Orthopedic corset for the lumbosacral spine

The lumbosacral spine is subjected to high loads every day, which is why degenerative changes most often appear in this area. When intervertebral discs, vertebrae are damaged, nerves or blood vessels are pinched, pain occurs and motor activity is impaired. Medicines, physiotherapy, exercise therapy and many other techniques are used to treat vertebral pathologies. It is recommended to use a lumbosacral corset as part of complex therapy.

Orthopedic devices help reduce pain, relieve some of the load from the affected spine and muscles, and inhibit further destruction of discs and vertebrae. In order for the corset to bring maximum benefit, you need to choose the right product and wear it according to the rules.

Functions of the corset

A lumbar corset is a medical orthopedic device that is used as part of the complex treatment of diseases of the lumbosacral segment. This device has a corrective, fixing, analgesic effect.

An orthopedic belt is made from dense, elastic, breathable materials. The inside is covered with a cotton lining, which is pleasant to the touch and does not cause allergies. The spinal column is supported by stiffening ribs, as well as tightening elastic straps and fasteners.

Reference. Rib inserts for lumbar corsets can be metal or plastic. The former can be adjusted to the shape of the spinal column, while the latter do not require additional adjustment.

Bandages for the lumbosacral region help fight pain and muscle spasms in spinal pathologies that are accompanied by neurological disorders. These devices are used to slow down or stop further destruction of the vertebrae, as well as the cartilage pads between them.

The orthopedic corset performs the following functions:

  • Supports the lumbar and sacral region.
  • Fixes the spine in the correct position with reduced muscle tone.
  • Removes some of the load from the affected vertebrae and the cartilage pads between them.
  • Limits motor activity of the problem area.
  • Special warming models help warm up the lower back when the spinal nerves are damaged.
  • The thoracolumbosacral corset allows you to correct your posture.

Doctors recommend wearing lumbar belts when performing heavy physical work or strength training to protect the structural elements of the lumbar spine from damage.

How to choose a suitable corset?

Choosing a corset or bandage is not easy. Ideally, consult a doctor so that after examination and examination he can determine the appropriate options. If you want to not only support your back, but also provide warming (very important if you have a cold back at work and this causes nerve pain), then take a closer look at warming belts. Such anti-radiculitis belts are great for combating periodic back pain.

If rigid fixation is required, then a special fixing corset is needed. Fabric or wool belts are no longer suitable - they cannot reduce the load on the back and their function is somewhat different. A rigid corset has plastic or metal plates. Without this, there can be no talk of any normal fixation. By the way, pay attention to the number of these plates. Typically, a corset with 2 or 4 stiffening ribs is suitable for people weighing up to 60 kg; with a weight of 60 to 80 kg, there will be 4 or 6 stiffening ribs. The greater the person’s weight, the more stiffening ribs there will be in the corset. Plus, their number will depend on the type of injury. Therefore, when choosing a corset, it is better to consult with specialists.

Select a bandage, orthosis and corset taking into account your height. The lower part of the corset should be fixed on the pelvic bones, and the upper part should go over the ribs. The corset must fit correctly, the ends of the corset must be difficult to fix when under tension. So take your time and try on several models. By the way, our orthopedic salon has a large selection of orthopedic corsets and bandages.

Choose a corset based on environmental conditions. For example. It’s cold in Siberia and tight corsets under warm clothes will create a greenhouse effect. Therefore, for our northern regions it is better if the corset is made of natural materials and with good ventilation.

We really hope that our advice will help you choose the right corset or bandage. The OrthoDoctor orthopedic salon has a very large selection of bandages, orthoses, corsets and other products. Our salespeople will always help you with your choice, advise and advise. Take care of your health!

Therapeutic effect

A properly selected lumbar bandage perfectly fixes and supports the spinal column. The required degree of compression is provided by durable elastic material and also stiffening ribs, then muscle tone is normalized and the spine is stabilized.

The lumbosacral corset relieves pain and slows down the development of lumbar spine disease

With regular use, the back bandage provides the following therapeutic effects:

  • Reduces pain in osteochondrosis, disc herniation, pinched nerves, etc.
  • Stops or slows down the development of pathology of the lumbar spine.
  • Reduces the risk of compression fractures and displacement of vertebral bodies.
  • Helps improve blood circulation in the damaged area, normalizes trophism (nutrition) of damaged tissues.
  • Used to support the lumbar segment during heavy physical work, lifting weights, preventing its excessive load. Helps relieve the lower back when staying in a static position for a long time.
  • Relieves pain, allowing you to reduce the dose of medications during the acute stage of vertebral pathologies.
  • It is used to fix the spine in the correct position, allowing to speed up the patient’s recovery after injury or surgery.
  • Reduces the likelihood of compression of the spinal nerves when the bone structures of the lumbar region are damaged.

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, doctors advise combining wearing orthopedic belts with taking medications, physiotherapy, physical therapy, massage and other effective methods.

Methods of recovery after compression fracture of the spine

A compression fracture of the spine is a serious injury that can seriously undermine health and significantly impair the quality of life. Despite this, modern medicine has learned to cope quite effectively with the consequences of a fracture with the help of special rehabilitation measures.

The duration and features of the rehabilitation program primarily depend on the severity of the patient’s condition.

Classification of spinal fractures by severity:

1. Minor tissue damage to the lumbar or thoracic region, without ruptures in the spinal cord or decreased motor functions. With this form of fracture, the task of the rehabilitation physician is to reduce the intensity of pain and restore mobility. For these purposes, medications, physiotherapy and exercise therapy methods can be used. Often, for recovery, the patient is recommended to undergo a course of sanatorium-resort treatment. In general, the rehabilitation period ranges from six months to 8 months.

2. More severe damage to the lumbar or thoracic region with partial damage to the spinal cord. In addition to restoring motor activity and reducing pain, doctors’ attention is aimed at normalizing the functioning of internal organs and spinal cord fibers. The recovery program necessarily includes medicinal methods, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, and sanatorium treatment. Rehabilitation time can be 11-12 months.

3. Severe damage to the spine and spinal cord in the cervical or thoracic region. With such an injury, complete recovery is impossible, so the task of rehabilitation is to partially restore mobility and adapt the patient to his condition. The rehabilitation period is 18 months or longer.

Physical therapy for compression fractures

Exercise therapy is a mandatory stage of rehabilitation for spinal fractures of any severity. Exercises allow you to normalize metabolic processes, accelerate tissue regeneration and prevent atrophic processes in muscles.

Exercise therapy goals:

  • Prevention of weakening of the muscle corset
  • Prevention of blood thickening and blood clots
  • Prevention of necrotic processes
  • Normalization of digestion, stimulation of the bowel movement process
  • Stabilization of the patient’s psycho-emotional state
  • Adaptation of the patient to the current condition

Physical therapy exercises are prescribed to almost all patients who have suffered a compression fracture of the spine, as they help maintain normal muscle tone and strengthen the natural muscular corset of the back. Exercise therapy can be carried out with those patients who have experienced positive dynamics, acute inflammatory processes have subsided and body temperature has returned to normal. A prerequisite for starting classes is also the removal of screws, knitting needles and other retaining devices.

Stages of exercise therapy for a compression fracture:

1. At the initial stage, which lasts from one to two weeks, the patient is offered a number of general strengthening exercises, as well as special breathing exercises. The purpose of these classes is to prevent muscle weakening, stimulate blood circulation and lymph flow, increase tone, and normalize the condition of the heart, blood vessels and lungs. Exercises should not affect the spinal column; only slight elevation of the back is allowed, with emphasis on the scapular region and the foot area. The duration of classes should be 10-15 minutes, and the patient should not feel pain or discomfort.

2. The second stage of exercise therapy begins approximately on days 10-14 and includes static, dynamic and extension exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the back, shoulders, sternum and abs. Usually at this time the patient is allowed to turn slowly in bed. The goal of exercise therapy at this stage is to work with the muscular system, as well as to accelerate metabolism in damaged tissues. The workload at this stage gradually increases, but the instructor still needs to closely monitor the patient's well-being.

3. During the third stage, axial loads are included in the structure of exercise therapy, i.e. the patient can be in a position on all fours or on his knees. At this time, in addition to dynamic and static stretching, isometric muscle stretching can be used. The goal of the third stage is to strengthen not only the back muscles, but also the abs, limbs, pelvis, and chest.

4. At the fourth stage, work begins to normalize coordination of movements, restore walking skills, as well as stabilize the body position in space and posture. At this time, the patient can already get out of bed, but some of the exercises still need to be performed lying down to reduce the load on the spinal column. Gymnastics is carried out under the constant supervision of a doctor, since forcing the duration and intensity of exercises can lead to the development of complications.

Exercise therapy classes cannot be carried out if the patient feels worse, has pain, has a fever, or has symptoms of acute inflammation and intoxication. Those exercises that lead to increased pain, fatigue, weakness, decreased mobility, surges in blood pressure, and dizziness are prohibited.

Massage for compression fracture of the spine

The first massage sessions are carried out for the patient in the very first days after the injury, as they help normalize blood circulation in the tissues and prevent muscle atrophy. Massage methods are combined with passive exercise therapy methods and are designed to normalize tone and reduce pain intensity. In the first stages, the massage therapist uses stroking, kneading and rubbing, which do not affect the damaged area. As the condition improves, the intercostal spaces, chest, abdomen, pelvic area, and hips are worked on. To do this, the massage therapist can use stroking, double kneading, and rubbing.

When the patient begins to roll over and stand up, a corset is put on to support the spine. From this stage, the patient is allowed a back massage using stroking, kneading and rubbing. The massage affects the long muscles, latissimus muscles, intercostal spaces, shoulder blades and paravertebral areas.

The next stage begins from the moment the patient's plaster is removed. Particular attention is paid to the neck-collar area and shoulder girdle. The session is carried out in a lying position or sitting with support. The massage therapist can perform stroking, squeezing, kneading and rubbing.

Unfortunately, massage cannot be performed during exacerbation of inflammatory processes, increased body temperature, severe heart and vascular diseases, thrombosis, aneurysms, and severe mental illness. Massage should be performed with caution if there is a risk of bleeding, problems with blood pressure and pulse. Sessions are canceled in case of violations of the integrity of the skin, fungal infections, or purulent processes.

Corsets for compression fractures of the spine

The use of special orthopedic support devices – corsets – is a mandatory step in the treatment of a spinal fracture. The corset can be supportive or corrective, i.e., correcting the curvature of the spinal column. Wearing such devices can reduce the load on the spine and prevent its subsidence or bending.

When treating fractures, rigid corsets are used, which take on the weight of the body and completely remove the load from the damaged area. The structure of the corset can have from two to six ribs, depending on the location and area of ​​the fracture. As a preventive measure or first aid for back pain, a semi-rigid corset can be used, which has a warming and massage effect.

The size of the corset, the material from which it is made, and its rigidity are selected individually, taking into account the needs of the patient. Only a doctor can prescribe wearing a corset, since the wrong choice of device can lead to a worsening of the condition.

Corsets should not be used by pregnant women, patients with severe disorders of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys, as well as with skin damage, purulent, allergic or fungal rashes.

Purposes of wearing a corset:

  • Minimizing stress on the damaged area
  • Fixation of tissues in normal position
  • Warming tissues
  • Acceleration of blood circulation and lymph flow in tissues
  • Reducing pain intensity

The corset is put on a layer of underwear to avoid injury to the skin. The duration of wearing the corset can be from 10 minutes to 8 hours and is selected by the doctor. The device can be used both short-term (4-6 months) and long-term, for years. Typically, it is recommended to wear a corset during the day; it must be removed at night.

Daily regimen for a compression fracture

In order for the patient to recover as quickly as possible, he needs proper nutrition and rest. Regeneration processes most actively occur during sleep, so 7-9 hours of sleep every day significantly speeds up recovery. If a patient suffers from insomnia, he can try meditation, breathing exercises or autogenic training, and also consult a doctor for a prescription of mild sedatives.

The subscription will allow you to save up to 20% of the cost of services ordered separately.

Adequate nutrition helps saturate the body with protein necessary for building tissue, as well as minerals and vitamins.
You should eat a varied diet, giving preference to dairy products, vegetables, fruits, and fish. To maintain homeostasis, a person also needs 1.5-2.5 liters of water per day, which can be obtained from drinks, food and fruits. If the patient cannot eat or drink, he is provided with tube or intravenous nutrition. Patients with fractures should not fast, refuse animal products and thermally processed foods. In order not to gain excess weight and not increase the load on the spinal column, it is worth observing reasonable restrictions: do not eat flour, sweet, fatty, fried, salty, spicy foods.

Physiotherapy for spinal compression fractures

Physiotherapeutic procedures are indicated for a patient with a fracture at the stage of restoring mobility. Impact on damaged tissue can reduce swelling and pain.

Types of physiotherapy:

  • Electrophoresis
  • UFF
  • Microcurrent stimulation
  • Paraffin therapy
  • Magnetotherapy
  • Balneotherapy

Physiotherapeutic sessions are not performed for fever, severe pain, dizziness, high blood pressure, or skin diseases.

Rehabilitation of children with spinal fractures

Children with a compression fracture undergo the same rehabilitation as adults, but treating a child requires special care and sensitivity. Most often, the prognosis for treatment in children is more favorable, since their bodies are more plastic and susceptible to change. Classes with children are conducted in a playful way, since it is difficult for the child to tolerate limited mobility and hospital stay. Young patients need psychological and pedagogical support to adapt to changed living conditions.

Indications and contraindications

A back support belt is a medical device that is prescribed to the patient by the attending physician. As a rule, a corset belt is used for pain in the lumbar region associated with the following diseases:

  • Peripheral nerve damage (neuralgia).
  • Overgrowth of bone tissue (osteophytes) along the edges of the vertebrae.
  • Osteoporosis (decreased bone density), which is accompanied by pathological fractures.
  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Radiculopathy (inflammation of the spinal nerve roots).
  • Poor posture, such as stooping.
  • Instability of the lumbar segment of the spinal column.
  • Curvature of the spine, such as scoliosis.

Reference. A lumbar corset is recommended to be worn for protrusion (bulging of the intervertebral disc without rupture of the outer shell) and hernia (displacement of the disc core with rupture of the fibrous ring). These formations are a consequence of osteochondrosis.

A lumbar corset should not be worn during pregnancy, pustular-inflammatory skin lesions, reflux esophagitis (return of stomach/duodenal contents into the esophagus). And it is also better to avoid wearing a bandage if there is a hernia of the anterior abdominal wall, functional heart failure, or kidney disease.

According to doctors, you should stop wearing a lumbosacral corset after treating your back with a warming or anti-inflammatory ointment.

Important. The lumbar brace is not intended to be worn continuously and can only be used for a few hours a day. With prolonged use, the muscles around the spine atrophy (thinner), blood circulation is impaired, and swelling appears.

Types of corsets

Depending on the degree of rigidity, lower back braces are divided into 3 groups:

Lumbar corset for spinal hernia

  • Elastic. Such products do not contain stiffeners; they gently fix the spine and help relieve pain. As a rule, they are used to prevent injuries during sports or heavy physical work. Some products are equipped with a massage insert on the sacrum area. Thanks to moderate compression, they help normalize muscle tone and improve posture.
  • Medium-hard belts have reinforcing parts made of plastic or metal. They are indicated for pain caused by radiculitis, osteochondrosis, disc herniation, etc. A semi-rigid corset is recommended to be worn during heavy physical work, strength sports, prolonged static load, for example, when working at a computer, while driving. An orthopedic bandage fixes the lower back in a physiological position, relieves part of the load from the spine, as well as the muscles surrounding it. Some models have a warming and massage effect.
  • Increased rigidity. These belts with powerful stiffening ribs help to immobilize the lumbar spine to protect it from further injury. This support corset partially relieves the damaged area, and during its use the pressure on the intervertebral discs is reduced. In addition, the product does not allow compression of spinal nerves and blood vessels.

Rigid corsets are worn after injury or spinal surgery

Reference. Rigid corsets can be worn after being prescribed by a rehabilitation specialist after an injury, surgery, or in case of severe curvature of the spine. They help securely fix the affected segment, limit its mobility, prevent further displacement of the vertebrae, and speed up the restoration of motor activity.

Rigid bandages are indicated for multiple disc herniations, osteochondrosis with neurological disorders, and severe instability of the lumbar segment.

Depending on the part of the spine, thoracolumbar and lumbosacral corsets are distinguished. They also come in elastic, medium, high fixation and variable hardness.

The thoracolumbar girdle fixes the lower part of the thoracic, lumbar and sacral segments. Rigid bandages are used during rehabilitation after injuries and operations, and semi-rigid ones are used for the treatment and prevention of spinal diseases.

With the help of the lumbosacral girdle, the lower back and sacrum are stabilized, and the motor activity of the joints is normalized. Rigid belts are used during rehabilitation, semi-rigid belts are used for complex treatment of diseases.

Warming bandages are used not to support the spine, but for the complex treatment of osteochondrosis, radiculitis, and neurological diseases, such as sciatica. Such products increase blood supply to the damaged area and relieve pain.

And there are also inflatable corsets on sale that fix the lower back and reduce its mobility. In addition, such devices allow you to restore the distance between the vertebrae.

Reference. A special prenatal corset will help fix and hold the anterior wall of the abdomen, relieve the lower back, and prevent displacement of the vertebrae.

The decision to choose a suitable lumbar corset is made by the doctor after diagnosis.

Corset for osteochondrosis: 6 questions and answers

The lumbar spine experiences incredible stress throughout life: while the underlying section - the sacrum - is fused into a single bone, the “free” vertebrae in the waist area have to bear the weight of the person’s head, torso and arms. As soon as some lumbar structure (for example, an intervertebral disc in osteochondrosis) fails, any daily activities turn into a test for the patient.

Is it possible to relieve a diseased spine without strict bed rest? It is possible if you redistribute the weight. For this you need a corset - just not the one that is designed to charm men and tighten women's waists, but a special, orthopedic one. You need to select and use this medical accessory wisely, otherwise wearing it will be of little use. And if the doctor prescribed a corset for you, let’s understand the intricacies of corset therapy together!

What is an orthopedic corset?

A corset is a medical product that is made of elastic fabric, plastic, or a combination of both. As a rule, it is equipped with metal stiffening bones and a fastening system in the form of fasteners and Velcro. Modern corsets are hardly noticeable under clothing, they are easy to put on without assistance, they can be washed and used for a long time.

What types of corsets are there?

There are corsets for the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, thoracolumbar, sacral and lumbosacral regions. One of the main characteristics is the degree of hardness: weak, medium or strong. Corsets also vary in size: each model has 3-4 options, designed for people with different body shapes.

Read also: Protrusion of the spine. What it is

A consultant at an orthopedic salon will help you choose a corset that suits your size, and if you are making a purchase online, do not forget to measure your waist circumference and compare it with the characteristics of the product in the description.

How to choose the type and required degree of rigidity?

The shape and degree of rigidity of the corset must be determined by the doctor - this depends on the location of the damaged intervertebral disc and the severity of the disease. As a rule, for lumbar osteochondrosis, soft or medium-hard corsets are used, as well as bandages - wide belts with Velcro.

How exactly does a corset “work” for lumbar osteochondrosis?

For lumbar osteochondrosis, a corset can significantly reduce pain and shorten recovery time. The therapeutic and analgesic effect is explained by the fact that the corset takes on part of the load from the paravertebral muscles and abdomen, creates slight traction and limits the possibility of sudden movements in the lower back.

In addition, some products have a warming effect. As a result, muscle tension is reduced, and blood supply to the damaged area of ​​the spine is restored.

Is wearing a corset for a long time harmful?

Some doctors believe that wearing a corset leads in the long term to weakening of the skeletal muscles: supposedly, if you refuse to use it, the muscles will not be able to support the body weight. Consequently, the patient will continue to experience cartilage degeneration and new hernias will form. Fearing such consequences, the orthopedist may prescribe you to wear a corset for only 2-3 hours a day.

In fact, there is no scientific evidence that the use of low- and medium-strength lumbar corsets can lead to such complications. Muscle activity during long-term corset therapy is preserved, since the attachment points of the lumbar muscles are located above and below the corset. I prescribe my patients to wear a corset for the whole day, from morning to evening.

How to use a corset correctly?

The corset must be put on and taken off while lying down, in the morning, over a thin T-shirt or shirt. You should not tighten the fixing devices too much, and in the first days it is important to especially carefully monitor your well-being: if you are not used to it, wearing a corset for a long time can cause a feeling of fatigue.

If you have hypertension, the wearing regime can be reduced to 2–3 hours: prolonged fixation of the back in one position can cause vasospasm and lead to increased blood pressure. Therefore, warn the orthopedist about the concomitant disease and be sure to measure your blood pressure several times a day while wearing the corset.


Wearing a corset is an excellent alternative to long-term use of painkillers and experiments with traditional medicine methods for lumbar osteochondrosis. Therefore, if you have been suffering from back pain for a long time, do not put off visiting an orthopedist; his recommendations will help you choose the right corset and return, at least partially, to an active life.

Nikolay Nigamadyanov

Photo istockphoto.com

Selection rules

Before you go to choose a spinal corrector, you need to get a doctor’s recommendations regarding a suitable model (size, type of belt, degree of rigidity). There is a wide range of belts, so many patients get lost and make the wrong choice. And this threatens not only a waste of money, but also a deterioration in health. To choose a quality product taking into account your doctor’s recommendations, you need to pay attention to the following nuances:

  • Size of lumbosacral bandage. To select the exact size of the product, you need to measure the circumference of the waist and hips, and then divide the resulting figure by 2. Orthopedic salons have different sizes of corsets: from S (minimum) to XXL (maximum). The table above, which shows the correspondence of measurements and sizes, will help make your choice easier.
  • Insulation of stiffeners. If the product is of high quality, then the reinforcing parts should be covered with several layers of fabric. If the insert breaks through the fabric, it will easily damage the skin.
  • Product material. The base of a semi-rigid belt should be made of durable and elastic fabric that allows air to pass through, such as knitwear. The amount of natural materials in the composition should prevail. Warming corsets can be made from neoprene or natural wool.

A special table will help you choose the correct corset size

Attention. Warming belts may cause allergies in some patients.

The inner layer should be pleasant to the touch, absorb moisture well, and not cause allergies; cotton, silk or linen have these qualities. Synthetic inserts extend the service life of the product.

  • Convenience. A high-quality belt should have wide, elastic straps that are adjustable in length, as well as high-quality fasteners.
  • Place of purchase, brand of product. Buy corsets in specialized orthopedic salons. Give preference to trusted manufacturers who value their reputation. Otherwise, there is a risk of purchasing a corrector that may harm your health or, at least, not show a therapeutic effect.

If you follow these recommendations, you will be able to choose a high-quality corset for the lumbosacral region and increase the effectiveness of complex therapy.

The lumbosacral spine: its structure and functions

The lower back and sacrum are part of the human spine - the central part of the axial skeleton in the form of an elongated and curved tube, the formation of which begins in the period from the first to the fifth week of embryonic development. To reduce the risks of birth defects and neural tube defects, it is recommended that the expectant mother take 400-800 mcg of vitamin B9 (folic acid) daily. The spine consists of 33-34 vertebrae, sequentially connected to each other in a vertical position using intervertebral discs.

Structure of the human spine

Small of the back

The lumbosacral region consists of 10 vertebrae. The lumbar vertebrae (5 in total) have increased mobility and create shock absorption when walking, physical activity, jumping, and bending. They have maximum width in relation to other parts of the spine and high density, since it is the lower back that bears the main load when a person assumes a vertical position.

Lumbosacral spine

Lumbar lordosis (the physiological and anatomical forward curvature of the spine) develops in a child between 5 and 12 months, when the baby learns to sit, crawl, stand up and walk. To avoid spinal deformities in the future, it is important to follow the recommendations of surgeons and orthopedists, for example:

  • do not sit the child on a pillow, lap or other soft surfaces if he does not have objective signs of readiness;
  • do not put the child on his feet if he himself does not try (with the exception of gymnastics according to age);
  • do not abuse jumpers and walkers - experts do not recommend using these devices for more than 30 minutes a day.

Children's jumpers. Pros and cons

Walkers and jumpers for babies

In an adult, the causes of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and chronic pain in the lower back are often a sedentary lifestyle, sedentary work, obesity, endocrine disorders, and pathologies of the pelvic organs.

Important! In women, chronic pain in the lumbosacral spine, which constitutes the spinal motion segment of the human skeleton, can be the result of complicated pregnancy and childbirth. For this reason, the use of a special corset or bandage is recommended for all women starting from 16-20 weeks of pregnancy (this is especially true for patients who are overweight or those whose weight gain exceeds the recommended norm by more than 10%).

Load on the lower back before and during pregnancy


The sacrum is a fixed part of the spine, connecting to the lumbar region with the help of a wedge-shaped closing lumbar vertebra and providing connection between the spinal column and the pelvis. In women, this part of the skeleton is wider and shorter than in men, and also has a greater degree of curvature necessary for bearing a child and labor.

Sacrum and coccyx

The sacrum consists of 5 vertebrae and connects to the ilium to form the sacroiliac joint.

Sacrum, right view

Features of use and care

After choosing a suitable corset belt, you need to learn the rules for wearing it:

  • Athletes and people who perform strenuous work should wear a corset during physical activity. During rehabilitation after injuries and operations, the product is worn for 2 hours a day during the first week. Then the exposure time is gradually increased to 6 hours.
  • The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the doctor, but it cannot exceed 12 weeks.
  • You also need to gradually give up the corrector, reducing the time you wear it by 1 hour per day.
  • The orthosis should be worn over a T-shirt made of natural fabric. It is prohibited to treat the skin with warming or anti-inflammatory agents before using it.
  • Your doctor will show you how to put on a corset correctly. He will show you how to tighten the straps to achieve the desired amount of support.
  • The lumbosacral corset should be removed before going to bed.

Important. If the corrector belts are tightened excessively, blood circulation and respiratory function are impaired. If the fixation is very weak, then the therapeutic effect will not appear.

To extend the life of the orthopedic belt and maintain its original appearance longer, you need to know how to care for it:

  • Wash the product only by hand, otherwise it will become deformed.
  • It is recommended to use delicate detergents for washing; it is better to avoid aggressive cleaning agents (stain removers, bleaches).
  • Dry the corset on dry towels, away from the sun and heat sources (radiators or heaters).

You should also not iron the corset even at the lowest temperature.

Approximate prices

When purchasing, not only the characteristics of the product, but also its cost are of great importance, especially when it comes to socially vulnerable segments of the population. To make it easier for people looking for a lumbar corset to navigate prices, the table below shows the approximate cost of the most popular orthoses.

Table. Average cost of lumbar orthoses.

Product manufacturer and fastener modelAverage cost in online stores
Fosta F 55011900 rubles
Fosta F 55053300 rubles
Fosta F 52103600 rubles
Comf-Ort K 614 (35 cm)2000 rubles
Comf-Ort K 614 Sh2500 rubles
Comf-Ort K 6081600 rubles
Fosta F 46051800 rubles
Otto bock Carezza 50R406000 rubles
Otto bock Direxa Stable 50R5412000 rubles
Otto bock Direxa High 50R5210900 rubles
Otto bock Direxa 50R509000 rubles

Selection and cost of lumbar orthoses

Patients purchasing products for rehabilitation and restoration in orthopedic salons should know that they have the right to receive compensation from the Social Insurance Fund in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The list of products that are included in this list can be found on the FSS website or directly in the salon where you plan to purchase a lumbar orthosis.

Popular brands, cost

To purchase a lower back corrector, you need to know which brands to look for. The most popular manufacturers of lumbosacral corsets include:

  • Orlett is a German brand whose products are presented in a wide range of sizes. The manufacturer offers products with a high degree of rigidity, as well as semi-rigid corsets with belts and fasteners for a more secure fit. And there are also models with variable fixation, which allows you to change the level of compression. Orlett brand products can be purchased for 5,000–13,000 rubles.
  • Fosta produces orthoses made from hypoallergenic materials that allow air to pass through and do not cause skin irritation. The range is represented by devices with different numbers of reinforcing inserts - from 4 to 6 pieces, so the patient can choose belts for any purpose (prevention, treatment of diseases, rehabilitation). Corsets with a mesh base, reinforced ribs, and lacing are available for sale. And there are also models made of neoprene, lightweight belts for the prevention of spinal diseases, bandages with wide straps, etc. Prices range from 1900 to 4000 rubles.
  • Comfort Orth. Lumbar correctors of this brand are used for the prevention and treatment of degenerative disorders of the lumbar spine. The manufacturer produces belts of different widths: 35 cm with 4 rib inserts for rehabilitation after surgery and treatment, 42 cm with two additional ties for correcting the lower part of the thoracic and lumbosacral segment, as well as the narrowest retainer with increased elasticity for prevention. Price range - from 1500 to 3000 rubles.
  • Otto Bock are premium lumbar corsets. They are durable, comfortable to use, most models are equipped with 4 reinforced stiffening ribs. There are preventive products on sale, as well as correctors for treatment and recovery. You can purchase such corsets for 6,000–12,000 rubles.

Orlett corset

In orthopedic salons in Moscow you can find products from the brands described above.

Performance benefits of corsets

Modern orthopedic products make it possible to provide the necessary level of fixation of the lumbar and thoracic region. If the model is equipped with an elastic band, then the clothing can be adjusted according to the level of compression.

The anatomical cut ensures convenience and comfort when wearing the product. Materials and design features make it possible to correctly redistribute the load on the spine.

Other advantages of corsets:

  • high-quality materials provide comfortable air and moisture exchange;
  • the design does not interfere with bending over, working, or doing everyday activities;
  • the anatomical cut allows you to wear the product without feeling awkward while sitting or standing;
  • the design is comfortable and can be put on without involving strangers;
  • stylish design;
  • excellent fixation on the body;
  • lightweight material that can be easily hidden under outerwear;
  • Wear-resistant fasteners.

High-quality textiles allow you to wash clothes many times and use them for a long time. Corsets made from Tactel fabric have particular advantages. It has hypoallergenic qualities and a unique structure that prevents chafing of the axillary areas.

Other advantages of DuPont tactel textile corsets:

  • very fine microfiber;
  • soft fabric;
  • breathability (breathable material);
  • tensile strength;
  • wear resistance;
  • light weight - 20% less than analogues;
  • antistatic effect;
  • reduced thermal conductivity, the corset retains heat well;
  • windproof.

Another important advantage of products made from Tactel is the high rate of moisture removal due to the use of a special fabric structure with large threads on the inside and thin threads on the outside.


Most patients who have experienced the effects of lumbosacral corsets are satisfied with the results of their use. They claim that the belts are easy to use, reduce pain, and speed up recovery.

Alina, 32 years old: “Back pain is my long-standing problem associated with osteochondrosis. In addition, there is stooping. When I finally found time for full treatment, the pain became constant. The doctor prescribed me NSAID injections, massage, physical therapy, and a moderately rigid thoracolumbar corset. Literally after a week of this treatment I felt relief. And after 2 months, the pain completely disappeared and it even seemed that my back became straighter, which was later proven by x-ray results.”

Ruslan, 34 years old: “I received a lower back injury at work, I was constantly in pain. The doctor advised me to solve the problem with surgery, but I did not agree. I found another specialist who prescribed a course of treatment for me, consisting of medications, physical therapy, manual therapy, and electrophoresis. He suggested supplementing the treatment with a lumbar corset (semi-rigid), which I wear for 6 hours a day with breaks. I wear it mostly when I'm going to be physically active. The effect is noticeable immediately: the pain is relieved, the back seems to relax, and after removal it becomes more mobile.”

Maxim, 42 years old: “I received a lower back injury during professional sports (weightlifting). I couldn’t straighten up because of the pain, I had to give up sports. The doctor prescribed me a course of NSAID injections, physiotherapy, and massage. In addition, I do exercise therapy, go to the pool, take chondroprotectors, and recently started wearing a lumbosacral corset on the advice of a doctor. The belt perfectly supports your back, does not interfere with movement, and at the same time reduces the risk of repeated injuries. The pain disappears while wearing it. I'm pleased with this effect."

Orthopedic lumbar corsets

The use of a corset is especially recommended in the following cases:

- back pain;

— in the process of rehabilitation after lumbar surgeries, injuries, uncomplicated fractures, and so on;

- radiculitis, spondylosis;

— osteochondrosis, osteoporosis;

- vertebral hernia;

— for preventive purposes to improve the health of the kidneys, urinary tract, abdominal muscles (only for certain models: for example, a corset with a warming effect);

— for prevention: especially for people whose work and other activities involve prolonged sitting (office workers), as well as heavy loads on the lumbosacral region (athletes, loaders, drivers and others).

As contraindications, we can note the ban of the attending physician on the use of corset structures and allergies to certain components of the corset (which is extremely rare, due to the natural composition of modern corsets). You should also refrain from using a corset if you have skin diseases during their exacerbation, which are accompanied by itching. In other cases, the use of modern corsets is mainly indicated for use due to their excellent therapeutic and healing properties.

Of course, if your treating specialist has already recommended a certain type of corset, justifying its use. And you know exactly what you need, you can immediately proceed to the next important stage.

Choosing the right lumbar corset?

Our online store offers a wide range of high-quality lumbar corsets from leading manufacturers in stock and on order. Therefore, you can be absolutely calm about quality characteristics and guarantees. But there is another important feature of your future corset that needs to be given close attention - the model of the product. Your comfort and speed of the recovery process depend on it. For example, corrective corsets are mainly used if it is necessary to correct posture or spinal defects. Fixing models are in great demand among patients in the postoperative and post-traumatic period. But the most popular today are models for preventive purposes, since their use is indicated for almost everyone who cares about their health.

Another important point: the rigidity of the lumbar corset. The main types are elastic, rigid and semi-rigid corsets. Naturally, you shouldn’t forget about the sizes (waist size, lumbar circumference), degree of tightening, as well as the materials from which the model is made. You can determine the ideal option after consulting your doctor, as well as specialists from our online store. We'll help you find the best lumbar corset at a great price!

And before making your final choice, it would be useful to familiarize yourself with the unique properties of modern lumbar corsets:

— concentration on a specific area (lumbosacral region), which greatly enhances their effectiveness;

— environmentally friendly and safe “breathable” materials that are used in the process of creating the latest corset designs;

— maximum comfort while wearing, thanks to ergonomic shapes and convenient fasteners (most often with Velcro);

— ease of use and maintenance;

— warming effect (products of certain models);

— reliable support and protection of the spine, which is especially important for those with weakened back muscles.

— reduction of pain, relief of muscle spasms, general improvement of the patient’s well-being.

The most important

As you can see, the lumbosacral corset is an excellent addition to complex therapy for diseases of the spine. The orthopedic device is also used for the prevention of lower back diseases and during rehabilitation after injuries and operations. It is important to choose the right belt, taking into account the recommendations of the orthopedist. When choosing a corrector, you should take into account the following nuances: size, degree of rigidity, insulation of rib inserts, material, manufacturer. In addition, you need to familiarize yourself with the rules for wearing a bandage so that the therapeutic effect is maximum. To extend the life of the belt, the patient must learn the rules for caring for it.

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