Magnetic posture corrector: indications and contraindications for use

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system have long been not uncommon for modern people. Such sad statistics are associated with a sedentary lifestyle, poor diet, excessive physical activity, etc. These pathologies are manifested by spinal deformation, pain, and limited mobility. Only comprehensive treatment, which includes medications, exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy, and support corsets, will help cope with these problems. One of the most effective orthopedic devices is a magnetic posture corrector. According to reviews, a properly selected and used product can improve posture, relieve pain, relieve muscle spasms, and speed up the recovery of the spine after injuries or operations.

Design, therapeutic effect

A magnetic back belt looks like a corset; most models consist of the following parts:

  • An elastic column that runs along the spine.
  • Fixing encircling belt.
  • Top straps that cross over the shoulders in a figure eight shape.

The base of the product consists of dense elastic hypoallergenic fabric, while it is quite thin and soft, making the belt invisible under clothing.

The corset covers the thoracic as well as the lumbar segment of the spine. Its fastenings are located at the back, they are equipped with plastic or metal inserts. Correction of posture and prevention of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system is carried out thanks to these reinforcing inserts.

There are corsets on sale that have several levels of rigidity and modifications:

  • High
  • Average
  • Chest corset.

Despite the large selection of devices, their design is similar to each other. These are adjustable belts with Velcro and back straps that are semi-rigid or rigid. The straps run along the curve of the shoulder, so the corset is securely fixed on the back, supporting it in the physiologically correct position.

Magnetic plates are placed inside the corrector, which provide additional therapeutic effects. Different models use different numbers of magnets - from 6 to 12. These inserts are sewn into the belt at the lumbar line and the belt along the spinal column. Thanks to this arrangement, the belt demonstrates maximum therapeutic effect due to the influence of a static magnetic field.

Important! To extend the life of the magnetic corset, it is prohibited to store it next to electronic storage media, for example, flash drives, disks.

Correctors have the following therapeutic properties:

Back corset for stooping

  • Magnetic support of the spine during its deformation (scoliosis, kyphosis, etc.) in the initial stages allows you to correct minor curvatures.
  • With regular use, the belt improves blood supply to the muscles, normalizes their tone, due to the fact that the muscles remember the correct position. The muscles are able to withstand heavy loads and maintain the spine in the correct position for longer.
  • The reclinator is suitable for patients of any age and gender.
  • The corset is easy to use and can be put on and adjusted without assistance.
  • The corrector is made of durable, thin, elastic fabric, so it can be worn even over thin clothes, it will be difficult to notice.

The list of advantages of belts is expanding due to the presence of magnetic plates:

  • A low frequency magnetic field acts on water molecules that are part of the blood. Then they come into contact with toxins and neutralize their effects.
  • The magnetic field affects metabolism, facilitating the absorption of nutrients.
  • Then inflammation and swelling are reduced, and blood flow in the damaged area is accelerated.
  • Magnetic plates in the corset affect biologically active points on the body, as a result, painful sensations are reduced.

In addition, under the influence of a magnetic field, the functioning of the heart and blood vessels improves.

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What is a magnetic posture corrector?

A regular reclinator is based on magnets, the number of which varies from 1 to 12 depending on the model and manufacturer.

The magnetic corrector is based on the principle of magnetotherapy, which has a number of effects on the body.

  1. Improved metabolism. This leads to faster metabolism and breakdown of fat cells, which helps you lose weight and improve your figure.
  2. Regenerative abilities. Magnetic radiation affects recovery processes, accelerating the healing of wounds, injuries, and scars.
  3. Tissue swelling is relieved.
  4. The elasticity of the walls of blood vessels increases. By normalizing the functioning of blood vessels, blood pressure and movement in the body are improved.
  5. The functioning of the nervous system is normalized.
  6. The recovery period after surgery is reduced.
  7. Analgesic, calming effect.

It is necessary to take into account the effect of the corset on the body.

Important! In combination with magnetotherapy, the corset allows not only to prevent and treat the musculoskeletal system, but also to influence many other organ systems.


Before you buy a magnetic back corset, you need to study the indications for its use:

  • Stooping in the early stages.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Protrusion (protrusion of the disc nucleus without rupture of the outer shell) and disc herniation (displacement of the nucleus with rupture).
  • Wing-shaped blades.
  • The presence of a hump.
  • Rapid fatigue, back discomfort during prolonged sedentary work.
  • Scoliosis.
  • Kyphosis stage 1–2.
  • Kyphoscoliosis.
  • Rehabilitation after injury or spinal surgery, etc.

Magnetic corrector allows you to make your posture beautiful

The reclinator is effective for frequent pain and limited mobility. It is recommended to use it for the treatment and prevention of pathologies associated with the spine.

Reference. Due to the presence of magnetic inserts, correctors are used in cases of dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, pathologies of the nervous system, and respiratory organs.

Correctors with magnetic plates are recommended to be worn by people whose professions involve prolonged sitting, for example, drivers, office workers. These devices will help avoid deformation of the spinal column and its degenerative changes.

Restrictions on use

The decision to prescribe a magnetic reclinator is made by the doctor after diagnosis, taking into account the disease, its severity, the patient’s age, and the individual characteristics of the body. It is important to understand that an orthopedic device in some cases negatively affects the state of health.

Doctors identify the following contraindications to the use of the corrector:

  • The period of gestation.
  • Heart rhythm disturbance.
  • Presence of a pacemaker.
  • Low pressure.
  • Dermatitis.
  • Diabetes.
  • Autonomic dysfunction.
  • Increased sensitivity to the influence of magnetic fields.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Functional failure of the liver and kidneys.
  • Blood clotting disorder.
  • Use of defibrillators, insulin pumps.

To avoid negative health consequences, it is recommended to consult with your doctor before using a magnetic corset.

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Rules of application

You should wear a magnetic lumbar belt and a thoracolumbar corset only after consulting a doctor. The duration of wearing the corrector can reach several months. An orthopedic device is used according to the following scheme:

  • During the first week, it is recommended to wear the magnetic belt up to 2 hours per day.
  • From the second to the fifth week, the time of use is gradually increased by an hour per week. The corset should be worn for no longer than 6 hours without a break.
  • The duration of the next stage is 3 months. The maximum time of continuous wearing of a corrector with magnets does not exceed 6 hours.
  • At the fourth stage, the time of exposure to magnetic waves is gradually reduced to 2 hours per day. Then you should completely stop using the reclinator.

The exact scheme for using a bandage with magnetic plates is drawn up by a doctor. He will tell you how much time a day to wear it, at what intervals. In this case, absolutely all patients must remove the device before going to bed.

Attention. If, during regular use of a magnetic corset, the patient feels weak or feels worse, then it is better to stop using it for now and consult a doctor.

For the corrector to have a therapeutic effect, you need to wear it correctly.

Not all patients know how to put on a corset correctly. As a rule, the product comes with instructions that describe this process in detail. Usually it looks like this:

  • Place the straps of the corset over your shoulders like a backpack, straighten it so that it touches your body as much as possible.
  • Wrap the belt tightly around the body and secure the fasteners.
  • Adjust the straps on your shoulders so that the corrector leans back a little.

At first, patients feel discomfort while wearing a corset, as it pulls the neck and torso back.

It is recommended to put on the corrector for the first time under the supervision of a doctor; he will help to correctly adjust and secure the straps of the device so that the patient is comfortable and the therapeutic effect is maintained.

It is recommended to wear the reclinator in the morning, while the muscles are relaxed and the spine is predisposed to forming correct posture. The corset must be fixed after the back is fully straightened. And it is also important to ensure that the straps do not twist and that their tension is moderate. If there is pain, loosen the straps a little, and if they are loose, tighten them. At first, there will be discomfort while wearing (especially if there is a curvature), since the back is not accustomed to the correct position.

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How to wear a magnetic corrector correctly

The corset is worn for several months. You need to follow a regime that consists of 5 stages.

  1. In the first week, you are allowed to use the corset for no more than 2 hours a day.
  2. For the next 2 months, wearing time increases every week by 1 hour.
  3. After this, the corset is worn for 2 months, no more than 7 hours a day.
  4. Then the opposite effect of reduction begins.
  5. It is necessary to increase it to 2 hours a day and completely stop wearing the corset.

Important! Excessive use of a corset leads to muscle hypertrophy, which will worsen your health.

It is advisable to wear a corset during a static position (studying, working in an office, relaxing in front of a computer or TV, eating). The corset is removed before going to bed.

How to choose a magnetic belt

After consulting a doctor on the issue of choosing an orthopedic product, you should decide on the place of purchase. You can purchase a corset with magnetic inserts in orthopedic salons, pharmacies or on the Internet. The first option is the most common and familiar. The patient has the opportunity to try on the corrector, choose the most suitable size, and evaluate the quality of the material. The only drawback is that not every pharmacy offers magnetic bandages.

Many people prefer to place an order on the Internet, there is a large selection of models, the cost is lower than in a pharmacy. However, the patient does not have the opportunity to try on the corset and accurately select the size. Therefore, there is a high risk of purchasing an unsuitable or simply defective product. But if there is no other choice, then carefully choose the online store and the brand of reclinator.

Doctors advise buying magnetic corsets in orthopedic salons. This way you will be sure that you are buying a quality item in the right size with the right degree of rigidity. The only negative is the high price.

Choosing the correct corset size is the main task. Usually the doctor has already announced the requirements for the design and functionality of the model, so the patient just has to find it in a suitable size. Before purchasing, a person must arm himself with information about his exact height, chest circumference, and waist. Correctors in sizes S–M (waist size from 60 to 81 cm), as well as L–XL (from 81 to 102 cm) are available on the market. To choose the right recliner, check your information with those on the package.

Be sure to try on the chosen corset to make sure that you are comfortable in it and that your movements are not constrained.

Where to buy a magnetic corrector

An orthopedic device can be purchased in pharmacies, ordered at orthopedic centers or on the Internet. Each purchasing method has its pros and cons, and which one is better is up to you to decide.

At the pharmacy

The first and easiest way is to buy it at a pharmacy.

  1. There is an opportunity to personally try on the corset and choose the right size. When trying on, you need to feel the degree of fixation. The corset should not be too loose or put pressure on the body, causing pain. The fastening should be strong and comfortable.
  2. Evaluate and try the quality of the material by touch. When touched, the material should be soft and elastic and not cause discomfort.

The main disadvantage of such a purchase is the limited selection of products, since most pharmacies stock conventional posture correctors, and finding a magnetic device is problematic.

The cost of the device in a pharmacy depends on the model, manufacturer and markup. The average price of a magnetic corrector is 1,300 rubles.

In the Internet

Ordering a magnetic corrector via the Internet has the following advantages.

  1. Large selection of models. Unlike pharmacies with a limited selection, in the information network you have unlimited access to purchases. By selecting special sites, you can choose any device with the necessary characteristics, made of the desired material.
  2. Price. Online purchases are made directly from the warehouse, where the standard price is set without a markup.

But there are also disadvantages to this method of acquisition.

  1. Lack of opportunity to personally interact with the product. It may be defective and cannot be returned. You should carefully select a site before ordering.
Corrector sizeSize (men's)Size (women's)Chest circumference
S44-4642-4479-87 cm
M46-4846-4887-93 cm
L48-5048-5093-102 cm
XL50-5250-52102-111 cm
XXL52-5452-54111-117 cm
  1. You won't be able to try on the corset before purchasing. The selection of size with this method of ordering is determined using tables, and a small miscalculation can lead to the fact that the corset will not fit comfortably on the body. If the size is incorrect, it will cause discomfort when worn or even harm your health.
  2. Delivery terms. When ordering a device on some services, delivery can take from several weeks to months, which is unacceptable in critical situations due to illness.

The price on the Internet varies depending on the model and manufacturer, as well as on the website. Average cost – 1,000 rubles.

In orthopedic centers

This method is considered the best among all. By placing an order at the orthopedic center, you will receive the following benefits.

  1. The corset will be made from the material you order, and you don’t have to worry about the quality of the work.
  2. The sizes will be selected according to your anthropometric data and made with maximum comfort in mind.
  3. You can choose any model, degree of hardness, presence of inserts, number of magnets and belts.

Important! The corset will be created individually, taking into account your characteristics and wishes.

The downside of this order is the price. In addition to the cost of the corset and all the materials used in its creation, the work of the center is paid for.

The cost must be clarified in orthopedic centers during consultation.

Popular models, cost

To choose a truly high-quality orthopedic product, you need to know which brands to pay attention to. According to reviews from patients and doctors, the leaders among magnetic corsets are:

  • Magnetic Posture support (power model) is a corrector made by a Chinese manufacturer in the form of a wide vest with elastic straps and a belt. Magnetic plates are placed on the belt, as well as on the back of the product along the spine. This corset has a medium level of rigidity, it is available in two sizes S–M (up to 80 cm waist circumference), L–XL (from 80 to 102 cm). You can buy it for 1250–1440 rubles.
  • Cypress from Bradex is an analogue of the previous product; both models are similar in design and placement of magnetic inserts. The degree of fixation of the reclinator is average. The manufacturer produces 2 sizes: S–M (up to 81 cm waist), L–XL (from 81 to 117 cm). The cost of such a corset ranges from 420 to 550 rubles.

Corrector Magnetic Posture support

And the NovaMed biomagnetic corset is also popular. According to doctors, this model is the safest to use. You can buy it for about 650 rubles.

Patients can pay attention to the Power Magnetic corrector. It is made of durable fabric, fits tightly to the back, and fixes the spine in the correct position. This reliable and durable product can be purchased for about 1,500 rubles.

You can buy the above-described orthopedic devices in pharmacies or orthopedic salons in Moscow.

Indications and contraindications

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Next fact

Magnetic correctors are usually prescribed for the prevention of scoliosis and osteochondrosis . Wearing them is recommended to reduce pain during exacerbations of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. You should know that correctors are intended only for adult patients, and are prescribed to children very rarely.

Magnetic correctors are designed to prevent spinal curvature

With high blood pressure, the use of a corrector is allowed only with the permission of a doctor. Blood pressure decreases under the influence of a magnetic field, which will allow hypertensive patients to refuse medications (if the disease is mild). If your blood pressure is very high, the corrector will not reduce it, and you will have to take medications. In addition, you will need to control the effect of the corset. .

The instructions included with this product state that the corset is absolutely safe and can be purchased at a specialized store . But you still need to consult a doctor. This will reveal the cause, stage and shape of the curvature of the spine. It may turn out that the patient is contraindicated to wear a magnetic corrector. There are a lot of restrictions.

The corrector must not be used if:

  • An allergic reaction occurs to the material of the corset.
  • The presence of serious lung diseases.
  • The body contains a pacemaker.
  • The patient has hypertension or vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  • Pregnancy period (any period).
  • Intolerance to exposure to magnetic fields.

In some people, the body does not respond to a magnetic field, so wearing this corrector will not bring any benefit.

Video: “Review of the magnetic corrector”

Please pay attention to the following articles:

  • Read more about the importance of developing correct posture in children at the link
  • What most often leads to problems with posture is described on the page
  • You can learn about ways to check your posture at home here
  • Is yoga good for your posture and back in general?
  • Find out how to use orthopedic chairs to correct your posture by following this link
  • ICD code for postural disorders and its classification


In most cases, patients are satisfied with the effect of magnetic correctors, only in some of them do they complain of a deterioration in their well-being after using them. As a rule, this is due to the presence of contraindications or incorrect use of the corrector. Doctors advise using reclinators with magnetic inserts only for medical reasons.

Reviews from doctors and patients:

Natalya Vladimirovna, physiotherapist: “Magnetic influence is very useful for the spine, but only if it is used according to all the rules. The most important thing when choosing a corset is to take into account contraindications; if they are present, the patient will not receive any benefit from the treatment. For example, people with diabetes and a pacemaker are prohibited from wearing such a device, as it is dangerous to their health. Therefore, I advise wearing magnetic correctors only after a doctor’s prescription.”

Larisa, 52 years old: “I suffered from thoracic osteochondrosis for a long time. At first, I thought that I had a heart problem, as I regularly had chest pain that spread to my arms. However, after going to the doctor, I was diagnosed with deformation of the thoracic vertebrae and pinched nerves. I gave injections, took pills, went for a massage, but all this did not help for long. Then the doctor advised me to purchase a magnetic corset, I chose the Magnetic Support model. The doctor appreciated the “new thing”, said that it was good, and explained how to use it correctly. After 2 months of treatment using this corset, I don’t feel the pain that I couldn’t get rid of for several years.”

Irina, 38 years old: “I decided to buy a magnetic corrector on the advice of a friend, because I noticed that I was starting to slouch. I purchased the Cypress corset from Bradex. It was the right size, at first I didn’t feel any discomfort, but literally after 2-3 uses I felt sick, started to feel nauseous, and felt dizzy. As it turned out, it is forbidden to wear a corset with magnets if you have low blood pressure, and I am hypotensive. I had to give it up and buy a product without magnets.”

Reviews from doctors

There is no clear opinion among doctors about a magnetic posture corrector . This is explained by the fact that one group of patients claims that the magnetic corset relieved pain in the spine and corrected their posture. But others say it's just a waste of money.

Doctors do not deny that magnetic posture correctors increase muscle tone and, to some extent, restore them. But as for the spine, the corset does not have any effect on it. Some doctors believe that for spinal pathologies, only drug treatment and sometimes surgical intervention are necessary. They convincingly prove that in case of a serious illness, a corrector will only do harm.

But at the same time, many doctors hold a different point of view . When used correctly, magnetic correctors have only positive effects. The proof is a lot of positive reviews from people who have experienced such corsets.

It should not be denied that the reclinator “accustoms” the spine to a normal position. You just have to be patient. Even if you want to hunch over and relax, you don’t need to take off the corrector. The effect of wearing a magnetic corset will not be long in coming.

Main conclusions

A magnetic corset will help you make your posture straight and your back healthy. However, it should be understood that an orthopedic device will not be effective on its own; it is used as part of complex therapy. In addition, it is important that your attending physician selects a suitable model for you after diagnosing the existing disorders. It is important to choose the correct size of the product so that it does not cause discomfort while wearing. And it is also necessary to follow the rules for wearing it, which the doctor will tell you about. It is not recommended to buy a magnetic corrector on your own, even for prevention, as it has some contraindications and can worsen the patient’s well-being.

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