Bandage for the lumbosacral spine

For various diseases of the spinal column, most doctors advise fixing the spine. This can be achieved by wearing orthopedic devices on the lower back - corsets and bandages.

When used on an ongoing basis, the pain completely disappears or is significantly reduced, but for a greater effect in treatment, the patient should find the best option for a device of this kind.

Bandage for the lumbosacral spine

In the article we will talk about the structure of the bandage, its purpose, types, rules for choosing, using and caring for it.

About the bandage

To eliminate the consequences of various diseases, vertebral displacements, lower back injuries, as well as to reduce the load on the spine, it is partially immobilized. To achieve this, the patient will need help in the form of a special device - a bandage.

It is able to relieve spasms and tension from the body, as well as prevent the development of complications. For this reason, doctors advise wearing it more often during rehabilitation after lower back treatment.

It is worth noting that the bandage will only be beneficial if the patient complies with the instructions of the attending physician. The main thing he should know is how to choose the best option for himself, how exactly to wear it and what are the subtleties of caring for it.

Myth No. 2. Spinal traction will help straighten it.

Spinal traction as a way to straighten it is an absolutely useless procedure. It works with the consequence—curvature—but not with the cause of scoliosis: birth trauma. In addition, this method of exposure usually makes the problem worse! Remember your school physics course: if a spring is stretched too much, when it is released it will compress even more.

No traction is useful, be it dry or underwater, especially neck traction with a Glisson loop. From experience I can say that some of the most difficult patients are those who used this loop. Many experienced autonomic disorders that were difficult to correct. Moreover, using this device yourself is dangerous, as there is a risk of causing serious injury to yourself.

One of the options for combating scoliosis is osteopathic treatment. However, it is important to understand that the maximum effect of spinal straightening can only be achieved in childhood, while the body is growing. After puberty, an osteopath is able to significantly improve the patient’s condition and prevent the situation from worsening, but he (like any other specialist) is not able to completely rid an adult of scoliosis, because the bones have already formed.

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Why take a bandage?

An orthopedic bandage is used in the treatment of problems associated with the functionality of the lumbar region. It would be advisable to wear it in other cases:

  • for diseases of the spine (exacerbated forms of chronic ailments);
  • after surgery;
  • for the prevention of back injuries that occur due to work, excess weight, sports, and also during pregnancy.

A bandage is an orthopedic belt that is made of a material that can stretch. It has special inserts and various stiffening ribs. Fixation occurs through the following components:

  • carbines;
  • Velcro;
  • belts

The bandage is a useful orthopedic device

All these components help in immobilizing and supporting the spine in an anatomically correct position.

Important! Wearing a bandage improves blood flow in the lower back, which restores the delivery of blood and oxygen to the soft tissues. In addition, thanks to it, regeneration processes are accelerated.

What are the main functions of a corset?

The corset and bandage have several functions. The main one is reducing the load and creating obstacles to movements in the lumbar spine. That is, the corset fixes the back in a horizontal position, relieving the load from the spine, and also prevents the person from bending over sharply.

By the way, the main difference between a bandage and an orthosis or corset is the degree of fixation: the bandage provides a softer fixation and gives slightly greater freedom of movement. But orthoses or corsets are more restrictive and are often worn for serious back injuries (or even cracks and fractures of the spine).


According to many people, wearing an orthopedic corset or bandage is an absolutely safe and effective method of treating the locomotor system.

For this reason, they sell out immediately. What is noteworthy is that there is no need for a preliminary meeting or consultation with a doctor.

Few people know about the characteristic features of such orthopedic devices. They have different designs depending on the purpose of wearing and, moreover, come in different rigidities.

It is also worth considering the presence of contraindications in the process of selecting and subsequently wearing a belt.

According to indications, the lumbar bandage is suitable for almost everyone

To treat ailments of the musculoskeletal system, an orthopedist most often prescribes lumbar bandages, which will be useful in such cases as:

  • exacerbation of diseases associated with the locomotor system - spondylosis, osteochondrosis, neuralgia, intervertebral hernia, protrusion, radiculitis and others;
  • after a back injury (the doctor prescribes the temporary use of a corset);
  • after surgery (rehabilitation of the spine is carried out by wearing a bandage);
  • excessive mobility or curvature of the vertebrae (with scoliosis or lordosis).

Wearing lumbar braces is prescribed as a preventative measure to prevent the growth of destructive effects on the spine for the following groups of people:

  • athletes (during training or competition);
  • patients suffering from excess weight;
  • people whose work involves lifting heavy objects, staying in the cold for a long time, maintaining a stationary position for a long time (drivers, office workers).

Myth No. 5. A corset will help correct your posture.

Corsets do not correct posture. The body is originally structured very correctly. And it has the ability to adapt. Even if a person was injured at birth or during life, even if there are abnormalities and curvatures, it adapts to these conditions and distributes the load so that the body can exist and function.

The corset straightens only part of the body, fixing it rigidly. The load from it is distributed to other areas, which become much more difficult to work with. Be sure to remember this if you ever want to wear a corset!


When deciding which bandage to get, you must take into account its rigidity and the purpose of wearing it.

There are three types of lumbar braces. The division was carried out according to the degree of rigidity.

Table No. 1. Types of lumbar bandages.

Bandage with a low degree of rigidity (soft belt)It is made from soft fabrics. Polymer threads are added to them for density. For all its softness, the bandage fits snugly to the body. There is no rigid fixation. This type of belt is used to maintain a fixed position of the lower back with further correction of posture, warming up and relieving soft tissue injuries in the lower back.
Bandage with medium degree of rigidity (semi-rigid belt)The flexibility of the ribs and the softness of the inserts inside this belt allows you to limit freedom of movement. This type of bandage is advisable to use for moderate to severe pain in the lumbar region, throughout the entire course of treatment for a hernia, during postoperative rehabilitation or in case of a pinched nerve. Due to the soft Velcro, you can adjust the tension force of this kind of belts.
Bandage with a high degree of rigidity (hard belt).Stiffening ribs made of strong and hard materials help the lumbar support create an area in which the lower back will be secured. Immobilization is done for the purpose of accelerated treatment of the lumbar region. This belt is recommended for wearing when the vertebrae are too mobile, after complex physical injuries to the lower back, as well as when treating intervertebral hernias. A rigid belt can be compared to a plaster cast. It is important to remember that if a patient decides to take a belt with a high stiffness rating, he needs to choose one according to his figure. You need to take into account the size, curves of the body, and much more.

Also, all orthopedic lumbar braces are divided into three classes in accordance with their original purpose:

  • corrective. They are necessary to maintain the anatomical position of the spine;
  • fixing. They limit mobility. This allows you to reduce pressure on the lumbar vertebrae;
  • warming. When wearing them, blood circulation is activated and enhanced. In addition, this type of bandage creates a slight massage effect, which relaxes the muscles and relieves spasms.

Lumbar braces are designed for a variety of purposes.

In addition to the above types of bandage, there is one more, separate from all – a mixed type.

It is distinguished by the presence of soft and dense parts in a single design. For example, a soft bandage (the kind they make for pregnant women) has strong and hard inserts built into the lumbar area. In addition, women's bandages differ from standardized soft belts in their Velcro-based fastening system. It allows you to more accurately regulate the tension force.

Myth No. 4. Intervertebral hernias occur due to heavy lifting

There are many misconceptions about how protrusions and intervertebral hernias appear. For example, they may be associated with heavy lifting. There is some truth to this, but only in very rare cases will the load being lifted be so heavy as to cause a problem.

An intervertebral hernia is a consequence of an imbalance in the musculoskeletal system: instead of being positioned strictly vertically, parts of the body are deviated from the midline to the left and right, forward and backward. Naturally, the load on the spine increases. And then the body, as it were, creates additional support for itself, adapts to these changes, which, as a rule, arise due to birth and acquired injuries. If the curvature is not too strong, protrusions appear. With a severe injury, the body will not be able to cope with the load, and the disc will protrude more and more, and the protrusion will eventually turn into a hernia.

Misconceptions also apply to pain that occurs with intervertebral hernias. The hernias themselves do not hurt. Discomfort and pain occur in tense muscles and ligaments. They are the ones who keep the musculoskeletal system in an upright position. When you contort your body, your muscles tighten more to keep you upright and able to function fully. It is not surprising that under stress and increased stress the pain intensifies.

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Selection and wearing

In most cases, purchasing an orthopedic bandage becomes possible only after consultation with your doctor - a vertebrologist or orthopedist.

It is better not to buy a lumbar brace on your own initiative. The fact is that if you choose it incorrectly, wearing it will negatively affect the condition of your lower back. Discomfort will definitely not give any positive result.

You should wear the bandage correctly if you want to achieve the best effect.

As a rule, the stiffer the bandage, the more harm it causes if used incorrectly. The vertebrologist will advise you on the best size and type to choose, and what number of stiffening ribs are needed in the brace for the most effective treatment of the lumbar region, correction, and postural support.

About replacing an orthopedic belt

If your doctor has prescribed you to wear a bandage, then you should not hesitate to purchase it. Following recommendations for wearing a lumbar brace accelerates the appearance of positive changes in the patient’s well-being.

Replacing a bandage is a science!

Just wearing a bandage during treatment is not enough. It is necessary to take a whole range of measures to fully recover from spinal diseases. It is worth noting that timely detection of the problem helps to avoid surgical intervention.

The bandage can be used for a long time, as they are made from durable, strong and wear-resistant materials. But if the bandage is worn out or ineffective, it is recommended to replace it with another one. If this kind of problem arises, it is better to consult a specialist.

Myth No. 3. With scoliosis, you need to pump up one side and stretch the other

This is a fundamentally wrong approach. People with scoliosis need an extremely even load on both sides of the body. This is why I recommend stopping carrying bags on one shoulder, it is better to use backpacks, following the rule: two straps - two shoulders. This applies to both schoolchildren and adults.

The correct load is uniform. Otherwise, you will only make the problem worse. Swimming is ideal in this regard. This is a unique safe sport that gives a symmetrical load on the right and left sides. If you don't work with equal force with your arms and legs, you will begin to swim in a circle. Keep this in mind when choosing appropriate physical activity.

Children's bandages

Wearing a lumbar bandage is a simple and, most importantly, safe way to treat and correct posture.

The problem of incorrect posture and lumbar strain is especially acute for children. They often suffer from this because they hunch over, assume incorrect body positions, or bend or lean excessively while working on a PC. In addition, they often have a lack of calcium and vitamin D.

All this has an extremely negative effect on the condition of the lower back and the formation of posture. The result is scoliosis of the spine.

If a child does not engage in any kind of sports or does not do morning exercises, then he will experience weakening of his muscles and a decrease in the flexibility of the spine. As a result, various types of kyphosis, scoliosis and lordosis appear.

For children who suffer from pain in the lower back, a bandage is essential

Scoliosis progresses faster in children because their bones and cartilage are more pliable. Because of this, the orthopedic doctor will have a special task - choosing a children's bandage. It will prevent the child from slouching and will maintain anatomically correct posture.

The appropriate age for wearing a lumbar brace is from eleven to sixteen years. Warming models are used only when children suffer from radiculopathy, but this rarely happens.

For grade 1 scoliosis, the orthopedic bandage is worn for a maximum of five to six hours a day. If grade 2 is detected, you need to wear it all the time, the only exception being during sleep.

It is worth noting that you need to remove the bandage for at least a short period of time (an hour a day). This must be done regardless of the severity of the pathology. At this time, it will be useful to give your child a massage. This prevents swelling and possible circulation problems.

Important! As the child ages, it is necessary to change the bandage.

Medical back corset - what is it and why is it needed?

This article explains what a medical corset is, why it is needed, and provides answers to common questions:

What is a corset for?

  • Types of corsets
  • Purpose of corsets
  • Location on the spine
  • Rigidity

How to wear a corset?

Throughout history, people have been concerned about their health. After all, health is life. Today, one of the most common diseases are diseases of the back and spine. The causes of such disorders are a sedentary lifestyle, lack of physical activity, poor posture and excess weight. However, many spinal problems can be solved without resorting to complex procedures and lengthy treatment. And special orthopedic back corsets can help with this.

What is a corset for?

Initially, the corset was an item of women's clothing and was intended to create a beautiful silhouette. Today this product is produced for all age categories, has the function of a corrector and fixator and is prescribed in the following situations:

  • curvature of the spine;
  • pathologies of the spinal column;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • pinched nerves;
  • increased physical stress on the back;
  • post-traumatic and postoperative recovery;
  • playing sports.

Types of corsets

Products can be classified according to the following parameters:

  • material – textile, leather, composite, polymer, metal-polymer materials, with or without filling;
  • adjustment - corsets with the ability to adjust sizes to fit the figure (with belts, Velcro, elastic bands) or without it (made to individual measurements);
  • appointment;
  • location on the spine;
  • rigidity.

Purpose of corsets

Based on their functionality, medical corsets can be divided into three types.

Corsets-fixators. Their purpose is to support and secure the spine in the correct position. Such products with rigid inserts are used for injuries, spinal diseases, hernias, as well as for the prevention of postural disorders, especially in children.

Corrective. Worn to correct postural deviations (lordosis, kyphosis, scoliosis). They have a rigid shape and are made from individual casts of the patient’s back.

Support corsets. The purpose of such products is to maintain the correct position of the spine and protect against overload. Indispensable in sports, dancing, in conditions of heavy physical labor and as support for a weakened back.

Location on the spine

As you know, the spinal column has four sections: cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral. Each department has its own types of orthopedic products. Depending on the severity of the disease, such corsets can be soft or hard and have distinctive design features.

One of the types of corset is a lumbar bandage. This modification is mainly used by pregnant women to make walking easier and prevent lower back pain.

Corset rigidity

According to the degree of rigidity of the structure, we can distinguish soft, rigid and semi-rigid corsets.

For the treatment of diseases of the spinal column, the use of rigid corsets is prescribed. However, you should know that in order to avoid atrophy of the back muscles, you can wear such products for several hours a day and only after visiting a specialist.

Soft corsets have a preventive function. The design, made of elastic and dense non-stretchable materials, allows you to gently fix the spine and maintain it in a physiologically correct position.

The most commonly used corsets are those with a semi-rigid frame. They are versatile, comfortable and do not restrict movement, provide good back support and are therapeutic.

How to wear a corset?

All experts unanimously say: in order for the use of an orthopedic corset to have a positive effect, you should remember several important rules:

— the product should be put on in a supine position and best in the morning;

— the corset should be comfortable, not squeeze the body, but also not be too loose;

— the maximum time for using the corset is 6 hours, after which you should definitely take a break;

- Under no circumstances should the product be used for any damage to the skin.

— for reasons of hygiene, you should not wear a corset on a naked body, you must use thin underwear made from natural fabrics.

The use of medical corsets brings significant positive effects.
But before purchasing a remedy, you must undergo a full examination and consult with an orthopedic doctor. It is important to remember that spine treatment will be successful and effective if you use a corset in combination with other methods. Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

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