Lordosis of the cervical spine - treatment

Causes of neck tension

The most common cause of nagging neck pain is incorrect posture. If you often sit and do not periodically do exercises for the spine, there is already a chance of developing various pathologies. If work takes place in an uncomfortable place - on a chair without a back, at a table that is too low or high, in a physiologically atypical position for a person - get ready to encounter tension in the cervical spine.

The second possible culprit for nagging neck pain is sedentary work. Yes, yes, office work affects your health! The neck is constantly in static tension, supporting a rather heavy head. You don't stretch your muscles, don't change your posture, and this is the result! - discomfort at the end of the working day.

It’s quite easy to cope with the problems described above - periodically do exercises to relieve tension in your neck and make sure you have the correct posture while sitting and walking.

A less common, but most dangerous option for why tension occurs in the neck is pathology.

How to relieve spasm and relax your neck and shoulders?

Elimination of the causes of the disease and relief of symptoms should be carried out by a specialist based on the diagnostic data obtained.

There are situations when you urgently need help, but it is not possible to get an appointment with a doctor. Knowledge of how and with what you can relieve a spasm will help.

Use of medications

Remedies will help relieve pain quickly:

  • Hydrocodone.
  • Propoxyphene.

To relax muscles and relieve tension, muscle relaxants are prescribed in the form of injections or tablets. They also have the effects of reducing pinched nerve endings and roots, improving blood circulation and metabolism.

To completely eliminate the causes of spasms and osteochondrosis, doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs in combination with muscle relaxants .

Muscle relaxants are divided into 2 groups:

  1. Antispasmodics – relieve muscle spasms. Reduces muscles from a hypertensive state to normal tone.
  2. Neuromuscular blockers - completely paralyze skeletal muscles.

The drugs should be used only as prescribed by a doctor, since the dose is calculated individually for the patient.

To relieve spasms, it is also recommended to take the following medications:

  • Painkillers – taken in cases of severe, deep spasms. Medicines contain lidocaine, analgin.
  • Anti-inflammatory – non-steroidal drugs.
  • Vitamins - daily intake prevents seizures.
  • Ointments – relieve tension and have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect.


  • Exercises for SCS are carried out under the supervision of a specialist, since physical activity during a spasm leads to tears in the muscle fibers. Read about the best types of exercises for cervical osteochondrosis that you can do at home in our material.

  • Exercises are carried out for 15-30 minutes using five to seven types. If pain or discomfort occurs, exercise should be stopped.
  • For the health of the spine, increasing overall muscle tone and general health, therapeutic exercises according to Norbekov have been developed. Before using this method, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

To relieve spasms and pain, depending on the location of the inflammation, experts recommend the following types of exercises :

  1. Tilt your head down, then up. Make turns to the side. Hold the position for 15 seconds.
  2. Keep your shoulder tense, but in a straightened position. Then bring your head towards it.
  3. In a sitting position, raise your shoulders as high as possible, towards your ears. Hold for 10 seconds. Afterwards, lower your hands and take a deep breath.

Our specialists have prepared for you information about exercises for the back and neck with osteochondrosis, including using a stick, as well as gymnastics complexes developed by Alexandra Bonina, Dr. Bubnovsky, Butrimov and Dr. Shishonin. Also, read about yoga for cervical osteochondrosis.


To relieve spasms, doctors advise taking a course of massage. Professional therapeutic massage has a good effect . It stimulates blood flow to damaged tissues and starts recovery processes. A full course of massage sessions will strengthen the muscle corset and spine, correct posture and relieve muscle tension and pinching. Regular exercises relax the psyche and normalize sleep, improve nutrition of the cervical tissues.

Self-massage will also help. The procedure can be carried out even at the workplace. Regular self-massage will eliminate neck spasms.

To perform a massage correctly, you must follow the following rules::

  • The neck is massaged simultaneously with the shoulders.
  • Massaging movements are made from top to bottom, starting from the back of the head.
  • The movements are performed with both hands (if it’s uncomfortable, you can take turns).
  • Pressing movements are not allowed, only light and stroking movements.

The following exercises for self-massage are recommended::

  1. Stroke the back of the head with light movements of the palms of your hands - 2 minutes.
  2. You need to perform the exercise in a circular motion. Gently stretch your neck with your fingertips.
  3. Grasp and release the skin.
  4. Stretch your muscles from side to side.
  5. Pat the back of the neck.

Other methods

To quickly get rid of pain and relieve muscle tension, experts recommend acupuncture.

The process of placing needles on biologically active points relaxes muscles, improves blood flow and muscle tone.

Several sessions are enough to eliminate pain . The following methods are used to remove tension in muscle tissue.


During physiotherapy, medicinal substances are injected under the skin and penetrate into the tissue under the influence of current. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs are used. The procedure helps to relax and stimulate blood flow.

The following types of procedures are prescribed in physiotherapy::

  • Electrophoresis.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Microcurrent stimulation.
  • Laser therapy.

Hot baths and compresses

Hot baths and cold compresses have an antispasmodic effect . The scheme - from cold to heat helps to quickly relieve muscle tension and eliminate spasms.

  1. To do this, you need to take a plastic bag, fill it with ice and wrap it in the material.
  2. Then apply to the sore spot and hold for about 20 minutes.
  3. After a cold compress, you need to relieve tension and warm up your neck by taking a hot bath.
  4. To enhance the relaxation effect, you can add a few drops of horseradish juice, aromatic lavender or pine needle oils, and flavored sea salt to the water.

Cold compresses are applied for 2 days and no more than 3 times a day. Long-term use will no longer bring results.

Traditional medicine recommends making a pain-relieving compress from the following ingredients:

  1. Chop horseradish, oregano and raw potatoes and make a decoction.
  2. Moisten a thick cloth with the resulting medicine and apply to the neck.


Herbal treatment refers to folk methods that recommend a wide range of medicinal herbs that help with muscle spasms. Herbs recommended for brewing :

  • valerian;
  • lavender;
  • chamomile;
  • bergamot;
  • peppermint.

Pathologies manifested by tension in the cervical spine

Doctors distinguish three most common pathologies, the symptom of which is nagging pain in the neck:

  • Myogelosis;
  • Deformation or proliferation of osteophytes - cervical spondylosis;
  • Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine.

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Myogelosis is a pathology in which the patient complains of aching pain in the neck. It is this problem that our grandparents used to call “a broken neck.” And this is not without reason. It is a draft that usually provokes myogelosis. Other possible “culprits” of the pathology are incorrect posture, prolonged neck tension, static work, etc.

When tissue ligaments change pathologically and become bone, this problem is called deformation and proliferation of osteophytes or cervical spondylosis. The pathological tissue puts pressure on the nerve endings, which causes pain, often radiating to the shoulders. Discomfort does not disappear even in a comfortable position. The disease is typical for old people and inactive people of any age. Cervical spondylosis can only be cured by a neurologist!

Cervical osteochondrosis usually occurs due to problems with metabolic processes in the spine. Because of them, the intervertebral discs wear out, drawing closer together and causing pinching of the nerve roots. There is pain in the neck. The sensations can be of a pulling nature, often the pain radiates to the shoulders or above the shoulder blades. The nerves are compressed more strongly when turning the neck. Accordingly, it is after them that the pain intensifies. As with cervical spondylosis, the risk factor for pathology is the lack of periodic physical activity, as well as injuries and stressful situations.

Note! Cervical osteochondrosis can be hereditary - if close relatives are diagnosed with the disease, the risk of developing pathology increases by 30%.

In our clinic you can have an inexpensive consultation with a qualified neurologist. Long-term experience working with different patients will allow our specialist to select for you individual treatment for a specific pathology.


It is almost impossible to avoid osteochondrosis, but everyone is able to delay the timing of its appearance and slow down the development of pathological changes in intervertebral joints and discs. Prevention does not require special knowledge or skills and is available to everyone.

According to experts, preventive measures should be directed against the following causes of the disease :

  • Sedentary lifestyle.
  • Excess weight.
  • Poor posture.
  • Spinal injuries.
  • Chronic infections in the respiratory tract.
  • Constantly working in a position with your head down.

A measure to prevent cervical osteochondrosis is:

  1. Combating a sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Weight stabilization.
  3. Keeping the body in the correct physiological position and undergoing timely preventive examinations by an orthopedist.
  4. Proper lifting and carrying of heavy objects.
  5. Elimination of foci of chronic infection.
  6. Change your position while working every 20-30 minutes. It is recommended to spend this time kneading the muscles of the neck and shoulder girdle. To do this, you need to turn and tilt your head, lightly massage your neck, and rotate your shoulders.

Your health is maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Eight hours of sleep in the right position, long walks in the fresh air, healthy eating, morning exercises and an active lifestyle will help you prevent not only osteochondrosis, but also other diseases. If pain or discomfort occurs, you need to seek help from specialists. Self-medication sometimes leads to deterioration of health.


Basic methods for diagnosing pathologies of the cervical spine:

  • MRI
  • X-ray examination;
  • CT

Most often we use magnetic resonance imaging - this is one of the most modern and effective methods for diagnosing spinal pathologies. MRI allows you to evaluate the condition of the soft tissues of the vertebral discs, spinal cord, vertebrae and their processes, nerves, etc.

At the MART clinic on Vasilyevsky Island

  • Evidence-based medicine
  • Experienced specialists
  • Monitoring of patients for 6 months.
  • Diagnostics (MRI, ultrasound, tests)
  • Daily 8:00 – 22:00

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What is lordosis?

Lordosis is a natural arched curvature of the spine in the cervical and lumbar region. Within the spine, it alternates with kyphosis, resulting in the characteristic S-shape of the spine. Cervical lordosis and lumbar lordosis are physiological bends of the spine forward, and kyphosis of the thoracic segment is backward.

Mild lordosis is natural, but many people suffer from deep lordosis, also known as hyperlordosis. Deep lordosis occurs due to the lack of harmonious interaction between these parts of the spine and ligaments. This means that the muscles in that part of the body are weaker than they should be, and their work is being done by others that are not designed for it. With lordosis the following is observed:

weakened internal abdominal muscles,
• inactive buttock muscles, • limited mobility in the hip joint, • shortened quadriceps femoris muscle.


If you feel tension in your neck due to prolonged exercise, then:

  1. Open the window and ventilate the room;
  2. Give a light relaxing massage to the neck, shoulders and back of the head;
  3. Relax and get some rest.

In chronic pain, pathology occurs!

In any case, it is necessary to undergo an examination by a neurologist! He will select a set of relaxation exercises and, if necessary, prescribe medication or surgical treatment.

Features of the event

When performing a massage in the cervical area, the same techniques and techniques are used as in other massage procedures performed in the back area, but their amplitude and intensity differ. There are a number of mandatory techniques that are included in the neck massage complex for osteochondrosis.

Orthopedic pillows

Table. Description of massage techniques.


Stroking or sliding

Precedes the main session.
Prepares muscle tissue for further exposure. Performed with an open, relaxed palm. Direction - from the back of the head to the area between the shoulder blades downwards with hands alternately and from the first vertebra with both hands to the sides. You should not press hard - this action is intended to prepare the body for performing other techniques.

Kneading (includes pressing, grasping, squeezing, rubbing, sliding, squeezing)

The basis of the entire massage complex, without which it is impossible to carry out a full procedure. This part is performed on the neck with osteochondrosis with an effort that depends on the degree of the disease - from weak to intense.
It is carried out by the entire palm, phalanges and fingertips.

Direction - away from the spine, towards the sides of the neck and shoulders.


This procedure can alternate with kneading techniques. Its purpose is to increase blood flow and muscle warming.
The technique consists of displacing the skin layer and underlying layers so that a temporary skin fold is formed.

Performed from the first vertebra down and to the sides.

Vibration or tingling

This technique is performed with pads, and then it is tapping, or with a hand folded in the form of a box (patting).
Also, chopping can be performed using the edge of the palm as part of the vibration technique. The movements are uniform, down the neck from the back of the head along the spine on both sides.

Important! In each case, with each specific patient diagnosed with osteochondrosis, a different massage technique is selected. In order to make the best choice, the doctor must have complete diagnostic data, as well as be able to analyze the causes of the disease, severity, stage, and so on.

If we talk about the general approach, it combines classical and segmental massage. Which techniques predominate and in what order they are carried out depends on the process and severity of symptoms.

In addition to diagnostic facts relating to the underlying disease, the presence of concomitant ones, such as hypertension, ischemia, and heart disease, should be taken into account. If you massage a patient with these diseases according to the wrong pattern, they can worsen.


It would seem that “harmless” tension in the neck can lead to serious complications if it is associated with spinal pathology:

  • Protrusion;
  • Intervertebral disc herniation;
  • Cardiovascular system disorders;
  • Problems with vision, hearing, coordination of movements, etc.

The doctors of our clinic will help you avoid complications of possible pathologies - a timely consultation with a specialist will relieve you of tension in the neck and protect you from the consequences of diseases.

Sign up at the MART medical center in St. Petersburg (see map) by phone, or leave a request on the website.

Provoking factors

The question of why the neck muscles hurt and what to do in this case can only be answered by the attending physician or a specialist in a private clinic after a full medical examination. In most cases, the cause of pain is degenerative pathologies of the spine. They have characteristic symptoms: pronounced pain, sharp lumbago in the back and numbness of the limbs. In addition to diffuse degenerative pathologies, discomfort can be caused by diseases of internal organs, infectious diseases and heart problems.


Osteochondrosis is a common disease of the musculoskeletal system, which affects both elderly and young people. It has a diffuse degenerative nature, as there is a gradual destruction of the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral discs. Over time, they lose elasticity, and metabolic processes are disrupted. This provokes displacement of the vertebrae and other complications.

The main etiological factors that provoke the development of cervical osteochondrosis are:

  • obesity;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • excessive physical activity;
  • impaired metabolism as a result of exhausting diets, poor nutrition and excessive food consumption;
  • age-related changes.

Excessive use of smartphones is considered a common cause of osteochondrosis. This phenomenon is observed in adolescents and school-age children.


Inflammation of the splenius and trapezius muscles occurs quite often among office workers, taxi drivers and operators. These specialists are constantly located near air conditioners or in drafts, so there is a high probability of getting inflammation of the neck muscle tissue.

Acute myositis manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • severe pain on the right and left sides, radiating to the shoulders, upper limbs and shoulder blades;
  • pain when pressing on the painful area;
  • limited bending and turning of the neck;
  • inability to throw your head back.

As soon as a person discovers such symptoms, he needs to go to the hospital to see a neurologist. This specialist conducts an instrumental examination and then makes a diagnosis.


Intervertebral hernias most often occur in the lumbar region, which bears the heaviest load. In the cervical region, they are also recorded in those people who often sit at a desk or smartphones. The disease is characterized by pathological protrusion of cartilage tissue beyond the vertebrae, which creates great pressure on the nerve roots of the spinal cord.

This process is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pronounced pain syndrome on the right and left side of the neck;
  • difficulty in movement;
  • numbness and tingling of various parts of the face and upper extremities;
  • soft tissue swelling.

Treatment of pathology is carried out in a hospital under the supervision of the attending physician. Therapy includes taking painkillers, chondroprotectors and muscle relaxants. The patient is required to undergo physiotherapeutic procedures and exercise therapy (physical therapy).

Experts note quite frequent cases of re-progression of intervertebral hernia. In this case, the attending physician may prescribe surgery to remove the formation.

Diseases of internal organs

If muscle tissue is pulled or the front of the neck hurts, this may indicate diseases of the thyroid gland, upper respiratory tract and lungs. If tonsillitis, pneumonia or bronchitis is suspected, a person should seek medical help in order to detect the disease in time and treat it.

Diseases of internal organs are accompanied by characteristic symptoms:

  • cough (dry, wet, irritating);
  • chest pain;
  • increased body temperature;
  • general malaise;
  • hoarseness and shortness of breath.

The pain becomes worse when coughing or deep breathing. A person should not hesitate to go to the doctor, as the degree of complications is high.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

If your neck muscles hurt after training or light physical activity, this indicates problems with the cardiovascular system. The causes of such problems can be excess body weight, constant stress, low activity and congenital vascular diseases.

If a person often loses consciousness, constantly complains of headaches and dizziness, then this may indicate vegetative-vascular dystonia

Pain syndrome is observed in several places at once: the neck, back of the head and chest. It is accompanied by shortness of breath, dizziness, cold sweat and weakness throughout the body. In order to accurately make a diagnosis, you need to consult a cardiologist or local physician, who will conduct all the necessary studies.

Other reasons

In other cases, the cause of pain in the belt muscles is overwork and physical exertion. Sitting for a long time in one position provokes stagnation of blood circulation and lymph flow, which causes muscle spasm and swelling of soft tissues. If the back of the neck begins to swell and aching pain appears, this indicates inflammation of the trapezius.

The trapezius muscle is responsible for turning the head, straightening the cervical spine and freely moving the shoulder blades. Its inflammation does not go unnoticed. The patient's body temperature rises, his health worsens, and there is severe pain on palpation of the affected area.

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