Orthopedic collar: how to choose and wear it correctly

How does an orthopedic collar work?

Many people who have had to deal with unpleasant sensations in the neck area are interested in how an orthopedic collar works. This device is also known as a Shants collar (or splint). Its main purpose is to gently fix and stabilize the cervical spine. It helps to provide soft support to the head, as well as partially relieve the musculo-ligamentous apparatus of the cervical spine.

In other words, the Shants collar makes it possible to fix the cervical spine in the required position, and also limits excessive mobility of the cervical vertebrae. The result is a gentle correction of the neck position, slight traction and a weak massage effect.

Advantages of the device

The cervical collar against osteochondrosis has already been appreciated by many people. He really gets the job done. Among the main advantages of this device it is worth highlighting:

  • High quality material;
  • Possibility of treatment at home;
  • Ease of use;
  • Elimination of all symptoms of the disease;
  • Can be used at any age;
  • Minimum contraindications;
  • Recommendations from chiropractors, orthopedists and neurologists;
  • Favorable price.

Indications and contraindications for use

The main indication for the use of a splint collar is a variety of diseases of the cervical spine. In addition, this device can help in the prevention of a wide range of diseases of the cervical-collar area, which primarily affect office workers who spend a lot of time at the computer. The collar makes it possible to remove the load from the muscular frame of the neck and at the same time supports the head. In addition, it has a very gentle cervical massage effect and at the same time helps to ensure immobilization of the neck during the recovery process after injury.

All of the above determines the main indications for the use of an orthopedic collar. Thus, it has proven itself well in cases of osteochondrosis and moderate injuries of the cervical spine. Its use is recommended for myositis - in other words, muscle inflammation of various etiologies. Pediatricians recommend wearing a Shants collar to newborns if they have been diagnosed with symptoms of muscular torticollis. This device also helps to recover from injuries and surgical interventions, helps with postural disorders, spinal cord compression and neurological pain.

At the same time, despite the undoubted effectiveness of the orthopedic collar, there are a number of diseases for which its use is categorically not recommended. Thus, you should avoid using the Shants collar if you have any dermatological diseases in the shoulder and neck area. In addition, it is not suitable for patients with too severe a spinal injury or with significant spinal instability in the cervical region. In this case, other, much more difficult to use, means will be needed.

What effect does the collar have?

Using this properly selected device for an adult helps:

  • limits rotation and neck turns;
  • somewhat supports the head, reducing the load on the cervical spine;
  • with muscular torticollis, it is able to correct the position of the head;
  • normalizes blood circulation in the cervical spine;
  • relieves pain;
  • The product fits tightly to the neck, therefore it has a warming effect, which is very desirable after exercise or massage.

All this protects the neck and muscles from tension, helps strengthen damaged structures, creates the correct position of the head and neck, and also stops the formation of neurological complications.

Types and properties of the Shants collar

Orthopedic collars have several varieties, which differ mainly in the material of manufacture. There are no functional differences between them. However, in order to choose the right Shants collar, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Soft tire

In order to provide easy traction of the cervical vertebrae and suppress the unpleasant symptoms that arise during sedentary work, orthopedists recommend using a therapeutic soft collar (splint). It is usually made from special medical foam rubber or other material characterized by increased elasticity and porosity.

Externally, such a collar is a flexible strip that has a special anatomical notch designed for the chin, as well as Velcro, with which you can reliably fix the position of the neck.

This orthopedic device limits head tilt and also prevents the development of cervical osteochondrosis. The mechanism of action of such a collar is that dosed pressure helps relieve the load on the cervical spine and also promotes damping traction.

Wearing such a splint is usually recommended for children, in particular in the case of torticollis in newborns. In addition, it has proven itself well as an adjuvant for myositis, osteochondrosis, as well as for rehabilitation after cervical injuries.

Inflatable collar

An inflatable collar is a frame that is made of a material that is high density, but at the same time flexible. An inflatable mechanism is located between the strips of the base material. Such devices are inflated using a special bulb.

The purpose of such a collar is to gently stretch the spinal column and stimulate blood flow. At the same time, it allows you to fix the spine in the required state and slightly limits the mobility of the neck.

Semi-rigid and rigid collars

The main purpose of an orthopedic collar with semi-rigid and rigid fixation is to support the head, thereby relieving the load on the muscles and vertebrae of the cervical spine.

A semi-rigid collar is usually made of polyurethane. The entire structure is covered in fabric and has a clasp at the back. The collar helps to support the head in a certain position, and in addition, has a warming effect, due to which it has a positive effect on problems of the muscular-articular system. This device is used for diseases of the cervical spine, when it is extremely important to limit the mobility of the neck. For example, it is used for minor fractures or cracks of the cervical spine, for dislocations, as well as during the rehabilitation period after surgical operations. It can be used either with a cotton fabric lining or simply on a naked body. It has several sizes, varying in neck circumference (from 30 to 46 centimeters), and height varies from eight to twelve centimeters.

The main difference between a rigid collar and a semi-rigid one is that when using it, the motor activity of the cervical spine is almost completely limited, since it is made of a rigid thermoplastic material. It is modeled individually, directly on the patient’s body, and then fixed from behind. It is recommended for use during postoperative recovery during operations on the neck muscles, as well as for any spinal injuries in the cervical region.

The rigid collar design always includes submandibular and posterior supports, which help provide significant immobilization. Rigid collars are used for fracture-dislocations, torticollis, as well as for severe instability of the vertebrae of the cervical spine, to eliminate the consequences of fractures of the cervical spine. A rigid collar is made of metal or hard plastic, which reliably fixes the spinal column in one position. At the same time, there are often cases when prolonged wearing of a hard collar led to ischemic problems, as well as pain in the chin and lower jaw.

Orthopedic collar for children

Separately, it is worth mentioning orthopedic collars intended for children. Doctors recommend wearing a Shants collar for children who need to temporarily limit the mobility of the cervical spine. The most common cause of this is a variety of neck injuries.

A children's orthopedic collar is a strip, which is usually made of highly elastic polyurethane. Such a device clasps and gently fixes the baby’s head and neck in exactly the position that is currently physiologically beneficial. At the same time, there is also stretching of the muscles cramped by spasm, restriction of excessive mobility of the cervical spine, blood circulation is stimulated and pressure on the nerve endings is reduced.

The Shants collar helps return displaced cervical vertebrae to the correct position, eliminates associated pathologies, and helps avoid accidental injuries to the cervical spine. It is also recommended to wear it during the rehabilitation period after surgery.

It should be noted that although an orthopedic collar helps return displaced cervical vertebrae to the correct position, its wearing should be combined with other treatment methods. This could be massage, gymnastics, or the use of an orthopedic pillow.

Children's orthopedic collars vary in size, which depends on the circumference and height of the child's neck. The latter is measured from the middle of the collarbone to the angle of the lower jaw.

An orthopedic collar is put on the child in such a way that the baby’s chin is located in the notch located in the middle of the upper edge of the device. The design is fastened on the back of the neck with Velcro. Be sure to ensure that the collar fits tightly against the skin over the entire surface of the neck. In this case, the child’s chin and cheeks should not “fall” inside the structure.

At the same time, you should also not fasten the collar too tightly. This can lead to breathing and circulation problems in the cervical spine.

Orthopedic collar for newborns

There is also another special category of orthopedic collars - Shants collars for newborns. These devices are known among young mothers as “collars.”

The Shants collar for newborns is a collar made of foam rubber with a height of 3.5 to 4.5 centimeters. At its ends there are Velcro strips that help regulate the volume of the tire.

Orthopedic collars for newborns are intended for use by children up to six months. Indications for wearing it are not only torticollis and problems with the cervical spine, but also hyperexcitability, some movement disorders, short neck syndrome, etc. Naturally, the final conclusion about the need to use this device in each specific case is made by the doctor.

As a rule, the use of a Shants collar is prescribed to a baby immediately after birth. The duration of its use is a month, but other options are possible. The peculiarity of the Shants collar for newborns is that it should be worn constantly, taking off only when bathing the baby. Less commonly, doctors recommend wearing this design in so-called “sessions” for 10-15 minutes a day.

Many young mothers share the misconception that due to the use of this device, the child will later learn to hold his head up. However, in reality this is not the case. An orthopedic splint for newborns does not interfere with the baby - it just limits movements that could cause him pain. In addition, this device has a slight warming effect and relaxes the muscles, as a result of which the baby becomes calmer and hyperexcitability goes away.

Please note that the orthopedic collar for newborns is put on the baby in such a way that there is a free space of approximately a finger's width between the neck and the structure. Its presence is usually checked on the posterolateral surface of the neck.

The main thing that parents need to remember, whose baby the doctor recommended wearing a Shants collar for newborns, is the fact that the baby’s skin under the splint should always be clean and dry. Otherwise, irritation, redness and soreness may occur.

With prolonged use, the children's orthopedic collar becomes dirty. Therefore, it would be advisable to purchase two or more products at once so that you can wash them alternately. Washing should be done very carefully, without using synthetic detergents. It is best to wash orthopedic collars for newborns by hand using baby or laundry soap. The tire should be dried flat, away from heat sources. After the bandage has dried, carefully inspect it - there should be no folds on it that could irritate the baby's delicate skin.

Operating principle of the device

The cervical collar consists of 3 inflatable chambers made of durable PVC material and covered with three layers of velvety fabric. Air enters them using a hand pump. This allows you to adjust the height of the device as accurately as possible for comfortable wearing and proper alignment of the vertebrae. On average, during a full course of such treatment, it is possible to increase the intervertebral space by 1 cm. Thanks to this, pressure on the nerve roots and blood vessels is reduced, pain in the cervical and shoulder areas disappears, and range of motion is restored.

How to choose a Shants collar

To ensure that wearing a Shants collar does not cause severe discomfort, several important nuances should be taken into account when choosing.

First of all, remember that once the splint is in place, neck mobility will be limited. It will be impossible to tilt your head back or tilt it forward. Therefore, the collar is put on exclusively in a position where the neck is straight and the head is level.

The height of the collar is important. The lower part of the Shants collar in front should rest against the bones of the collarbone, and in the back it should be located right at the base of the neck. The upper edge of the accessory should support the jaw in front and reach the base of the skull at the back.

A properly selected collar should not rub the neck, interfere with swallowing and lower jaw movements, squeeze the neck, or prevent head turning. One finger should fit freely between the skin and the inner surface of the bandage.

If the collar is not chosen correctly, patients may complain of a number of unpleasant symptoms. This may include weakness, attacks of dizziness, fainting, nausea and vomiting, severe pain in the neck muscles and lower jaw. If any of these symptoms occur, the cervical collar should be removed and medical advice sought. The specialist will suggest using a different modification of the design or adjust the degree of its compression.


Numerous versions of orthoses with their different functions and tasks help accident victims (adults and infants) regain full mobility of the spine. Orthoses help prevent the development of disease and pain. A significant benefit is an increased quality of life since the damage can be corrected with orthoses. As a result, joints, bones and tendons are released, so normal posture is restored. Pain and discomfort are also significantly reduced.


Especially in everyday life, the product brings great benefits to the patient. After severe injuries and accidents, orthoses play an important role. After a car accident, a collar can help prevent more serious injuries by supporting the neck in proper alignment. The use of orthoses is a prerequisite for the treatment of serious bone fractures.

It is not recommended to wear the splint while swimming in a pool, sea, lake or under a regular shower because the material may be damaged. Especially in salt water, many materials can deteriorate greatly. The position of the orthosis can be changed by the flow of water, which also poses a great risk to patients. If the orthopedic collar for infants does come into contact with salt water, you must immediately rinse it with clean water and allow it to air dry.

Sodium chloride

It is not recommended to order or select a splint for an infant on your own. The wrong type, size and shape of the splint can significantly harm the newborn and cause complications of various etiologies. Incorrect treatment in this case is more dangerous than inaction. At the first signs of pathology, you need to contact a specialist so that he can prescribe effective treatment. The earlier treatment begins, the lower the risk of developing potentially life-threatening complications for the baby. Delayed therapy may cause consequences in the future (in adulthood).

Reviews about the effectiveness of the Shants collar

The effectiveness of using the Shants collar is confirmed by numerous positive reviews from patients. People note that when using this accessory, painful sensations quickly disappear, and wearing it is quite comfortable. Office workers are especially pleased with the use of the Shants collar - in particular, those who have to sit at a computer for a long time. Also, some note the positive effect of the collar during hypothermia.

There are, however, those who complain about the lack of any effect or discomfort caused by using the Shants splint. In particular, some claim that their headaches have worsened. The cause of this reaction is usually the wrong choice of collar or using it for too long a time.

When should you wear a bandage?

The doctor may prescribe a Shants collar and he should also explain how to choose and use it. As a rule, doctors recommend the use of an orthopedic device for:

  • the presence of osteochondrosis, degenerative-dystrophic disorders;
  • poor posture;
  • painful neck sensations, constant dizziness;
  • injuries, after operations of the cervical region;
  • vertebral artery;
  • muscle hypotonia in young children;
  • muscular torticollis in people of different ages;
  • Short neck syndrome in babies.

It is not advisable to use the product for patients with dermatological pathologies, as well as neck instability. This device is good for use by older people, as they may develop arthrosis.

How long to wear a Shants collar

Patients for whom a doctor has prescribed the use of a Shants collar are interested in the question of how long this device should be worn. Alas, there are no universal recommendations on this matter. The duration of use of the device in each specific case should be determined by a doctor.

Most often, for minor injuries and pain, adults are advised to use an orthopedic collar for approximately a quarter of an hour daily. For people suffering from osteochondrosis, doctors usually advise using the collar twice a day for an hour, for example, while reading or watching TV.

It should be borne in mind that although you can sit and walk in the collar, you should never lie in it, because in this position strong pressure on the fixed cervical spine can lead to deformation of the vertebrae. In addition, it is strictly forbidden to wear an orthopedic collar all the time, as this can lead to complete atrophy of the neck muscles.

Doctors recommend combining the use of the Shants collar with physical therapy, massage, and the use of an orthopedic neck pillow.

Wearing rules

When a doctor recommends using a Shants splint for the neck, you should clarify the approximate scheme for wearing it. It is important to find out whether an adult can sleep in a Shants collar, when it is best to wear it and how long it should be worn, and in what situations it is mandatory.

The collar is usually worn immediately after a therapeutic massage, physical therapy, or exercise therapy session.

You should wear the Shants splint no more than 3-4 hours a day, unless your doctor gives other recommendations. Constant use does not allow the neck muscles to work fully, which can lead to their gradual atrophy and a decrease in the strength of the natural muscle corset.

This will worsen spinal support and worsen problems. In some cases, the doctor recommends sleeping with a collar. In this case, you should use a selected orthopedic pillow.

The Shants collar is intended for long-term daily use, usually the course of treatment is at least 1 month. If you experience headaches, nausea, weakness in your arms or other signs of deterioration while wearing a bandage, you should consult your doctor as soon as possible. This will make it possible to find out the cause of such symptoms and determine the possibility and need for further use of the Shants splint.

Orthopedic neck pillow

An orthopedic neck pillow is another way to prevent pain and the development of diseases of the cervical spine. The main target audience of these accessories are office workers, travelers, drivers - in short, those who, due to their occupation, are forced to sit for a long time. This device will also benefit all patients suffering from osteochondrosis.

Types of cervical orthopedic pillows

Today, there are several types of cervical orthopedic pillows. They differ in their purpose, form factor, and the filler used by the manufacturer.

The most popular are the collar pillow and the bolster pillow. Let's take a closer look at them.

The collar pillow is also often called the “travel pillow.” It is shaped like a horseshoe and is designed specifically for those who spend a lot of time on trains, planes and buses. During a trip, even if the chair is quite comfortable, the neck muscles do not get the opportunity to rest due to being in a sitting position. It is this problem that the orthopedic “horseshoe” is designed to solve, which tightly clasps the neck from the back and sides, fixing the person’s head in the most natural position. As a result, the load on muscle tissue is reduced, and a person has the opportunity to relax and even fall asleep in a sitting position. It is noteworthy that after sleeping with such a pillow, there is no unpleasant sensation in the neck, so familiar to those who have had to repeatedly doze off in transport.

An orthopedic cushion cushion is a cushion of variable thickness. It can also be used for sedentary work. In particular, this accessory is extremely popular among drivers, as it provides support for the head and neck, without limiting their mobility or blocking their view. In addition, it can be used by people who spend a lot of time on the computer.

There is also an orthopedic pillow called a double bolster. It consists of two rollers of different heights and is intended for sleeping. Thanks to its unique form factor, you can sleep on this pillow in different positions: on your back, using a high bolster; on the side, using either a high or low bolster, depending on how firm the mattress is; on the stomach using a low roller.

Orthopedists say that such pillows provide excellent support for the head and neck, helping to relax muscles and normalize sleep. It is noteworthy that such a pillow is placed only under the head and neck, while the person’s shoulders lie directly on the mattress, due to which there is no deformation of the spine.

An important role, however, is played not only by the form factor of the orthopedic pillow, but also by what kind of filler the manufacturer used.

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