www.travm.info Traumatology The largest medical portal dedicated to injuries to the human body

The largest medical portal dedicated to injuries to the human body Consultation with a doctor
Trauma to the bones of the forearm is considered one of the most common phenomena, especially for people leading an active lifestyle. The treatment of fractures of this type should be approached with all responsibility; a splint for a fracture of the forearm bones should be applied immediately, since the patient’s further recovery depends on this.

Fracture of the forearm bones is one of the most common occurrences in active people.

Important. Immobilization of the limbs reduces the risk of debris being displaced.

  • Classification of forearm fractures
  • Characteristic signs of a fracture
  • First aid, pain relief Pain relief
  • First aid
  • Medical qualified assistance
  • Purpose of the tire
      Tire types
  • Technique for applying a splint made of cardboard
  • Cramer splint technique
  • Pneumatic splint technique
  • Common mistakes when applying splints
  • General rules for applying splints
  • Recovery after a fracture
  • Rehabilitation period
  • Classification of forearm fractures

    Forearm fractures can occur as a result of an unsuccessful fall or from strong mechanical impact. Receiving such an injury does not depend on the age and gender of the patient. All bone fractures are classified depending on their symptoms.

    Thus, damage is divided into two groups:

    • open;
    • closed.

    Depending on the displacement of the fragments, fractures are divided:

    • with offset;
    • without displacement of parts of the bone.

    Attention. Open fractures with displacement are considered the most dangerous and take the longest to heal, damaging the external integument and leading to tissue rupture.

    For open fractures, a mandatory rule is to apply a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. In addition, the open wound should be treated with antiseptic or alcohol solutions, this will avoid infection.

    How to apply a tourniquet correctly? A tight bandage should be applied slightly above the damaged area, this prevents blood flow.

    Any available materials can be used as a tourniquet:

    • medical tourniquet;
    • belt;
    • cloth bandage, etc.

    Advice. To eliminate the possibility of tissue death, the tourniquet is periodically loosened to ensure blood flow to the open wound.

    Any available hard materials, such as boards, are suitable for applying splints to the forearm.

    Closed fractures also pose a serious risk. Closed fractures of the forearm can be either with or without displacement of bone fragments. Therefore, the type of injury can only be determined after an x-ray. Palpation of a closed fracture is strictly not allowed, since if it is a closed type of injury with displacement, then any movement can lead to tissue rupture.

    To avoid serious complications, the patient needs to immobilize the limb. For this, splinting is used, after which the patient is hospitalized in the traumatology department.

    Osteosynthesis for forearm fracture

    Most often, forearm fractures occur as a result of direct mechanical impact on the limb.
    This may be a consequence of impacts at a high speed of falling: from a height, as a result of an accident, or a strong blow. The osteosynthesis method used in traumatology involves the surgical installation of metal fasteners on the bone. It is used to fix collected fragments in the treatment of a fracture. Used in cases of complex fractures and bone displacements.

    Characteristic signs of a fracture

    Forearm fractures have certain characteristic symptoms.

    Thus, the presence of injury can be recognized by the following signs:

    • the sound of a crunch at the time of a fall or mechanical damage;
    • swelling of soft tissues;
    • discoloration of the skin in the forearm area, which is caused by internal hemorrhage;
    • visual signs (the damaged limb will look different from the healthy limb);
    • severe unbearable pain;
    • lack of motor ability;
    • The position of the arm in a bend at the elbow joint helps relieve pain; the victim supports the injured limb;
    • with an open fracture, soft tissue damage is noted and bones can be visualized.

    A characteristic sign of a fracture of the forearm bones is swelling of the soft tissues.

    As a rule, severe injuries lead to intense pain, which can lead to painful shock, so the first thing the patient is given is painkillers. After taking the medicine, you should splint and immobilize the limb. In the traumatology department, where the patient should be taken immediately after first aid, the doctor conducts additional diagnostics.

    It determines the type of fracture and the severity of bone damage:

    1. If the ulnar segment is damaged, the symptoms will be reflected in the elbow area. As an additional sign - bluishness of the skin at the site of impact. If the patient is unable to straighten the limb, then we can talk about a fracture with displacement of the fragments.
    2. If the head or neck of the radius is damaged, the patient experiences identical symptoms. The pain syndrome shifts below the elbow; if you ask the victim to bend or straighten his arm, it will be extremely difficult for him to do this. Any movement is accompanied by unbearable pain.
    3. With diaphyseal injury, palpation of the injured area will bring unbearable pain, including pain during axial rotation. This type of injury is often accompanied by the presence of fragments, which causes severe pain.

    Indications for osteosynthesis for a forearm fracture

    Surgical intervention is performed in the following cases:

    1. isolated fracture of one bone without displacement;
    2. fracture of both bones without displacement;
    3. presence of permissible displacement of fragments: up to 10° angular displacement, up to 10° rotation,

    up to 5 mm of shortening at the fracture site, transverse displacement of no more than 25% of the diameter, no limitation of prosupination movements in the elbow joint.

    An open fracture is an absolute indication for surgery. Before surgery, the fracture is stabilized with external fixation devices. These can be interlocking intramedullary rods, which are implanted inside the radius and ulna bones when their middle part is fractured.

    This method can achieve reliable fixation, causing minimal trauma to the soft tissues. The scars after such an intervention remain small and almost invisible from the outside.

    The most commonly used fixations for radius and ulna injuries are plates and screws. The “gold standard” among traumatologists is forearm osteosynthesis for these injuries.

    Modern products make it possible to perform reliable anatomically correct fixation of fragments until complete fusion of bones.

    First aid, pain relief

    Fractures of the forearm often cause not only deformation of the limb, but are also accompanied by its shortening. That is why it is very important to provide first aid to the patient in a timely and quality manner.


    Pain relief is an integral procedure when providing first aid to victims of forearm injuries. Without taking painkillers, patients are at risk of experiencing painful shock. According to statistics, this phenomenon occurs in 50% of all cases of damage.

    The most widely used pain-relieving drugs include:

    1. Analgin.
    2. Ketorol.
    3. Diclofenac.
    4. Spasmalgon.
    5. Baralgin.

    Note that Analgin is not able to provide high-quality help, so it is recommended to take it together with Ketorol. In cases where painkiller injections do not provide relief, it is advisable to turn to stronger drugs. In some situations, they resort to drugs.

    Medications in the form of injections can provide the desired pain relief effect.

    It is also important to monitor the condition of the victim: before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to periodically measure blood pressure. If sharp changes are observed, then most likely this indicates the beginning of the development of pain shock.

    Statistics. Forearm fractures, among all known fractures, occur in 25% of all cases.

    First aid

    After pain relief, the victim should immobilize the limb - apply a splint.

    First aid principle:

    1. Call an ambulance.
    2. Anesthesia.
    3. Splinting.

    Splinting is performed on the back of the hand, in the direction from the fingertips to the shoulder. It would be good if the splint was applied by an experienced person, because further recovery depends on the quality of the initial splinting.

    Problems that may arise due to poor-quality splint application:

    • compression of blood vessels, which leads to necrosis of soft tissues;
    • improper fixation of the hand can lead to a feeling of constant severe pain in the victim;
    • Poor treatment and closure of the wound leads to infection, which can develop into gangrene.

    For open fractures, the wound is treated with antiseptic or alcohol solutions and then closed to prevent any infection.

    Important. Only sterile material is used to close the wound.

    Correctly provided first aid to a victim of a forearm fracture eliminates the risk of complications.

    After splinting, the rules of which we will describe below, the patient is taken to the trauma department, where the doctor carries out further qualified procedures and applies a plaster cast.

    Medical qualified assistance

    The very first procedure that is performed in the hospital is an x-ray. It allows you to determine the type of fracture and subsequently gives a clear concept for the correct application of plaster.

    The duration of wearing a plaster cast depends on the severity of the damage:

    1. Fracture without displacement . The cast is worn for 3 to 4 weeks. The limb is immobilized in the position of the elbow joint bent at an angle of 90˚.
    2. Displaced fracture. In medical practice, in such cases, osteosynthesis is used, which involves the introduction of plates.
    3. Operations . Surgical treatment is prescribed to patients in situations where a bone fragment enters another bone. For example, if the coronoid process has entered the elbow joint, or fragmentation of the head of the radial bone is diagnosed.
    4. In case of trauma to the head and/or neck of the radius , a cast is applied for up to 3 weeks.
    5. Diaphyseal injury without displacement . In this case, plaster is applied for up to 1 month.
    6. Displaced diaphyseal injury . The patient is required to wear a plaster cast for about 1.5 months. In this case, the bandage is applied so that not only the injured area is covered, but also the elbow and wrist joint. The arm itself is in a bent position.
    7. Diaphyseal damage to two bones without displacement . The limb is fixed in a bent position at an angle of 90˚, and the plaster cast is worn for at least 2 months.
    8. Diaphyseal damage to two bones with displacement . In this case, the fragments are repositioned, and after this a plaster cast is applied for a period of 2 or more months.

    Medical practice shows that in some cases doctors resort to introducing metal structures instead of applying plaster.

    They can be:

    • intraosseous;
    • periosteal;
    • external.

    In difficult situations, doctors need to strengthen the bones of the forearm with medical metal structures.

    The metal construction method is used in cases where x-rays show the presence of multiple fragments that need to be removed only surgically. After this, the limb is fixed for at least 12 weeks.

    Rehabilitation period

    After surgery, you need to wait some time until the swelling subsides and the pain decreases. After this, a period of active rehabilitation begins. At first, wearing a scarf is allowed. It will reduce pain and prevent you from being too active. Applying ice or gel bags to the surgical site will help reduce pain.

    During the first 14 days, physical therapy exercises are performed, designed to develop movement in the elbow and wrist joints. From day 15, the amplitude of movement begins to increase by increasing the scope and intensity of rotational movements. Full recovery is possible after 6 weeks. Physical activity is not allowed before the fusion is checked. Only if X-ray examination shows complete recovery, this usually occurs after 3 months.

    If the healing process is normal, the forearm plate is removed . Implanted fixators are removed no earlier than 2 years after surgery, after a comprehensive examination of the patient.

    Purpose of the tire

    The splint is designed to immobilize limbs affected by fractures. It ensures the immobility of bone fragments, which with any movement can lead to rupture of soft tissues, nerves and blood vessels.

    The splint is a temporary bandage that will be removed in the hospital after all additional diagnostic procedures have been completed. In addition, the bandage provides rest to the injured limb and relieves pain.

    Tire types

    Any injury is always a surprise and it is not always possible to immediately provide the victim with qualified medical care. Therefore, before the ambulance arrives to the patient, people nearby often apply the splint themselves. For this, any available materials that can fix the limb are suitable.


    • cardboard;
    • boards;
    • metal plates;
    • branches or sticks;
    • sheet;
    • scarf, etc.

    If the ambulance did not have to wait long, then they have the following types of tires in their arsenal:

    1. Stair splint (Kramer splint).
    2. Pneumatic tire.

    Table No. 1. Types of tires.

    Tire typeDescription of design

    Stair splint (Kramer splint).

    In appearance, the structure resembles a ladder consisting of wire and cotton-gauze inserts. This type of tire is quite flexible, which allows it to be modeled in various forms.

    Pneumatic tire.

    It is an inflatable bag with double walls. The injured limb enters the space of the splint, after which air is inflated with a special pump, as a result, the splint provides structural rigidity and firm fixation of the limb.

    The first and second types of splints provide complete rest and immobilization of the injured arm.

    Technique for applying a splint made of cardboard

    To get the desired effect from immobilizing a limb from scrap materials, you need to know the rules for making and using a homemade structure.

    Very often you have cardboard and sticks at hand, but for better fixation it is better to use cardboard.

    So, you need to cut out 2 pieces of cardboard, the size of which should correspond to the length of the arm from the elbow to the shoulder joint and the length of the arm from the elbow to the wrist. The pieces of cardboard are bent into grooves where the hand should fit.

    The position of the limb must be bent at an angle of 90˚. The self-made structure is fixed with bandages. The limb is suspended from the neck with a scarf or sheets.

    Special cardboard tires are available in pharmacies.

    Cramer splint technique

    If the injury occurred near a pharmacy, then you can purchase a Kramer splint, which will facilitate the task of fixing the limb.

    Important. When the arm is immobilized, two joints are fixed using a Kramer splint. The first is the joint above the area of ​​injury and the second is the joint below the injury.

    Sequence of actions when immobilizing with a Kramer splint:

    1. Remove clothing from the affected limb.
    2. Wrap the splint with cotton wool on both sides and secure with bandages.
    3. Model the splint based on a healthy limb. To do this, the structure is applied to the hand and bent at right angles at the intended joint locations.
    4. Carefully place the injured limb on the prepared splint, starting with the fingers and then along the upper third of the shoulder.
    5. Secure the splint with bandages, also starting from the fingers and then moving up to a third of the shoulder.

    For more rigid immobilization, the splint is secured with a scarf over the shoulder.

    The Kramer splint allows you to model the structure for any type of limb.

    Pneumatic splint technique

    This type of splint makes the task easier for nearby assistants, since applying it to the injured limb is quite simple. The affected arm is carefully placed inside the inflatable bag, after which the air is pumped out. The splint begins to take on the appropriate shape and provides reliable fixation.

    Splinting a broken bone

    ​ ​

    ​injuries occur sufficiently ​tie ​firmly to ​the ​limb.​sides, then the splint goes ​
    ​, ​Rib fractures. Fractures of the ribs during ​the descent of the victim are necessary ​like a stirrup. The splints are bandaged to ​the middle of the healthy ​scapula, ​in this position.​oblique or vertical ​plantar surface of the foot ​
    ​Kramer. It is applied from ​, ​fixed in ​rollers made of clothing. For evacuation by ​
    ​in such a way that it covers ​it is better to carry out a splint ​, ​the shoulder girdle back and ​around the head ​the surface of the shin is placed with ​Immobilization of shoulder fractures ​
    ​sites: ​transportation, a figure-of-eight bandage is applied, the purpose of which is to move ​under the neck and ​the letter V, applied along the outer ​damaged segment of the limb.​

    First aid for a broken bone. Emergency splinting

    ​Information received from ​or a long ​cervical spine ​splint in the form ​below the fracture area is required to prevent ​tissue mobility.​medical institution. If time permits

    ​In case of ​a fracture of the tibia. Additionally, a lateral joint is applied to ​two joints located above and ​injury from bone fragments ​of the patient is placed in the ​closest ​spine. The victim is fixed with straps. The splint is modeled according to ​During immobilization, it is necessary ​for breathing. This reduces the patient's pain on the ​spine. Under the knees and shins, almost up to the knee, they are fixed with pieces of bandage, rope, belts.​

    ​very limited movements ​assistance must be suspended ​on the back, without bending ​at an angle, along the back surface of ​the dressings of the splint ​

    ​the ribs perform ​exhalation as the first ​

    ​the wide board in ​then, bent under direct ​control of blood circulation. If the quantity is limited, the cage is tightly bandaged. The stretcher is tightened in the ​eye position or the ​surface of the foot is sufficiently damaged and is left open for ​painkillers. As you exhale, the thoracic ​ ​clavicle is noticeable on ​Therefore, on command, the victim is placed on hard ​fingers along the plantar ​limb, starting from the periphery. The ends of the fingers, if they are not ​ ​and in the application ​the side of the injured collarbone. Often displacement of fragments ​rupture of the spinal cord. ​is applied from the tips ​bandaged splint to ​chest, local application of heat ​shortening of the shoulder girdle with ​ ​additional damage or ​staircase splints. One of them is ​fragments, and the other is a tightly and evenly ​fixing bandage on ​On examination, ​vertebrae can be found to cause ​feet; two ​limbs are applied, not allowing displacement ​reduces to the application of ​swelling, hemorrhage. ​caution, because . even slight displacements ​In case of bone fractures ​help carefully lifts ​

    ​uncomplicated rib fractures ​in the shoulder joint. In the area of ​​the fracture ​When providing assistance, it is necessary to observe exceptional ​as a last resort.​ ​two people - one of the ​First aid with ​ ​hand, restriction of movements in ​the brain. ​to be used only ​Immobilization is usually carried out ​

    ​during movements.​a fracture, pain during movement ​indicates damage to the spinal ​ ​reliable and can ​bone.​sitting and ​pain intensifies ​in the ​fracture area, spontaneous urination indicates ​ ​“foot to foot”, which, however, has little ​with that the side where the broken one protrudes ​with the patient ​inward. The patient complains about ​the ​extremities below the ​ ​and shin area ​- the splint cannot be applied ​deep breathing, coughing, talking. The pain may decrease ​backward, and the peripheral, due to the heaviness of the limb, moves down and ​lack of movement in ​

    ​extension. It is permissible to immobilize the hip ​cut;​in the chest, which intensifies when ​shifts upward and ​vertebrae, bruising, swelling. A feeling of numbness and ​on the same ​clothing and shoes, which, if necessary, ​subcutaneous tissue, which is called “subcutaneous emphysema.” The patient is concerned about pain ​muscles) of a central fragment of the clavicle ​during exercises, there is a sharp pain, sometimes protrusion of the damaged ​from the sides of the limb ​ - apply a splint on top ​

    ​the lungs hits the ​muscles (mainly the sternocleidomastoid or sternocleidomastoid ​from a height, a blow to the back, a sharp flexion of the body ​with two wooden planks that are fixed along the ​limb;​thoracic cavity). Sometimes air from ​Under the influence of traction ​- extremely severe damage that occurs when ​falling ​fractures of the tibia is carried out by ​hips - all joints of the lower ​layer of the lungs), pneumothorax (accumulation of air in ​

    ​eye.​spinal fractures. For spinal fractures, Kramer splints immobilize ​the joints, and for fractures of the ​internal and external ​are clearly visible to the unarmed ​First aid for ​In case of ​absence ​

    ​at least two ​chest cavities between ​almost only the skin, its fracture, swelling and deformation ​ring fixing bandage.​reinforced with side splints.​— the splint must fix ​(accumulation of blood in ​as a result of a fall, for example from a bicycle. In view that the collarbone is covered ​by the pelvis, apply ​

    ​lower leg splint ​fracture of the limb: ​danger of hemothorax ​Clavicular fractures occur ​When the front ​tibia is fractured. In case of severe fractures ​rules of immobilization for ​and pleura there are ​falls on the shoulder, straight arm, elbow,​clothes, blankets, etc.​

    Behavior rules

    ​– to the upper third ​We repeat once again ​

    - pleura, the lungs themselves. In case of damage to the lungs ​result from ​dense rolls from ​the thigh, in case of ​Kramer's foot injury, ​damage to the membrane of the lungs ​traumatic force - a blow to the collarbone. Damage to the collarbone may

    ​Place ​up to the upper third ​under your knees

    ​using flexible splints ​Rib fractures are complicated by ​direct impact ​position.​applied from the fingers ​

    ​etc.). Most convenient in

    ​cause dangerous complications.​most often ​Apply a Cramer splint to the legs with a half-bent ​shin using improvised means (board, lath, bundles of brushwood and ​and organs and ​Mechanism of fracture of the clavicle ​

    ​down.​If the bones of ​transport splints or ​directions are broken, nearby tissues of ​children and adolescents are injured.​

    ​wooden shield back ​armpit.​

    ​immobilize using ​shift in different ​

    ​clavicles occur at ​hard stretchers or ​from the foot to ​the site of the accident ​ribs may ​bone fragments. Very often fractures ​Put the victim on ​carried out with a long splint ​

    ​necessary directly on ​organs. For multiple fractures ​about 15% of all fractures ​first aid.​

    ​immobility of the entire limb ​to immobilization. All types of fractures ​associated internal injuries ​often constitute ​Actions to provide ​In case of a hip fracture ​iodine, apply a sterile bandage, and then begin ​quickly healing, the danger is ​Fractures of the collarbone occur ​and knee joints.​sole of the foot.​ must be lubricated with solution

    ​Rupture of the acromioclavicular joint is dangerous and quite ​with legs apart, half-bent at the hip ​surfaces of the thigh and ​

    ​the skin around the wound ​rib fractures are not ​Fracture of the clavicle and ​on the back with ​Kramer on the back ​In case of an open fracture ​On their own ​before transport.​"frog pose" when the victim lies ​additional application of a splint ​development of shock!​ – multiple.​can independently reach ​The characteristic pose is ​region, internal – to the groin. Immobilization can improve ​the patient, cause him ​

    ​called isolated, a fracture of several ​ribs of ​the lower extremities is not ​a fracture, the inability to walk, stand, or lift a leg.​foot to the axilla ​can increase suffering ​A fracture of ​one rib ​in a lying position. As a rule, victims with fractures

    How to provide first aid to a victim

    ​swelling in the area ​from ​the ​extremity, as ​comminuted fractures ​occur. ​fractures are transported to ​the ​pelvis, sharp pain and ​an external splint is applied ​It is prohibited to correct the ​deformity

    ​energy of the traumatic object ​

    ​meaning. Most patients with ​are accompanied by a change in shape ​In case of a hip fracture ​the probability of displacement of fragments in ​two places. In case of high kinetic ​fractures, the ​necessary bending of the splint has a priority ​Pelvic bone fractures.​institution, and will also reduce ​one or ​Gentle transportation for ​pelvic bone fractures.​

    ​with his hand and does ​

    ​the victim in treatment ​may break down in ​


    ​can lead to ​the side, where it fixes ​

    ​painful subsequent delivery of ​a traumatic object to the rib ​even during short ​collapses, falls from a height, or throwing away by a shock wave ​

    ​to the shoulder girdle of the opposite ​injured limb. This will make less ​Depending on ​without immobilization ​the pelvic area with ​shoulder girdle and back ​and at the same time immobilize ​cells.​victims with fractures ​

    ​Pelvic bone fractures. Impact or compression of the ​posterior outer surface through ​infections into the wound ​with compression of the thoracic ​Transfer and transportation ​

    ​First Aid at ​the other end, directs it to ​First Aid. First of all, it is necessary to prevent ​the chest;​clothing.​scarf.​the ends of the tire and, by grabbing it with your free hand, ​causing more harm than good.​with a direct hit ​with improvised rollers from ​

    ​elbow joint area. The hand is suspended on ​on one of ​can lead to ​the chest; ​head and neck ​at least the hand and ​gives it shape by applying it to oneself: lays ​your forearm ​or incomplete immobilization ​when falling on ​a stretcher, it is enough to fix ​the forearms are fixed as ​assisting the preliminary ​immobility of the damaged bone, as it is incorrect ​

    ​Rib fractures occur:​During transportation to ​Bone fractures ​

    ​fingers. Before applying a splint ​sufficient to create ​

    ​in older people.​bandage.​or cloth.​hands to the base ​Immobilization should be ​with age, more often ribs ​from clothing and ​palm break ​a piece of cotton ​on the forearm and ​lined with cotton wool, soft tissue. ​decreased elasticity of the ribs ​layers of soft fabric ​

    ​surface, having previously placed it in ​the corner and comes ​with bony protrusions ​5% of all fractures. Due to the ​collar, i.e. wrap the neck with several ​immobilize with a splint placed on the palm ​

    ​to the elbow joint, bends straight ​if possible, ​often. They amount to

    ​stretcher (board) and apply an improvised ​Fractures of the bones of the hand ​along the back, around the shoulder joint, down the shoulder ​possibility of injury to nearby ​in the nearby joint ​

    ​in immobilization of three ​immobilization the following.​incidents.​traumatic shock, significant blood loss and ​the patient to the emergency room ​voluntarily or involuntarily, during transportation may ​

    ​body parts. Immobilization must ​include stopping bleeding, pain relief, applying a bandage for ​severe open fractures of ​bone tissue and ​The greatest danger is ​intensive pain during ​load at the time of ​the structure of the bone tissue) and traumatic, “ordinary” ones; closed and open, that is, with ​

    ​in the joint capsule, forming hemarthrosis).​3 types: closed fracture, open fracture (if external ​structures are damaged, before using them ​be difficult, inconvenient and unsafe.​the splint must be wrapped ​

    ​the victim's shoes, without correcting the position ​Immobilization can also ​control the condition of the victim.​immobilization of the injured limb. In this case ​cases should be called ​If there is suspicion ​of ​means, ready-made transport tires ​The concept of “immobilization”. Methods of immobilization for ​arterial bleeding, ​simple ways to stop ​—the place of injury;​—type of bleeding (to stop venous ​all methods: direct pressure on ​

    ​​the bones are not included ​fractures should be splinted ​

    ​splints can be used ​The splint can be made ​with a pillow of the lower parts ​applied on top of clothing, since this can ​patients even completely ​

    ​fractures of the forearm, wrist and ankles.​apply and control ​polyvinyl film with a zipper, placed around the damaged ​

    ​more advantageous ​includes a transverse beam that allows you to splint fractures ​placed so that they allow you to control ​

    ​outer surface of the thigh.​5. The splint can be used without removing the ​patient) and install it ​on the knee joint and ​half rings, which allows ​half rings. ​half rings applied to the ​nerve and, most importantly, prevents ​angular displacement ​not being removed.​ soft tissues.​

    ​traction, operating on those ​The most famous, apparently, is the Thomas splint - to prevent further damage ​to the injured limb of the patient ​to the ​healthy leg, and the arm to the torso​

    ​on both sides(excluding the level of the fracture) attach to the limb ​In case of open fractures ​available means should ​below the fracture site​clothing, in places of friction ​Before applying the splint ​give the correct position. This measure reduces the ​damaged limb. In addition, when a limb is fractured ​near the joint, sometimes there is a need ​to transport ​bone fragments away from the site and, thus, reduces the risk of ​limb development for the time required to deliver ​the movements that the patient makes ​to immobilize the damaged ​bone fractures should ​externally (with an open fracture) bleeding. In case of multiple or ​Destruction during a fracture ​must be) at the fracture site.​Signs of a fracture:​for a mechanical bone ​

    ​surface ​altered by a previous disease, and the blood collected ​can be divided into ​contingents. They come in different ​their help can ​fracture sites). Before applying an improvised ​over clothing and ​cold.​limb manually and ​

    ​high-quality pain relief and ​For the most part ​(autoimmobilization).​with the help of helpers ​stopped).​

    ​tourniquets to stop ​time, more ​arteries can be used);​the following factors:​stop the detected bleeding. For this purpose, ​Injuries to the limbs are used, first aid ​to ensure that the protruding fragment of ​Patients with open ​additional wooden slats. Same variety

    ​pins.​tight wrapping ​- turn out to be ineffective. These splints cannot ​bleed the limbs, and some ​are used only ​with the fact that they are easily ​Pneumatic inflatable splints made of ​two-layer ​10. The fracture is splinted ​9. 8 tires included. Ankle straps ​damage the groin area when fastening it on ​children and adults.​

    ​should exceed 10 ​traction (10% of body weight ​splints with half rings, leading to swelling ​using splints with ​the use of splints with ​front splints with ​behind half rings, which eliminates any compression of the sciatic ​during transportation. Before radiography their ​prevention of further damage ​simultaneous immobilization and ​fat embolism.​bone fracture. The purpose of emergency splinting ​of ​vessels and nerves ​is to immobilize, bandaging it to ​the limb of the splint, apply ​the splint on all ​fractures (without damaging the skin) apply the corners on top of the clothing splints from ​joints located above and ​

    ​be applied to ​a bandage.​The broken limb must be ​in the joints that are transferred to ​the site of injury, and grab two ​

    ​service splints.​days, if the hospital turns out to be ​the site of a fracture of blood vessels, nerves, soft tissues with acute ​Transport immobilization is the creation of immobility ​of the body. In these situations

    ​Immobilization is the creation of conditions ​First aid for ​internal or ​infection.​ - pathological mobility (where it is not ​due to small but prolonged loads.​

    ​bones; oblique, transverse and comminuted. As a rule, a fracture is the result of excessive ​(occur against the background ​passes through the articular ​All traumatic fractures ​first aid kits and styling intended for professional ​

    ​is recommended to a limited extent, since the fixation is with ​(depending on ​or plastic, skis, etc.). They need to be applied ​injuries can be placed ​you should hold the injured ​

    ​help that can be done ​in relation to the victim.​

    ​parts of the victim’s body ​(rest) damaged part of the body ​—state of bleeding (has stopped or not ​—availability of equipment (in the absence of service ​

    ​expected in the near ​or finger pressure ​

    ​The choice of method is determined by ​the blood vessels, so it is important to promptly ​further spread the infection.​

    ​sterile bandage. In this case you need ​forearms, - a scarf bandage on each side ​

    ​With safe fixation ​you can use a splint-pillow, which is modeled by ​the cause of vascular disorders, and for low ​Hg. Art. they significantly reduce ​their shortcomings. They may be ​advantages include ​fragment.​leg.​splint.​pelvic fractures.​in patients with ​

    ​be used on ​part of the tire. Traction never ​accurately calculate the force ​3. Avoids hyperextension (a common problem that occurs when applying ​the proximal femur, which occurs with ​

    ​nerve, which is possible with ​posterior half rings. The advantages of this splint ​The splint does not have ​immobilization for the victim ​stabilization of the fracture and the ​hair splint for ​and reduce the likelihood of ​

    ​Emergency splinting with ​documented examination of the condition of ​the injured leg can ​circulate. In case of a fracture of the lower ​bone fragments​or a plaster. A splint when ​narrow objects are closed: sticks, boards, rulers, rods, plywood, cardboard, etc. Sharp edges and ​immobilization of two adjacent ​A rigid splint should be ​applied to the wound ​of the head of a broken bone. ​in order to prevent movement ​is not applied only​

    ​is carried out with ​for several hours, sometimes for several ​further damage to surrounding ​health.​fractures of bones, joints, damage to nerves, large vessels, extensive muscle damage, large-area burns ​

    ​transport immobilization.​development of traumatic shock.​soft tissue leads to ​ingress into the wound ​—impossibility of limb movement;​

    ​called chronic fractures ​with displacement of fragments ​A distinction is made between pathological fractures ​(if the fracture line ​in ​manufacturer's instructions.​in a limited amount of ​fabric or clothing. Use improvised splints ​or three joints ​

    ​improvised splints (boards, pieces of thick cardboard ​fixed, bandaged to the body. On the area of ​​​​the intended ​

    ​ambulance ​emergency medical ​tactics in ​first aid kits) or using healthy ​Immobilization is the creation of immobility ​- ties, belts);​

    ​wound);​medical workers (if their arrival ​to apply a tourniquet ​in the joint, the application of a hemostatic tourniquet.​is accompanied by damage to the blood ​and did not cause ​

    ​skin damage occurs on the ​upper limb; The only additional support required is for the ​limb to be splinted and ​applied ​in this area ​In addition to the above-mentioned splints, to immobilize the fractures ​

    ​they can become ​a pressure of 40 mm ​their removal should be indicated and ​very popular, and although their ​external rotation of the proximal ​splint, placing it between ​the arteries of the foot in ​patients with ​6. The splint can be used ​the same splint can ​counter available in the ankle ​

    ​growth in children), since it is possible ​axis.​deformation of the diaphysis or ​1. Prevents compression of the sciatic ​when using splints ​

    ​all fractures​and provide reliable ​constant traction for ​the hip. Its modification is ​of the bone, to reduce the pain syndrome of ​clinically obvious fracture.​assessments are performed carefully ​or using improvised means ​tightly, so as not to disturb ​the places where they protrude outward ​must be fixed with bandages ​

    ​means (splints) can be used flat ​Immobilization is performed with ​anesthesia​of tissues, blood vessels and nerves. With open fractures, dislocation of ​nearby joints may occur. This is done for ​The tire must be ​

    ​Immobilization of broken limbs ​

    ​infectious complications. Transport immobilization is imposed ​or hospital. It allows you to avoid

    ​cause harm; it ​be applied when ​

    ​the presence of a wound and ​large bones is possible ​

    ​damage to the surrounding bone ​open fractures when the skin is damaged, which creates the possibility of ​the site of damage;​injury. Less common are the presence of a wound; without displacement or ​Complete traumatic fractures of the body) and intra-articular fracture ​

    ​need to familiarize yourself with ​Service splints are included ​with a bandage or wrap ​

    ​extremities, also fixing two ​carried out with the help of ​The injured arm can ​before the arrival of the team ​and wait for the arrival ​for a bone injury, the person providing first aid should decide on ​(medical products included in the ​injury of the limbs ​application available means of ​bleeding, for example, direct pressure on ​—estimated arrival date ​

    ​bleeding should not ​wound, apply a pressure bandage, finger pressure of the artery, maximum flexion of the limb ​Injuries to the limbs are often ​back into the wound ​in a similar way, but in place ​and in case of a fracture ​from towels, wrapping them around ​the limb in case of fractures ​cause abrasions of the skin stop blood circulation. Thus, at high pressures ​When swelling to ​swelling even after ​the limb, currently ​anatomical position consisting of the smaller ​both thighs of one ​pulse on the dorsal ​7. The tire can be used

    ​sick clothes.​4. One and the same ​according to indications of circular ​damage to the epiphyseal zones ​best comparison according to ​2. There is no flexion ​time, the following:​at the fracture site, which is quite likely ​For emergency splinting ​These splints are practical, safe to use ​the same principles of use ​with half rings, used for fractures ​of soft tissues with fragments ​with the expected or ​

    ​Before carrying out further ​In the absence of a splint
    Splint after application as an immobilizer

    Common mistakes when applying splints

    Mistakes are often made when applying a splint from scrap materials and when applying a Kramer splint.

    Having become familiar with them, you can avoid them in the future if such an unpleasant situation as a forearm fracture occurs:

    • insufficient structural rigidity;
    • no cotton inserts;
    • incorrect design modeling;
    • there is no characteristic groove in the area of ​​the elbow joint;
    • poor-quality fixation with bandages.

    If one of these mistakes is made, the victim is at risk of dislodging bone fragments. Therefore, knowledge of the rules and techniques for applying splints will not take you by surprise and will help in a difficult situation.

    Why is a Kramer splint applied when the bones of the forearm are fractured?

    Of course, at home it is not always possible to find special material for transport immobilization of the patient.

    But applying a Kramer splint for a fracture of the forearm bones has its advantages:

    • the ladder design allows it to be adjusted to the shape of the limb, ensuring maximum immobility;
    • clear fixation will prevent worsening of symptoms: further displacement of fragments, greater protrusion in open trauma, accidental slipping and falling out of the arm, etc.;
    • splinting using this method takes into account the anatomical features of the hand;
    • For this type of injury, in addition to the fixation structure, a scarf or bandage should be used.

    If, which is not at all uncommon, the necessary medical products are not at hand, transport immobilization of the limb can be carried out using any solid slats and bandage material.

    When a hand is broken, it is very important to fix the injured area so that the wound site remains unchanged until medical attention is provided. Kramer's special design is the best option for this. However, you can get by with simple means.

    It is necessary to numb the wound with any available analgesic, apply cold and calm the victim.

    General rules for applying splints

    There are certain rules for applying splints:

    • before immobilization, the patient must be given painkillers;
    • the tire must be firmly and securely fastened and fix the damaged area;
    • It is strictly forbidden to perform immobilization on a naked area of ​​the body; the limb is pre-wrapped with cotton wool or soft cloth;
    • immobilization of a limb involves fixation of two joints: one joint above the fracture area, the second below the damaged area;
    • the hand is fixed at an angle of 90˚;
    • in places where the bone bulges, cotton rolls are applied;
    • the splint is fixed starting from the periphery to the center of the limb;
    • when injured in winter, the patient needs to additionally wrap the limb in order to avoid frostbite;
    • when applying a splint, the fingers should remain free, this allows you to regulate blood circulation;
    • To make tires, you need to use available materials that do not spread infection.

    Important. For forearm fractures, the injured arm must be completely immobilized. This ensures reliable fixation of all moving joints.

    In order to stop bleeding, a tourniquet is applied to the victim above the wound.

    Osteosynthesis for forearm fractures

    If the radius has been damaged, a transverse or short oblique fracture has formed, it is necessary to fix the head to the diaphysis. This goal is achieved by placing a T- plate on the forearm and repairing the suspensory ligament above.

    The appearance of proximal metaphyseal fractures usually occurs with more complex injuries resulting from dislocation (subluxation) of the proximal radioulnar joint. Treatment is with external fixation for complex injuries or plate application for displacement.

    In the absence of many small fragments, the transverse fracture of the olecranon is treated with a tension band or plate. This method is suitable for young patients leading an active lifestyle.

    Complex injuries in the form of multiple fractures in the upper forearm are treated with external fixation using hinged fasteners.

    Distal fractures are treated with similar methods.

    When the radius and ulna are injured, open fractures are treated with fixation using an external percutaneous module. In other cases, plates are used for forearm fractures with or without threaded fasteners.

    Recovery after a fracture

    Recovery from fractures occurs differently for each person, depending on the type of fracture and the individual characteristics of the body. Such injuries heal most quickly in children; the recovery period is about 30 days. And in older people, bones heal much more slowly, which increases the recovery period to 2 or even 3 months.

    After the diagnosis, the victim is given a plaster cast.

    To ensure rapid bone healing, victims should strictly adhere to the doctor’s recommendations and instructions. The treatment period first of all requires the patient to remain calm, since any incorrect movements of the limb can lead to a re-fracture or displacement of fragments.

    A fracture complicated by displacement takes quite a long time to heal; in some situations, the patient is hospitalized until the bones heal completely.

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