Medical back corset - what is it and why is it needed?

A corset will help to significantly ease the course of the disease and reduce the load on the spine, speed up recovery and establish normal functioning of the body in case of a disease such as a vertebral hernia, especially localized in the lumbar area. Conservative treatment is not possible without this orthopedic device, and a corset can help even in the presence of serious complications.

Corset for hernia of the lumbar spine

How a corset helps get rid of a hernia

To understand the need to use this device in the complex treatment of a vertebral hernia, it is necessary to remember what a hernia is and how it forms.

A number of vertebrae make up the spinal column, and between them there are connecting “spacers” - discs. They play the role of a shock-absorbing pillow, a very important role, without which the entire spine will be deprived of the flexibility and mobility necessary for a person to walk, move, and perform various actions. The composition of the discs is connective tissue, but inside there is a core, which is a liquid. Over the years (due to age-related tissue changes) or due to various pathological conditions, fluid leaves the discs, the center shifts, and a hernia forms.

Stages of hernia development

Intervertebral hernia

By the way. A hernial formation has the effect of pinching a nerve, causing pain, limited mobility and discomfort. Most often this happens in the lumbar area, therefore, when we talk about a vertebral hernia, we usually mean a lumbar hernia.

Symptoms of lumbar intervertebral hernia

Why does a lumbar hernia form?

  1. Due to physical activity that is carried out for a long time.
  2. Due to short-term but excessive physical activity.
  3. Due to injury.
  4. Due to a fall, especially from a height or on your back.
  5. When lifting heavy objects in an awkward or incorrect position.
  6. Due to being in an unnatural or uncomfortable position for a long time (bent, “crooked” state).
  7. Due to poor posture.

Causes of hernias

By the way. A lumbar hernia is severe pain, complications expressed by numbness of the lower body, legs, weakness, lack of coordination, disturbance of gait and movement functions. At the same time, the person is not able to lead a normal lifestyle and engage in usual activities.

Of course, at the stage when the patient comes to the doctor with complaints of lower back pain or numbness in the legs, and he is diagnosed with a lumbar hernia, treatment for the disease begins immediately. The complex of therapeutic measures includes drug therapy, physiotherapy, exercise therapy, massage and, of course, wearing a corset.

Wearing a corset for intervertebral hernia is mandatory

Important! The corset reduces the load on the spinal area and limits, to a certain extent, motor activity, which is very important in case of a hernia. The belt area is the most mobile after the neck area. The vertebrae here are mobile and are not protected by costal plates, as in the thoracic area, or pelvic bones, as in the sacral area.

A corset is needed on the lower back so that its rigid ribs reduce the pressure acting on the disc space and, accordingly, on the damaged disc itself. This will greatly help slow down deformation changes in the vertebrae. The nerve endings will be freed from the clamp, and the pain will gradually subside.

Wearing a corset is necessary to reduce pain due to reducing the load on the damaged intervertebral disc

Functions of lumbar corsets.

  1. Spine stretching.
  2. Stretching each vertebra.
  3. Relieving pain by reducing pressure on the disc.
  4. Improving posture, returning the vertebrae to the correct position.
  5. Normalization of blood flow.
  6. Muscle relaxation.

When treating any type of hernia, the doctor, in combination, among other prescriptions, will definitely prescribe a corset.

If you want to know how to choose a suitable orthopedic belt for your back, consider their varieties and characteristics, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Types of orthopedic belts

Depending on the goal pursued or the patient’s condition, the doctor selects a certain type of belt to eliminate the negative consequences of pathologies or injuries.

Rigidity of corsets

Table. Classification of corsets by purpose.

Type of beltDescription
SupportiveThe main task is to fix the affected part of the patient’s spine. The supporting orthopedic belt does not hinder the movement of the human body, so it can be used throughout the working day.
FixingDesigned to limit the movement of the vertebrae in the lumbar region. As a rule, a fixation belt is used in professional sports or when performing heavy physical work. Recommended for people who are prone to hernia.
MassageIt is distinguished by a design feature - special massage inserts are built into the belt, which has a warming effect on the body. Prescribed to eliminate pain and normalize blood flow in the lumbar region.
CorrectiveMost often prescribed for diseases such as kyphosis or scoliosis. An orthopedic belt is designed to eliminate spinal curvature. It also helps correct various deformities caused by illness or injury.

How to use

A lumbar model or thoracolumbar model is not just an optional accessory for a hernia, it is a mandatory device that will allow you to get rid of the disease without resorting to surgery. Its use accelerates the process of straightening the spine, allowing it to be stretched to its maximum. By wearing a corrective corset, the activity of the spinal segments increases, and the patient gets rid of pain.

For small hernias at the initial stage of pathology, a compensatory preventive corset is usually used. It corrects minor deviations in posture and is always worn by patients with a lumbar hernia if they engage in physical labor or certain exercises.

Soft lumbar corset

If you want to know how to choose the best back corset for stooping, and also consider the best options for their types and shapes, you can read an article about this on our portal.

When the disease worsens and leaves the initial stage, a semi-rigid corset replaces the preventive corset. Its design is elastic, and must be worn during physical activity and in everyday life, when the patient is in an upright position.

Semi-rigid thoracolumbar corset

Important! Semi-rigid and rigid corsets cannot be used if the patient is lying down. Before going to bed or resting, such models must be removed. While a soft wool belt for a warming effect can, in consultation with your doctor, be left on the body overnight.

The semi-rigid model helps to significantly reduce pain, increase lumbar mobility and normalize motor functions. This type of orthopedic product has an individual duration of use, which depends on the specified diagnosis. It can be worn for six hours or more if necessary, but must be removed at night. The main purpose of wearing this product is to relieve the spine.

Orthopedic lumbosacral corset

Prices for lumbosacral corset

As for rigid models, they are most often prescribed to be worn after surgery for fixation during the rehabilitation period, since they provide full support to the spine, limiting its mobility. Also, such a corset can be prescribed for a sequestered hernia, after its release and after traction of the spine, when it is performed to release a pinched nerve.

Popular brands, cost

To purchase a lower back corrector, you need to know which brands to look for. The most popular manufacturers of lumbosacral corsets include:

  • Orlett is a German brand whose products are presented in a wide range of sizes. The manufacturer offers products with a high degree of rigidity, as well as semi-rigid corsets with belts and fasteners for a more secure fit. And there are also models with variable fixation, which allows you to change the level of compression. Orlett brand products can be purchased for 5,000–13,000 rubles.
  • Fosta produces orthoses made from hypoallergenic materials that allow air to pass through and do not cause skin irritation. The range is represented by devices with different numbers of reinforcing inserts - from 4 to 6 pieces, so the patient can choose belts for any purpose (prevention, treatment of diseases, rehabilitation). Corsets with a mesh base, reinforced ribs, and lacing are available for sale. And there are also models made of neoprene, lightweight belts for the prevention of spinal diseases, bandages with wide straps, etc. Prices range from 1900 to 4000 rubles.
  • Comfort Orth. Lumbar correctors of this brand are used for the prevention and treatment of degenerative disorders of the lumbar spine. The manufacturer produces belts of different widths: 35 cm with 4 rib inserts for rehabilitation after surgery and treatment, 42 cm with two additional ties for correcting the lower part of the thoracic and lumbosacral segment, as well as the narrowest retainer with increased elasticity for prevention. Price range - from 1500 to 3000 rubles.
  • Otto Bock are premium lumbar corsets. They are durable, comfortable to use, most models are equipped with 4 reinforced stiffening ribs. There are preventive products on sale, as well as correctors for treatment and recovery. You can purchase such corsets for 6,000–12,000 rubles.

Orlett corset

In orthopedic salons in Moscow you can find products from the brands described above.

Features of rigid corsets

There are strict rules for wearing tight corset designs. Since these models are massive, wearing them cannot last more than six hours at a time, and in no case should they continue if a person changes a vertical position to a horizontal one.

Rigid orthopedic corset

By the way. Such structures, even if they are used only in the lumbar region, support several spinal zones at once, almost the entire spinal column, except for the neck.

The rigidity is affected by the design, namely the material of the ribs that are used for the fixing frame, or the encircling plates. The more clamps, the more rigid the entire structure.

The most flexible corset, which can be classified as semi-rigid, has four ribs (two on both sides of the spine, located vertically. There can also be six ribs, which enhances the effect. In the most rigid products, plates are placed that encircle the lower back.

Purchasing and wearing

You can buy lumbar corsets of a semi-rigid or rigid model only with a doctor’s prescription and in specially designated places. The sale of corset medical products is carried out by many general pharmacies, specialized orthopedic pharmacies, offices, and companies that manufacture such products under a license to order.

Advice. You can use the services of an online store, of which there are now many. Upon purchase, the product will be delivered directly to your home. But it is very easy to make a mistake with the sizes here. A semi-rigid, and especially a rigid corset must be carefully measured, so it is best to make the latter immediately to order according to your own measurements.

A corset to be worn for a lumbar hernia should have comfortable wide straps or other fasteners, for example, wide Velcro. When the product is put on and adjusted to fit your figure, it should not press anywhere and cause discomfort. At the same time, the fabric fits tightly around the waist, otherwise there will be no therapeutic effect from wearing it.

How to choose a corset

The price of a corrective corset depends on the model. The cheapest are soft products. Next, in the next price category there are semi-rigid models. The most expensive are rigid corsets.

Corrective corset for the spine

Important! Under no circumstances should you think that the stiffer (more expensive) the corset is, the better it will help. The doctor prescribes exactly the model that is relevant and effective at the moment, at this stage of the disease.

And there is no need to try to make a corset yourself. Despite the apparent simplicity of the design of the product, even if you have sewing skills, a lumbar corset for a hernia should be made by an orthopedic specialist. Otherwise, instead of getting rid of the disease, you can cause irreparable harm to yourself and get a disability, or be referred to a surgical operation, which can be completely avoided by using a corset according to the rules and in accordance with necessity.

Caring for orthopedic braces

Video - Lumbar corset

The most important

As you can see, the lumbosacral corset is an excellent addition to complex therapy for diseases of the spine. The orthopedic device is also used for the prevention of lower back diseases and during rehabilitation after injuries and operations. It is important to choose the right belt, taking into account the recommendations of the orthopedist. When choosing a corrector, you should take into account the following nuances: size, degree of rigidity, insulation of rib inserts, material, manufacturer. In addition, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for wearing a bandage so that the therapeutic effect is maximum. To extend the life of the belt, the patient must learn the rules for caring for it.

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