Neck collar for osteochondrosis - which one is needed, how to wear it correctly?

Not everyone knows the direct purpose of such a medical device as a bandage. Today, medicine widely uses devices of various origins and purposes, but the bandage for the cervical spine is in greater demand.

Bandage for the cervical spine

So why is a neck brace needed, and in what cases should it be used? It is best to know everything about such a device and not be intimidated by the purpose for its use.

General application information

Hypertonicity of the muscles of the cervical spine provokes pain and discomfort, and in this case the bandage successfully eliminates it - it helps to fix the head straight, while removing the load from the damaged area, as a result of which blood circulation increases, pain subsides, compression of nerve endings completely disappears, which leads to stabilization spinal position.

The bandage helps to fix the head in an anatomically correct position, thereby restoring the cervical spine

Types of collar bandages:

  • bandage with soft fixation, intended exclusively for unloading effect;
  • semi-rigid and rigid bandages are used for various injuries of the cervical spine, for example, during injuries and during the postoperative recovery stage.

The Shants collar is a soft bandage used for recovery from many diseases of this department. The tire is made of soft, but at the same time dense, high-quality material. Sometimes such a bandage is prescribed to small children with torticollis and unstable position of the newborn’s vertebrae. The advantages of a neck brace are its high efficiency, low price and ease of use.

An important aspect when choosing a bandage is to determine the correct size, otherwise you may not only not improve the condition, but also make it much worse. First, the length of the neck is measured, the distance from the lower jaw to the middle of the collarbone, then the circumference. Most often, orthopedic pharmacies sell bandages with adjustable sizes, universal ones.

It is important to correctly determine the size of the bandage so that it is comfortable and the desired effect is achieved.

A collar bandage with rigid fixation has its own certain positive qualities - a rigid frame and adjustable height ensure the correct position of the neck, which leads to a faster positive effect during the rehabilitation period.

Soft cervical brace

Today, there are several effective types of devices that reliably fix the cervical spine. Among them are:

  • Shantz tire. It is made of soft and dense material, it has a warming and healing effect;
  • retainer with inflatable cushion. It has the form of a design of two strips, with an air cushion located between them, it is inflated using a pear and fits as closely as possible to the curve of the cervical region;
  • Philadelphia. The base of the retainer design rests on the shoulders, and the top of the product secures the lower jaw and the back of the head. Its distinctive feature is the hole in the neck, which allows air to circulate freely;
  • inflatable collar. It is made of a rubber structure, which is inflated using a bulb and is considered the softest method for stretching the vertebrae.

Also, soft cervical orthoses include bandages. They are also distinguished by degree of rigidity:

  • soft and semi-hard. Such collars consist of elastic material and dense inserts; they carefully fix and stretch the cervical region;
  • rigid neck bandages are made of hard materials.

Cervical braces have the same types as braces. Its purpose is universal, suitable for sprains of the cervical vertebrae and fractures of the cervical spine. It is made from hard, soft, semi-rigid fabrics and thermoplastic. The children's bandage also has the same features and principle of operation. Children are often prescribed a Shants splint or a soft, semi-rigid, rigid bandage. Prescribing a bandage for newborns is a special case; the choice of type and density is made by the doctor.

The main question for the consumer remains the question of how to choose the right corset and feel comfortable. It is necessary to take into account the degree of density of the structure, as prescribed by the doctor, the structural features of the neck, age and application. To make the optimal choice of product, you need to measure the distance from the middle of the collarbone to the chin. The result obtained will be the probable width of the corset. Before purchasing, you need to try on the bandage and make sure it fits correctly; a consultant in the store will help with this. You need to try removing and re-fastening several times, this allows you to check that the fastener can freely adjust the volume. In an ideal position, the collar should not irritate the skin and cause discomfort or put pressure on the throat. If you have osteochondrosis of the cervical spine, it is important to choose a frame that will fit in size, since it must accurately follow the contours of the neck in order to clearly fix it.

The mode of wearing the structure should be determined by a doctor. It is recommended to wear a cervical corset for the first time for 15 minutes, it is no longer recommended, after that, the time can be gradually increased and reach the 6 o’clock mark without taking into account breaks. If the patient feels any discomfort, it is worth removing the clamp and re-adjusting it. The orthosis or bandage should not hang, as it needs to fit snugly and not interfere with breathing. During work, it is not recommended to remove the structure and sleep in it at night.

Philadelphia neck collar

A special feature of this device is the hypoallergenic material from which the bandage is made, a stable long-term mechanism, and the absence of latex in the composition.

The Philadelphia bandage is intended for people with a tracheotomy. A special hole in the collar allows for constant monitoring and care of the trachea. Even when wearing such a bandage, doctors have the opportunity to examine the disease and take X-rays and conduct MRI. Plus, the hole allows air to pass through, which helps moisture not to linger, which prevents sweating and irritation on the neck. In addition, you are even allowed to shower in it.

Important! A rigid orthosis is indicated for use in the case of complete fixation of the cervical spine in the period after surgery, with radiculitis, with all types of injuries and fractures, with high mobility of the vertebrae, with their displacement.

The Philadelphia bandage is distinguished by the fact that it has a special hole in the trachea area

Wearing a Philadelphia collar can only be prescribed by a doctor. They take measurements: they need to be taken with straightened shoulders, closed shoulder blades and an elongated chin. Then the circumference and height of the neck are measured.

Description of the Shants collar

The Shants collar for children and adults is a removable design that fits around the neck. The basis of the orthopedic device is soft foam rubber or harder polyurethane foam. The cover is made of natural materials that are highly breathable and absorb moisture.

Externally, the product resembles a flat wide roller or a short ribbon. Once wrapped around the neck, it takes the shape of a soft ring. When selected correctly, its upper part rests on the chin, and the lower part is located at the level of the sternoclavicular joint.

The design includes fasteners to securely fix the device and prevent displacement. And for more comfortable wearing, manufacturers have provided it with anatomical cutouts for the chin and lower side surfaces of the neck.

Indications for wearing a neck brace

Such a device may be indicated for the following diseases:

  • cervical osteochondrosis;
  • torticollis in newborns;
  • fractures of the vertebrae of the neck;
  • neuralgia;
  • radiculitis;
  • myositis;
  • spondyloarthrosis.

The bandage has also proven itself to be worn during the postpartum period.

The use of the Shants splint is recommended for various diseases of the cervical spine

Here are the main indications for which the wearing of such a “device” is prescribed. It can also be recommended by a doctor, for example, after serious injuries, in which it is important to maintain the correct position of the cervical spine.

Treatment of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis is a common disease that represents degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs - they are deformed and “pinches” the blood vessels and nerve endings located in the spine. Most often, the cervical region suffers from this.

The treatment of osteochondrosis should be approached thoroughly, with the consultation of an experienced neurologist. The doctor collects anamnesis, finding out whether osteochondrosis is the only disease. Most often, associated problems are discovered that require immediate treatment.

In addition to wearing a bandage for the treatment of osteochondrosis, doctors also prescribe medications

The neurologist prescribes serious drug treatment, which affects the source of the disease.

Your doctor may prescribe the following medications:

The effect of wearing spinal corsets

A corset allows a person with a spinal fracture to move independently. It also provides stabilization and decompression effects:

  • performs support functions;
  • keeps the spine in a physiological position;
  • eliminates axial load on damaged elements of the spinal column, back muscles, intervertebral discs and nerves;
  • helps relieve pain, spasms and numbness of the limbs;
  • promotes bone tissue restoration.

In addition, the device prevents the progression of pathology and improper fusion.

Modern cervical orthosis and its design

The question that worries us the most is often “can muscles atrophy with long-term use of a cervical brace?” In this case, the worried audience can be reassured: the neck brace is not worn long enough for this to happen.

There is no need to worry: wearing a bandage will not harm your muscles or skin.

Modern orthopedic collars are so comfortable that you can freely lead your usual lifestyle in them. Their surface is covered with soft material, and the inside is made of foam rubber. The shape of the collar completely follows the curves of the neck, and there is a recess for the chin.

Advantages of a collar orthosis

Several reasons not to doubt the effectiveness and safety of such a device:

  • acts as a limiter for neck movements, therefore preventing its deformation and facilitating treatment;
  • used for prevention during osteochondrosis and other neck problems;
  • is an effective additional remedy in getting rid of osteochondrosis, in addition to medications and massage;
  • approved for use even by newborns;
  • There are several types of bandages, so it is easy to choose a device individually for each patient;
  • the materials used for the production of the bandage are completely safe and therefore cannot provoke an allergic reaction;
  • any degree of severity of osteochondrosis can be cured with the help of a neck brace;
  • a neck brace not only relaxes the neck muscles, straightens the curvature of the vertebrae, improves blood circulation and normalizes the functioning of this part of the spine, but also eliminates possible deformities;
  • The bandage is easy to use thanks to its simple design.

Bandage has many advantages

Contraindications for use

Before you start using a cervical brace, you need to familiarize yourself with the contraindications to its use:

  • with instability of the elements of the cervical spine resulting from various injuries or existing bone diseases;
  • dermatological diseases such as rashes, irritations and other similar rashes;
  • impaired cerebral circulation;
  • previous myocardial infarction;
  • the presence of neoplasms, tumors and swellings in the cervical region.

Those who suffer from skin diseases or tumors in the neck area will have to refuse to wear a bandage.

Unhealed deep wounds may also be a contraindication to the use of a bandage. A deep wound needs air exchange for quick “drying” and healing, which a collar cannot provide. There is also a danger of infection in the wound and suppuration.

Making a Shants tire with your own hands

Similar retainers are sold in many orthopedic stores, but you can make them yourself.

For production you will need:

  • soft material, like foam rubber;
  • plastic bottle;
  • matching Velcro fasteners.

You can even make a Shants tire yourself

At the very beginning, the neck measurements, which were mentioned earlier, are taken. Next, a rectangle is cut out of foam rubber, approximately 30 cm wide and 2 cm longer than the neck measurement. From a plastic bottle, you need to cut the blank 2 cm smaller in all respects. The blank at the corners is bent 1 cm inward at a right angle, a plastic blank is placed inside and the edges are hemmed. The cervical brace is ready!

What kind of corset is needed for a compression fracture of the spine?

Immediately after the injury, the patient is given a fixing plaster bandage. A week after a spinal fracture, it can be replaced with a rigid fixation corset. Reinforced bandages made of elastic medical textiles perform the same functions as plaster, but are much lighter, more mobile and more comfortable to wear. They do not restrict movement, do not interfere with breathing and are invisible under clothing.

Thoracolumbar corset with stiffeners

Metal or polyurethane stiffeners stably fix the spine. The degree of fixation and the number of stiffeners are different; these parameters of the product are selected by the doctor depending on the nature of the injury. For complex fractures, plastic models are used.

Plastic corset

Rigid fixing corsets eliminate muscle hypertonicity and provide conditions for normal blood circulation and tissue metabolism. They are made to individual measurements in specialized workshops or sold ready-made.

Correct use of the orthosis

The collar bandage is worn only on the naked body, while the chin is placed in a special recess on its upper part. Next, the bandage is fastened with Velcro, which are located behind the orthosis. A correctly worn bandage does not restrict movement, does not squeeze, and in no case interferes with the patient’s breathing. The time for using the collar is prescribed only by the doctor; for example, for osteochondrosis, the bandage must be worn for two hours with a rest of 30 minutes. Any complaints when wearing a bandage should be alarming and immediately discussed with a doctor. Typically the recovery period takes 1 month.

It is important to wear the bandage for a certain amount of time, which will be determined by the doctor.

Fact. The bandage is a highly effective remedy that can relieve headaches, fatigue, muscle tension and other consequences of osteochondrosis.

Soft cervical brace. Price in Moscow

Despite a number of advantages, the design of the retainer still has a number of disadvantages and contraindications. It is not recommended to wear bandages and orthoses in the following situations:

  • the patient has persistent headaches or nausea;
  • if a person has skin diseases;
  • frequent fainting occurs;
  • personal intolerance to the corset material;
  • there are neoplasms.

To avoid negative effects and improper use, a doctor's recommendation is required. At the Yusupov Hospital, doctors will select the necessary type of fixative to achieve the maximum effect of treatment. They will explain how to properly apply the bandage, which will help the patient get rid of pain and promote a quick recovery. The doctor will advise which brand of orthosis is best to choose and which store to buy at a better price. You can make an appointment with a specialist by calling the Yusupov Hospital.

Soft corset - help with pain

If neck pain is a frequent occurrence, then you need to have a soft neck brace in your home medicine cabinet, which will be an assistant in the following situations:

  • the appearance of sharp pain, which may be a consequence of myositis - a “lover” of drafts and open windows. In this case, inflammation of the neck muscles occurs, discomfort and high temperature appear;
  • During long periods of sedentary work, severe muscle tension can occur, which also provokes severe pain.

For short-term back pain, a soft orthopedic collar will help, which is useful to have in your first aid kit.

If such discomfort occurs, it is recommended to wear the bandage for half an hour: the neck will rest, the condition of the blood vessels will return to normal, and the pain will go away. It is not necessary to discuss this use of the device with your doctor, but it is important to remove it in time so as not to worsen your condition.

Neck brace for newborns

In the postpartum department, neck braces are increasingly being used for very young children. A cervical brace is prescribed for torticollis or congenital neuralgic diseases. Muscular torticollis is an underdevelopment of certain neck muscles, which can be either congenital or appear during a protracted labor. An experienced doctor will immediately see the symptoms of this pathology. The sooner the bandage is installed, the sooner the problem will go away. In parallel with wearing such a device, therapeutic massage, electrophoresis and exercise therapy are usually prescribed.

In the first days of a child wearing a bandage, parents may encounter restless behavior of the baby, frequent whims and restless sleep. This is all justified by the unusualness and inconvenience for the baby. However, the effectiveness of a cervical brace has been proven over the years, and in no case should you resort to removing it until a doctor approves it. You may have to wear the orthosis for only a few minutes a day, or perhaps for a couple of months in a row - it all depends on the severity of the disease.

In some cases, wearing such a device is also indicated for infants.

The choice of a bandage for a baby must be taken responsibly, since an incorrectly selected device will not only not bring a positive result, but can also cause harm. While the child is wearing a fixation collar, the mother should monitor the condition of the skin under the orthosis as closely as possible: it should be clean and dry, without redness or swelling. A finger should be placed between the neck and the orthosis - this is a sign that the collar does not interfere with the baby’s breathing and is generally worn correctly.

The collar should be washed daily to prevent the growth of bacteria and the appearance of diaper rash. If your doctor has prescribed continuous wearing of a collar, it is recommended to purchase a replacement one in case the washed one dries out. Wearing the Shants splint should be treated with the utmost care, because the further performance of all the muscles of the baby’s spine will depend on it.

How many days should you wear a Shants collar?

Cervical osteochondrosis is a disease that is not yet completely curable, the course of which alternates between relapses and remissions. If it worsens, the Shants collar should be worn until the pain in the neck completely disappears (about 5-10 days). Vertebrologists recommend wearing it even when stable remission is achieved to prevent relapses for 3-4 hours daily.

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