Hernia treatment in sanatoriums: is it possible? Duration of effect and description of procedures

Despite the fact that surgical treatment of a spinal hernia is a radical method of recovery, most patients prefer to be treated conservatively. And in this case, treatment of a spinal hernia in sanatoriums is an important stage of rehabilitation. Why do hernias and protrusions prefer to be treated conservatively? There are several reasons for this.

The first and most important is the lack of motivation for radical treatment. The Russian patient is accustomed to considering surgery as the last and most extreme way to influence the disease, so it is almost impossible to encourage him to undergo surgery with minor pain.

The second important reason is the fact that most protrusions and hernias, having caused more or less pronounced pain and limited mobility in the back, gradually cease to manifest themselves, and the disease goes into remission.

Bulging on MRI.

The third factor is the absence of a direct threat to life. Many people “get used to” a problem lower back, and the danger from this condition is expressed in a significant decrease in the quality of life, but does not threaten death at all, as, for example, from intestinal obstruction.

When is treatment prescribed in a sanatorium for a herniated disc?

It is important to understand that the patient does not get to the sanatorium immediately. First, he needs to relieve acute pain in the lower back, and transfer the disease to at least a phase of incomplete remission. With acute pain radicular syndrome, which is caused by protrusion and hernia, the patient will always be limited in mobility and needs medical care, and not sanatorium-resort treatment. But after severe neurological symptoms have been eliminated, and back pain has disappeared or significantly decreased, treatment with the help of mechanical, natural and physiotherapeutic factors is necessary - and rehabilitation at resorts is prescribed. Almost all sanatoriums warn that they only accept people who can move freely and are able to fully care for themselves.

The goal of sanatorium-resort treatment, in addition to general health improvement and good nutrition, is to activate the patient, maintain a motor regimen, eliminate congestion in the back muscles, and resolve the so-called myofascial syndrome. It is necessary to improve blood circulation in the deep muscles and ligaments adjacent to the diseased segment. This allows you to significantly reduce or even completely eliminate aseptic inflammation and swelling in the area of ​​the roots irritated by the hernia, which will eliminate neurological symptoms. Most often, these are paresthesia, numbness, crawling, or nagging pain in the leg along the back of the thigh, extending under the knee. These are the symptoms of intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine.

The second indication for spa treatment is the condition after surgery, when the patient has had a protrusion or hernia removed. In fact, the treatment provided in the sanatorium, both in the presence of hernias and after their removal, does not differ significantly. In both cases, it is necessary to strengthen the muscle frame, improve blood circulation in the deep back muscles and normalize venous outflow, restore range of motion in the back, and so on.

It can even be considered that patients who have undergone surgery are in a more privileged and safer position. After all, they actually no longer have the object that periodically caused the threat of irritation and compression of the nerve roots and surrounding tissues. Their hernia has been removed. And the threat of relapse or exacerbation is practically eliminated. But those patients who come to a sanatorium for treatment after numerous courses of conservative therapy must carefully follow all the rules for performing movements, so as not to accidentally cause an exacerbation. After all, their protrusion or hernia has not gone away, and is only waiting in the wings to manifest itself again. Sanatorium-resort treatment can postpone this time for a long time, but sooner or later it will come again. What sanatoriums are the best for the treatment of osteochondrosis?

Types of osteochondrosis: lumbar, cervical, thoracic

Typically, osteochondrosis is divided by location, highlighting:

  1. Cervical osteochondrosis.
  2. Thoracic osteochondrosis.
  3. Lumbar osteochondrosis.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is dangerous because large veins and arteries pass through this area, there are many nerves, and the respiratory organs are located nearby. That is why, with cervical osteochondrosis, the symptoms can be very different: from goosebumps and pain in different parts of the arm to impaired blood supply to the brain, which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and spots before the eyes. Sometimes the symptom may be difficulty breathing, as if there is not enough air.

Complications of osteochondrosis of the thoracic region are the least common: only in 5–12% of cases. Often occurs when lifting and pushing heavy objects. Pain that can be confused with heart pain. Often, thoracic osteochondrosis manifests itself suddenly with lumbago in the chest or excruciating pain between the shoulder blades - usually during pregnancy, as a result of injury or an uncomfortable body position during sleep.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar region is the most common cause of back pain. Also, this type accounts for about 50% of all cases of osteochondrosis. It is the vertebrae located in the lumbar region that are the largest and most “hardworking” - they bear more load than the cervical and thoracic ones. And this is not only a person’s own weight, but also additional loads. For example, in winter the weight of clothes and a shopping bag can easily reach 10–15 kg: almost all of this load falls on the lumbar region.

Symptoms of lumbar osteochondrosis of the spine:

  • Lumbago - lumbar lumbago;
  • Paresis of the quadriceps or quadriceps femoris muscle;
  • Leg weakness;
  • Difficulty climbing stairs, straightening legs;
  • Decreased knee reflex.

Rarer symptoms may also occur. For example, cauda equina syndrome - pain and numbness in the perineum, bladder and legs, decreased potency, problems with bowel movements and urination. Another one is conus syndrome: fecal incontinence, bladder paralysis, impotence.

What to take with you?

The general rules are as follows: anyone staying in a sanatorium must have with them, in addition to identification documents, a sanatorium-resort card, which is issued at the place of residence, as well as a compulsory insurance policy. If a patient comes for treatment for a fee, then usually a sanatorium-resort card is issued directly at the sanatorium for cash or non-cash payment. The main thing in this case is to have a doctor’s referral for treatment and notification of the absence of contraindications.

In addition, do not forget to have recent blood and urine tests, an electrocardiogram, fluorography, for women - a gynecologist’s report, and if you have concomitant pathology, then a report from the relevant doctors about the absence of contraindications.

It is also advisable to have swimwear for the pool, a cap and flip-flops. All research results must be completed no earlier than 2 months, and analyzes - two weeks.

Briefly, it should be said about those general contraindications in the presence of which sanatorium-resort treatment is contraindicated. This:

  • disease in the acute stage, both main and concomitant, or decompensation of concomitant pathology, for example, thyrotoxicosis or diabetes mellitus;
  • infectious diseases and sexually transmitted diseases;
  • fever;
  • active forms of tuberculosis,
  • mental illness (clarification of diagnosis and clinic required);
  • epilepsy with seizures more than once a month;
  • confirmed diagnosis of alcoholism and/or drug addiction;
  • malignant tumors;
  • severe exhaustion, or cachexia;
  • indications for surgical intervention.

In addition, for each treatment profile there is also a group of “narrow” contraindications.

Sanatoriums in Russia for the treatment of hernia

Almost every general sanatorium offers the possibility of treating diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Pathology of the spine and joints is the “bread” of any sanatorium, except for highly specialized ones, for example, anti-tuberculosis ones. But even there there are opportunities to improve the well-being of a patient with protrusions and hernias. However, there are still specialized centers that have large rehabilitation facilities: balneotherapy, gymnasiums and special exercise equipment. We will talk about such sanatoriums today.


Lack of proper attention to the problem in the early stages threatens serious disorders in all body systems. The patient experiences severe pain, a feeling of a heart attack, dizziness, nausea, and chills. In advanced cases, spinal stroke, brain damage, and the development of vascular and heart pathologies may occur.

It is important to consult a doctor at the first symptoms of osteochondrosis for treatment without medications. We invite you to our Innovative Medical Center. Uncontrolled use of painkillers will only worsen the situation.

"Volzhsky Cliff" (Samara)

The Samara sanatorium “Volzhsky Utes” belongs to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, which means that it can qualify for other financing conditions. Patients with various pathologies are treated, including under the program of state guarantees of free medical care.

Among the many health programs developed and implemented in this sanatorium, there is a “healthy spine” program, which was specially created for the rehabilitation of patients with pathologies of the lumbosacral region, including protrusions and hernias. This program is designed for a full stay of 21 days, and includes consultations with specialists, laboratory tests of general blood and urine tests, monitoring of the state of the cardiovascular system using ECG and special wellness techniques.

These include therapeutic exercises in the hall, up to 15 procedures during a full stay, underwater traction of the corresponding part of the spine, which is carried out daily or every other day with a final consultation with a neurologist, almost daily swimming in the pool, giving the patient general baths every other day, with mineral water. or radon composition. Manual massage is also performed, which can be either daily or every other day. The sanatorium has introduced hardware physiotherapeutic methods of treatment. For example, galvanic mud, mud applications. The patient can also count on treatment with a diet, including a low-calorie diet in case of excess body weight, or a gentle diet, which is prescribed for the entire duration of the stay.

The sanatorium has a 24-hour on-duty assistance service, including emergency assistance.

In addition to rehabilitation methods under the “healthy spine” program, in the sanatorium you can exercise on a training platform with feedback, which allows you to restore impaired motor skills. According to indications, sessions of hyperbaric oxygenation, treatment in a salt cave, as well as general magnetic healing and gravitational therapy techniques can be performed. These methods of treatment and rehabilitation are not included in the “healthy spine” program; they are prescribed by a doctor according to indications and are paid for separately.


To identify the problem and prescribe the most effective method of treating osteochondrosis, an anamnesis is collected. All patient complaints are taken into account. A visual inspection is carried out. It includes:

  • body position assessment;
  • examination of the skin;
  • palpation and tapping of areas where the patient complains of pain;
  • determination of skin sensitivity.

Next, an examination of the most affected part of the spine is prescribed. The patient is referred for an X-ray examination, computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). With the help of procedures, the degree of damage to the back area, the condition of the nerve processes, and blood vessels are revealed.

The Innovative Medical Center also uses ultrasound to diagnose problems. Ultrasound is informative, safe and considered a less expensive way to detect pathology.

"Rus" named after Likhodeya (Moscow region)

The Likhodeya Center for Rehabilitation Therapy is an institution created specifically for internationalist soldiers and is a division of the organization of disabled war veterans in Afghanistan. The center provides medical care, including for diseases of the musculoskeletal system. In the case of protrusions and hernias, treatment at the rehabilitation therapy center can begin 2-3 weeks after the completion of the current exacerbation, or two to three months after surgery.

The following types of medical rehabilitation are used in the Rus sanatorium: mud therapy, heat therapy, wraps, therapeutic massage. There is a salt cave, therapeutic exercises, general therapeutic effects, underwater massage, physiotherapeutic treatment, and ozone therapy are prescribed.

The center is located in the Moscow region, 110 kilometers from Moscow, 13 kilometers from the city of Ruza at the Rus stop. To find out about the prices for the tour, please call the following numbers: registration,. Chief physician - Tatyana Mikhailovna Konashenkova, general practitioner of the highest category

Sanatorium "Krasnaya Talka", Gelendzhik

The sanatorium has a medical rehabilitation department based on the effects of mechanotherapy. Here you will find a whole range of exercise machines, classes on which will help strengthen muscles and relieve tension, improve blood circulation, reduce swelling, restore mobility, function of joints and muscles. Among them are the MOTO orthorent model, Fisiotek LT-G, BTL-CPMOTION and Fisiotek LT atromotes, Bike Reha bicycle ergometer, Sigma balance platform, Spirit Medical Systems Group treadmill, NuStep cross-trainer. Also, as part of the “Movement Restoration” program, you can receive therapeutic showers, sea and dry carbon dioxide baths, massages, mud therapy, and hardware physiotherapy.


: recovery after injuries and surgeries

"Zagorskie Dali" (Moscow region)

The Zagorskie Dali sanatorium also belongs to the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, and is positioned as the nearest resort in the Moscow region, which provides services without inpatient accommodation, but only outpatient treatment. This resort has a small number of visitors, is calm and quiet, and can be enjoyed by the whole family.

The sanatorium provides a very large number of health procedures according to various programs. One of the popular programs is “treatment of osteochondrosis,” including protrusions and hernias. You can find out about the cost of treatment by calling 8 (495) 993-15-60

"Staraya Russa" (Novgorod region)

The Staraya Russa resort is located 100 kilometers from Veliky Novgorod. This resort was known back in the 19th century as a mineral water resort. Among many specialized ones. The cost of treatment vouchers for medical rehabilitation of protrusions and hernias as complications of spinal osteochondrosis is as follows: from June 3 to August 25 for adults, the cost of sanatorium treatment and accommodation is at least 3,600 rubles. per day when staying in a one-room double room standard.

This price will include three meals a day, a buffet system, the actual accommodation in the room, physical therapy sessions, a visit to the water zone or aqua zone, daily entertainment programs, as well as the cost of the treatment prescribed by the doctor at the sanatorium. Children under 4 years old are provided with free accommodation and meals, provided there is no additional bed.

Caucasian Mineral Waters

One of the best sanatoriums for the treatment of intervertebral hernia in the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody region is the Victoria sanatorium, in the city of Kislovodsk. Treatment of intervertebral hernias is the specialty of the sanatorium. The healing factors are the ideal climate of the region, which improves the immune system and restores normal blood supply to the structures of the musculoskeletal system. Patients will receive an individually developed physical therapy plan that correctly distributes the load, including on the deep back muscles that have suffered from malnutrition.

The health path, or walking along mountain paths, is very healing and strengthens your back. In this case, physical activity is distributed correctly, and the muscles are loaded gradually, which increases their strength. The sanatorium uses balneotherapy, therapeutic showers and baths, and mud therapy procedures. Patients at the Victoria sanatorium receive sessions of manual therapy, cryotherapy and therapeutic massage.

Prevention of osteochondrosis

Prevention of osteochondrosis is an option that can be safely recommended to most people, regardless of their gender, age and place of work. It is suitable for both those who have not yet noticed the unpleasant symptoms of this disease, and those who have already been diagnosed with it.

The best option is a moderately active sport, such as swimming or Pilates. This will help strengthen the muscle corset, normalize metabolic processes and avoid excess weight. You should also avoid excessive physical exertion, hypothermia, falls and injuries, sleep on an orthopedic or semi-rigid mattress, change your body position more often in any situation - be it at home on the couch, at work or during a long trip.

Everyone who leads a sedentary and sedentary lifestyle needs mini-warm-ups that can easily be done even at the workplace. For example, every 20-30 minutes, get up and take at least a 1-2 minute walk around the office. At least to the printer or coffee maker.

Here are suitable exercises for the prevention of osteochondrosis for office workers, which should be done once every 1–2 hours:

  • Make head tilts forward - backward - right - left, as well as smooth circular movements clockwise and back. Try to reach your ear to your shoulder.
  • For pain in the shoulder blades, make circular movements with your shoulders for 10–15 seconds, first forward and then back.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the lower back will be relieved by turning the body 10–15 times in different directions. They can even be done while sitting.
  • Tighten all the muscles of your body, hold for 5 seconds and relax. Repeat 10 times.
  • Alternately tilt the body to the sides: one hand on the belt, the hand on the side of the tilt reaches to the floor. Repeat 10-15 times in each direction.
  • Standing against a wall, try to “push” it away from you alternately with your back, forehead, and elbows: repeat 5-7 times for each part of the body.

And you also need to sit correctly - yes, it would seem that every adult should learn this childhood skill again:

  • While sitting on a chair, keep both feet on the floor and lean on them.
  • Your back should always be close to the back of the chair. Your palm should fit between the edge of the table and your chest. There is free space above the hips and in front of the knees.
  • You need to sit straight, without moving your body to the sides.
  • You cannot throw your head back, push it forward or drop it forward. The upper third of the monitor is located at eye level. This way, while working, the information on the monitor will always be in front of your eyes: you won’t have to strain your neck muscles more and tilt your head.

With pronounced symptoms of osteochondrosis, stronger artillery is needed, even for prevention. If we talk about physical exercises, these are special types of physical therapy. They, like a whole range of other methods for treating osteochondrosis, are offered by sanatoriums.

Crimean sanatoriums

One of the oldest and most honored sanatoriums in Crimea, which treat the consequences of protrusions and hernias, as well as osteochondrosis of the spine in general, is the Saki sanatorium. He has over 130 years of experience treating musculoskeletal disorders. A very important natural treatment factor is the use of Lake Saki’s own mud for several centuries. It is noteworthy that “Saki” is considered one of the inexpensive sanatoriums in Crimea.

One of the main methods of treatment is the application of therapeutic mud to the necessary segment of the spine: the cervical-collar area, the lumbar region. Mud wraps, wraps and applications are widely used. In addition, the sanatorium uses massage, herbal medicine, climatotherapy and hydrotherapy. As a result, inflammation and stiffening of the back muscles decreases, the range of active movements increases, and the patient becomes more active. Sanatorium "Saki" accepts patients with pathologies of the musculoskeletal system throughout the year.

Sanatorium "Staritsa" 4*, Ryazan

An excellent option for those who want to undergo rehabilitation in an ecologically clean area near Moscow: the sanatorium is located 200 km from the capital and 20 km from Ryazan. The recovery program after operations and injuries includes shock wave therapy, radon therapy, interstitial electrical stimulation, cryotherapy, visiting the pool, and physical activity. In addition, guests have access to post-program support for six months with consultations from specialists.


: conditions after fractures, dislocations, bruises, ruptures and sprains of ligaments and muscles, postoperative rehabilitation

Rehabilitation after operations and injuries in a sanatorium is the best option for a quick, effective and comfortable recovery. Get a free consultation with the head physician of Sanatorium.ru, Irina Evseeva, to choose the sanatorium that is suitable for your case. Write to the chat on the website or call 8 800 511 04 66.

Stay healthy with Sanatorium.ru

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