Knee joint bandage: product features and indications for use

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A knee brace or brace is a way to prevent various diseases, as well as a method of recovery for fractures, sprains or other injuries. At the same time, questions arise about how to choose a knee orthosis, how to choose it best and how to use it most effectively. There are several types of orthoses, which differ in rigidity, elasticity, and types of fastening. Only a consultation with a doctor will help you choose an orthosis, since the doctor will take into account factors affecting the condition of the joint.

Types of knee braces

Depending on the intended purpose, there is the following classification of the product:

  • compression (to reduce the dynamic load on the joint). They are used by athletes to prevent injury or are prescribed during the recovery period after surgical treatment;
  • fixing (to secure the joint in a certain position, if necessary to limit the mobility of the limb). With their help, not only the load on the knee is reduced, but also the intensity of pain in the joint is reduced, and it is protected from possible traumatic movements;
  • immobilization (for complete immobilization as an alternative to a plaster cast). The product has a rigid design and is prescribed after surgical treatment for complex limb injuries.

How to choose?

How to choose a knee orthosis depends not only on the required functions, but also on the size, characteristics of the blood vessels in the legs, the presence of injuries to the ankle, spine and other nuances. Therefore, it is extremely important when choosing orthopedic devices

consult your doctor. Otherwise, you can cure one disease and aggravate another disease.

Consult a doctor when selecting knee braces and arm orthoses

important for several reasons:

  • the doctor will select a design;
  • concomitant diseases, susceptibility to allergies or skin diseases will be taken into account;
  • the doctor will recommend the necessary physical exercises to gradually restore the joint;
  • The specialist will give recommendations on the care of knees and orthopedic products.

With this professional approach, your knees will be strong and healthy.

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Design features of knee pads

There are several varieties based on the type of material and design of the product:

  • An elastic knee brace is a simple knee brace made of dense, highly stretchable knitwear. It is designed to evenly distribute the load on the knee in order to maintain its mobility. This product resembles a tight bandage made of an elastic bandage and allows you to fix the joint in the desired position, without limiting its mobility or discomfort;
  • A knee brace with spiral stiffening ribs is a knitted orthosis supplemented with single or paired plates that act as flexible ribs. This design involves a tighter fixation of the joint. With its help, a uniform reduction in the load on the knee is achieved. Some models are equipped with a special hole located above the kneecap. It is designed to stabilize the knee pad;
  • elastic bandage for fixing the knee joint, complemented by a silicone ring, differs from a simple orthosis by the presence of an insert located above the kneecap. The purpose of the silicone ring is to protect the joint from impacts, stress and possible injuries. If necessary, the ring can be removed.
  • a knee joint compression bandage is prescribed for minor injuries, such as sprains. Effective in the treatment of arthrosis, arthritis, osteoarthritis. An ideal choice for people actively involved in sports.

The stiffening ribs present in the design of the knee brace provide additional fixation and prevent the product from twisting when worn. In addition to elastane and polyamide, manufacturers add viscose to the material for bandages.

Functions of compression garments

This type of clothing is prescribed for preventive and therapeutic purposes. Each of the venous diseases is associated with significant expansion of the veins.

The principle of operation of a compression product is based on the difference in pressure created across the limbs. The shin accounts for an average of 70% of the pressure, and the thigh about 30%. The veins contract, blood is pushed out, and blood flow stabilizes.

Externally created compression using properly selected knitwear gently and gradually compresses the venous walls. This allows:

  • improve the quality of blood circulation in the body’s vascular system;
  • normalize blood flow, and with it blood pressure;
  • reduce blood viscosity;
  • gradually reduce the diameter of blood vessels;
  • improve tissue nutrition in the body;
  • reduce the risk of blood clots;
  • reduce external manifestations in the form of venous networks, “stars”;
  • eliminate swelling and pain.

That is, compression knitwear allows the veins not to expand due to their own elasticity and the pressure created on the body.

Product Application

Knee braces must be worn for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes when:

  • inflammatory diseases and degenerative processes of the knee joint;
  • inflammation of the capsular-ligamentous apparatus;
  • injuries of varying complexity;
  • pain associated with untreated injuries;
  • during the recovery period after surgical treatment.

In addition, wearing a reinforced knee fixation brace is recommended for athletes who receive increased load on their legs: athletes, figure skaters, football players and others.

How to wear it correctly?

It is important to use a knee brace correctly: some knee braces need to be worn only from time to time, others, on the contrary, throughout the day.

Soft bandages for preventive purposes are usually worn only during sports or long walks. Orthoses for therapeutic purposes are worn to alleviate the condition of arthritis or arthrosis for several hours. However, it is not recommended to use them constantly.

During rehabilitation after injuries, orthoses are usually worn throughout the day, as they keep the knee in a fixed position. They are removed either at night or only for a few minutes to massage the legs and prevent stagnation.

When wearing an orthosis for a long time, it is especially important that it is made of high-quality, hypoallergenic materials. This will protect the skin from eczema and irritation. At Prometer

which is a manufacturer of orthopedic equipment, carefully monitors such technological nuances.

Only a doctor can recommend the exact mode of wearing orthoses and other orthopedic devices when recovering from injuries. He will also select other procedures that will help avoid inflammatory processes, congestion or muscle atrophy.

Rules for wearing a knee brace

In order for the knee brace to bring maximum effect, the following rules should be observed when using it:

  • The product can only be worn on the recommendation of a doctor. Without medical prescription, it is allowed to use weakly fixing elastic bandages without stiffeners;
  • selection and first fitting are carried out with the participation of a specialist. This will help determine its correct location and avoid weak or excessive fixation of the joint;
  • the duration of wearing is also controlled by a doctor or sports trainer, since keeping the knee in a brace for a long time leads to weakening of its ligamentous apparatus;
  • In case of pain, discomfort, or swelling in the knee joint, you should consult a specialist.

What is a meniscus tear and how does it manifest?

The most common injury to the meniscus is a tear. The menisci tear, “grinding” between the articular surfaces of the bones. Conditions for this arise during rotation and deflection of the tibia, and less often - shock load along the axis of the limb. The gap is typical for skiers, football players and boxers, although it occurs not only among athletes.

Typical manifestations of injury: sharp pain, increasing swelling of the knee, sometimes a distinct click or crunch is heard. Less often, a meniscus tear goes away almost asymptomatically, manifesting itself with its own complications. After a tear, the previously smooth and strong meniscus splits into two parts that are in the wrong position.

Fragments of the meniscus rub against the cartilage and damage it. Chronic damage to cartilage leads to the development of arthrosis. Sometimes a torn meniscus can become stuck between bones and cause joint blockage. It manifests itself as sharp pain and complete inability to straighten the leg at the knee.

How to remove compression stockings?

We figured out how to wear compression hosiery . It's time to familiarize yourself with the method of removing it.

  • Remove jewelry from your fingers and put gloves on your hands.
  • Sit or lie down.
  • Raise your leg so that you can reach it comfortably. Grasp the top of the product and gently pull it up to the ankle, avoiding wrinkles.
  • Remove the stocking from the rest of your foot by turning it completely inside out.

When removing knitwear, you can also use additional devices such as butlers.

Wearing knitwear correctly

How to put on compression hosiery quickly and with maximum comfort? To do this, follow the general rules:

  • remove all accessories, as well as watches, from your fingers;
  • cut your nails short and file them with a nail file;
  • feet and legs should also be put in order: get rid of calluses, corns, and other roughness;
  • the process should go slowly and carefully, with uniform distribution along the leg;
  • Wear elastic underwear in the morning, before your feet are swollen. Or sit with your limbs elevated for 10 minutes to reduce swelling;
  • your body, hand skin and products must be completely dry;
  • If the degree of compression is high or you lack donning skills, then use additional devices.

How to care for the products?

Having figured out how to wear and put on compression hosiery , you also need to understand the intricacies of care. Monitoring the condition of compression products will allow them to last much longer.

  • Cleaning is carried out as the knitwear becomes dirty. Delicate hand washing is allowed at a temperature not exceeding 30C. Use a slightly alkaline shampoo as a detergent.
  • After removing dirt, rinse the stockings in warm water and wrap them in a towel and wring them out lightly.
  • Dry in a room with cool air. Stockings should lie horizontally on a towel.
  • Do not dry the product in direct sunlight or near heaters.
  • If your stockings have silicone stripes, keep them away from water. To clean, wipe the silicone inserts with a cloth soaked in ethyl alcohol.
  • Never pull too hard on the top edge when putting it on, as this may damage the weave!

It is most convenient to purchase two pairs of stockings, which will be changed as they get dirty. Average service life is 6-8 months.

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Types of compression garments

Before wearing compression hosiery , you need to navigate the current range of models.

Most manufacturers make products from microfiber, nylon, lycra or cotton threads. The machines allow you to create a circular seamless weave that provides comfort while wearing. The elastic component is located inside the product, in a braid of fibers.

  • Tights - tightly fit the legs, fit at waist level. Due to the soft belts and high elasticity of the material, they do not slip during wear. Help prevent the development of hemorrhoids. Externally, the product is no different from ordinary nylon tights.
  • Stockings are a more practical option for use, requiring some skill and practice when putting them on. The stocking is very tight and dense; it requires some effort to pull it evenly over the limb. Cuffs can be universal for men and women, or with lace inserts.
  • Knee socks are compact and comfortable, not visible from under clothes. Can be shortened or standard height. The elastic band is located below the knee. Unisex style product. The reinforced heel reduces pressure on the feet during active activities. The toe can be open or closed. Some brands have Velcro or zipper options for ease of putting on.
  • Socks are often used by men at the initial stage of development of vein diseases. They look laconic, fit comfortably on the shin due to the thick elastic band and are made in various shades.

Jersey compression: 4 degrees for your health

Before putting on and wearing compression hosiery , it is important to determine the degree of compression pressure. It varies according to the severity of the disease and numerous individual factors.

Compression for prevention

Provides pressure within the range of 14-19 mmHg. Used for excess weight, cellulite manifestations, long flights and trips.

  • relieves swelling in the calf muscles;
  • relieves pain;
  • Gives the skin a uniform, pleasant shade and texture.

1 class

It is actively used if there is a predisposition to varicose veins and the first obvious signs of varicose veins. Provides uniform pressure in the range of 19-23 mmHg.

Indications for wearing:

  • visually noticeable bulge of the wreath;
  • feeling of bursting heaviness in the evening;
  • prolonged standing or sitting position, which is accompanied by pain;
  • burning sensation in the calves.

Regular wearing of compression garments allows you to immediately eliminate the main symptoms and consolidate the effect.

2nd grade

It is used for obvious manifestations of varicose veins with a progressive perspective. Provides pressure of 24-33 mmHg. Used for bulging and obvious veins over 5 cm in length, the presence of pronounced nodes, cramps and swelling of the lower extremities. Also used after surgery.

3rd grade

Thrombosed veins with great depth and insufficiency of venous blood flow require wearing reinforced knitwear with a pressure of 35-47 mmHg. Relieves postthrombotic syndrome, large-scale swelling and trophic changes.

4th grade

The products exert strong pressure of more than 50 mmHg. and requires special equipment to put it on. Use is strictly under medical supervision. Used for lymphedema.

recommended products

Anti-varicose tights, compression class 1, 18-22 mm Hg.

Anti-varicose tights, compression class 2, 23-32 mm Hg.

Anti-varicose stockings, compression class 1, 18-22 mm Hg.

Anti-varicose stockings, compression class 2, 30 mm Hg.

Anti-varicose socks, compression class 1, 18-22 mm Hg

Anti-varicose socks, compression class 2, 30 mm Hg

Anti-embolic stockings (compression class 2), 25 mm Hg.

Device for putting on compression stockings

Men's anti-varicose knee socks, compression class 1 (18-22 mm Hg)

Men's anti-varicose knee socks with open toe, compression class 2 (23-32 mm Hg)

Men's compression stockings 1 class. 4214 ORTO

How long will an endoprosthesis last?

The service life of the prosthesis is of great importance. The fact is that any endoprosthetics procedure (and given the limited period of use, it can be performed more than once) involves the removal of part of the patient’s own bone.

The more bone tissue is preserved, the easier the recovery is, and the better the artificial joints take root. This is why it is so important to immediately choose implants that will last at least 10–15 years. Ideally, the service life of a knee endoprosthesis (guaranteed by the manufacturer) should be 20 years or more. At the same time, it is worth understanding that revision endoprosthetics (planned replacement of the prosthesis) cannot be avoided anyway.

7 recommendations for choosing

Want to know how to wear compression stockings ? We advise you to first decide on the correct selection of products. This is influenced by a number of factors.

  1. Decide on the purpose of use: prevention, treatment or in the postoperative period.
  2. Visit a doctor to select the desired height of the product: tights, stockings, knee socks, socks.
  3. Buy compression boots strictly according to the required compression class.
  4. Choose the size based on the table indicated on the manufacturer's packaging. Before visiting the store in the morning, take measurements of the half-girth of the limbs: in the lower leg area, under the knee, in the middle of the thigh, under the buttock.
  5. When choosing a brand, pay attention to brands with a reputation as a reliable manufacturer who has been in this field for a long time.
  6. Take a closer look at the quality of tailoring: there should be no pronounced seams or joints, the material should look uniform in texture and color, and have excellent stretch.
  7. The final cost of the product depends on the quality of the materials used, innovative production techniques and international certification.
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