Preparing for x-rays of the lumbosacral spine

Without a doubt, the spine is the most important element of the entire human skeleton. Other parts, of course, are also important, but due to the spine, the body is able to assume a vertical position, and also inside the spinal column there is an important part of the nervous system - the spinal cord. That is why it is important to immediately respond to feelings of discomfort in this part of the body and rush to the doctor . He will order examinations, including x-rays, which will help determine the cause of the pain. Certain studies may require preparations. What preparation is necessary for an x-ray of the lumbosacral spine?

Preparing for x-rays of the lumbosacral spine

Lumbar X-ray – why is it important?

The lower back is the part of the back that experiences significant stress every day. The vertebral region supports most of the entire human body. Plus, given the low mobility of modern people, the load on the lower back is much greater than before, and the muscle corset, which also helps to keep the torso in an upright position, weakens without exercise.

The lower back experiences serious stress

This is why the spine begins to hurt more often in the lumbar region than in other parts. In some cases, pain in this part of the body signals the development of serious pathologies that only a doctor can handle. Unfortunately, a person sometimes seeks help late, when the disease has already developed, and treatment becomes much more difficult than if the patient had come to a specialist at the first symptoms.

Intervertebral hernia of the lumbar spine

A variety of methods are used to diagnose the condition of the lumbosacral back. One of them is radiography.

Prices for lumbosacral corset

What do abnormal results mean?

An X-ray of the lumbosacral spine may show:

  • Abnormal curvatures of the spine
  • Abnormal wear and tear on the cartilage and bones of the lower spine, such as bone spikes and narrowing of the joints between the vertebrae.
  • Cancer
  • Fractures
  • Signs of thinning bones (osteoporosis)
  • Spondylolisthesis

Although some of these findings may be visible on x-rays, they are not always the cause of back pain.

A little about radiography

Radiography is a simple, universal, fast and fairly informative method for studying the tissues of the spine and other organs. This is an affordable and safe way to identify most abnormalities and disorders in this part of the skeleton.

X-ray diagnostics

The method is based on the ability of body tissues to transmit X-rays, and the transmittance of all tissues is different. Due to this, you can get a complete picture of the condition of a certain part of the body, captured on a special film. During the procedure, the person will be between the X-ray machine (X-ray tube) and the same film. The rays passing through the tissue will create an image of a certain nature on it, looking at which the doctor will be able to determine the presence or absence of any abnormalities.

X-rays of the lumbar spine

Bones transmit the least amount of rays, so they will appear white on film. Tissues filled with air (lungs or intestines) will appear as darker.

On a note! Doctors call light areas in the image darkening, and dark areas, as opposed to clearing.

Brightness of various anatomical structures on a radiograph

The undoubted advantages of radiography are:

  • simplicity;
  • sufficient information content;
  • cheapness;
  • accessibility - x-rays can be done in any clinic.

But the method is not without its drawbacks - it has low information content when it is necessary to diagnose the condition of intervertebral discs, muscles, and soft tissues of the body. Also, not every specialist is able to thoroughly understand the image, especially when it comes to assessing the condition of intervertebral discs - their diagnosis is best done using MRI.

When assessing the condition of intervertebral discs, MRI is more informative than x-rays

Attention! You should not overuse radiography. Rays that reveal pathologies have a negative effect on the body. However, in small doses they are not dangerous.

Table. Types of radiography.

RegularThis is a familiar type of research to many. In this case, the doctor receives a picture with the results - the same black and white film with images of organs.
DigitalIn this case, the photograph is not handed over - the results are saved on some digital medium. The advantages of this method are the ability to send a file via the Internet if it is necessary to connect another specialist located far away to assess the patient’s condition.

Activated charcoal before abdominal MRI

The use of any medications before the study must be agreed with the attending physician. If dietary recommendations are followed, there is usually no need for additional medications.

If you are prone to bloating, preparing for an MRI of the abdominal organs may involve the use of activated charcoal or other anti-flatulence medications. Medicines against pathological gas formation are taken according to the instructions or as recommended by a doctor. There is no need to exceed the dose.

Taking sorbents for 2-3 days before the study is possible only as prescribed by a doctor. Using such drugs unnecessarily can cause constipation, which is not advisable before an MRI.

In case of excessive intestinal motility, preparation for tomography of the abdominal cavity includes the use of antispasmodics in consultation with a specialist.

MR image of the abdominal organs

How are pictures taken?

From the patient's point of view, an X-ray is taken very simply - the patient needs to remove all jewelry made of metal and expose the part of the body whose image needs to be taken. In the case of the lumbosacral region, you will have to remove clothing above the waist. Next, you will need to lie down on a special table, above which there is an X-ray machine. You need to lie on your back or side. Usually the picture is taken in two projections to get as much data as possible. You cannot move during the examination, otherwise the image will be blurry. Part of the body can be covered with a special X-ray shielding apron or lead cape.

How to take an x-ray of the lower back

On a note! In certain cases, but quite rarely, an x-ray taken at an angle may be required. In this case, the rays will pass through the body tissues at an angle of 45 degrees.

After this procedure, the doctor will go to develop the image. In total, radiography takes no more than 15 minutes. It is important to remember that before examining the lumbosacral back, the patient should prepare .

After the procedure, the image is developed

If you want to learn in more detail how the MRI procedure of the lumbosacral spine is performed, and also consider the preparatory stage, you can read an article about it on our portal.

How is an X-ray of the sacrum done?

Before the patient enters the radiography room, he will be asked to remove all metal objects. The procedure requires various projections, which are selected by the radiologist depending on the instructions of the treating specialist. Depending on the choice, the patient is asked to take different positions:

  • Lying on your side, bending your legs and pulling them to your stomach, resting your head on your arm bent at the elbow;
  • Standing sideways with one hand behind your head;
  • Standing sideways, bending low forward so that your arms reach the floor and your knees are not bent;
  • Standing sideways, clasping your hands at the back of your head and throwing your head back, bending as far as possible;
  • Sitting sideways on a vertical surface, clasping your knees with your hands and bending your torso forward as much as possible;
  • Sitting sideways on a vertical surface, bending back as much as possible, throwing your head back and arching your chest.

Indications for radiography

The doctor will refer the patient for this type of examination in the following cases:

  • presence of lower back pain;
  • receiving any injury;
  • the presence of numbness in some parts of the body;
  • suspicion of the presence of pathologies such as intervertebral hernia, tumor, osteoporosis, spondylosis, radiculitis, stenosis;
  • suspected fracture;
  • infectious lesions of spinal segments (osteomyelitis, tuberculosis, etc.);
  • rachiocampsis;
  • routine diagnostics before and after surgery.

Lower back pain

On a note! During the examination, pathologies that are not related to the spine may be identified.

Preparing for an abdominal MRI with contrast

Enhanced tomography is prescribed for the study of blood vessels, diagnosis of inflammatory diseases, detection and primary differentiation of tumors. The procedure involves scanning twice - in native mode and after administration of the gadolinium drug to the body. The drug rarely causes adverse reactions and can be used in patients with renal failure.

Preparation for an abdominal MRI with contrast is the same as for a conventional tomography. For 2-3 days you need to follow a diet and refrain from eating 4 hours before the procedure.

The amplifier can cause vegetative reactions (dizziness, hot flashes, metallic taste in the mouth, nausea). To reduce discomfort to a minimum, you should have a light snack 40-45 minutes before the test. It is better to give preference to a small sandwich, a handful of biscuits, etc.

Special preparation for MRI of the abdominal cavity with contrast is needed during lactation. Gadolinium passes into human milk. Therefore, until the amplifier is removed from the baby’s body, it should not be applied to the breast (6-8 hours). It is necessary to stock up on expressed milk or purchase baby formula for 2-3 feedings.

You can sign up for a study at the Magnit DC by phone or through an electronic form on the website. The clinic performs native examinations and procedures with a contrast agent. Weight limit 130 kg. Preparation for an MRI of the abdominal cavity in both cases will definitely be announced when registering for the procedure.


X-rays are not always possible. There are certain contraindications for which this research option is not used or is used only in cases of extreme necessity. Expectant mothers should not be given x-rays, as x-rays are dangerous to the health of the fetus. This method is contraindicated for breastfeeding women. It is also not recommended to send small children under 14 years of age for x-rays. People with mental disorders are not referred for this type of research.

X-rays should not be taken during pregnancy

Bandages for pregnant women

X-rays are not taken if you are obese or if the patient cannot remain still for several seconds. Also, this method is contraindicated if an X-ray examination using a barium suspension was performed within the previous 4 days.

Obesity is another contraindication

Why do you need to prepare for the examination?

Not every patient understands why a number of preparatory measures are needed for an X-ray examination of the lumbosacral spine. But in reality everything is simple. For example, if there is feces in the intestines, then the image will be uninformative, since human waste products will also be visible on it . An accurate and correct diagnosis cannot be made.

In some cases, easily excitable people need to take sedatives so that they can lie quietly for a while. Otherwise, the photo will also be useless.

X-ray of the spine

If you want to know in more detail what an x-ray of the spine shows, and also consider what the dangers of x-rays are, you can read an article about this on our portal.

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