MRI of the brain: indications, contraindications, features and cost

March 30, 2021

The brain is one of the most important organs, the central computer of the body. His research was always fraught with difficulties and precautions. However, with the advent and implementation of magnetic resonance imaging, diagnosing brain pathologies has become faster and easier. MRI is a non-invasive test. It is based on the use of high-frequency pulses, magnetic fields, a computer system and special software that allow you to obtain the most detailed image of the brain. “Treatment and Diagnostic Center on Vernadsky” offers MRI at a cost that is one of the lowest in the capital.

Types of MRI examinations

Magnetic resonance imaging of the head is performed with or without a contrast agent. In the first case, the subject is injected with special substances (usually based on gadolinium salts), which make it possible to create a contrast between different tissues. In some cases, the contrast agent may cause allergic reactions. The type of study (with or without contrast) is determined by the specialist.


Screening using magnetic resonance equipment may be refused for the following reasons:

  • The presence of metal implants built into living tissues that respond to a powerful magnetic field.
  • The initial stages of pregnancy are up to the 13th week, when any external influence on the actively developing fetus is undesirable.
  • An immune reaction to contrast agents has been previously documented.
  • There are kidney diseases that affect urinary retention.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases of the respiratory system.
  • Mental abnormalities and claustrophobia, which does not allow one to remain motionless in a confined space for a long time.

Many of the listed contraindications can be overcome if you undergo the study without contrast, use open equipment, or consider general anesthesia during the recording of the tomogram. If the restrictions are temporary, it is better to postpone the procedure to a later date (as during pregnancy). If this cannot be done, it is better to choose an alternative, the best of which is CT angiography of cerebral vessels.

Indications for magnetic resonance imaging

  • Pathologies and diseases of cerebral vessels.
  • Head injuries and bruises, which are accompanied by internal bleeding.
  • Speech impairment and hearing loss.
  • Tumors of the brain, cerebellopontine angle.
  • Paroxysmal states.
  • Infectious diseases of the central nervous system (abscess, meningitis, HIV infection).
  • Pituitary adenoma.
  • Abnormal development of the blood vessels of the head (thrombosis, aneurysms).
  • Epilepsy.
  • Systematic headaches of unknown origin.
  • Sinusitis.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Neurodegenerative diseases.
  • Pathology of the base of the skull.

What does a head MRI show?

This examination reflects the state of brain structures, including nerve tissue and blood vessels. MRI also helps to determine the presence and quality of tumors. From the image, the doctor will also determine the condition of the pituitary gland and the level of activity of the cerebral cortex. A person’s entire life depends on minor changes or a tiny new growth in this area, so even a simple pain in the head can hint at a larger problem.

Here is a list of the main indications for MRI for headaches:

  • head injuries,
  • sinusitis,
  • epilepsy,
  • multiple sclerosis,
  • suspicion of the presence of tumors,
  • hearing and speech impairment,
  • chronic pain for unknown reasons.

What does MRI of the head and blood vessels show in detail? During the procedure, images of the brain are created in three projections. This makes it possible to see the smallest changes, darkened areas, pathologies.

The doctor will assess the quality of blood circulation, the condition of the veins and arteries, and the presence of injuries. It is important that the images show any abnormalities even at an early stage - this will allow you to avoid the development of the disease and take timely measures. After the procedure, you can confidently make complex diagnoses such as:

  • atherosclerosis,
  • ischemic disease,
  • aneurysms,
  • thrombosis and others.

In addition, tomography is the main procedure for monitoring treatment and progress in brain diseases. This examination is also carried out before and after operations.

There are no restrictions on the number of sessions for MRI for frequent headaches. The examination is absolutely harmless for any person.

Contraindications to magnetic resonance imaging of the brain


  • severe claustrophobia;
  • the presence of non-ferromagnetic implants, insulin pumps, heart valve prostheses;
  • pregnancy up to 12 weeks;
  • drug or alcohol intoxication;
  • presence of tattoos containing metallic compounds in the ink;
  • heart failure.


  • the presence of metallic foreign objects in the patient’s body;
  • hematopoietic anemia (with magnetic resonance imaging with contrast);
  • use of electronic devices such as pacemakers, etc.

Preparing for an MRI of the brain

Usually, there is no need to do any complicated steps before the examination. Sometimes the specialist may ask the patient to refrain from eating and drinking before the procedure. The person being examined must remove all metal jewelry. In many centers, the patient is given a loose shirt, in some they are allowed to remain in their own clothes, provided that they are loose and free of metal parts. Before a brain MRI, women should inform their doctor about the possibility of pregnancy. The patient is also obliged to inform the doctor about recent operations and diseases, allergies and the presence of metal implants. If the person being examined suffers from claustrophobia or is very worried before the procedure, he may ask the doctor for a sedative.

How long does a head tomography take?

MRI scans of the brain are often done routinely. An exception is cases of head injuries if the patient has contraindications for X-ray examinations (X-ray, CT). The diagnostic procedure is carried out by appointment.

A conventional (native or non-contrast) examination involves 3 stages:

  • preparation;
  • scanning;
  • recording the results.

How long a brain MRI takes depends on the length of each of these steps.

Preparation involves getting to know the patient and filling out documents, notification of the procedure, and instructions on behavior in the tomography room. The radiologist conducts a survey aimed at identifying contraindications to scanning.

The procedure may be refused if the patient’s body contains:

  • metal implants;
  • pacemaker;
  • insulin pump, etc.

To avoid unforeseen situations, the patient must notify the medical staff about such devices when making an appointment. If there is an implant, you should contact the medical institution where the operation took place and take a document that describes the construction material. In the presence of titanium non-electronic products, scanning is allowed, since this metal does not react to a magnetic field.

After the interview, the patient is taken to the locker room. Here he needs to remove all jewelry with metal inserts and fittings, hairpins, and glasses. If necessary, the X-ray technician will provide disposable clothing (if provided at the clinic). To speed up preparation, it is better to wear loose clothes during an MRI.

Women should come to the procedure without makeup, as some cosmetic products may contain metals. In doubtful cases, they should be removed from the face (eyelids, cheekbones, lips, etc.), which will take additional time.

The patient will have to leave all electronic devices (watch, mobile phone, hearing aid) in a separate room. Preparation will go faster if these things are put in your bag in advance.

The patient is placed on the tomograph conveyor before an MRI scan.

The duration of the initial diagnostic stage is usually no more than a quarter of an hour. Patients are advised to arrive 10 minutes before their appointment so they can complete the paperwork without rushing. The preparation may need to be extended by the use of sedatives (for anxious people and only as prescribed by a doctor) or immersion in sedation (for neurological disorders, acute pain syndrome). In the case of young children, the scan is performed under general anesthesia, which prolongs the hospital stay.

After preparation, the laboratory assistant takes the person to the diagnostic room. Here he is placed on the platform of the device, the body is fixed, and the position of the head is stabilized using special rollers. The radiologist gives the patient a button for emergency communication and reminds the patient to lie still during the scan. The doctor goes into the next room, from which he controls the procedure through glass. After checking that the speakerphone is working properly, the X-ray technician starts the tomograph. All these events take 3-5 minutes (you won’t have to wait long).

How long a brain MRI procedure takes depends on the area of ​​study. Studying one organ takes 15-20 minutes. With combined diagnostics, the time increases. For example, an examination of the brain alone takes 20 minutes; if you additionally need to look at the structure of the neck, it takes 35-40. Injecting contrast into the vessels prolongs the procedure by 15 minutes for each area.

During scanning, the conveyor moves so that the studied area is in the center of the tomograph frame. When the device is turned on, it makes sounds, and the patient hears a hum, knocking, clicking, which is absolutely normal. Some people find it difficult to endure 20 minutes in a closed and noisy space. To avoid anxiety and unplanned interruptions of the procedure, at the Magnit diagnostic clinic, patients are offered headphones with soothing music. You can use regular earplugs instead.

Any movements can distort the scanning results and make the pictures unclear. In order not to prolong the procedure further, it is better for the patient to close his eyelids and completely relax.

At the end of the study, the laboratory assistant moves the conveyor, removes the clamps, and helps the person stand up. You may experience slight dizziness due to being in a confined space, but this does not pose a threat to your health. Next, the patient is taken to a room where he changes clothes and takes away personal belongings. These steps take 3-5 minutes.

The duration of the brain MRI procedure also includes the final stage - preparation of the results. The patient can go for a walk outside or use the clinic's waiting area.

A radiologist examines the images. The timing of drawing up a conclusion depends on the number and clarity of images, which are determined by the power of the tomograph. In the diagnostic ]"Magnit"[/anchor], the preparation of results takes 15-60 minutes, which depends on the scale of the scan and the need to evaluate changes in comparison with the data of previous studies.

MRI images are recorded on disk or other media

The patient receives a conclusion in the form of a document and information carrier with images. The radiologist can give explanations and advise which doctor to contact in order to treat your illnesses. Consultation with a specialist lasts 3-5 minutes.

Thus, a native MRI of the head takes up to 2 hours from the moment of arrival at the medical center. The duration partly depends on the patient himself. If he takes the preparation recommendations responsibly, the time spent will be reduced.

How is an MRI of the brain performed?

  • An MRI machine is a cylinder with holes at both ends. The patient sits on a movable table that is placed inside the device during the MRI procedure.
  • The length of the tunnel depends on the specific type of apparatus. Some devices only partially surround the table. Tomographs can also be open on the sides. They are used for patients with severe claustrophobia. In closed-type devices, the table slides in completely.
  • During the examination, the patient is secured with belts. The less it moves, the more accurate the diagnostic results.
  • During magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, devices with wires that receive and send radio waves are placed around the head.
  • Patients are often given earplugs. This helps protect your hearing from the loud noise that comes from the MRI machine when it is in operation.
  • The table is placed inside the tomograph, and the specialist moves to an adjacent office, which houses a computer system that processes the data. The device takes a series of pictures. Each one takes a few minutes to shoot. As a rule, an MRI of the brain without contrast takes about 20–30 minutes, with a contrast agent – ​​approximately 45–50 minutes.
  • An MRI machine takes layer-by-layer images of tissue. During a head scan, data is collected from approximately 20 levels, each 4–5 mm thick. The higher the magnetic field strength of the tomograph and the thinner the sections, the more accurate the research result.

Registration for examination

To book the type of study you need, contact the service advisory service at the number at the top of the page. Operators will select the required options, answer remaining questions, provide information on addresses and costs, and reserve an MRI or CT session with special discounts for portal users. Consultation and other services of the recording service are absolutely free.

Sources used:

  1. Belova, L.A. Venous cerebral discirculation in chronic cerebral ischemia: clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment / L.A. Belova // Neurological Bulletin named after. V.M. Bekhtereva – .2010. – T. 42, No. 2. – P. 62–67.
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List of references on the topic:

  1. Modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases: collection. instructional method. doc.: in 7 volumes / Ministry of Health Rep. Belarus. - Vol. 9. - Minsk: RNMB. – 2008.T. 7: Oncology. Radiology and medical radiology. — 160 s.
  2. Gusev E.I., Nikiforov A.S., Konovalov A.N. Nervous diseases, neurosurgery. M., 2001.
  3. Shtulman D.R., Levin O.S. handbook of a practical physician on neurology. - M., 1999.
  4. Diseases of the nervous system. Guide for doctors / Ed. N.N. Yakhno.

The text was checked by the doctor Mikhail Mikhailovich Motov

Prices for magnetic resonance imaging of the brain in Moscow

Various factors influence how much an MRI costs in each case. The price may change depending on whether the specialist will use a contrast agent, whether the results will need to be recorded on disk, etc. The approximate cost of magnetic resonance imaging is indicated on the page.

You can make an appointment with a doctor at the Diagnostic and Treatment Center on Vernadsky. To do this, call us by phone at any time convenient for you. You can also leave an online application through a special form presented on the website.

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