What to do if your temperature rises and your body aches

The disease COVID-19, which is caused by the SARS-CoV-2 strain of coronavirus, has led to a pandemic in 2021. It is characterized by a polymorphic clinical picture. This means that the symptoms and severity of the disease depend on many factors: the age of the infected person, the presence of chronic diseases, etc. The disease has different symptoms in different categories of patients, which makes it difficult to diagnose.

How does the virus progress?

The entry points for infection are the mucous membranes of the respiratory system and eyes. The virus attaches to them, begins to multiply and only then begins to circulate in the blood. There are 3 options for the development of events.

The first one is the most favorable. In young people, children and other people with a strong immune system, the virus may be present in the body, but the protective forces will be sufficient to contain and neutralize it. Therefore, even during the period of fighting the disease, there may be no symptoms. There will also be no changes in the lungs on CT.

The second variant of the course of COVID-19 is asymptomatic pneumonia. The person also does not have typical symptoms such as cough, fever, shortness of breath, but computed tomography (CT) images in such people can reveal foci of compaction of the lung tissue with a “frosted glass” effect, characteristic of pneumonia due to coronavirus. In this case, mild symptoms of malaise, weakness and other mild changes may bother you.

The frequency of this form of infection can be judged by the situation that happened on the Diamond Princess cruise ship. It turned out that 73% of passengers were asymptomatic. At the same time, 54% of them showed changes in the lungs characteristic of COVID-19. Even with this asymptomatic variant, changes in the lungs are possible, which will make themselves felt later. But there are no such statistics yet, since not much time has passed yet.

The third option is the absence of manifestations during the incubation period. It can last up to 2 weeks. During this time, the person will consider himself completely healthy, but then the first symptoms of ARVI will appear such as fever, cough, body aches, and weakness. Possible decrease in blood oxygen saturation and shortness of breath. Here, the development of the disease can follow the classical scenario.

During the incubation period, there are no symptoms of coronavirus.

Causes of temperature 37 °C without cold symptoms

Sometimes the rise in temperature is not associated with the action of viral and bacterial pyrogens; this condition is called hyperthermia1.

Mild hyperthermia may occur in healthy people1:

  • ● during intense physical activity1;
  • ● after meals1;
  • ● against the background of severe stress (“workday hyperthermia” in adults)3;
  • ● in hot weather1 and prolonged exposure to the sun2;
  • ● as a side effect of taking certain medications1.

In women, a temperature of 37 °C can occur after ovulation5 and 7-10 days before the onset of menstruation6. This temperature reaction is associated with an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone5.

Pyrogens that are formed in the body itself can also affect the thermoregulation center, which is why low-grade fever often occurs with non-infectious diseases4.

For example, a temperature of 37 °C may be a sign


  • ● neurogenic hyperthermia4, which is associated with imperfect nervous regulation4,7;
  • ● iron deficiency anemia2 (low hemoglobin levels due to iron deficiency);
  • ● chronic gastritis, hepatitis and colitis2;
  • ● peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum2;
  • ● urolithiasis and cholelithiasis1;
  • ● the presence of foci of inflammation in the body (for example, in the bronchi or genitourinary organs)2;
  • ● bronchial asthma2;
  • ● autoimmune diseases2;
  • ● hormonal imbalance (with menopausal syndrome or increased thyroid function)6;
  • ● malignant process2;
  • ● diseases of the hypothalamus2.

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How to understand that you are sick

To confirm the diagnosis, methods are used that detect either viral RNA in samples (in saliva) or immunoglobulins (circulating in the blood) that are produced in response to the virus. But tests are not 100% accurate, so they can be done several times. Also, additional imaging methods (CT, X-ray of the lungs) help make an accurate diagnosis.

You can suspect an asymptomatic course in family members where there is at least one infected person and everyone else has close contact with him. But only tests can confirm this for sure if there were no symptoms.

Is it necessary to bring down the temperature of 37 °C in an adult?

Fever itself is a protective reaction of the body8, so antipyretic drugs should be taken only as indicated - for adults at a temperature above 38.5 °C and/or muscle and joint pain due to ARVI12.

For ARVI it is recommended12:

  • ● bed rest;
  • ● drinking plenty of water;
  • ● a diet rich in vitamins;
  • ● symptomatic treatment (to relieve nasal congestion, cough and other symptoms of a cold);
  • ● taking antiviral drugs.

Anaferon®11 lozenges can be used as part of complex therapy for ARVI. The active ingredient of the drug is antibodies to interferon gamma. Their antiviral and immunomodulatory effects are associated with the activation of natural immune factors that help the body fight viruses11,13. Anaferon ® is indicated for the treatment of influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections11. Its use as part of complex therapy helps reduce the duration of the main symptoms of the disease by 1.5 times or more13. Also, Anaferon ® can be used during the ARVI epidemic season as a prophylactic agent for 3 months11.

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Who's in danger

Regardless of the reason for the absence of symptoms in an infected person, all people around him, especially those at risk, are at risk. Let's look at it with an example.

Even if an infected person has no symptoms, all the people around him are still at risk.

A young man “caught” the virus at work and brought it home. His children may get sick in a mild/asymptomatic form, but elderly parents and relatives with chronic diseases, especially diabetes, obesity, heart and vascular diseases have every chance of getting a detailed picture of the disease with serious consequences.

Infection can occur even if the older generation lives alone. They just brought their grandchildren for the weekend. In appearance, the children are completely healthy, so grandparents do not suspect anything that during hugs and games, children release viral particles into the air with saliva.

Therefore, it is so important to remember that the incubation period lasts 2-3 weeks. With an asymptomatic course, the release of the virus from the body when talking, coughing, sneezing can also last up to several weeks.

It is important to follow the rules of wearing a mask and washing your hands, even for seemingly healthy people. So they care first of all not only about themselves, but also about others.

Treatment of headache and fever

Treatment tactics for diseases that cause headaches and high fever will differ. It is selected as a result of a complete examination, taking into account many factors. The doctor takes into account the cause of poor health, the stage and form of the disease, as well as the patient’s age and the presence of chronic pathologies in his medical history. There are several methods and stages of treating headaches and fever.

  1. Drug treatment is prescribed for any pathology. The course may include anti-inflammatory and painkillers, antibiotics, and vasoconstrictors. Symptomatic treatment of colds is also carried out, which includes rinsing the nose. For diseases that affect the brain, therapy is carried out in a hospital and includes drugs to improve cerebral circulation.
  2. Surgical treatment is prescribed only if conservative methods are insufficiently effective. Surgery may be required to remove tumors that are disrupting brain function and tend to grow rapidly. Surgical techniques are also effective for sinusitis, dental problems, and polyps in the nasal passages.
  3. Additional techniques are selected separately for various diseases. Thus, for thermoneurosis, a course of physiotherapy and massage, the use of muscle relaxants and mild sedatives are recommended. It is possible to lower the temperature at home, but only if it rises to critical levels (38 degrees or more).

At the Clinical Brain Institute you can get effective recommendations that will help you get rid of headaches, relieve fever and restore a normal lifestyle. Most patients are treated at home, taking prescribed medications. At the end of the course, you must undergo a re-examination to ensure complete recovery or continue treatment. It is impossible to choose the optimal regimen on your own - symptomatic remedies will mask the manifestation of diseases, but will not eliminate their cause.

What to do

If you suspect you have coronavirus or have been in contact with someone who is sick, you must self-isolate for 2 weeks. If necessary, take tests for COVID-19. The main thing during this period is to limit your contacts with others and not expose them to unnecessary risk. If symptoms appear, consult a doctor.

If you suspect you have coronavirus or have been in contact with someone who is sick, you must self-isolate for 2 weeks.

Diagnostic methods

When the temperature rises to 37 degrees or more, as well as headaches, it is important to determine the cause of these symptoms. At the first examination, be sure to indicate all complaints that have manifested themselves recently - these data can be important for making a diagnosis. However, a simple examination and questioning of the patient is not enough, and the doctor prescribes additional examinations. These include:

  • clinical and biochemical blood tests - help to detect inflammatory processes, infectious and parasitic diseases, as well as dysfunction of individual internal organs;
  • MRI, CT scan of the head is an informative way to diagnose traumatic brain injuries, neoplasms, and inflammatory processes;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs - prescribed for suspected diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver, kidneys;
  • fluorography – performed for infectious diseases of the respiratory tract, to exclude pneumonia.

The Clinical Brain Institute has modern equipment for diagnosing diseases accompanied by headaches and fever. This allows you to make an accurate diagnosis in a short time and start treatment in a timely manner. The doctor prescribes only those examinations that are necessary to understand a more complete picture of the disease. It is also possible to undergo comprehensive diagnostics, which will reveal hidden pathologies in the early stages.


There are no “special” drugs to prevent coronavirus infection. You need to reduce the risk of encountering the virus; to do this, just follow simple rules:

  • communicate with a person at a distance of more than 1 meter
  • ask the other person to wear a mask
  • Avoid handshakes, hugs, kisses
  • wear a mask, glasses/protective screen yourself (you can read how to do this correctly here)
  • wash your hands thoroughly
  • ventilate the room to reduce the viral load
  • do regular wet cleaning with household chemicals
  • Monitor your condition carefully and consult a doctor if necessary

Conscious efforts are required by every person to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including completely healthy people. Because it cannot be guaranteed that tomorrow you will not become an asymptomatic carrier of the infection.

Temperature 37 °C in children

Many of the causes of hyperthermia in a child are the same as in an adult. For example, children can overheat in the sun in hot weather; their nervous system, which controls the processes of heat production and heat transfer, may also be disrupted3.

In most cases, the child develops a so-called post-infectious low-grade fever, which is associated with a recent acute respiratory viral infection.

In 86% of children, low-grade fever may persist for 3-6 months after viral infection3.

Often a child has a body temperature of 37 °C for no apparent reason. This is the so-called institutional fever or “thermoneurosis”3. With “thermoneurosis,” the child usually tolerates the fever well. Parents may notice that antipyretic drugs do not give the desired effect, and the rise in body temperature is associated with psycho-emotional stress, for example, the stress that the child experiences at school3.

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Contraindications to the flu vaccine

  • at least 6 months have not passed since the last vaccination;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • allergic reactions;
  • iron deficiency;
  • diseases of the respiratory system in acute or chronic form;
  • allergic reaction to chicken protein;
  • heart failure;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • blood pathologies;
  • first trimester of pregnancy;
  • severe renal failure;
  • period of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

To prevent flu and colds, follow a few simple rules:

  • Strengthen your immune system. Exercise more often or give your body light exercise. Take a walk in the fresh air, this will saturate your lungs with oxygen.
  • Avoid hypothermia. This occurs due to a sharp temperature change and the action of the air conditioner.
  • Use antibacterial agents, especially during cold season.
  • Eat a balanced diet. This will provide the body with the necessary microelements.

Where to get diagnosed and treated for flu and colds in Krasnoyarsk?

This can be done at the Medunion private medical clinic.

Is a child or an elderly person sick? Then do not wait to see a doctor, but simply call a specialist at home. It's not only fast, but also very convenient! The specialist will examine the patient in a familiar environment, prescribe tests, and prescribe the necessary treatment. And the nurse will take samples or vaccinate you.

Sign up for a medical appointment and take care of the health of your loved ones. You can do this in any way convenient for you - online or by phone on the website. The cost of an initial consultation with a doctor starts from 1100 rubles.

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