When the hip joint hurts and radiates to the leg - what to do

Movable areas of the body experience increased stress and “wear out” over time, which in some cases is revealed by a preventative MRI study. The hip joint has a complex anatomical structure, and the branching of the nerve canals in its area leads to the spread of pain to the leg, back or groin area. This feature makes diagnosis difficult, and patients often do not associate pain with problems in the bone joint. At the first signs of discomfort, you should consult a doctor to avoid further spread of inflammation and critical consequences.

Description and symptoms of pathologies of the articular zone of the musculoskeletal system

Prolonged manifestations of pain are the reason for an MRI of the hip joint. The bone joint itself is not penetrated by nerve fibers, so some diseases can be asymptomatic for a long time. Soreness appears at the stage of damage or compression of the nerve canals passing in the “hinge” region of the body. At the initial stage of the appearance of disorders, unpleasant sensations arise in a limited area of ​​​​the connection of the femur with the pelvis. If the disease is ignored, the source of inflammation grows and spreads to neighboring tissues: muscle and tendon fibers, cartilage formations, nerve and blood tracts.

A person may experience the following sensations:

  • prolonged radiating pain that does not go away within several days, the cause of which can be identified on an MRI of the hip joint;
  • night pain leading to insomnia;
  • the desire to change positions as often as possible in order to relieve the pelvic joint with constant discomfort in it.

These signs serve as a reason for a thorough diagnosis, and emergency clinical care is required if the patient complains of the following conditions:

  • Irradiation to the groin. Through the conductive canal of the nerve, pulsating sensations spread to the lower abdomen and groin area; with inflammation of adjacent fibers, the sciatic nerve is affected.
  • Shootings in the lower part of the back. They can be both sharp and dull, pulsating, leading to limited movement of the body and pelvis.
  • Spread of pain to the leg, including the knee area. It may manifest itself as muscle weakness or itchy sensations in the skin.
  • A “hinge” clutch that prevents free movement of the limb. It is a sign of arthritic and arthrosis lesions.
  • Partial or complete lack of mobility associated with the destruction of pelvic tissues or trauma experienced.
  • Lameness associated with low intensity pain. It requires correction, since a change in motor habit leads to deformation of the entire musculoskeletal system.

Most patients describe the phenomenon of crunching sounds when changing body position or movement. A kind of crunching sound is produced by individual ligaments. If the sound is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations, there is no need to worry. Additional pain requires contacting a medical specialist.

Four ways to help

Let's figure out how to treat pain in the buttock that radiates to the leg if it is determined that the disease is associated with the spine or muscles. There are several ways to help such patients.

  1. Drug therapy is usually used in the early stages and includes the prescription of vitamins, microelements, medications that relieve muscle spasms, and anti-inflammatory and painkillers. Unfortunately, ointments, tablets and injections most often cannot cure a patient, but in the first stages they help relieve an acute condition.
  2. Physiotherapy - the use of electromagnetic fields (magnetotherapy) and weak currents (electrophoresis) are considered the main methods, although other procedures are also possible. Their goal is to relax muscles and relieve inflammation.
  3. Massage, manual therapy and osteopathy are the three main methods of treatment. This is not only about relaxing muscles and restoring blood flow. With the help of these methods, it is possible to correct your posture, and this reduces the likelihood of relapse of the disease.
  4. Movement treatment: physical therapy, special rehabilitation complexes on suspension systems help consolidate the result and give the back and abdominal muscles the strength necessary to keep the spine in the correct position.

There is no universal treatment for pain in the buttock that radiates to the leg. The doctor prescribes treatment individually. Good news for pregnant women who often suffer from back pain: there are effective ways to treat their spine and joints for them too.

Causes of pain in the hip joint

High loads placed on the natural “hinges” of the human body lead to the development of various diseases. Both old and recent traumas contribute to subsequent disorders. One of the common anomalies is a fracture or destruction of the femoral neck, adjacent pubic joint or sacral bone, which can be recognized not only on x-rays, but also on MRI. The hip joint suffers from severe bruises, muscle and ligament sprains.

In some cases, mechanical abrasion of cartilage fibers occurs. This pathology affects people who are forced to engage in heavy physical labor at a professional level, or who engage in sports with a high level of physical stress. Problems may also arise in persons with congenital anomalies in the development of this part of the body. Inflammatory processes also lead to tissue and nerve damage.

The pelvis and its adjacent joints suffer from systemic and degenerative diseases. Bone fibers are susceptible to necrosis if the blood supply to the department is disrupted. Endocrine disruptions lead to the development of joint pathologies, manifested in the following diseases:

  • Arthritis, arthrosis and coxarthrosis - abrasion and inflammation of the cartilage layers and outer surfaces of the bones.
  • Bursitis is inflammation as a result of mechanical damage or internal infection of the joint capsule, accompanied by severe swelling and sharp pain.
  • Tendinitis is an inflammatory irritation of the ligamentous apparatus, covering both the articular areas of the pelvis and the rest of the leg, down to the toes.
  • Anomalies of bone growth due to congenital predisposition and the influence of other pathologies.
  • Irradiation from nearby organs of the genitourinary system or gastrointestinal tract.
  • Tumor formations that put pressure on nerve endings.

If any of these diseases are suspected, a targeted examination is prescribed to differentiate pathologies and identify the root cause of the painful condition.

Metabolic diseases

One of the causes of aching pain in the legs at night is gout. With this pathology, purine metabolism is disrupted, and uric acid salts accumulate in the joints. This leads to joint pain.

Gout most often affects the big toe, but can spread to all joints of the lower extremities

Most often, the big toe is affected first, but gradually the pathological process spreads to other bone joints. The attack begins at night, then the skin on the affected area turns red, the local temperature rises, and aching pain appears, which in advanced cases can spread from the big toe to the thigh. In severe cases of gout, the overall body temperature rises.

Attacks last from several days to several weeks. Then the pain disappears and the functionality of the affected joints is restored. The disease worsens from 2 to 6 times per year.

Reference. An attack of gout, which causes aching pain, can occur after drinking alcohol, tonic drinks (coffee, strong tea, cocoa), and fatty meat.

A specific symptom of gout is tophi (gouty nodes). These are compactions in the subcutaneous tissue that consist of deposits of uric acid crystals. They are localized over the affected bone joints. Their favorite places are the Achilles tendon, ankle and hip flexors.

Diabetes mellitus often causes complications in the legs, especially in patients over 45 years of age. This occurs due to vascular atherosclerosis and insufficient blood supply. Painful pulling sensations occur while walking or at rest.

You can understand that pain in the lower extremities is caused by diabetes mellitus by the following signs:

  • drying, peeling of the skin, itching;
  • the appearance of pigment spots;
  • in men, the hairs on the calves turn gray and fall out;
  • the skin of the legs is pale and cool or warm but bluish.

To stop pathological changes in blood vessels, as well as get rid of excruciating pain, you need to consult a phlebologist.

Diagnosis of diseases using hardware and MRI of the hip joint

The first step in identifying disorders in the joints of the musculoskeletal system is to contact an orthopedic traumatologist. If necessary, the doctor will resort to the participation of other highly specialized specialists: surgeons, oncologists, rheumatologists or neurologists. At the initial stage, it is necessary to do standard laboratory tests that will determine whether an inflammatory process is occurring in the body of the person being examined.

MRI of the hip joint is rarely performed as a primary hardware study. The area is first checked using radiographic imaging and ultrasound scanning. These diagnostic methods help to detect obvious anomalies occurring in the bones and soft tissue adjacent formations. Most often, this is the result of injuries, fractures, muscle or tendon ruptures.

If the cause of pain is more complex processes that are not detected by traditional diagnostic methods, the pelvis is scanned using tomographic methods - CT and MRI. Visualization using a computer scanner allows you to specifically study the condition of the skeleton, the inner surface of the “hinge” zones, the degree of integrity of the blood and nerve channels, as well as recognize the presence of tumors of various natures. An examination using a nuclear resonance unit allows you to assess the condition of muscles, cartilage and other less dense fibers. The layering of bones will not interfere with MRI imaging of the hip joint.

The most important

Most often, nagging pain in the leg from the hip to the foot occurs when the spinal nerves, which are located in the lumbosacral segment, are pinched. Also, discomfort in one or both limbs often provokes varicose veins. To avoid dangerous consequences, you need to consult a doctor if painful sensations appear, especially if they occur regularly, are accompanied by swelling, changes in body temperature, the appearance of venous nodes, etc. If the pain occurs rarely and goes away quickly, then there is no need to worry. Treatment of pathologies that provoke nagging pain is carried out only after a thorough diagnosis and determination of the cause. Therapy should be comprehensive: medication, exercise therapy, diet, physiotherapy, massage, etc.

Treatment and pain relief

The primary symptoms of each described disease are identical, but this does not mean that the treatment will also be the same. After identifying the root cause of the anomaly, specific therapy is prescribed, aimed at eliminating the source of the disease.

The following recommendations are general in restoring functionality after MRI of the hip joint:

  • reducing physical activity on the affected limb, increasing the duration of rest;
  • the use of drug therapy aimed at relieving inflammation, pain, spasms and regeneration of cartilage tissue, general strengthening of the body;
  • influencing the pelvis using physiotherapeutic methods (during the remission period), visiting a massage room and conducting a course of therapeutic exercises;
  • deciding on surgical intervention if purulent or bloody inclusions, fluids, or malignant formations are found in the joint cavities.

During primary treatment, it is important to get rid of debilitating pain, which will help improve your quality of life and overall well-being. Standard analgesics can be used, but provide only temporary relief. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to limit physical activity, massage the sore area, and apply a cool compress if the cause of the pain is an injury. On the recommendation of a physician, you can turn to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Types of pain

Painful sensations while walking can vary in intensity and type. This is due to the provoking factor in the development of diseases, the individual pain threshold, and the stage of development of the disease.

Painful sensations can be severe or moderate. The nature of the pain is aching, sharp, stabbing, dull, pulling. When visiting a doctor, it is very important to establish the nature of this symptom; this will help to make a more accurate diagnosis and begin timely treatment.

The main types of unpleasant symptoms are:

  • Acute pain. It is intense but short-lived. It is most pronounced in the pathologically changed area. In this case, the leg and buttock hurt slightly. Such pain is easier to cope with.
  • Aching pain. In this case, the unpleasant sensations spread evenly throughout the entire limb, especially in those areas that are in close proximity to the damaged area. The pain can be aching and pulling, in this case diagnosis is difficult.
  • Chronic pain. It is long lasting and is present over a long period. It is very difficult to get rid of it.

Evaluation of treatment effectiveness using MRI of the hip joint

After undergoing restorative manipulations, it is important to carry out repeated diagnostics to verify the correctness of the prescribed treatment course. The best way to compare the rate of tissue regeneration is MRI. If there are images from a previous study, the functional diagnostician compares the stage of the disease, identifies the absence or presence of relapses (tumors or infections affecting the pelvis), and migration of metastases.

After surgery, the composition of the fluid in the joint cavities and the degree of fiber restoration are examined. In some cases (with cancer of the bone), it is necessary to remove the hinge part of the hip and replace it with a prosthesis. The implant material is a metal alloy, so MRI scanning of the hip joint is contraindicated. An alternative is the same informative examination as a computer scan.

Hardware examination can be carried out in specialized diagnostic centers containing tomography rooms. You can select the nearest medical facility on the website of the Moscow Unified Recording Center. An expanded list of clinics makes it easier to compare by ratings, location addresses, and prices for services. Mark the best offers and sign up for diagnostics through the service. This will open access to additional discounts on the selected type of tomography.

Diagnosis of pathology

Painful sensations can occur in the presence of various diseases. It is not recommended to try to get rid of unpleasant symptoms on your own. It is very important to establish the correct diagnosis, and then undergo the prescribed treatment for hip joints in Moscow in a specialized clinic.

To determine the provoking factor in the development of unpleasant symptoms, doctors use various diagnostic methods. First, a visual inspection and palpation of the painful area is performed. The doctor also collects medical history data.

Based on patient complaints, diagnostic procedures are prescribed:

  • Laboratory testing of blood and urine.
  • Biochemical blood test.
  • Radiography.
  • Tests for rheumatoid factor.
  • Proteinogram.
  • CT scan.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Determination of vascular patency.
  • Ultrasonography.


Age-related changes in the body lead to the fact that the intervertebral discs lose moisture and become inflexible, as a result, even the slightest movement causes significant discomfort and pain in the hip joint.

The main sign of the development of lumbar osteochondrosis is sharp pain in the hip joint and back. In addition to pain in the limbs, the disease is accompanied by pain in the neck and shoulder.

The main cause of pain in the lower back and hip joint is root entrapment. As the spinal disc degenerates, it shrinks and moves. Thus, it acts on the one coming from the spinal cord and presses it to the bone. This condition is called foraminal stenosis, and there is sharp pain in the hip joint and lower back.

What you should pay attention to

Painful sensations are not always localized in the damaged area. If the muscles from the groin to the knee begin to pull or contract, it is important to remember what caused the complaints. The main causes of pain include:

  • Damage to soft tissues on the leg (tears of tendons and muscles, sprained ligaments, recent bruises and abrasions).
  • Bone fractures. Many injuries of this kind make themselves felt even after recovery, when it seems that the problem has already been completely resolved.
  • Inflammatory processes: abscesses and lymphadenitis, panniculitis.
  • Tumors: leukemia, sarcoma or metastases, which are best treated in the early stages of development.
  • Disturbed functioning of the nervous system due to intervertebral hernias, osteochondrosis, neuritis, spinal injuries, clamping between nerve endings.
  • Skin diseases.

The leg from the groin to the knee can hurt due to overwork, old injuries, weather sensitivity, pregnancy, muscle weakness, and also after surgery on the back or lower extremities.

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