Running with a spinal hernia: at what stage are exercises allowed and contraindicated?

Running will help you cope with the disease, but you should follow the doctor’s recommendations. Medicines alone cannot get rid of a herniated disc. To restore full mobility of the spinal column, it is necessary to use all existing means of treatment, including running. The level of load and degree of activity of the activity is determined by the attending physician. Running for spinal hernias can radically change the course of the disease.

Permissible loads for bulging intervertebral disc

When a bulging intervertebral disc occurs, it is permissible to use several types of sports activities. Patients diagnosed with a spinal hernia are recommended to practice swimming. Swimming is considered useful because when performing exercises in water, the patient does not make sudden movements, the load on the spine is minimal, and there is no pressure on the intervertebral region, due to the decrease in body weight under water. It is recommended to ride a bicycle, the main emphasis is on the lower limbs, the spine does not suffer. It is useful to do yoga and Pilates. These sports calm, stretch, and strengthen the back muscles.

Doctors recommend starting to practice walking. Race walking significantly strengthens the back muscles and improves blood pressure. Walking helps you lose weight. Patients are interested in the following question: “Is it possible to run with a hernia?” Sports personalities cannot refuse this activity. What to do in this situation? Is it possible to restore physical activity through running?

Unfortunately, running is not a panacea for spinal hernia. This sport increases blood circulation and strengthens the muscle corset. Jogging is very beneficial for patients with a herniated disc, despite controversy regarding the benefits and harms of jogging as a treatment for a bulging disc.

Is it possible to run with an intervertebral hernia?

It is known that a disc herniation is a violation of the integrity of the cartilage, the elastic lining between the vertebrae, and a hernia occurs when exposed to just one decisive factor - pressure that exceeds a certain, critical value.

Many factors, which are called causative factors, can lead to the occurrence of protrusion and hernia. This:

  • patient's age. The older a person is, the less water there is in his body, and the less water, the less elasticity of cartilage tissue;
  • overweight. If it does not affect hernias in the cervical spine, then the lower back in obese people suffers the most, since it bears the greatest load;
  • incorrect posture;
  • scoliosis;
  • inflammatory lesions of the vertebrae;

But still, it is the excessive pressure that is exerted on a certain area of ​​the intervertebral disc that leads to its destruction. If this pressure is not gradual, but has a shock mechanism (as when running), then it is either:

  • will accelerate the transformation of protrusion into a hernia;
  • will increase the size of the hernial protrusion;
  • will transfer the stage of remission in the presence of a hernia to the stage of sharp exacerbation.

It may be argued that the discs bear less weight than the knees, because in the case of the lumbar spine, only the overlying part of the body needs to be considered. But here the following anatomical and physiological factors come into play. If a person who runs has:

  • flat feet or incorrectly selected shoes, this increases the risk of uneven load on the intervertebral disc;
  • congenital anatomical shortening of one limb by at least 5 mm, this will extremely desynchronize the load during running and cause protrusion and hernia;
  • spondylolisthesis, that is, slipping of the last lumbar vertebra relative to the sacral bone, then during running the instability and amplitude of the slipping may increase, which will lead to critical pressure and a hernia.

Finally, if the patient has congenital (Marfan, Ehlers-Danlos syndromes) or acquired weakness of the ligamentous apparatus of the spine and lower back, then during running this can also lead to fatal destruction of the body of the intervertebral disc, which will cause the characteristic symptoms of exacerbation of the hernia.

Preparing for a run

A good warm-up will help reduce the risk of injury when running.
Before starting training, you need to stretch your muscles and do exercises. Jogging is allowed only during a period of stable remission. Active physical activity can be harmful; you should listen to your doctor, enlist the doctor’s support, and discuss the aspects of treatment that interest you. During breaks, do exercises that relax and stretch the spine. The following exercises taken from yoga will help:

  • Urdhvottanasana;
  • Chaturanga dandasana;
  • Urdhva mukha svanasana;
  • Shavasana.

Doctors recommend performing light therapeutic stretching exercises to strengthen the spine. It is useful to spend 15-20 minutes in the Pilates room. Such exercises before jogging will prepare the ligaments and muscles of the back for serious loads.

Other types of physical activity

In addition to running, other types of physical activity are used in the treatment of osteochondrosis, which are more gentle on the spine, but at the same time have a much better therapeutic effect.

Table. Types of physical activity for osteochondrosis

Type of occupationDescription

Nordic walking

Walking with poles is an excellent alternative to running. It has fewer contraindications and does not require prior preparation. The ability to lean on poles while walking allows you to minimize tension in the back muscles, while simultaneously maintaining the spine in the correct position. But for this it is very important to choose sticks of the appropriate length, otherwise instead of a positive effect there will be the opposite result.
Exercise equipmentUseful for any pathology of the spine, especially effective for intervertebral hernias. Dosed exercise under the supervision of an instructor helps to quickly strengthen the muscles of the lower back and eliminate the manifestations of the disease. You can exercise only during periods of remission and in the absence of concomitant diseases, but during the acute phase the use of exercise equipment is contraindicated.


It is the most effective and safe type of physical activity for spinal hernia. When the body is in water, the load on the spine is removed, the intervertebral space increases, and the nerve endings pinched by the hernia are released. A set of exercises for practicing in water helps to effectively work out the back muscles, improve the functioning of the circulatory system, and at the same time strengthen the immune system.

When choosing a certain type of activity, you should definitely consult with your doctor so as not to aggravate the condition.

Six rules for proper running

The doctor treating the patient will tell you whether it is possible to go jogging, taking into account the degree of development of the degenerative pathology. The following rules will help you get the maximum benefit from your classes:

  1. It is not recommended to go jogging on your own. The first 2-3 lessons should be conducted with an instructor. The instructor will help you develop the correct running technique.
  2. If you experience back pain, stop jogging. During the training period, a pleasant warmth spreads throughout the body, and the pain recedes.
  3. It is forbidden to make twisting or sudden movements. You should run at a slow pace.
  4. Increasing the duration of classes with the permission of the instructor.
  5. Divide the planned run segment into several parts, and do gymnastics during breaks.
  6. It is prohibited to exercise while taking painkillers. The patient does not feel any pain from physical activity, however, there is a high risk of damaging the spine.

In addition to the positive qualities, running also has negative qualities. This type of sports activity is not allowed for all patients diagnosed with a spinal hernia. Patients continue to exercise despite a frightening diagnosis and complications, which is absolutely impossible to do, especially if they have a ban on training from their attending physician. It is worth listening to the doctor's opinion. An experienced, qualified doctor will help you decide on the training, duration of classes, and exercises between approaches.


Running is a useful form of exercise, but with some caution. When planning the training process, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • First of all, you need to consult a doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications for jogging;
  • Choose comfortable clothes and shoes;
  • Develop a training plan;
  • Maintain proper running technique.

If all recommendations are followed, running will undoubtedly be beneficial and significantly improve the patient’s condition.

Correct exercise technique

Running technique should be given paramount importance. Special attention should be paid to technology, take care of this in advance. Jogging is allowed on the street, in the gym on a treadmill. The treadmill is much more comfortable, the patient should use the machine first. These devices have adjustable speed. Jogging on a treadmill will help you develop a certain speed that does not cause pain or discomfort. The correct practice technique, regardless of the location, is as follows:

  • The spine cannot be rocked, fix it in the lower back, monitor the position of the spine during training;
  • place your feet correctly, the load from the shocks falls on the area of ​​the big toes - the angle between the feet is small, keep the inside of the feet in one line;
  • the movement starts from heel to toe.

When running, do not swing your back, try to keep your back straight, try to relax. Move naturally, choose a comfortable stride range to ensure even load on your feet. By keeping your back in a vertical, stationary position, the risk of injury is reduced; while jogging, try not to tilt your body forward or tilt it back, and maintain correct posture.

Let's run for health? Benefits of classes

Almost all athletes ask this question. If you have a herniated spine, you can run, however, for some patients the exercise will be harmful. Running is prescribed based on clinical characteristics, the degree of pathology, and the general physiological condition of the victim. “There is no need to confuse treatment and prevention with exploitation,” this is the answer from official medical luminaries. Running is useful if you do not overuse treatment.

Running means thousands of impacts on your joints. Patients with a similar diagnosis should not use this type of sports activity too often, otherwise, closer to 50 years old, they will experience arthrosis and osteochondrosis. Doctors recommend jogging. This type of running does not cause such complications. Benefits of jogging:

  • positive effect on the nervous and endocrine systems;
  • pulse normalizes;
  • allows you to cope with stress;
  • has a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system.

Termination of aerobic therapy requires stretching exercises and taking a contrast shower. Then the classes will be beneficial. Focus on sensations. Relief after exercise means that the right choice was made.

Diagnosis of intervertebral hernias

  • Lumbar disc herniation
  • Cervical disc herniation
  • Diffuse disc herniation
  • Dorsal disc herniation
  • Median disc herniation
  • Paramedian disc herniation
  • Sequestered disc herniation
  • Foraminal disc herniation
  • Circular disc herniation

The multidisciplinary CELT clinic has the best diagnostic equipment from European and American manufacturers, which allows you to quickly and reliably establish a diagnosis of intervertebral hernia, accurately determine the degree of protrusion and its location.

The main methods for diagnosing the disease are computed tomography () and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Modern devices allow you to recreate a three-dimensional model of the intervertebral disc and examine the hernial protrusion and surrounding tissues in detail. If necessary, it is recommended to conduct electroneurography - a study that allows you to evaluate the passage of nerve impulses along nerve fibers.

Contraindications to this type of sports activity

There are many contraindications to running if you have a herniated disc. The spine is one of the main systems of the body; almost the entire load falls on the spinal column. This area is sensitive to stress; you should listen to the opinion of the specialist who recommended this type of treatment. Running is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • feverish state, minimal increase in body temperature;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • exacerbation of infectious and inflammatory pathologies;
  • malignant tumors with metastases in the spine;
  • dysfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • the presence of severe disturbances in the functioning of the genitourinary and respiratory systems.

Intervertebral hernia requires increased attention from the patient and the attending physician. The disease can cause severe damage to the body if the patient ignores the doctor’s recommendations. Despite the improvement, after the first training you should not increase the load - such a decision is wrong. The patient will feel better after jogging, however, a sharp increase in physical activity will again cause symptoms of the disease, only several times stronger than the previous manifestations. Running can disrupt blood circulation in the pelvic organs and cause serious problems with a woman’s reproductive system. Be careful when using jogging as a treatment for a herniated disc.

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Symptoms of intervertebral hernia depending on its location

Symptoms of cervical intervertebral hernia

(level C2-Th1)

  • neck pain;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • pain radiating to the arm, collarbone, chest, under the shoulder blade;
  • numbness of the skin (most often the fingers), tingling, sensation of “crawling goosebumps”;
  • pallor, change in temperature, increased sweating of the skin of the hands;
  • rises in blood pressure.
Symptoms of thoracic intervertebral hernia

(Th1-L1 level)

  • poor posture, scoliosis;
  • constant or paroxysmal pain in the chest, especially when working in an uncomfortable position.
Symptoms of lumbar disc herniation

(level Th12-S1)

  • pain in the lumbar and sacral area, constant or paroxysmal;
  • spread of pain to the buttock, to the lower limb;
  • weakness in the leg muscles;
  • numbness of the skin, tingling, “crawling” sensation;
  • pallor, change in temperature, increased sweating of the skin of the feet;
  • dysfunction of the pelvic organs: potency, defecation, urination.
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