Therapeutic massage of the lumbosacral spine

When a person has chronic back pain due to excessive physical exertion, work that requires standing for more than 8 hours, he is recommended to massage the lower back. It allows you to reduce the manifestation of unpleasant sensations, normalize blood circulation and improve your overall well-being. In addition to the positive effect, massaging movements become an excellent prevention of the development of severe pathologies of bone tissue. But they will be useful only if they are carried out in compliance with all established rules, in the absence of contraindications and individual intolerance.

Is it possible to massage a hernia?

A herniated disc develops when the annulus fibrosus disc that connects the vertebrae to each other becomes damaged. The nucleus it contains protrudes outward and penetrates the intervertebral canal, where many nerve fibers are located. It compresses the nerves, causing pain not only in the affected area, but also in the area for which they are responsible for innervation - the neck, arm, leg.

Massage is one of the manual therapy techniques that has proven itself as an effective remedy. The procedure is recommended for hernia of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar spine. Whether it is possible to do massage for spinal hernias and how to do it depends on the patient. At the initial stage, when the fibers of the intervertebral disc are damaged, but it is still intact, massage is prescribed as part of the treatment. At this time it gives the best effect. One course stops the progression of the disease, relieves pain, and starts regenerative processes.

Massage is a combination of weak and strong movements in the form of rubbing, pressure, vibration. Under their influence, the distance between the vertebrae increases, negative pressure is created, under the influence of which the core returns to the disc.

Nutrients that reach hard-to-reach areas:

  • improve the regeneration of the disc and cartilage tissue;
  • strengthen the ligaments of the spine;
  • makes the vertebrae stronger and more resilient.

With protrusion, when the disc cracks increase, but the core remains inside, the approach changes. Massage must be done carefully, otherwise it can provoke the progression of the hernia. The correct technique will stop degenerative processes in the disc.

With prolapse, the nucleus partially comes out, which is accompanied by severe pain. In this case, gentle stroking is recommended, intense exposure is prohibited. Hydrotherapy in the bath has a good effect. The same technique must be followed when extruding. At this stage, the nucleus protrudes greatly from the disc, affecting more nerve endings than with prolapse.

During sequestration, the procedure is prohibited. The hernia does not just bulge, but breaks away from the disc and migrates along the spinal column. This is a very dangerous condition that can cause paralysis. Any load on the spinal table is prohibited. The patient often needs surgery.

The procedure goes well with other methods of physiotherapy - cold, heat, hydrotherapy, electrical nerve stimulation. A good therapeutic effect is achieved by massage in combination with physical therapy exercises.

Technique of influencing the problem area

There are simple rules that allow you to make massage effective without causing pain in the patient.

  1. It is recommended to achieve maximum force on the lower back gradually, increasing pressure only after some time has begun.
  2. It is not always possible to reach the deep muscles from the first session.
  3. Therapeutic lower back massage includes only 3-4 appointments. They are repeated in different sequences, improving blood circulation and eliminating muscle tension.
  4. The procedure can last from half an hour or longer. Painful points require a special approach and time. But massage cannot be performed during an exacerbation. Therefore, after the session, a break of several weeks is required.

During the massage, the specialist does not touch the vertebral bone. Pressing and rubbing apply only to the surrounding muscles.

After the massage, you need to rest for 10-20 minutes, refraining from physical activity. To consolidate the result, experts recommend using special heat. This can be done in a bathhouse or in an office using special equipment.

The benefits of massage for hernia

Each type of intervertebral hernia has serious complications, so you should not delay treatment.
See how easy it is to get rid of a hernia in 10 sessions

Massage for hernia:

  • Improves blood flow to inflamed soft tissues.
    Plasma contains oxygen, nutrients, and immune cells that accelerate the healing of damaged tissue.
  • Relieves inflammation.
    The procedure relieves swelling that has formed in response to a pinched nerve.
  • Reduces the level of stress hormones.
    In response to pain, the release of adrenaline, cortisol, and other substances increases, the task of which is to help the body cope with the situation. On a physical level, blood vessels constrict, which can cause spasms. Psychologically, a person feels severe discomfort.
  • Relaxes.
    Massage for a spinal hernia softens tense muscles, which helps reduce pain and relieve spasms.
  • Stimulates the synthesis of endorphins.
    This is the name for pleasure hormones - biologically active substances that are produced by the brain in response to a joyful event (in this case, a massage). Endorphins cause a feeling of pleasure, which dulls pain and stimulates healing.

The benefits of massage for lumbar and lumbosacral hernia

General stiffness is a common symptom of a lumbar hernia. The muscles go into spasm, causing the person to become stiff. Massage for a lumbar hernia normalizes the tone of blood vessels, which leads to improved blood supply to tissues and venous outflow. The muscles relax and lactic acid leaves them. The muscles begin to contract better and become more flexible, restoring mobility to the lower back.

If there are scars after surgery, massage performed using the correct technique helps to resolve them.

The benefits of massage for thoracic hernia

Intervertebral joints and discs do not differ in mobility, especially in the thoracic region. However, under the influence of massage they become more plastic, flexible, stronger, which allows you to eliminate pain in the joints and muscles and prevent the appearance of the last stages of hernias. In addition, the pressure on the discs is reduced.

Read more about this type of hernia and other methods of its treatment in this article.

The benefits of massage for cervical hernia

The procedure makes the neck more flexible, relieves muscle tension, pain in the forearm, and eliminates migraines. Impact on the 7th cervical vertebra has a positive effect on the heart.

Read more about the symptoms and treatment of cervical hernia here.

Basic methods of treating osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis requires long-term complex treatment , individual for each patient. It is carried out in stages. During an exacerbation, the first priority is to eliminate pain and inflammation. Rest and unloading of the spine with the help of spine traction, corsets and an orthopedic mattress are mandatory.

Drug therapy and physical therapy also come to the rescue . Various ointments and creams based on natural anti-inflammatory agents and acupuncture also relieve pain. Traditional medicine also brings great benefits in the form of rubbing, compresses, infusions of medicinal plants, and hirudotherapy techniques.

B vitamins and chondroprotectors contribute to strengthening the trophism of the discs, restoring their nutrition and blood circulation . And manual therapy and massage help normalize their functions and structure. Exercise therapy promotes the formation of a durable muscle corset and improvement of posture.


Massage is a method of treatment and prevention of spinal hernia

Massage is prescribed for the prevention of hernia for any problems with the spine - scoliosis, osteochondrosis, etc. It is useful if a hernia has appeared, but not at the acute stage.

For a hernia, massage is definitely indicated for:

  • General rigidity, lack of flexibility of the back.
  • Inability to perform daily activities due to stiffness.
  • Dizziness.
  • Numbness of the limbs.
  • Weakness and fatigue when walking.
  • Pain in the back and limbs.
  • Poor sleep, high blood pressure, which are caused by a herniated disc.

Causes of lower back pain

The most common causes of back pain are excessive fatigue and excessive physical activity. Also, a painful condition can occur for a number of the following reasons:

  • Injuries to the muscular system or internal organs.
  • Vertebral fracture in the lumbar region.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system: osteoporosis, osteochondrosis, lumbar ischialgia, disc protrusion.
  • Complications after serious illnesses.
  • Infectious processes in the pelvic organs.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system.

General rules for massage for hernia

If massage for an intervertebral hernia is entrusted to an amateur, inept actions will aggravate the situation and provoke disc displacement and other problems. Therefore, the treatment procedure must be carried out by a specialist.

Basic rules of massage for hernia:

  • The spine is inviolable - massage should be done near the spinal column.
  • The affected area should be treated carefully, avoiding active exposure. Massage for a vertebral hernia should have a relaxing, soothing, tonic effect.
  • It is necessary to influence not only the area around the spine, but also the area (arm, leg, shoulder, hips, buttocks) that is connected to the affected nerve.
  • The first session should not be long. The duration of the procedures is increased gradually.
  • In case of a lumbar hernia, any power techniques are prohibited. All movements should be as gentle as possible.
  • The procedure is prohibited in case of severe pain or inflammation.
  • Impact techniques should not be used if they can cause complications, relapses, pinching, or paralysis. Therefore, a specialist must know how a hernia develops, its symptoms, how to massage correctly, which points can be pressed and which ones cannot.
  • If pain or discomfort appears during the session, the procedure should be stopped.
  • Vibration should be performed using a continuous point method. Impact techniques with stops should be excluded.

Preparatory activities

If the session is carried out at home, then the patient needs to properly prepare the place. This can be a rug on the floor or a bed with a hard mattress. It is important that all the necessary tools for the master’s work can be placed nearby. The massage will be most effective if you need to prepare for it:

  • An hour before the start of the event, you should refuse to eat or drink high-calorie drinks.
  • Immediately before the massage you need to go to the toilet (the bladder and intestines are freed).
  • It is advisable to take a shower or bath with warm water.
  • You should relax as much as possible and concentrate on the positive aspects.
  • Before the massage, active exercises that slow down the pulse or breathing are prohibited.

It is better to entrust massage for lower back pain to a specialist, but the relationship between the master and the patient is not the last point. They should be as confidential as possible so that the patient can relax during the session.

Therapeutic neck massage differs significantly from conventional relaxing techniques

Types of massage for hernia

Doctors have developed a huge number of massage techniques that help with spinal hernia. They act differently. Some affect the functioning of the deep back muscles, others affect the surface superficially.

Whatever technique the doctor uses, he should start with light, warming movements. They will minimize the likelihood of pain during the session.

Classic (general)

During a general massage, the specialist works with the entire back. The procedure consists of warm-up, deep and superficial stroking, muscle rubbing, vibration. To make your fingers glide better, the massage therapist can use a special cream, vegetable or essential oil, or lotion.

When performing a classic massage, the specialist mainly works with the entire back

Massage is performed using the following techniques:

  • Stroking
    is a gentle effect on the body aimed at increasing blood flow and relaxing muscles.
  • Rubbing
    is an intense action during which the skin moves from its place, which allows you to soften deposits, dilate blood vessels, and increase blood flow. This effect improves tissue regeneration.
  • Kneading
    - the massage therapist squeezes and pulls the skin, which helps get rid of congestion and increases muscle tone.
  • Vibration
    is an effect on the body through oscillatory movements. The procedure improves muscle activity and accelerates blood flow.

The movements are light at first, then intensify, the strokes become deeper. Then the specialist begins traditional rubbing - with the edge of the palm and fingertips. Next comes kneading, and at the end - soothing stroking.

The recommended course is 10-20 sessions. To achieve optimal results, classical massage must be combined with exercise therapy and other physiotherapeutic techniques.

The price of the procedure in Moscow starts from 1000 rubles. per session lasting 15 minutes. The cost depends on the qualifications of the specialist and the price of consumables.


The segmental technique is a procedure that is prescribed for severe pain. It is carried out by analogy with a general massage, but the specialist works only with the sore area:

  • cervical-collar region and head/upper limbs area;
  • cervicothoracic region;
  • chest area;
  • lumbosacral region, if necessary - massage of the lower extremities.

During work, the doctor uses the following movements:

  • “saw” and “drilling” - deeply affect tissues constrained by spasm;
  • stroking and pressing in different directions;
  • stretching, vibration.

As in the previous case, the specialist uses oils, ointments, and creams for better gliding of the fingers. They may contain painkillers and other substances aimed at relieving pain and enhancing the therapeutic effect. The price for services in Moscow starts from 700 rubles. per session.

What types of intervertebral hernias are most difficult to treat?

4 stages of treatment for intervertebral hernia


The history of acupressure began in Mongolia and China, and is comparable in technique to acupuncture. The specialist works with specific areas of the body that distribute energy in the body. The procedure, carried out according to all the rules, improves blood and lymph flow, reduces hypertension, and improves mood.

Acupressure covers several points, and they must be massaged according to a certain system. This can be deep pressure, light touch, stroking. Before the session you should not take a bath, tea, coffee, or alcohol. Massage is not done on an empty stomach.

The procedure lasts 20-40 minutes. The number of sessions depends on the age, gender, and health of the patient. Usually 5-10 procedures are prescribed 2-3 times a week. The price starts from 1000 rubles. per session.

Vacuum (can)

Vacuum and acupressure massage for hernia

The method involves the use of cans or a device whose suction cups are attached to the skin, after which a vacuum is created between the nozzle and the skin. Vacuum massage helps relieve swelling and improve metabolism. The price of the procedure starts from 1000 rubles.

The cupping method is mainly used for the thoracic and lumbosacral regions. Despite its apparent simplicity, under no circumstances place the jars right away. To achieve the desired result, you need to know exactly where to place them.


The massage therapist works not only with muscles, but also with joints, restoring their mobility and strength. The method allows you to increase blood flow to hard-to-reach areas of the spine, which helps restore damaged cartilage tissue.

The technique consists of the following stages:

  1. Stroking
    – the procedure prepares the back for the active phase of the massage.
  2. Kneading
    – the skin begins to knead more intensively. This stage takes 10% of the time.
  3. Rubbing
    – the back is actively rubbed in a circle with the palm of your hand, which allows you to engage the deep layers of muscles. This is the longest part of the procedure. It takes 70% of the time.
  4. Vibrations + tapping
    - the ribs of the palms and fingertips are involved. Movements are fast, rhythmic, jerky.

To ensure that your hands glide without friction, the massage therapist uses special creams and oils. They may also have therapeutic effects. The price of the procedure starts from 900 rubles.


Hydromassage is a procedure based on the healing effects of water. Water jets are applied to the body under a certain pressure, which creates vibration that simulates a massage. The direction and intensity of the water flow can be adjusted.

At this time the person is in:

  • Bath
    - bubble massage, which has a soft, gentle effect on the body. It enhances metabolism, relaxes, and relieves stress. Judging by the comments, a water procedure with air bubbles is effective for many diseases of the musculoskeletal system and neuroses.
  • Shower cabin
    - jet massage, which affects tired muscles, tones and invigorates.

Hydromassage allows you to achieve the following effects:

  • relieve tension and spasms of the back muscles;
  • improve mood, mental stress;
  • eliminate insomnia;
  • improve blood circulation, and with it nutrition of tissues at the site of inflammation;
  • normalize the outflow of lymph, which helps reduce swelling;
  • remove pain.

The cost of hydromassage depends on the clinic, equipment, bath, water purification method, etc. The average cost is 1-1.5 thousand rubles. per session.


Honey massage for hernia

Natural honey contains more than 15 vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial substances that have a good effect on health. It relieves inflammation, eliminates pain, accelerates tissue regeneration. Honey has antioxidant properties that help stop aging.

The technique is as follows:

  • The skin and muscles of the back warm up.
  • Honey is rubbed into the back until the mixture thickens.
  • The masseur makes pats, as a result of which the sweetness begins to reach for the hands.
  • A pop is heard, under the influence of which the muscles relax. At the same time, honey penetrates the skin, warms the muscles, saturates the tissues with nutrients, helping to cope with pain.

To improve the effect, fir oil can be added to natural honey. The procedure is carried out every 2 days, alternating with a classic massage recommended for spinal hernia. The optimal course is 5-6 procedures.


If you cannot go for a massage, there are products on sale that you can use to do the procedure yourself. They cannot completely achieve the desired effect, but they partially cope with the task.

With roller massager

An electric roller massager for the back and neck relieves muscle tension, makes ligaments more elastic, and restores blood flow. It also effectively relieves pain. A massager with infrared heating gives a particularly good effect.

To achieve the desired result, do this:

  1. Place the device in the desired area.
  2. Turn on your device.
  3. Select the direction for the rollers to rotate.
  4. The recommended massage time for intervertebral hernia is 30 minutes, but you can turn it off earlier.

With massage roller

A massage roller is a device in the form of a large cylinder that is used during gymnastic exercises. It's easy to use, but difficult in practice. You need to put the roller on the floor, lie on your back, press it with your body weight and begin to slowly roll over it, relaxing all your muscles. This exercise stretches the back muscles, improves blood circulation, and reduces the risk of injury.

With needle massager

Applicators for self-massage for hernia

Applicator – this is the name of a needle massager for the back. When purchasing a device, make sure that the needles are close enough to each other so as not to leave bruises or injure the skin. The mat operates on the principle of acupressure. It relieves muscle tension and increases blood circulation.

To use the applicator, place it under your back. If your lower back or neck hurts, place the mat on a small pillow. Alternatively, the applicator can be attached to a wide belt. Lie on the applicator for 7-15 minutes 3 times a day.

The applicator can be used for mild pain. Is it possible to massage with an applicator during an exacerbation of a spinal hernia? The answer is negative. If the pain is severe, it should not be used.

With vibrating massager

A vibrating massager is a device with a vibrating surface. It softens muscles, eliminates pain, stimulates blood flow, and starts regeneration processes.

There are several varieties of this device:

  • Manual
    - a compact device that needs to be moved along the back. Some devices have an infrared heating function.
  • Belt
    – attached to a floor exercise machine. Unlike its analogues, it is capable of treating a large area of ​​the body at a time, from the legs to the neck.
  • Belt
    – suitable specifically for the lower back.

The recommended massage time for a hernia of the lumbar spine is no more than 30 minutes, the intensity should be increased gradually. The vibrating massager has a stimulating effect, so it is not advisable to do the procedure before bed.


The best way to prevent back pain is quality prevention. By following just a few basic rules, you won’t need the help of doctors and massage therapists for a long time.

What you need to do to prevent back pain:

  1. Distribute the load evenly - do not always carry heavy weights in one hand; when working involving physical labor, regularly take a short break. Athletes who are not always rational in increasing the intensity of exercise should also be attentive to their health.
  2. Lead an active lifestyle - walk more, do swimming, yoga, Pilates. Even ordinary gymnastics plays a positive role in the formation of a healthy and strong skeleton.
  3. Sleeping on an orthopedic pillow and mattress - if you rest on a surface that is too soft, the spine will always sag and the muscles will not be able to fully relax.
  4. Eat right - if you deny yourself valuable vitamins and minerals, you risk worsening the health of your spine. A strong skeletal system requires calcium, protein, vitamins D and B. If necessary, you can compensate for the deficiency of nutrients with the help of vitamin complexes from the pharmacy.
  5. Watch your posture – don’t slouch, always keep your back straight. People who are used to hunching their backs very quickly deteriorate their posture.
  6. Do not self-medicate - if you have back pain, do not rush to take painkillers. It is important to find out the cause of the pathological condition and eliminate it in a timely manner.

It is worth taking care of the prevention of lower back diseases not only in adulthood, when the predisposition to problems of the musculoskeletal system increases, but from a young age. While you have enough strength to play sports, it’s time to take care of quality muscle training!


Massage for a hernia cannot be done in the acute stage. Also contraindications for this procedure are:

  • acute pain with a hernia;
  • acute heart failure;
  • skin diseases, open wounds, scratches in the massage area;
  • infectious or inflammatory diseases, incl. flu, colds;
  • heat;
  • high blood pressure;
  • blood diseases;
  • osteomyelitis, bone tuberculosis;
  • thrombosis;
  • oncology;
  • period;
  • other serious pathologies.

We use non-surgical hernia treatment techniques
Read more about our unique technique


Is it possible to massage a Schmorl's hernia?

Schmorl's hernia differs from other types of hernias. With this pathology, the cartilage of the plates falls into the vertebral body, which consists of spongy tissue. People rarely complain of pain, but the area where the hernia has formed becomes fragile. It may be damaged if subjected to a strong impact. Massage strengthens the muscles around the diseased vertebra, makes the ligaments more elastic, which helps avoid injury.

Is it possible to have a massage after hernia surgery?

Yes. Massage is an important part of rehabilitation. It is prescribed on the 14th day after surgery, when the spinal nerve roots have begun to recover. The procedure improves the conduction of nerve impulses, the mobility of the vertebrae eliminates numbness and weakness of the limbs.


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Intervertebral hernia, Spine, Pain, Treatment without surgery Date of publication: 12/28/2020 Date of update: 03/16/2021

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