to the leg and buttocks; this disease often accompanies other previously unnoticed pathologies.

Impact on nerve endings

Essentially this is compression of the nerves by tumors and bones. This is a side effect of orthopedic diseases that gradually distort the structure of the spinal column. You can roughly determine the source of pain by analyzing which side the lower back hurts and which leg the pain is radiating to.


Often found as a cause of lower back pain radiating to the leg. Osteochondrosis is damage to various tissues of the spine. This often becomes the reason why the lower back hurts, and the pain radiates to the leg and buttock. Typically, pain with osteochondrosis is incessantly aching or periodically acute.

Lumbosacral radiculitis

Radiculitis is an inflammation of the spinal nerves that occurs as a complication of many diseases. With lumbosacral radiculitis, pain in the lower back radiates to the leg and buttock quite often, since the nerve endings of the body are interconnected.

How to relieve an attack of pain

Even with qualified treatment of the underlying disease, pain continues to manifest itself for a long time. If pain in the lower back radiates to the buttock and leg, acute attacks occur. There are several ways to remove or lighten them:

  • Painkillers "Ibuprofen", "Ketanov", "Tempalgin" or another analgesic will relieve symptoms. They should be supplemented with muscle relaxants to reduce tension in the back muscles.
  • Warming ointment or compress: here you need to be sure that the lower back hurts and radiates to the leg not due to injury or inflamed pelvic organs, otherwise these procedures are strictly contraindicated.
  • Comfortable position: each patient chooses it according to his own feelings, but most often the so-called “fetal position” helps.
  • Massage: A gentle massage of the lower back will help relieve pain - it is worth doing it if it does not provoke new attacks.
  • Exercises: they are indicated if pain in the lower back, radiating to the right or left leg, does not intensify due to movements - these are bending to the sides, alternately bending the legs.

These measures will help relieve or alleviate the pain, but will not cure its causes. Therefore, if your lower back hurts and radiates to your buttock and leg, you should definitely make an appointment with a doctor and undergo the treatment prescribed after the examination.

Which doctor should I contact?

If lower back pain radiates to the buttock and leg, patients wonder: which specialist will answer why this happened, and how to eliminate the root cause? This problem is dealt with by different specialists: a neurologist

. But initially it is better to go to a therapist, who will conduct an initial examination, prescribe a medical examination and, having received the results, give a referral to a specialist. If pain in the lower back radiates to the leg, you cannot self-medicate. Without knowing the true cause of the disease, an incompetent person risks worsening his condition through incorrect actions. Even a medical specialist cannot make a diagnosis without a preliminary thorough examination.

  • Aching pain from the lower back down to the knee as a result of improper loading

Pain is a sensation that never occurs on its own. It is the body’s response to negative influences exerted on it. This is a kind of defensive reaction. With the help of such a symptom, our body reports danger. Therefore, it cannot be ignored. Especially if such an unpleasant feeling occurs in the lumbar region and integrates into other parts of the body. This may indicate a variety of problems and diseases. They can be associated either with ordinary hypothermia or speak of serious diseases of the bones, joints and internal organs.

Thigh muscles and hip joint

Using a pillow under the lower back for nagging pain

In the event that pain in the lower extremities has a nervous etiology, in order to get rid of unpleasant symptoms, it is necessary to ensure the correct anatomical position of the body. When a person remains motionless for a long time (for example, works in an office or at a store checkout for 8 hours or more), the spine is under constant tension, which can lead to pinched nerve roots. This dysfunction subsequently causes pain and discomfort. A lumbar pillow is the best option that will help you get rid of back and leg pain, and also prevent pinched nerve endings.

You can buy a lumbar pillow in the Medtechnika Orthosalon chain of stores in Ukraine. This is a specialized retail chain that provides high-quality orthopedic products, as well as medical equipment from leading companies in the world. Only here you will find certified products at an affordable price. Also in our stores for nagging pain are the following products:

  • Needle applicators;
  • Massagers;
  • Orthopedic pillows;
  • Waist belts, etc.

You can view the assortment in more detail in the catalog on the website ortosalon.ua. Select the category you need and view the list of products that interest you. If any difficulties arise, you can always contact the hotline, where our managers will answer all your questions.

general description

Aching pain in the right or left hip joint is usually associated with inflammation, pinching or irritation of the sciatic nerve. Moreover, it can radiate to the leg, thigh and buttock. This pain is especially pronounced when walking and exercising.

This is interesting! Sciatica is called pain in the right or left hip joint, which radiates to the leg and buttock and is caused by pinching or inflammation of the sciatic nerve.

This pain often spreads from the hip joint and tailbone, gradually moving to the gluteal muscle, the back of the thigh and calf, integrating into the foot, but not affecting the toes. Thus, it spreads throughout the lower limb. Usually this sensation affects only the right or left side. But in some cases it can affect both limbs at once.

This symptom often affects the general condition and gait of a person. The patient experiences severe discomfort while walking and, trying to reduce the load on the affected limb, begins to limp.

Integrating pain

Associated symptoms

Pain in the right buttock may be accompanied by:

  • numbness or paralysis of a limb;
  • lameness;
  • muscle spasms;
  • swelling;
  • physical weakness;
  • chills;
  • increased body temperature;
  • the formation of boils, atheromas, lipomas, carbuncles;
  • headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • intestinal disorders.

Causes of pain not related to joints

There are various reasons why pain in the hip joint may appear, radiating to the leg and buttock. Treatment for such a problem largely depends on what factors contributed to its occurrence.

The causes of discomfort may lie in diseases of the joints or internal organs, or may not be associated with illnesses at all.

Where does the pain come from if the joints are healthy:

  1. Pregnancy is one of the factors that causes lower back pain. Moreover, in this case, such a feeling is caused by a number of factors. This is a restructuring of the body, and the pressure of the pregnant uterus on the organs, and the load on the joint. Therefore, in an interesting situation, even young women experience this kind of discomfort.
  2. Infectious and inflammatory diseases that affect nerves and tissues can also cause this type of pain. At the same time, it can be both acute and aching.
  3. Also, excess weight puts a lot of stress on the spine, which is why the described sensations may appear.
  4. Banal hypothermia is also fraught with severe discomfort. Moreover, because of such a nuisance, diseases of the bones and joints often occur.
  5. Also among the possible causes is neoplasms in the spine. Moreover, discomfort can be caused by both malignant and benign tumors.
  6. Muscle diseases also often cause pain in the back, buttocks and legs.
  7. Diseases that affect metabolism, such as diabetes, are often accompanied by similar symptoms.

Pain in the lower back and lower extremities can be caused by a pinched sciatic nerve. Even a sedentary and lying lifestyle and an uncomfortable mattress can lead to a similar problem.

In addition, age and related diseases are often the cause of the problem. For example, the same osteochondrosis.

How to get rid of hip pain at home?

Treatment of pain in the thigh from the buttock to the knee will depend directly on the cause that provoked such a picture. If pain in the hip appears due to an injury or bruise, it is imperative to buy a bandage that will help fix the damaged area and relieve excessive tension from it. Often, nagging pain occurs against the background of osteochondrosis. In this case, you will need to buy a lower back brace. Since this area concentrates the bulk of the body weight during exercise, it is very important to prevent its overload. This will also help prevent pinched nerves and help relieve fatigue.

If you were injured the day before, you will need to use a cold compress, but if the cause of the pain in your hip is a chronic disease or a simple muscle strain, you need to take a warm bath to relax the muscle fibers, this way you will get rid of soreness. For the first time after the onset of unpleasant symptoms, try to limit yourself from physical activity and try to get more rest. Ideally, you need to stick to bed rest for a couple of days so that the muscles and damaged ligaments have time to renew. It is best to contact a traumatologist or rehabilitation specialist, who will conduct a diagnosis and, possibly, prescribe a set of physiotherapeutic procedures, as well as anti-inflammatory and painkillers.

Lumbar bandage for hip pain

When pain in the hip appears due to a pinched nerve or any other disorder in the central nervous system, it is very important to protect your musculoskeletal system and relieve it as much as possible. A lower back bandage will relieve tension in this area and help prevent damage to nerve endings. If you suffer from osteochondrosis, arthritis, arthrosis or any other diseases of the musculoskeletal system, you definitely need to buy a lumbar belt. This is a high-quality prevention of relapses of chronic diseases and an excellent way to get rid of pain in the back and lower extremities in the shortest possible time.

Types of pain

Back pain when walking can have different severity and character. It depends on what caused it, as well as on the pain defect of a particular person and on the neglect of the problem.

The pain may be severe or mild. They also distinguish between the aching, sharp, stabbing, dull and pulling nature of this sensation. When visiting a doctor, you should try to describe exactly what type of pain is inherent in a particular case.

Types of painful sensations:

  1. Acute pain is very intense, but does not last long. Moreover, it is felt most strongly in the problem area; this sensation passes to the leg and buttock in a weaker form. The easiest way to deal with such discomfort is to deal with it.
  2. With aching pain, the sensation quite evenly integrates into the limbs located near the site of the lesion. The pain may ache and drag. This makes diagnosing the problem difficult.
  3. Chronic pain syndrome is the most painful. It may be present continuously for several months. Treatment of such discomfort is the most difficult.

Types of pain

Treatment of piriformis syndrome

Treatment for pain in the buttock is conservative and comprehensive. It is necessary to use drug therapy, which includes:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - diclofenac, indomethacin, ibuprofen and others;
  • Severe pain can be reduced by taking or administering analgesics;
  • Muscle relaxants are used in cases of severe muscle spasm;
  • Drugs that improve microcirculation help reduce inflammation.

In addition to drug therapy, local methods of influence are successfully used:

  • Manual therapy - special techniques allow you to restore the elasticity of the piriformis muscle;
  • Therapeutic exercise – necessary for better relief of spasm, stretching of the piriformis muscle, its development and strengthening;
  • Physiotherapy - helps improve trophism, relieve spasms, remove lactic acid and other products of pathological metabolism;
  • Acupuncture, Botox and other techniques.

Joint diseases and their characteristic symptoms

Often the spine ache very much precisely because of problems with bones and joints. These factors are the most common cause of discomfort. Moreover, both injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system can cause such a problem.

Joint diseases that cause pain in the joint:

  1. With osteoarthritis, pain mainly occurs in the morning. It gradually fades away over the course of the day. However, it returns under load. The more advanced the stage of the disease, the longer the pain syndrome does not go away.
  2. Bursitis makes itself felt with cramping pain. With this problem, it seems that the discomfort comes from deep within the tissues.
  3. Coxarthrosis is typical for older people. For a long time, this disease makes itself felt by pain only while walking. And only after severe destruction of the joints does it begin to manifest itself at rest.
  4. With arthritis, discomfort is expressed by severe aching pain.
  5. When the ligaments become inflamed, the pain is very pronounced and painful. They appear at the slightest load.
  6. Neuralgia of the cutaneous femoral nerve is expressed by severe and burning pain. The thigh and buttock may also ache.

In addition to painful symptoms, some other signs can indicate the presence of problems with the joint. Among them are a crunch in the joint, loss of flexibility and mobility of the back, general or local temperature, and a change in gait.

Diagnosis of pathology

Pain can indicate a variety of diseases. Therefore, it is useless to relieve this symptom with tablets, ointments or manual therapy until its real cause is identified.

To determine the factor causing such discomfort, doctors use a variety of methods. First of all, this is, of course, a visual examination of the patient, palpation of the diseased area, as well as an oral questioning about the nature of the pain and accompanying symptoms. Based on this, the doctor draws conclusions about which examination methods are best prescribed to the patient.

The most frequently prescribed examinations:

  1. General blood and urine tests. This research method allows you to check biological fluids for the number of bodies responsible for inflammation and pathogenic processes in the body.
  2. A group of blood tests for the various components contained in it. We are talking about a biochemical study, as well as checking the presence of various pathogenic bodies in the blood.
  3. X-ray diagnostics. This research method is the main one in diagnosing diseases associated with the musculoskeletal system. It allows you to examine the joint in detail for the presence of osteophyte damage.
  4. Taking rheumatic samples. Such a study allows you to accurately determine the presence or absence of rheumatism.
  5. Proteinogram.
  6. MRI and CT. These types of diagnostics allow you to examine the ligaments and muscles in detail and identify inflammation and other problems present in them.
  7. Checking the patency of blood vessels.
  8. Diagnosis of tendon reflux.

The type of diagnosis required in a particular case is chosen by the doctor. However, if a specialist suspects that the cause of discomfort does not lie in diseases of the bones and joints, he may prescribe other tests and examinations. For example, he will ask you to donate blood to determine the amount of sugar in it.

Diagnosis of the problem

It is very important to consult a doctor before starting treatment. Indeed, due to the wide range of possible causes of discomfort, it is impossible to independently determine the disease that caused it.

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