Posture corrector (reclinator): how to choose, how to wear

An orthopedic corset is a medical belt made of elastic fabric. It has special stiffening ribs and tightening straps, which are necessary for complete fixation. Indications for use include poor posture with spinal curvature and various back injuries.

The corset first appeared in Europe back in the 14th century, but it was not used for medical purposes. A thin wasp waist and a straight back were considered the standard of beauty, which young fashionistas easily achieved with the help of a corrector. Men who wanted to have a slim and toned figure also used it.

Why do you need a posture corset?

Orthopedic correctors are widely used throughout the world. The need to use such a device is determined by an orthopedic surgeon. The doctor also determines the appropriate type of orthopedic device and the mode of its use.

Main functions of the corset:

  • Stabilization of the spine by limiting its mobility.
  • Reducing the load on the muscles of the back and shoulder girdle.
  • Maintaining the physiologically correct position of the spine.
  • Correct redistribution of weight load on all vertebral sections.
  • Correction of posture and elimination of acquired and some congenital defects.

Corsets are used for various diseases. They are actively used for complete rehabilitation after injury. In the presence of chronic back pain associated with osteochondrosis, osteoporosis and spastic muscle lesions, the corrector is used in combination with other methods of conservative treatment. Corsets have become widely used to correct postural disorders, such as scoliosis, round, round-concave, flat or plano-concave back.

Can reclinators cause harm?

Like any other orthopedic product, a back posture corset should be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor. Incorrect use or wearing for a long time without indication can lead to weakening of the muscles and aggravation of the situation. In addition, the orthopedic reclinator is not used in the following cases:

  • if you have allergic reactions to the materials from which the corset is made;
  • with severe respiratory failure;
  • in the presence of serious diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • for damage to the epidermis at the site of the corset, inflammatory skin diseases.

Types of posture correctors

All correctors are divided into preventive and therapeutic . The first type of orthopedic products is characterized by moderate rigidity. Such devices are used to form physiologically correct posture. They are not adapted to correct an existing defect, but only contribute to the correct development of the spine.

Therapeutic correctors are used in the presence of an established disease and a pronounced defect. Orthopedic models are widely used during the rehabilitation period after surgery and injuries.

Correctors are divided into several types:

  • Semi-rigid . They are used for back pain, during sports, when performing heavy physical work, and also to correct posture. The main purpose of use is to fix the spine in a physiologically correct position, evenly distribute the weight load on different parts and reduce tension in the back muscles. In addition, semi-rigid correctors have a light massage effect.
  • Tough. They are used during the rehabilitation period after severe injuries in order to securely fix the spine and prevent displacement of the vertebrae during movements.

Orthopedic corsets are equipped with special stiffening ribs, which are necessary to hold the spine in a certain position. They can be made of metal or plastic. Metal elements are more rigid. They are equipped with special adjustment mechanisms to adjust to the shape of the spine. Plastic ribs are more flexible. They are quite elastic, so they do not require additional adjustment.

Corsets for children and adults have a number of differences . Children's models have a more flexible and elastic structure. This is due to the characteristics of the musculoskeletal system. The skeletal system of children is plastic, which is associated with constant growth. At the same time, the formation of correct posture largely depends on the degree of development of the muscular system.

To correct posture in children, it is worth using correctors of low rigidity. Models for adults differ not only in size, but also in the degree of rigidity.

Features of use in children

A child’s skeleton is formed before the age of 15, bones and joints are mobile, and muscle tissue grows. Therefore, a posture corrector for children is a sought-after item that is used quite often. Such fixatives are prescribed after 5 years. It is at this age that poor posture becomes noticeable. An orthopedic reclinator corset at this time can prevent deterioration of the condition and strengthen the back muscles. Since children's bones are plastic, they can be easily corrected.

But the disadvantage of this treatment is that these devices need to be changed frequently as the child grows. And some children, especially in adolescence, are embarrassed to wear corsets. Therefore, it is best to choose models that are invisible under clothes.

How to choose a posture corset?

To form a physiologically correct position of the spine, it is better to choose special soft correctors. They may differ slightly in their structure and appearance. The simplest type is a corset with straps that cover the shoulders in front and cross at the back. Elastic models may have a solid back, but they operate on a similar principle.

A correctly selected orthopedic product fits comfortably and does not cause discomfort. However, if you take the wrong body position, the straps begin to put pressure, forcing you to immediately straighten up.

When purchasing a corrector, you should pay attention to several factors:

  • Size . If the parameters are incorrectly selected, the corset can further aggravate problems with posture.
  • Degree of elasticity. For preventative models, the stiffness indicator should be minimal. Before purchasing a medical corrector of medium or high hardness, you should definitely consult your doctor.
  • Materials. It is worth choosing high-quality hypoallergenic corsets that will not cause skin irritation.

recommended products

Posture corrector KOMF-ORT K-500


Posture corrector 2275

Posture corrector OppO 2075

Posture corrector 2175

Semi-rigid posture corrector K-504

Posture corrector F 4603


Which areas need to be adjusted?
The next step is to identify the areas that need to be adjusted. Thoracic and thoracolumbar products are on sale. The first ones cover the chest and are fixed on the reverse side with a strong clasp. Some models are reinforced with rigid plates, which ensures an even position of the spine.

Thoracolumbar products cover the entire chest and lumbar region. They secure the entire length of the spinal column with strong elastic straps, so they are prescribed for more serious pathologies. Additionally, such correctors are equipped with plastic or metal ribs that relieve muscle tension.

How to choose a corset size for posture?

A very important step in selecting a corrector is determining the appropriate size. Not only wearing comfort, but also the very formation of physiological posture will depend on the correctly selected parameter. In order to determine which corset you need, you should accurately measure your height and waist circumference. To conveniently determine the appropriate size, you can use a specially designed grid.

INT (corset size) Height (m) Waist circumference (cm)
S 1,50-1,60 60-65
S1 1,60-1,70 65-70
M 1,60-1,70 70-80
M1 1,70-1,80 75-85
L 1,70-1,80 80-95
L1 1,80-1,90 85-95
XL 1,80-1,90 90-100
XL1 1,90-2,00 100-110
XXL 1,90-2,00 110-120
XXL1 2,00-2,10 120-130

For some models, hip circumference must also be taken into account. It is important to remember that any corrector must be selected individually, taking into account gender, age and anatomical features of the structure. Before purchasing an orthopedic product, you should consult your doctor.


What are high-quality posture correctors made from?
One of the most important selection criteria is the material. The fabric used to make the posture corrector determines its ease of use and ease of care. We recommend choosing products made from elastic, but at the same time natural or semi-synthetic materials. They do not create discomfort because they do not interfere with air circulation.

Correctors made using synthetic fabrics are cheaper, but they are very inconvenient to use. Polyester and nylon can cause allergic reactions, as well as irritation, itching and redness. Synthetic materials will cause your skin to sweat because they restrict air circulation.

The best choice is correctors made using wool, cotton and other natural materials. They are more expensive, but they are comfortable to wear, practically invisible under clothing and do not require complex care.

Pros and cons of wearing a posture brace

There are different techniques for correcting posture. Most of them involve a comprehensive approach that includes a series of physical exercises to strengthen the back muscles. The correction method using a corset is rightfully considered the most effective and safe.

Pros of wearing a corrector:

  • Minimum list of contraindications.
  • The use of a corset does not limit daily activity and does not disrupt the usual schedule.
  • The use of an orthopedic device helps to quickly form physiologically correct posture.
  • To achieve the effect, it is enough to wear the corrector only a few hours a day.
  • A correctly selected corset not only corrects posture, but also eliminates tension and pain in the back and neck, thanks to the correct distribution of the load on the spine.

The disadvantages of the corrector include the presence of a number of contraindications that are associated with serious diseases of the musculoskeletal system, thoracic and abdominal organs. The corrector acts only on certain muscle groups, so for a full effect, this method of posture correction should be combined with special physical exercises for the back.

Before choosing a spinal corset, you should consult your doctor. The doctor will help determine the correct type, size and optimal wearing mode.

The best manufacturers, according to buyers

Where to buy a posture corrector? It is better to purchase this kind of product in orthopedic stores. After all, there you can verify the availability of the certificate and the quality of the products. The store also offers fitting options. But many people order posture correctors online. This method is considered budget-friendly. Basically, popular models are more common and can be ordered from China from Ali Express. There you can find inexpensive and high-quality models. The manufacturer is responsible for the popularity of the model.

We provide a list of companies that produce posture correctors:

  • Master of Posture - Russia;
  • Orlett - Germany;
  • Magnetic Posture Support - China;
  • Orliman -Spain;
  • Trives - Russia;
  • Comf-Ort - Russia;
  • Corden – Russia;
  • Kreit – Russia;
  • Fosta – Taiwan;
  • Lumo Lift - USA.

The listed brand manufacturers produce products not only in the range in question. They also produce bandages for pregnant women, bandages for knee joints, forearm braces and many others.

Additional selection criteria

Convenience, quality and safety
To choose not only a high-quality, but also a comfortable posture corrector, we advise you to be guided by several more parameters when purchasing it.


. We recommend choosing correctors whose straps are adjustable. This will allow you to control the degree of rigidity of the product. Typically, adjustable concealers are chosen by pregnant women because they can be used throughout pregnancy.


. All stiffeners, plastic and metal plates, as well as other solid parts of the posture corrector must be insulated from direct contact with the skin. This will avoid accidental mechanical damage (wounds, scratches, etc.).

Personal assessment.

If possible, we recommend trying on a posture corrector before purchasing. The product is suitable for you if the stiffening ribs do not protrude and do not put pressure on the body, the fastenings are very comfortable, and the straps are wide and do not squeeze the skin.

A correctly chosen corrector will not chafe in the armpits and will not tighten the waist. Lean against the wall. If you come into contact with it in 3 places: the back of your head, shoulder blades and buttocks, then the corrective product is ideal for you.

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