What to do if you have a sprained ankle?

The structure of the ankle joint is complex and fragile. It is often injured, which leads to pain, swelling, and loss of mobility. The most common ankle injuries: dislocation, arthrosis, sprain, fracture. Sprains lead by a wide margin. Not only among athletes: runners and football players, but also among professional dancers. It occurs when a joint experiences sudden lateral displacement under load. For example, when a person twists his leg.

But it’s not just sports that cause ankle injuries. Wearing ill-fitting shoes, excess weight, standing work, physical labor and accidents also lead to problems.

The ankle, together with the knee and hip, is a large joint in the body. It provides stability and mobility, carries the weight of a person, and absorbs shock when jumping and walking. He experiences heavy loads every day. The ankle joint is a support for the whole body, thanks to its work we stand and walk. Like other joints, it is susceptible to arthrosis. With age, this disease is diagnosed in eight out of ten residents of the country. Arthrosis develops over years and requires long-term treatment.

To maintain ankle health, various methods are used: both surgical and medicinal, and those that do not require intervention.

Kinesio taping is a popular and effective method of non-invasive therapy for foot joint problems. It is designed taking into account anatomy and has a complex effect. Taping is the application of special patches to the skin. They have sensory, vascular and muscular effects:

  • increase blood circulation and lymph flow;
  • stimulate metabolic processes;
  • accelerate the healing of damaged tissues.

Taping the ankle joint for sprains

Quite often, in people who lead an active lifestyle or play sports, the ligamentous structures of the ankle are damaged. This usually occurs when the leg is twisted. The person experiences pain and the joint swells.

A sprain is an injury in which only a small portion of the fibers of the ligament are torn. Their share does not exceed 25%. At the same time, ankle stability is practically not affected. However, the patient experiences pain. His mobility and ability to work are limited. Swelling may persist for a long time.

Ankle taping

Ankle taping
Features of ankle sprain symptoms:

  • the pain is clearly localized;
  • when you feel the ankle one and a half centimeters above the top or behind there is no pain at all;
  • passive movements are most painful when the foot is supinated.

When passive supination is performed, the talus often moves forward (subluxation). This indicates that the lateral or talofibular ligament is completely torn. This condition is very serious. Recovery time may take 6–12 months.

Taping of the ankle joint when sprained should be performed for at least 2 weeks after injury. If pain and swelling persist when walking, you need to perform this procedure for a longer time. The most common cause of injury recurrence is early physical activity and early cessation of treatment and rehabilitation measures.

The main tasks of ankle taping for sprained ligaments on the outside:

  • limited mobility in the joint;
  • preventing movements that contribute to additional trauma to the ligament or may cause pain;
  • providing optimal conditions for the restoration of ligamentous structures;
  • improving blood circulation and enhancing regenerative processes;
  • decompression of tissues and elimination of edema, normalization of the outflow of lymph and venous blood.

At the recovery stage, physical therapy can be used. Classes can be carried out after taping the ankle ligaments.

Cause of ankle swelling

The main factors provoking the development of swelling of the ankle joint are:

  • Arthritis. With this disease, joint deformation occurs, accompanied by severe pain. The inflammatory process leads to a decrease in the volume of lubricant in the joint capsule, which results in friction of cartilage against one another, swelling develops and bones are damaged. Arthritis is most often diagnosed in older people. There are rheumatoid, septic, psoriatic and other types of arthritis;
  • Obesity. (III-IV degrees). Excess weight provokes excessive pressure on the lower limbs and causes joint deformation;
  • Gout. The disease is accompanied by the accumulation of uric acid salts, resulting in tissue swelling. Sharp pain occurs when walking;
  • Diabetic osteoarthropathy. Swelling with redness of the skin occurs, accompanied by pain. The disease can lead to the destruction of joint and bone tissue, foot deformation, and decreased mobility of the ankle joint;
  • Sports injuries. Ankle swelling is a familiar phenomenon for almost all professional athletes. Playing sports such as football, basketball, hockey, is often accompanied by injuries to the lower extremities. Excessive loads have a detrimental effect on the muscular and ligamentous apparatus, the condition of the ankles, feet, legs. The result is the development of chronic inflammation, pain and swelling;
  • Household injuries - the leg swells due to bruises, dislocations, sprains, damage to the Achilles tendon, fractures;
  • Disorders of the lymphatic system and other diseases.

Ankle taping

Ankle taping
Instructions for applying tape:

  • Wrap your leg in a position where the foot is at right angles to the ankle joint.
  • Make an "anchor". To do this, place a ring of adhesive tape slightly below the calf muscle.
  • Make a "stirrup". Apply the tape starting from the medial (inward-facing) part of the ankle joint. Grasp the foot and pass the bandage along the lateral (outward facing) part of the ankle. As the wraps go up or down, apply the strips to the most prominent areas of the ankle.
  • The direction of taping the ankle during a sprain depends on which ligaments are damaged: external or internal. If external, bandaging is done from the inside out, as indicated in the previous paragraph. But if the internal ligaments are sprained, then they bandage in the opposite direction.
  • Apply 2 or 3 stirrups. In this case, each subsequent turn should overlap the previous one by approximately 1 centimeter.
  • The new “stirrups” are secured with an additional “anchor”.
  • The adhesive tape is applied from the outside of the ankle diagonally to the heel. It goes over the ankle. Then follows diagonally across the ankle and around it.
  • Taping of the ankle in case of sprained ligaments continues by applying an additional 1–2 turns. Each one passes below the previous one. The number of such turns, as well as the “stirrup”, depends on the severity of the injury. The worse the patient's condition, the more intense the bandaging should be. This is required to ensure maximum stability of the ankle during the recovery period of the ligaments.
  • Secure the tape with “anchors”.
  • Tape the ankle and surrounding leg tightly.


Kinesio taping of joints is common among athletes and doctors. Progressive orthopedists include the application of tapes in the treatment of valgus in patients of different ages.

The technique is safe and widely used. However, taping also has contraindications:

  • oncological diseases;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • weak and prone to injury skin;
  • heart and kidney failure;
  • skin diseases with rashes and peeling;
  • thrombosis.
  • Before the first procedure, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Taping for ruptured ankle ligaments

A first-degree ligament tear is called a sprain. How kinesio taping is performed in such situations is described above. Ligament rupture is usually called the 2nd or 3rd degree of this condition, when the integrity of most of the fibers is broken, or all of them are torn. In this case, the ankle becomes unstable.

In most cases, patients with torn ankle ligaments are managed conservatively. Various immobilization methods are used. In case of severe injury, tape is often not enough. If a person cannot walk, a plaster cast is indicated. To normalize the recovery of ligaments, physiotherapy, cell therapy, and various exercises are used. Symptoms are relieved with medications.

Results are assessed 2–3 months after injury. If the stability of the joint is impaired, it is often necessary to resort to surgery. Otherwise, a person develops a habitual dislocation of the foot. During the operation, ligament plastic surgery is performed using one’s own tissues. For this purpose, the joint capsule, periosteum, and remnants of the ankle’s own ligaments are used.

After surgery, rehabilitation follows. During the first three weeks, any load on the operated leg is excluded. For the next three weeks, the person walks in a special boot that limits any movement in the ankle. And only one and a half months after the operation, taping of the ankle joint can be used.

It is performed using the same techniques as for stretching. Bandaging with adhesive tape aims to reduce the load on the operated joint and create favorable conditions for further recovery. Tape reduces the risk of recurrent ligament rupture. They regenerate very slowly. Therefore, you have to bandage your leg, especially before putting a load on it, for several months.

What materials are used to make ankle braces?

Different materials are used to make these orthopedic models. They are selected depending on the functions that the latch must perform.

This can be neoprene, which retains heat and eliminates swelling and pain. For people prone to allergies, it is better to opt for products that contain a high percentage of cotton.

Some elastic models use silicone inserts. They guarantee more reliable compression and fixation. Such models are especially good for high loads on the leg (for example, in sports or during heavy physical work).

For models recommended for fractures or severe sprains and ligament tears, rigid inserts made of plastic or metal are used. Only if these clamps are used will the leg be reliably immobilized and the injury will not get worse when moving.

Taping the ankle for a bruise

When the ankle joint is bruised, pain occurs. Bruising and swelling are possible, which make it difficult not only to play sports, but also to walk. Kinesio tapes are used to relieve symptoms and speed up recovery.

Objectives of the procedure:

  • provide lymphatic drainage;
  • remove pain;
  • protect the ankle from unnecessary movements that can aggravate the injury or are simply uncomfortable for the person.

The tape is usually applied in the dorsiflexion position. A person should pull his fingers towards himself as much as possible.

If the instep of your foot hurts, you need to measure a piece of tape about 5 centimeters wide. The tape should be applied starting from the center of the heel. It is led to the fingers of the lower limb. The second strip is taken with a length corresponding to the circumference of the foot minus two centimeters. It is glued over the entire surface of the foot. Do this carefully, avoiding excess tension. Two strips are attached perpendicularly.

If a bruise just appears on the leg in the ankle area, use lymph tape. It is worn for 5–7 days until complete recovery. A patch is applied directly to the area of ​​damage - in the area where the hematoma is located. The tape does not limit the mobility of the leg. At the same time, it ensures rapid healing of injuries and reduces tissue swelling. By improving blood circulation, the bruise resolves faster.

How often to change tape

If the tape is applied according to the above rules, it stays on the body for 3-7 days. The duration of wearing depends on the area of ​​application of the tape. For example, the tape will last less on an arm or leg than on the back or chest.

The tape allows air and moisture to pass through and dries quickly after a shower or swimming pool. To extend the life of the tape, do not rub the area where it is applied with a washcloth or vigorously wipe with a towel.

To remove the tape painlessly, you can wet the application with hot water or lubricate it with cosmetic oil.

Ankle taping after a fracture

When bones break, the injuries are rarely isolated. They are often accompanied by ruptures of muscles and ligaments. It is not uncommon for both ankles to break at once. Patients complain of pain and swelling. You cannot step on your foot due to increased pain. Upon examination, smoothness of the joint and severe hematoma are determined.

Treatment involves complete anatomical restoration of all damaged elements. It is important to keep them in the correct position until complete fusion.

If there is no displacement of the fragments, reposition is not necessary. When bone fragments are displaced, it can be performed in a closed or open manner. Whatever treatment method is used, immobilization of the joint is subsequently required. Taping in this case will not be enough. Sticky bandages only limit movement in the joint. But for complete functional rest a plaster cast is required. It is imposed for a month and a half.

Only after the immobilization period has expired, therapeutic measures are carried out aimed at normalizing further regenerative processes and normalizing joint function. The patient is indicated for massage, physiotherapy, and physical therapy. Taping can be used for 2 months. Full weight bearing on the limb is allowed after this period.

Taping the ankle joint for a sprain

With such an injury, the axis of the limb changes. These changes can be detected by a doctor during examination. Pain occurs along the lateral surfaces of the joint. Its shape changes frequently. Patients cannot lean on a limb.

As a rule, other injuries are noted along with the dislocation. Muscles and ligaments may be torn. Bones are often affected as well. In any case, a person with a dislocation consults a doctor, since he cannot straighten it on his own. A complete examination with inspection, palpation, and x-rays allows you to understand which structures are damaged and what treatment is required.

Sometimes the patient is managed conservatively. In some cases, there is a need for surgical treatment. Whatever tactics are chosen, long-term immobilization of the limb is used. For this purpose, not tapes are used, but plaster. Taping an ankle for a sprain is indicated only during the recovery period.

Against the background of ligament rupture, a recurrent, self-reducing subluxation of the foot can form. It is not diagnosed on radiographs. This is often the result of an old injury.

The problem is partially solved with the help of tapes. Their application increases the stability of the foot and reduces the likelihood of another recurrence of subluxation. However, the problem can be radically solved only with the help of surgery.

Ankle and ankle taping

The ankle and ankle are usually injured at the same time, because they are located in the same anatomical area and represent almost a single structure.

Taping an ankle for a sprain can be done in the following ways:

  • I option. The first tape, 5 cm wide, is applied from the ankle to the middle of the shin. The anchor is secured to the top of the foot with the utmost care. When pulling the tape towards the ankle, it is necessary to ensure minimal tension. The second tape, 12-15 cm long, is glued with a slight stretch perpendicular to the first one at the site of pain;
  • Option II. Using one tape 5 cm wide, the outer side of the ankle is worked to the upper border of the middle third of the lower leg. The tape is passed through the foot with a turn through the upper fold and is fixed perpendicular to the first part. In areas where two strips intersect, they should be tightened. The rest of the tape is fixed on the inside of the foot.

For serious injuries, such as a broken ankle, be sure to consult a specialist before taping.

Taping the ankle joint for arthrosis

There is no evidence that ankle taping for osteoarthritis can affect the course and outcome of this disease. But given that movements in the ankle are often painful, tapes may well be used to relieve symptoms.

Primary arthrosis of the ankle joint is very rare. Basically it is secondary, and is caused by:

  • consequences of ankle abduction-eversion fractures;
  • destruction of articular cartilage due to injury;
  • premature intense loads on the limb after removing the plaster cast;
  • errors during ankle surgery.

In any case, arthrosis is the result of injury. If it develops, chronic pain appears. They are progressing. Over time, the joint becomes deformed and loses its function.

The treatment is complex. It includes physiotherapy, physical therapy, massage, and wearing orthopedic shoes. Sparing of the diseased joint is indicated. Kinesio tapes help to spare it. Their application allows you to reduce the load on the ankle. This may possibly slow down further cartilage destruction. In addition, immediate positive effects are achieved: pain is reduced and exercise tolerance is improved.

Advantages of ordering tapes from us

The Orthodynamics online store offers high-quality Korean EPOS tapes. The product line includes solutions for different areas, including taping of the ankle joint. We offer a wide range of products. We work directly with manufacturers. We provide favorable purchasing conditions. We have a low price and quality guarantee. Managers are ready to help with the choice. There is a range of patches of different designs and sizes. We will ensure fast delivery of orders throughout Moscow and throughout Russia.

Ankle taping for football players

When kinesio taping was developed, it was more of a preventive procedure than a curative one. It was used in sports.

Sports taping of the ankle is necessary primarily for football players. They are the ones who most often injure this area of ​​the lower limb. The injury usually occurs during a jump and an unsuccessful landing with a twisted leg. This often happens in martial arts. When a person jumps, he looks at the ball flying above, and not at his feet. Often he lands on his opponent's foot, which dramatically increases the likelihood of injury.

Kinesio tapes help reduce the risk of injury. They are applied half an hour before the expected physical activity. In addition, taping is carried out after a football match or training. It improves microcirculation and accelerates muscle recovery after exercise. Taping helps with ankle swelling. Due to lymphatic drainage, swelling goes away quite quickly.

Treatment of edema

Treatment options for ankle swelling may include the following:

  • Restricted mobility (sometimes bed rest is prescribed);
  • Taking medications. If the cause of swelling is a systemic disease, therapeutic measures are aimed primarily at eliminating the disease. Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial medications and injections of hormonal drugs are prescribed. Additionally, it may be recommended to take diuretics and drugs to restore cartilage tissue;
  • course of physiotherapeutic procedures and exercise therapy. The procedures help speed up the restoration of mechanical tissue damage, normalize blood circulation, reduce pain and improve the effect of medications;
  • Taping is an effective way to recover from injuries, foot valgus, and cerebral palsy. In recent years, the popularity of this innovative method of treating ankle swelling has been rapidly growing.

In later stages of the disease, surgery may be required. Cartilage tissue is restored only after surgery.

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