Swelling of the ankle joint: treatment in Moscow

Edema of the legs is diagnosed very often; the reasons for the development of the disorder are various. The legs and ankles swell and hurt; the causes of the disorder should be clarified by a phlebologist. Ankle swelling occurs at any age, most often as a result of leg injury or vascular disease. At the Yusupov Hospital, patients with ankle swelling will be able to receive help from a vascular surgeon, phlebologist, oncologist, traumatologist and other specialists. The hospital has a modern diagnostic center; patients will be able to undergo diagnostics of vascular diseases using modern methods.

The Yusupov Hospital treats varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, trophic ulcers, thrombosis, and uses various treatment methods: vein stripping, ligation, miniphlebectomy, transluminal phlebectomy. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, you can avoid the development of severe vascular complications. Patients can undergo treatment of the disease on an outpatient basis or in a hospital setting, which is opened at the hospital. The Yusupov Hospital has a rehabilitation center and a clinical laboratory.

Types of swelling on the legs

Edema is classified into several types, depending on the reasons that caused it: • Congestive . They often form when vascular permeability increases, with excess pressure in the capillaries, which accompanies thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. In a healthy person, venous blood flow is directed under pressure from bottom to top; venous valves are responsible for this, which prevent reverse blood flow. The contraction of the muscles in the legs during movement creates a pumping effect. If this physiological mechanism is disrupted, the valves of the veins begin to allow blood to flow in two directions (not only up, but also down under the influence of gravity). As a result, stagnation occurs in the veins, venous pressure increases, and their walls lose tone and become thinner. As a result of thinning of the vessels, fluid from them penetrates into the tissues, causing swelling. In addition, congestion thickens the blood and causes excessive blood clots. • Hydromic . They are caused by the accumulation of excess fluid as a result of kidney disease. A decrease in their filtering abilities and damage to the tubules leads to a gradual movement of fluid from the bloodstream into the tissues. • Neuropathic. This type of swelling is typical for people who suffer from diabetes or alcoholism. The pathology can be caused by several factors. • Cachexic . They appear as a sign of nutritional deficiency. These are caused by poor protein nutrition, malignant neoplasms, and chronic anemia. • Allergic . The mechanism of their action is related to the body's reaction to allergens. This swelling develops rapidly and is accompanied by itching and redness of the skin. However, with correct treatment, it also quickly disappears. • Mechanical . They arise as a result of injuries as a response to damage to soft tissue structures, bone tissue, or compression of blood vessels. Sometimes mechanical swelling in the legs appears due to tumor processes. Regardless of the cause or type of swelling, a thorough examination and competent therapy are required.

What to do if you twist your ankle and it's swollen?

With bruises, sprains, and sometimes fractures, severe pain and swelling sometimes do not appear immediately, but only several hours or even days after the injury. Because of this, patients often do not associate the onset of acute pain with a minor injury that occurred a few days ago. If the ankle is swollen on the outside, there are scratches or bruises, then the pain is almost always caused by the injury. For various injuries to bones and joints, the help of a doctor is required, an x-ray examination is required. Before going to a medical facility, self-help to alleviate the condition is acceptable. What to do if your leg is swollen after a bruised ankle:

  • remove shoes and socks;
  • apply ice to the affected area;
  • provide rest to the leg;
  • take a painkiller.

You should not touch, squeeze, or try to “straighten” the affected joint yourself. All manipulations - from a pressure bandage to the application of a plaster - can only be performed by a doctor who has examined the x-rays.

What to do with swelling

If swelling develops, especially if it is chronic, you should immediately consult a doctor. To establish the true cause of fluid accumulation, specialists will definitely prescribe a wide range of studies. As a rule, diagnosis begins with a physical examination of the patient and collection of anamnesis, after which the patient undergoes tests and, if necessary, undergoes instrumental examinations.

• General and biochemical blood tests show the level of red blood cells, hemoglobin, ESR, cholesterol. This is necessary to exclude atherosclerotic vascular lesions and gout. • Blood sugar test to rule out diabetes. • Urinalysis to quantify protein levels. • Hormonal tests. • Ultrasound and electrocardiography to detect heart and vascular diseases.

After general examinations, the doctor can refer the patient to specialized specialists for additional diagnostics if certain pathologies are suspected. For example, if varicose veins are suspected, an ultrasound scan of the veins in the legs may be prescribed. In any case, diagnosis and therapy should be carried out exclusively by a doctor. It is important to eliminate not only swelling, but the underlying disease that caused it. The type (drug or non-drug, surgical, conservative) and intensity of therapy are also selected by a specialist. For example, for heart or kidney disease, certain diuretics are prescribed.

When it comes to varicose veins, the basic drugs are venotonics or phleboprotectors, which correct disturbances in the functioning of the venous circulatory system, strengthen blood vessels and restore venous flow. Special ointments and gels are also used that reduce skin sensitivity and discomfort in areas of swelling. In some cases, wearing compression garments is indicated to relieve symptoms. In the later stages of varicose veins, the problem can only be solved through surgery - for this, phlebectomy, sclerotherapy or EVLO (endovasal laser obliteration) is prescribed. However, in some cases it is possible to get rid of swelling without medication or surgery.

Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system, internal organs and systems without drugs. It is based on the anatomical-functional unity of the body and uses manual methods that restore the body's ability to heal itself.

Changes in the legs can be caused by weakness, overexertion, muscle or joint stiffness. The osteopathic correction scheme depends on the complexity, severity of the pathological process and the root causes that caused it.

In the initial stages of the disease, osteopathic manipulations help avoid the progression of leg disease, preventing the need for drug therapy and surgical intervention on the legs.

Osteopathic medicine views the human body as a single system that constantly adapts to new conditions. When any organ is ill or injured, other systems regulate and compensate for its functioning, which causes pain, swelling or inflammation.

Osteopathic treatment of swelling at the Quality of Life clinic is aimed at normalizing metabolism and digestive processes, which has a beneficial effect on the health of the entire body as a whole. Osteocorrection affects all systems, normalizes their functioning and brings them to a natural state. It allows you to effectively eliminate all negative phenomena, including swelling, shortness of breath, heartburn, disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract and the musculoskeletal system. Osteopathic medicine has no contraindications and can be used by both pregnant women and children.

Our doctors use gentle techniques that relieve tension, normalize blood circulation and lymph flow in the legs, improve vascular tone, provide lymphatic drainage and reduce fluid accumulation. In addition, this impact:

• relaxes muscles and fascia; • reduces or completely eliminates pain; • normalizes metabolism and hormonal levels; • restores anatomical mobility of joints.

Work is also carried out at the level of the diaphragm - thoraco-abdominal and pelvic. This normalizes pressure in the abdominal cavity, restores the functionality of all organs and systems, including blood vessels, which, due to disorders, are forced to work harder. As a result, the entire body is brought into a state of harmonious balance, which has a positive effect on the hormonal and psycho-emotional background. Working with soft tissues normalizes blood and lymph flow. This improves the nutrition of bones and joints, which do not have blood vessels, so the main source of nutrients in them is only the surrounding tissue. Improving bone nutrition eliminates pathological processes faster.

Treatment with lymphatic drainage massage is highly effective. It improves lymph flow, accelerates metabolic processes, relieves swelling and stabilizes the functioning of the central nervous system. This method is combined with other physiotherapeutic procedures - physical therapy, kinesiological taping, compression therapy.

Complex therapy, combining different methods, promotes a speedy recovery by reducing inflammation and swelling of tissues, improving blood circulation at the site of inflammation. As a result, recovery occurs much faster. Preventive courses every six months reduce the likelihood of exacerbations of swelling in the legs. The combination of osteopathy, manual therapy, kinesiotherapy and exercise therapy forms new motor patterns in the legs, stops the progression of diseases, prevents exacerbations and improves the quality of life. The set of physical exercises is selected individually by the attending physician, but even if you do simple movements correctly, they will have results.

If your feet are swollen at the ankles, how to treat them?

After the study has been carried out and the cause of the pathological process has been established, the phlebologist prescribes treatment. It may include conservative and radical therapy. Conservative therapy uses medications that make it possible to strengthen the walls of blood vessels (veins, venules, capillaries), improve the properties (rheological characteristics) of blood to improve its outflow. Also, if necessary, physiotherapeutic procedures can be used - ozone therapy, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis, and the use of mud baths.


To achieve and maintain the effect, the action plan, in addition to the main therapy, may include compliance with certain lifestyle recommendations. These include: • Do not sit for a long time in one position with your legs tucked. • Change shoes frequently (at least 1-2 times throughout the day). • Periodically massage your feet using rubbing or pinching movements. • Balance your diet by adding foods with potassium and reducing your intake of sodium-rich foods. • When sleeping, place a special cushion or a regular pillow under your shins so that your lower extremities are above the level of your heart. Before going to bed, you need to raise them and keep them in this position for 5-10 minutes to relieve accumulated fatigue and tension. • In the early stages of varicose veins, physiotherapy, diet therapy and physical therapy are very useful, which can only be done under strict medical supervision.

Unfortunately, with an advanced disease, it is not possible to limit yourself to just lifestyle changes or physical activity - edema requires therapy. Therefore, you need to consult a doctor in a timely manner, preferably at the earliest stages of the development of the pathology, so that all the unpleasant sensations in the legs go away and your gait becomes light and relaxed again. Then the treatment will be effective, and the chances of a full recovery will be as high as possible.

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Treatment in Moscow

If the disease is the cause of leg swelling in the ankle area, the doctor will prescribe treatment for the underlying disease. The causes of swelling of the ankles are determined by the doctor. The patient is referred for diagnosis of diseases after collecting anamnesis, examination and listening to the patient’s complaints. The multidisciplinary Yusupov Hospital provides assistance to patients with vascular diseases, assistance to patients with cardiovascular diseases, urological problems, and oncological diseases. You can make an appointment with a doctor by calling the hospital.


You can determine the swelling of the ankle yourself, just press the pad of your finger on the problem area; if the result is a small dent that does not go away for a while, then your left or right leg is swollen.

Associated symptoms of edema are:

  • Heaviness in the feet
  • Painful sensations
  • Light burning sensation.

The swelling can be local or cover a fairly large area along the entire height of the right or left leg.

Treatment of swelling of the ankle of the right or left leg

Important! Therapy for unilateral edema of the lower extremities depends entirely on the cause that provoked this condition; edema is a symptom, and the disease that caused it must be treated; for an accurate diagnosis and correct treatment, consult a doctor.

If your left ankle or right leg is swollen, it is necessary to remove excess fluid from the body; for this, diuretics or diuretics are prescribed:

  • Furosemide,
  • Veroshpiron,
  • Lasix,
  • Ethacrynic acid.

The complex also uses ointments and creams that reduce swelling and relieve discomfort:

  1. Heparin ointment strengthens blood vessels, capillaries, has analgesic properties and effectively relieves swelling on the left or right leg.
  2. Troxevasin is a natural gel made from herbal extracts that strengthens muscle tissue and relieves swelling.
  3. Lyoton improves blood circulation, effectively treats varicose veins and eliminates swelling of the ankle of the left or right leg. Lyoton has anesthetic and antibacterial properties.

Foot ointments based on horse chestnut have proven themselves to be effective in eliminating swelling. They not only relieve pain and relieve discomfort, but also strengthen the circulatory system and effectively relieve swelling of the ankle of the right or left leg.

Read also: Swelling of internal organs during pregnancy

If swelling in the leg is caused by allergies, it is necessary to promptly use antihistamines (Diazolin, Suprastin, Fenistil).

Exercises to relieve swelling

To quickly reduce swelling, special physical exercises that can be performed at home will help:

  1. Flexion and extension of the foot for 15-20 minutes,
  2. Walking on tiptoes
  3. Take a sitting position, alternately raise and lower your toes,
  4. Clenching and unclenching fingers.

Massaging a swollen limb with essential oils also helps.

Traditional recipes for the treatment of unilateral edema of the lower extremities

There are many effective recipes that can quickly relieve leg swelling. Proper preparation and following the recommendations will allow you to forget about discomfort in the leg:

  1. For the decoction, you need to take flax seeds (300 g) and water (1 l), cook for 20 minutes over low heat, leave to infuse for an hour. Drink the infusion on an empty stomach, ½ glass up to 8 times a day.
  2. A compress of raw potatoes will help relieve swelling and reduce discomfort. To do this, grate 2 potatoes on a fine grater, apply the resulting paste to the swollen area, wrap it with film and a warm scarf, and leave the compress for several hours.
  3. Cosmetic clay 100 g is mixed with 100 ml of water until the consistency of thick sour cream. Apply the resulting mass to the tumor and hold for at least 2 hours.
  4. Grate the parsley root on a fine grater, pour boiling water in a 2:1 ratio and leave to steep for at least 10 hours. Take a glass of infusion at night until the condition improves.
  5. Finely grate 1 onion, add sugar (100 g), stir, leave for 12 hours. Make compresses from the released sweet onion juice until the discomfort decreases.

If traditional medicine recipes do not eliminate the swelling of the right ankle or left leg, consultation with a specialist is necessary.

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