Not just plaster! Modern means for the treatment of fractures and dislocations

If you receive an injury, you need to fix the damaged area in a stationary position so that the bone returns to its anatomical shape. Various means are used for this. The most common way to create rest (immobilization) of a limb or joint is to apply a plaster cast.

Plaster immobilization: This is a permanent immobilization for the entire period of treatment of the patient. It is widely used for various types of fractures. However, a large number of inconveniences and complications of the traditional method persuade traumatologists to choose more modern technologies.

Disadvantages of gypsum

  • heavy weight and bulkiness;
  • external unattractiveness;
  • inability to combine with shoes and clothes;
  • incompatibility with water and deformation that disrupts fixation;
  • difficulties in independent movement;
  • chafing of the skin, which sweats and becomes inflamed;
  • does not transmit x-rays, which makes it difficult to control the fusion;
  • exclusion of medical procedures under plaster;
  • muscle atrophy and local osteoporosis due to lack of exercise.

Gypsum: pros and cons of use

Plaster is the most common orthopedic product for fractures. Because it has a number of important advantages:

  • Low cost
  • Availability - available in any hospital, traumatology and clinic
  • Reliable bone fixation

This is where the advantages of gypsum end.

But there are many more shortcomings.

  • Unattractive appearance - bulkiness and rapid contamination.
  • Uncomfortable to wear under clothing or with shoes.
  • Constantly rubs and almost completely limits the movement of the injured limb.
  • It is destroyed upon contact with water, which makes it difficult to take a shower or bath comfortably.
  • Inability to take an x-ray or necessary medical procedures.
  • Prolonged wearing of a cast negatively affects joints, muscles, tendons and impairs blood circulation in the damaged area. Partial muscle atrophy often occurs, so after removing the cast the limb has to be developed.

Now let's look at how things are with orthoses.

Alternative to plaster

A modern material of a new generation is a plastic orthosis. This is a real discovery in medicine and an improved alternative to classic plaster.

This unique medical product is made of low-temperature plastic. It is simulated on the patient’s body at a comfortable temperature. After hardening, the product acquires high strength, which allows it to serve as a reliable fastener. The ease of use of the material allows the procedure to be carried out not only in a medical institution, but also on the road.

Types of artificial plaster

Artificial plaster is made from polymer materials:

  1. Scotchcast is the hardest polymer. Lightweight and durable, you can't feel it on your limbs. At the same time, it is non-toxic, hypoallergenic, breathable, and can be wetted. Before application, a rag and cotton stocking is put on the limb. After getting wet, the lining must be completely dried. Removal requires special tools.
  2. Cellacast is a fiberglass base impregnated with polyurethane resin. It stretches in any direction, which is convenient when applied to the most inaccessible places, hardens within 5–7 minutes, and is accessible to X-rays. Very elastic, light and durable.
  3. Sofcast - more often used for arm fractures, but as an additional fixation to regular plaster. It can be washed when it gets dirty or smells bad. You can use the sofcast several times until it wears out completely. Before application, a rag and cotton stocking is put on the limb. After getting wet, the lining must be completely dried. Removal requires special tools.
  4. Primcast - created on the basis of polyester fiber. Hypoallergenic, breathable, creates favorable conditions for muscle function, thereby relieving swelling. Absolutely non-toxic.
  5. NM-cast is very practical to use, you can take it off and put it on at any convenient time. It is better to apply it with gloves, as it quickly dries and sticks strongly to the skin. A special stocking is required under the retainer.
  6. Polyfix - made in the form of an elastic stocking made of polymer, easily stretched and rolled out in different directions. It hardens in a few minutes.
  7. Turbocast - does not require a stocking lining. Not afraid of moisture, durable. At 70°C it becomes elastic and can be applied to any area. Turbocast can be used several times.


So what to choose for a fracture: plaster or orthosis?

Unfortunately, we cannot say what exactly you need to choose in your case. Only your attending physician, orthopedist or traumatologist can answer this question.

If you have a complex injury, such as an open fracture, then you should not refuse a cast. In any case, you will have to wear it for 7 to 10 days. And after this period, you can always change the cast to an orthosis.

And in the end, we would like to remind you once again that before buying an orthosis, consult your doctor.

Well, if you have already done this, and now it’s time to choose and buy an orthosis, then go to our catalog and choose the right model for yourself. We work in Grodno and deliver goods to your home.

Advantages of alternatives

  • strength;
  • light weight;
  • hypoallergenic;
  • stretchable in 6 directions, which is very convenient for modeling body contours;
  • ease of care;
  • reliable fixation, which allows the patient to perform normal work without the risk of displacement of fragments;
  • accessibility to x-rays;
  • shortens the rehabilitation period;
  • you can wet it and then dry it with a hairdryer;
  • breathable structure that rarely irritates the skin;
  • neat and innovative look;
  • absence of muscle atrophy, cartilage inflammation;
  • X-ray transmittance.

After 7–10 days, the patient can already carry out daily household chores and even go to work. The only reminder of the problem is the need to visit a doctor 2-3 times a month and follow treatment recommendations.

Plastic "plaster" is used:

  • for fractures in various parts of the body;
  • bruises and dislocations;
  • sprains, ligament ruptures;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, arthrosis);
  • incomplete healing of the damaged area after removal of the plaster cast;
  • for the prevention of injuries during physical activity.

Orthoses are secured to the body with zippers or Velcro strips. A tight fit to the site of injury contributes to complete immobility of the problem area, reduced pain and rapid recovery.

Orthoses: advantages and disadvantages of use

The advantages of orthoses include the following.

  • Preservation of motor activity of the injured limb.
  • Possibility to adjust the degree of fixation of the product.
  • Convenient use - for example, some models allow you to wash with them, since the materials do not absorb water or dry very quickly.
  • The ability to carry out any medical manipulations at the fracture site or take an x-ray.

The advantages of orthoses are more significant than those of plaster. However, they are not without drawbacks.

  • Not suitable for treating open ankle fractures.
  • There is always a risk of an allergic reaction to the orthosis material.
  • With prolonged wear, muscle atrophy is possible.
  • Only a doctor can choose an orthosis correctly.
  • High cost of the product.

We also note that an incorrectly selected orthosis can cause a lot of discomfort for the entire period of wearing it. And then the difference from plaster will not be so noticeable.

Which retainer to choose

If immobilization is required, what is more effective: regular plaster or plastic? Despite the advantages of the traditional method of treatment, such as accessibility, durability and low cost, traumatologists and patients increasingly prefer orthoses.

Plastic fixing structures have a number of distinctive features from classic plaster:

  1. Orthoses transmit x-rays, which allows you to monitor the quality of bone fusion after injury.
  2. The “breathable” material of the orthosis does not create a greenhouse effect and provides air exchange and thermoregulation.
  3. The low-temperature thermoplastic orthosis is a “plaster” that can be wetted. It is easy to maintain hygienically without losing its immobilizing properties.
  4. They have a high degree of rigidity with relatively low weight.
  5. If necessary, the shape of the low-temperature plastic product can be adjusted during the treatment process.

Regular plaster is very bulky and has an unattractive appearance. When water gets on it, crumbs are formed, which can rub and irritate the surface of the skin.

Not just plaster! Modern means for the treatment of fractures and dislocations

Winter brings not only the joy of skating, skiing and tubing, but also an increased incidence of injuries. Today, for such troubles as a dislocation, sprain or fracture, there are innovative treatment methods, and the materials for them offered in Russia do not necessarily have to end in an uncomfortable cast.

Types of injuries and a little history

Downhill skating, an unsuccessful skating pirouette, or simply icy conditions - all this can lead to injury. There are four main types of injuries:

  • Injury
  • Stretching
  • Dislocation
  • Fracture

If bruises can be treated with compresses, ointments and other available medications, almost completely maintaining the normal rhythm of life, then for more serious injuries the injured limb should be at rest for some time. To do this, she is immobilized and fixed with the help of auxiliary means. Two types of such fixation using plaster are well known:

  • Circular bandages (when the bandages completely cover the limb)
  • Longuets, or splints (when a rigid frame is created on only one side, for example, in a semicircle similar to a trough)

The first description of treatment using plaster molds was sent in February 1812 to the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Academy by physician Karl Giebenthal, who worked in Vitebsk. Such treatment has been widely used in domestic medical practice since 1852 thanks to Nikolai Pirogov and his followers. Since then, technology has come a long way.

Classic plaster

In the classic version, a gauze bandage soaked in medical plaster is used to form a rigid bandage. Today, manufacturers also offer special plaster bandages, which contain plasticizers - polymer substances that increase elasticity. Thus, one of the leading manufacturers of dressings in Russia supplies the market with plaster bandages with plasticizers, which not only increase elasticity, but also inhibit the growth and reproduction of bacteria. The multifunctional product is not inferior in its properties to imported analogues.

Products of the company “NEWPHARM”

As for medical gypsum itself, Russian manufacturers provide up to 70% of the country’s needs for this material. It is interesting that it is produced not only by specialized companies, but also by factories for construction bulk materials, for example, the Khabez Gypsum Plant in Karachay-Cherkessia and. Production is carried out on separate lines where high purification technologies are observed. The finished product has a registration certificate for a medical product. In terms of its chemical composition, medical plaster does not differ from construction gypsum - it is calcium sulfate dihydrate, which is formed after adding ordinary water to calcium sulfate hydrate. At the same time, sulfates often cause allergic reactions, which may be a contraindication for the use of gypsum. The classic plaster cast, especially the circular one, has disadvantages: · contamination (outside and inside); · lack of hygiene under the bandage; · restriction in movement and accompanying discomfort; · inability to monitor regeneration due to the fact that gypsum does not transmit x-rays; allergic reactions under the bandage; · heavy weight, bulkiness and unaesthetic appearance.

Today, new materials have appeared that eliminate these problems.

An alternative to plaster Since not every clinic currently offers a replacement for regular plaster, it is useful for patients to learn about new options on their own. For fractures, sprains and dislocations, polymer plaster is increasingly used today. The principle of application is similar to the classic one - there is a bandage, and there is impregnation. However, in this case, the bandage is made of polyester mesh fabric (this is a fabric of chemical origin), and polyurethane resins are used as impregnation.

Polyurethanes are a type of polymer that is formed by linking a chain of simple, repeating molecules. Polyurethanes are used everywhere: from aircraft manufacturing to the food industry. There are several types of polymer dressings:

Scotchcast A rigid polymer bandage that is most often used for a broken leg. It has greater strength than regular plaster, allowing you to move more intensely. Not very noticeable in appearance, provides air access to the skin. It is necessary to use adhesive tape in conjunction with a special cotton stocking. Manufacturers offer this type of bandage in different widths and colors. Softcast A softer material that allows you to create bandages of varying degrees of rigidity. This bandage can take on a new shape depending on the situation, for example, at the site of swelling. Most often used for dislocations, and also as an additional material for the formation of combined dressings, together with Scotchkast. A low degree of rigidity helps prevent muscle atrophy in the patient. Turbocast The most common material for polymer gypsum in the world, which changes hardness depending on temperature. Allows you to create a bandage according to the contours of the body. Very durable, does not require auxiliary stockings, allows you to freely take a shower or bath. However, today it is also the most expensive material. NM-cast Synthetic polymer mesh with large cells. Available in the form of a stocking, which is worn on the injured limb. Comes in three sizes. When using, a synthetic lining is required, which is usually included in the kit. Most often used for arm fractures. For displaced fractures, in addition to the selected plastic material, it is necessary to use special inlays - stiffeners corresponding to the size of the damaged area. Installing plastic plaster is similar to the classic process - heat, create a mold, dry. The general advantages of innovative materials include:

  • light weight and aesthetic appearance;
  • hygiene options and air access;
  • adjustable stiffness when choosing different materials;
  • the ability to give the desired shape;
  • control by transmitting x-rays;
  • harmlessness and absence of allergic reactions;
  • ensuring a given freedom, which promotes speedy recovery without muscle atrophy;
  • a circular bandage can be transformed into a splint.

Until recently, materials for plastic gypsum were imported from abroad, but today there are domestic analogues. One of the Russian manufacturers of high quality polymer orthopedic bandages is. The production is located in Krasnoyarsk, and the range includes polymer bandages available in five sizes and six colors. Lining materials are also produced here. The company supplies products throughout Russia and is making plans for export.

Products of the AlfaChem company

Another notable player in the market of modern materials for traumatology is PRIMGROUP. Polymer bandages from this company have also proven themselves well in the domestic market. Experts note that the materials correspond to the best foreign analogues, and are superior to them in a number of parameters. Therefore, when choosing from the existing assortment, you should definitely pay attention to Russian products.

Products of the company “PRIMGROUP”

Treatment of injuries today has become not only faster, but much more comfortable. However, it is better to be careful and take care of yourself so that the time remaining until the end of winter brings only the joy of movement in the fresh air.

Text: Irina Gracheva
Post Views: 1,170

In what cases is it better to choose a plastic orthosis?

During the recovery period, plastic structures do not cause discomfort and make it possible to lead a normal lifestyle. In this case, the damaged area remains firmly fixed.

In most cases, thermoplastic orthoses can be used instead of plaster:

  • Modern braces have found application in sports medicine and serve to prevent sprains and other injuries associated with heavy physical activity.
  • They are hypoallergenic, so they are well suited for people prone to allergic reactions.
  • Orthoses are an excellent replacement for plaster for childhood fractures. In this case, wearing comfort due to the light weight of the structure is of great importance. In addition, some clamps have a wide range of colors, which is especially attractive to children.
  • They are preferred by people who are concerned about the aesthetic appearance of fixing devices. In this regard, classic gypsum also loses significantly.

The immobilization properties of orthoses make it possible to effectively cope with the most complex tasks, however, the advisability of using a particular method is determined only by a traumatologist after examining the injury.

Plaster that can be wetted

When applying polymer plaster, ask your doctor about its resistance to water. Some types repel water and you can shower with them without any problems. Others are permeable and need to be dried with a hairdryer after getting wet.

The article was checked by Strakhov Maxim Alekseevich - Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Traumatology-Orthopedics and Military Field Surgery of the Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education Russian National Research Medical University named after. N.I. Pirogov of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Associate Professor of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Federal Scientific and Clinical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia (Moscow).

Consult your doctor

Each type of polymer plaster is indicated for certain injuries and fractures. Only your attending physician can determine which one is right for you.

A plastic bandage does not cancel visits to the doctor and does not speed up the healing of broken bones, but allows you to make treatment as comfortable as possible.

In medical matters, traumatologist-orthopedist Natalya Vladimirovna Sokolenko will help you determine the type of polymer plaster that is right for you.

You can find out more detailed information or make an appointment by phone. +7 (4712) 46-03-03.

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